Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1920)
HERMISTON BANKING HERALD, TAE When contemplating a trip, see us for Traveler Checks HERMISTON, OREGON. : ALWAYS : THE PLAY HOUSE WORTH W HILE SAFE AND CONVENIENT CLEANLINESS IS BIG ASSET i First National Bank OF HERMISTON g Dr. Freeze- makes Squashes for sale. B. H. Parsons. regular visits to Her ____________ • 6-1tp miston. Consult him free and be assured of FOR SALE—2 room house 20x24 Can be moved easily. J. g. Dyer.' eye service. 31 41-tfc FOR SALE—Edison Phonograph cheap. Mrs. C. M. Jensen. 51tfc WANTED FOR SALE—7 year old mare, weight 1100 pounds, work single or double, ho reasonable offer re fused. B. B. Lane, Irrigon 4-tfc Used Ford cars for sale at the Her NOTICE: All classified ads are sup- miston Auto Co. 2-tfc posed to be paid in advance.. Here after this rule will be strictly en- Adding machine rolls of paper for forced. Herald Pub. Co. sale at the Herald office. WANTED—10 or 15 acres of seeded FOR SALE—Horse and buggy and alfalfa land with buildings. Ad harness. S. Jensen. 5-2tp dress 586 Hermiston, Ore. 5-2tp WANTED—Clean cotton rags at the FOR SALE—Nice hanging lamp, also Herald office. wall oil lamps. W. A. Leathers. 5-tfc WANTED—Second hand Handy iron wheel farm wagon truck. Cor FOR SALE—Duroc Jersey swine. rell’s shop. 6-tfc Spring and fall pigs sired by the grand champion. C. C. Mason. WANTED—A lady to act as demon » 5-tfc strator all next week. Apply at Sappers' Inc. 6-1 tc FOR SALE—1918 model Ford, new tires. New radiator, float-a-Ford FOR SALE shock absorbers. Car in good con dition. E. J. Hazen, Stanfield. FOR SALE—1 Registered Jersey Phone 165 or 91. 5-tfc heifer, 8 months old. 1 thoro- bred Poland China gilt, 6 months FOR SALE—400 new apple boxes. old. Inquire at this office. 6-tfc Gent Ranch, Phone 272. 5-tfc FOR SALE—1 Sharpless separator, 1 FOR SALE—One top buggy, nearly 40 gal. churn, 1 butter worker and new. James Winslow. 6-3tp mold. C. W. Tilden, Hermiston, 6-2tp Phone 202. FOR SALE—Work horses including four year old colt weell broken. J. FOR SALE Cheap—Nice 4-room H. Reid. 44-tfc house, good location. J. J. Cas- serly. \ 6-2tc NO HUNTING signs at the Herald office. FOR RENT—2o acres, 15 In alfalfa, good orchard, good buildings, or We have a large stock of adding ma will sell 10. Easy terms. J. J. chine rolls of paper. Call or write Casserly. , 6-2tc for a supply for your machine. FOR SALE—Green tomatoes. Hanby. Every Dairy Farmer to See That Output I« Wholesome— |t Lessens Complaints. tfc mg, business or roadster models. Real Estate—C. W. LaBarr. Prompt delivery. J. A. Peed, T. L. Hall Transfer—City and sales agent. 4 3-tfc country hauling. Leave orders at FOR SALE—20 acres, Stanfield pro- Elliott’s Tire Shop. Phone 192. 30tfc ject, io acres alfalfa, all fenced Elliott’s Tire Shop. rabbit wire, buildings and well. Stock and furniture also for sale. WHEN your subscription expires for Inquire this office. 42-tfc Saturday Evening Post .... $2.50 Ladies Home Journal ........... 2.00 Country Gentleman .......... 1.00 send your renewals to me. I only For Sale or Trade—Wheat land get credit for the subscriptions I send In. If you send it in I get no or stock ranches for sale or credit. Leave part of the money trade in Oregon, Washington home. Ed. H. Graham. 47-tfc and Montana, will take irrigat- ed land as part payment and For Fire Insurance see O. C. Young terms to suit on balance. We at Dodd’s office. 6-tfc will sell you a wheat ranch on small payment down, and bal- ance on easy payments. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION “regon-Washington Ranches Co. Department of the Interior, U. S. Bowman hotel bldg., Pendleton, Oregon, Box 513, Phone 542. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, October 9th, 1920. Notice is hereby given that Ed ward E. Shaw, of Hermiston. Ore FOR SALE— Good farm team. A. gon, who. on Nov. 17, 1917, made Homestead Entry. No. 018253, for "• Agnew. 47-tfc NH. Section 14, Township 5 North. FOR SALE— 50 second hand apple Range 29 East. Willamette Merid poxes in best shape. Kingsley ian, has filed notice of intention to Mer. Co. 4-tfc make three-year proof, to establish to the land above described, chance to get a good buy in used claim Ford cars at the Hermiston Auto before W. J. Warner. United States _So_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2-tfc Commissioner, at his office, at Her miston, Oregon, on the 16th day of FOR SALE—50 acres highly im- November. 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: proved alfalfa ranch in Columbia O. Sutherland. William Strict, very reasonable price. W. O. William Whitesett, Frank H. Donaldson, _ w. Felthouse, phone 4072. 50-tfc and Fred E. Earnhart. all of Her FOR SALE—Five passenger Ford miston, Oregon. C. S. Dunn. car, in good, condition, or will . Register. trade for cows. H. E. Hanby. 52tfc 6-5t OREGON SATURDAY, OCT. 23 Duty of - Farmers who produce clean milk possess a business asset the value of which many do not fully appreciate, the public Is better informed, by far, than it was a few years ago regarding the value of pure milk as a food. It knows more of the dangers of unclean milk. Therefore, as a business propo sition as well as from a sense of duty, every fanner owning milk cows should see to It that the output is whole some. • Clean milk benefits not only the con- sumer but the milk producer as well. Most producers of market milk have experienced the chagrin of having a shipment of milk refused or returned because it reached the market sour, tainted, or otherwise in poor condi tion. Although such milk may be used for feeding pigs, it usually is a com- píete loss to the producer, since the cost of transportation back to the farm usually exceeds its value. Frequently, also, the producer de pends on a certain market as an out let for his milk and has no means for utilizing small quantities at uncertain intervals, even If he had it at the farm. Another important considera tion is that unpleasant effect which the receipt of sour, tainted, or otherwise unsalable milk has upon the purchas er. Delivering milk of that kind usual ly results in the loss of the confidence of the dealer, or, if it is delivered di rectly to the consumer, the loss of cus tomers. . Clean milk means fewer complaints, a better class of patrons, and a steady market for the product. Carelessly produced and improperly handled milk may be the means of spreading dis- • MARGUERITE CLARK in “Widow By Proxy” MACK SENNETT COMEDY " Uncle Tom Without the Cabin ‘ Also INTERNATIONAL NEWS Matinee 2:30 Evening, 7 and 9 SUNDAY, OCT. 24 MADGE KENNEDY in ‘‘The Blooming Angel” Special Comedy Feature Introducing the First of “Bringing up Father” Series <fJiggs in Society " Matinee, 2:30 Evening, 7 and 9 Also RATHE REVIEW and CURRENT EVENTS WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27 IRENE CASTLE in “The Invisible Bond” A picture of real life with a real punch Also “A RAINY DAY”-Paramount Briggs Comedy. One show only-8 P. M. ADMiaaiON BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY Elegantly Furnished Rooms in Connection : 3 t While there are various prepara tions on the market designed to keep files from cows or other live stock, the farmer can make a good fly repellent by using any of the following mix tures: Fish oil. 3 parts; kerosene, 1 part. Fish oil, 100 parts; oil of tar, 50 parts ; crude carbolic acid, 1 part. Fish oil. 1% pints; kerosene, 1‘ pints; resin, 1% pounds; laundry soap. 2 cakes. Mix thoroughly and add enough water to make 3 gallons. F Ish oil, linseed oil. or kerosene, 1 pint; coal tar dip, 1 pint; laundry soap, 1* bar; hot water, 15 pints. Mix thor oughly so as to form an emulsion. The fish oil Is the principal ingredient that repels the flies. Either a brush or a hand-sprayer can be used to apply any of these mix tures. The sprayer will be more con venient. Applications will have to be made at frequent Intervals to be ef fective. GIVE BULL GOOD ATTENTION Best Results Obtained by Firm Han: dling, but Never by Abuse- Must Have Exercise. he bull must not be underfed when young nor kept overfat when matured. Better results are obtained by gentle hut firm handling, but never by abuse. Never allow him to get the upper hand at any time; he must not realize his enormous strength. Give him plenty of exercise It is a mistake to keep him confined. Do not trust “ bull at any time. It Is the “gentle” bull that does the damage.. STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Hohbach Bros., Proprietors Pendleton. Oregon SBc, 1Bc____________________________ Harman & Muelker The French Restaurant He, il H. E. FOR SALE—2 horses with harness, 6-tfc one wagon, 2 dozen chickens. E. F. Pierson. 4-tfc V FOR SALE—Weaned pigs, Frank Krouse, Hermiston. 6-1 tp MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE-—3 ranches, containing 126 acres in Columbia district, good land, priced to sell, easy terms. H. J. Stillings. 6-tfc I will do children’s sewing. Mrs. C. B. Percey. Phone 72-F2. 5-tfc FOR SALE—Used heating stove. Cor rell’s shop. 6-tfc If you want to sell or trade your y • ranches or city property, list them FOR SALE—Heavy milking Hol with T. B. Buffington, 113 W stein cows, will be fresh round Webb street, Pendleton, Ore. 4-tfc Nov. 1st. They are good ones. Also some well bred heifers. A. Will the party who borrowed Dr. P. Ayers, Boardman, Ore. 6-2tc Illsley’s army overcoat please re- Milkers Should Exercise Greatest Care in Keeping Milk Clean. 4-tfc turn it. FOR SALE—New model Remington typewriter. No. 10, also small General Auctioneering. G. A. Rise- ease. Every owner of a dairy herd ling, Stanfield, Oregon. Work should consider it his duty to himself American adding machine. Doris guaranteed, phone. 3-tfc Percey. 6-2tc and to the community to keep only Strayed or Stolen—2 ponies, both healthy cows, supply them with whole- FOR SALE—Rye straw. ■ S. R. Shel- some feed, and keep them In clean, bays. Ona has white face end comfortable quarters. The milkers laday. ’ 3-tfc 3-tfc and all who handle milk should realize feet. J. K. Shotwell. FOR SALE—Several good milch that they have in their charge a food cows, some young heifers, one FOR RENT—Furnished room and which is easily contaminated and Guernsey bull calf six months old, board. Address J. D., Herald 4-tfc should take every reasonable precau also Poland China hogs, one big tion to keep it clean. male 14 months old. C. L. Ben 0 nett 2 miles W. of Umatilla. 3-tfc If you want to sell your land or home write to us and we will PREPARATIONS REPEL FLIES FOR SALE— 15 h. p. Alamo engine; call on you and make arrange Ford delivery body. See Harry ments. We make quick sales. Kelley. 51-tfc Fish Oil Is Principal Ingredient In Oregon-Washington Ranches Co. Several Mixtures Recommend Bowman hotel bldg., Pendleton, FOR SALE—One oak dining table. ed for Stock. Oregon, Box 513, Phone 542. H. E. Hanby. 46-tfc FOR SALE—New Dodge cars, tour- HERMISTON. BLACKSMITHS Horse Shoeing, Wagon Work, Truck and Jitney Bodies We Make Automobile Springs SUCCESSOR TO J. L. STORK LIBERTY BAKERY W. O. Sutherland, Prop. YOUR HOME INSTITUTION Hermiston, Oregon Eat More “Home-Made” Bread Candidate For District Attorney Sylvester A. Newberry of Pendle ton, 52 years old; graduate of North western University Law school in class of 1897; has practiced law at Pendleton since 1897; was assistant district attorney, 1911-1912, under Samuel Van Vector; nominated for district attorney of Umatilla county at the primary election, 1920. If elected in November, 1920 I pledge myself to strict law enforce ment and will my entire time and at tention to the duties of the office. I will see to It that every person arrest ed shall be immediately taken before a magistrate in the maner required by law and given a hearing and not kept in jail for weeks without such. I will not permit the "Brutal Third Degree” to be given to any prisoner. Poor people shall have the name care ful attention that Is given rich ones. I will give every person a "SQUARE DEAL” an, protect the tax payers against off, • xtravagance. Every person who ©r ‘nF ‘re me in my cap- acity as distr y will be giv en careful hers. J. C accorded the most courteo nt. I will not recomend an I t at any time against any person unless there Is sufficient proof to justify a convic tion. I appeal to no class nor any paray. but to the public, to whom I pledge myself for speedy and economical transaction of all business and strict preformance of all duties. (Paid Adv.) ** ■ —h Initiative measure number 310 on the ballot to be voted on in November will give to Oregon a port equal to any on the Pacifie Coast. You are vitally interested In the passage of this bill. It will not increase your taxes. The coat is borne by the Port of Portland, but all Oregon must vote on the measure. Vote 310 YES on the ballot November second. (Paid Adv.) Henry Ford Says (iThe war is over and war prices must cease.9f We believe Mr. Ford’s reasoning is sound and have followed his lead and reduced the price of all our tires and tubes. This is what we are going to save you. FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS every Tire and Tube we have in stock will be gold for 15 per cent UNDER THE PRESENT REGULAR LIST PRICE. This will mean a saving to you of $2.75 to $9.50 on every tire purchased, depending on the size of the tire. . We carry the largest and most complete line of tires and tubes in Hermiston. We are the agents for the following: GOODRICH THERMOID UNITED STATES RACINE . FIRESTONE HERMISTON AUTO CO.