Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1920)
Hermiston Locals Kingsley Mercantile Co James J. Neary and son were in SOCIETY EVENTS OF THE WEEK Pendleton Wednesday. Mrs. F. V. Prime gave the first of a series of small bridge parties Fri G. B. Clark, of Biggs, is in town day night. Four tables were filled for a stay of a few days. and a dainty supper was served. Fred Bennion, county agent, was Mrs. Esther Wheeler entertained a Hermiston visitor Tuesday. at a six o'clock dinner Sunday at Joe Blakely of Pendleton was here her home in the Columbia district. Her guests were Miss Lila McMillan Thursday on civil business. and Edward Kennedy. E. L. Jackson went to Pendleton Mrs. Joseph Ralph was hostess at for the day Wednesday on business. three tables of bridge Tuesday after- W. A. Roberts is the owner of a noon. The rooms and tables were new Oakland car, purchased last decorated with yellow and white flowers. week. Summit Brand Leather Coats Mackinaws If you want some 11 H thing“that nice. nobby, well made and a garment that gives service, look Summit how on the label : Kingsley Mercantile Co “Hermiston’s House of Quality and Service” Phone 171 4 P. M Two Deliveries Daily fw ' Sir -■ it’s t CASH-a CARRY Blue Karo 5s, pail................................ —. Blue Karo 10s, pail ...1........ ................ Red Karo 5c, pail....................................... Red Karo 10a, pail................................... - Crisco, 11-2 lb. can.......... ....................... Crisco, 3 lb. can ....____________ .... Crisco, 6 lb. can......................... . .......... .. Small white Beans, lb_.............. . .............. Beat Head Rice, lb.................................. . Ghiradelli’s Sweet Chocolate, lb______ Tru Blu and Snow Flake Crax, package Easy Day or Pearl White Soap, 7 bara . Coal Oil, per gallon______ ........... - 58c $1.10 . 63c $1.20 ..55c $1.10 $2.10 ..10c ..15c ...45c 18c and 40c ........ ....50c ............. 28c PHELPS CASH GROCERY Phone 413 Floyd F. Knerr Specializing in Radiator repairing, Welding, Vul canizing and Auto Top Work All kinds of Lathe Work First Door North of Her miston Hotel Hardware Claude Eby left Monday for Brady, Honoring Mrs. F. B. Dickinson of Mont., where he and Mrs. Eby will Seattle, Mrs. E. P. Dodd entertained Monday afternoon. Two tables were make their home. filled for bridge. Mrs. Dickinson is The subject for the Christian visiting her sister Mrs. A. E. Robb. Science services Sunday will be "Pro- Mr. and Mrs. William Futter en- bation After Death.” tertained with a card party on Sat Mrs. Ida Bellinger of Portland is urday evening at their home north a.guest of her daughter, Mrs. F. V. of town. Five Hundred was played at four tables. Delicious refresh Prime, for a few weeks. ments were served by the hostess Miss Leah Percy spent the week and a delightful evening was enjoy end in Pendleton, thè guest of Miss ed by all. Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. F. Beddow, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ida Eldredge of that city. D. Callahan, Mr. and Mrs. E. Phelps, Next Sunday evening Pastor Hall , Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bensel, Mr. and Mrs. will preach on “The First Hypocrite Scharpenburg, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Le Barre. Mr. and Mrs. A. Futter. Mentioned in the Bible.” Msr. C. Beddow and Mrs. Futter of M. J. Conley and Ross Newport, Pendleton. contractors on the Columbia High The Portland Oregonian of October way were in town Thursday. 19, published the following dispatch Mrs. Myron Hunt left Monday for from La Grande: “The announcement Heppner where she will visit her sis and date of the approaching marriage ter, Mrs. O’Sullivan for some time. of Miss Helen Currey to Estley Roy Farley of Hermiston were made known Thursday afternoon at a tea Gunn is recovering nicely Henry from an operation performed at St. given at the Currey residence by her Anthon’s Hposital in Pendleton, last mother, Mrs. George H. Currey and Mrs. A. W. Nelson. Friday. Miss Currey is the attractive Rev. Kline of Walla Walla will daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Cur preach at the mission on next Tues. rey of this city and is. a graduate of Evening. A cordial invitation is the University of Oregon where she was a member of the Gamma Phi extended all. Beta sorority. During the war she Mrs. Mary S. Miller, teacher in the was In war work in Washington, D. schools of Hermiston has purchased C. Mr. Farley also attended the Uni from ‘A. L. Larson, his residence on versity of Oregon, where he was a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. Gladys Avenue. He was in the aviation department Mrs. W. A. Woar of Portland re in France during the war. He is now turned to her home Saturday, after engaged in the automobile business spending two weeks as the guest of in Hermiston.” her brother, Earl Phelps. W. L. Blessing spent Saturday in Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Gunn spent the Pendleton on business. day Monday in Pendleton with their The Herald has Just received a son, Henry, who is 111 at St. An supply of new typewriter ribbons and thony’s Hospital. carbon paper. The ribbons and pa Albert Logan of this city has been per are waxed, and the ribbons will pledged by Kappa Gamma Rho at the not fill up the type -with lint, and Willamette University in Salem. He the carbon will not rub off and stain the fingers or soil the back of a let is a son of W. J. Logan. ter or copy. The material Is guar \ Schools are closed for the remain anteed from the. manufacturers. der of the week, as the teachers are attending Institute in Pendleton, Notice of Sheriff’s Sale Under Ex ecution Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Notice Is hereby given that by vir Mrs. H. M. Schilling left Friday tue of an execution issued out of the to visit relatives in Rupert, Idaho. Circuit Court, State of Oregon for She will remain until election day. Umatilla County, and to me directed Merritt and the baby went with her. and delivered, upon the judgment and decree rendered < and entered in said Court on the 14th day of Octo- W. W. Felthouse left Wednesday ber, 1920, in favor of Sue D. Hughes morning for Portland, where he will be for a few days on business. He as Plaintiff and against W. L. Balch plans to stop off in The Dalles a day. and Nellie A. Balch, his wife as De fendant, for the sum of $520.00 with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Propst of Al interest thereon at the rate of 12 berta, Canada, are visiting Mrs. per cent per annum from May 11, Propst's slater, Mrs. A. L. Madden. 1917, the further sum of >100.00 at They are on their way to Portland. torney’s fees, and for $29.85 cost and disbursements, which said decree, judgment, and order of sale has been The Elks Orchestra of Pasco, Wash, docked and enrolled in the office of will play for the dance at the Audi- the Clerk of said Circuit Court; and torium tonight. Mr. Kelley says he whereas by said judgment, decree has secured the orchestra for dances and order of sale it was directed -UI winter. that the following described real property in Umatilla County, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. F. R Kelley have re to-wit: turned from a short residence in The north half of the northwest Portland, and have rooms in, quarter of the southeast quarter of the IlIsley residence on section twenty-five (25), township for the winter five (S), north of range twenty- eight (28), east of the Willamette A system is being Meridian, all in Umatilla County, installed in and will Oregon, be sold by the Sheriff of use bys)cant of the week, Umatilla County, Oregon, to satisfy s the first beam heating plant judgment and all costs; to be installed in Hermiston. I will on the 22nd day of Novem ber A. D., 1920, at the hour of two Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Kera drove o'clock in the afternoon of said day down from Pendleton the last of the at the front door of the Court House week, and Dr. Kern attended to bus- in the City of Pendleton, Umatilla inees interests. It was due to the County, Oregon, sell the right, title efforts of Dr. Kern that the Pendle- and interest the said W. L. Balch and ton delegation came to Hermiston for Nettie A. Balch, his wife, had in and to the described property on the 11th the Dairy and Hog Show. day of May, A. D., 1*14, or since The Neighborhood club will hold then has acquired, at public auction a Hallowe'en social tn Columbia to the highest bidder for cash in school house on Friday evening, hand, the proceeds to be applied in e October 29. and everyone is invited satisfaction of said execution and all * ta attend. The social will come up costs. Dated this 20th day of October, A. to the usual standard of the affairs In charge of the Neighborhood elub. D. 1920. W. R. Taylor, Sheriff. and it Is said that the refreshments By A. C. Funk, Deputy. of pumpkin pie. cake and coffee will be anything but ghostly. C-Stc. r. Eis Orders taken for RUBBER STAMPS ant Us Hand You ais Bag of Money ake With Cole’s Hot Blast in Your Homo a y OUR GUARANTEE 4 1 NFarae sto A of the samo size, with soft coal, . w. carantee , saving of one third in fuel over," itee Cole’s Hot Blast to g 4 9 A. grey. dsie use less hard 1 Wl guarantee that the rooms can be heated from each morning with the fuel put in the a stove will hold fire with from Saturday evening to Mon dg Wo udrante. a uniform beat day and night with to two hours soli eexenie. coat O’hard con ehar the t w.euardnee ?» to remain ebeoluteiy "I"WSzusradX: Ä4 doorUb. amok, addut one “ ‘TWo guarantee tho’ant outing draft to prevent Cole’s Origin al Hot Blast 1 -= . MO.1W mi BRUNSWICK KELLEY-SPRING. FIELD, FEDERAL Dia tl PAYS LOT TO PAY ‘ US A LITTLE 0 Guaranteed Mileage and the Pri are right veo Get Your New Tires I or winter travel 21 : - r - / ( OUR DOORS Lays’ Garage Under New Management MAXFIELD & RHODES BROS. PropiMon Working Capital Your BEST working capital is your health. Health is often lost through insufficient nour ishment. You will always be well nourished if you eat our They are rich, wholesome, pure and nourish ing. City Meat Market MOONEY & S1KEY, Props. New Fall and Winter Merchandise ARRIVING DAILY It’s a pleasure to have you come to our store regardless of whether you buy or not Come and examine our new goods—you may find what ypu want BROWNELL’S STORE Umatilla, Oregon WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASHPRICE FOR HIDES, WOOL AND PELTS i