Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1920)
This may be interpreted as follows United We Stand blisan administration backed by a Republican Senate. «Divic Divided We Fall Elect a Democrat to the Senate a Republican President. Moral: Vote for Robert N. Stanfield I THE HERMISTON HERALD -========== —— - HERMISTON, UMATILLA _ % -de. 2 in COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1920. Chamberlain REPUBLICAN RALLY Sen, Welcomed Here WILL CLOSE CAMPAIGN Last Tuesday afternoon, Senator Senator George W. Chamberlain ad dressed the people of the project, on the issues of the day in the Play House. There was a very good crowd out to hear the Senator, and several of the candidates running for coun ty offices. Senator Chamberlain made a cork ing good address, and all who heard hiw were well repaid for attending the otherwise tiresome meeting. The Senator was a guest at the Commer cial club dinner, after which he spoke in the theatre. Several of the candidates for county offices were also at the club dinner, but the time was so short that President Dodd on ly called on Senator Chamberlain to say a few words. The Senator only said that he hoped all those wearing Stanfield badges would come to the theatre to hear him speak. Monday night, November 1, thee i gepublicans of the west end of the SOCIETY EVENTS OF THE WEEK i county will hold a big rally in Her- S miston. Great doin'« are promised Sixteen of the young people of the B a who will he in town and the city community were guests of Phyllis i ri this night. Stanfield, Echo and Dyer last Friday night at her home B umstilla will be here in great num- southeast c: town. The house was B hers and the festivities will last un- appropriately decorated for the' Hal i in 11:00 o’clock at night. lowe’en season and the evenings en ® The High School band has been tertainment took the same general B engaged to play for this occasion and tone. - • . g there will be other muele. The Play On entering each guest was given H House has been secured and the big a cornhusk with his name on it, and S affair will be held in this comfortable while the party gathered around the “-theatre, and It will be nice and warm fireplace, Mr. Dyer told hair-raising g so that the ladies can come out and stories. Little Alice Dyer danced the J Baten to the good talks and speeches scarecrow dance and her sister Len g and not be uncomfortable. The Play ore, the serpentine. General danc J House has its new steam heating ing followed and refreshments closed 3 plant working picely and the the- the evening. K atre is now always warm and com- I fortable. Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Garfield of I The feature of the evening will be Pendleton vere guests for the week- News From Former Hermistonians An interesting letter received in i an address by an over-seas soldier. end at the Hinkle home. A motoring I We were unable to learn his name,- party made up of Mrs. H. S. Garfield, Hermiston this week contains a I as the telephone wires were working Mrs. J. T. Hinkle, Mrs. J. D. Wat- short account of a trip taken by Ells i badly and we could not understand son, Mrs. A. E. Robb and Mrs. C. S. worth a Hermiston boy of a few years I the name as it was flashed to us late McNaught went to Echo Monday, past. ‘‘Bud,” as he was known in Her I yesterday evening, but we were satis- where they were the guests of Mrs. miston, is a son of E. E. Littler, a I fled to know that he is one of the Walter B. Hinkle. former business man of this I best talkers in the state, and the fact I that he is an over-seas soldier makes Mrs. A. E. Robb entertained at present in business in New York City. I him more interesting, and those who bridge Thursday afternoon of last Bud took a summer cruise this year, I are fortunate enough to be present week, also Friday evening, honoring shipping as purser on the Ward I at this big meeting will never forget her sister, Mrs. Frank Dickinson, of liner ‘‘Antilla,” touching at the Canary Islands and stopping at the it. . — Seattle, who left for her home the , The rally will be one of the larg- last of. the week, after a three-weeks chief ports of Portugal and Spain. While in Spain he saw a royal bull I est ever held in this : part of the stay in Hermiston. fight in which six bulls and eighteen I county, and the members of the local horses were killed. He has entered J-committee are lending every effort Mrs. H. L. Payne entertained at to make it a huge success, and a dinner the first of the week for J. Yale as a freshman this year, and is I meeting that will long be remem E. Calavan, of Oregon City. Mr. Cal- a member of the Freshman crew. bered. avan has been in this end of the Club Leader Here , Come to the Play House Monday county this week representing the J. E. Calavan, club.leader from the night at 7:30 o’clock and hear good state board of education In organiz speaking, good music, and have a ing the school children for club work. State Department of Education, was here Tuesday in the interests of bully good time. Mrs. F. V. Prime had a few tables boys' and girls’ club work. Mr. Cal I How to Control Hog Parasites of bridge Wednesday afternoon at avan visited the Hermiston school and organized a cooking and sewing I To keep swine healthy and thrifty, her home on the west side. club. He reports that the children I provide them with sanitary quarters Mrs. J. F. McNaught, Mrs. R. C. are very much interested in this line I and a clean wallow, in addition to Todd, Mrs. Fred Phelps and Mrs. of work, and that the schools are do I proper feed. But when external par- ing splendid work. He praised the I aaites affect hogs an effective remedy Thomas Campbell made up a party work of the teachers and pupils of of Hermiston matrons who were in I must be used if losses are to be avoid- the school very highly. I ed. Lice and mange mites are the Pendleton Wednesday. Mrs. Phelps I two principal kinds of external para- and Mrs. Todd remaining over a day I sites occuring among swine. The to visit relatives. They are all in ( mites are particularly injurious to terested in the county election of t Digs and poorly nourished hogs. officers for the Red Cross, which was : "Hog Lice and Hog Mange” is the held in that town Wednesday. Plans title of a new farmers’ bulletin re- have been perfected for organizing Tuesday is city election day as ′ cently issued by the United States De- the work of the Red Cross drive, which is to start on Armistice Day. well as for county, state and nation, • yartment of Agriculture, telling and all persons eligible to vote should I specifically how to identify the para- Cooperation remember. to vote at both polling [ dites and describing effects and ecb- : nomical remedies. Plans of hog wal- Each one in this town should bave places. The booths for the state, : lows and dipping vats, together with an intimate acquaintance with the county and national election will be r directions for building them, are giv- requirements and possibilities of this at W. J. Warner’s office and in one of the store . buildings across the . «n. For information on this import- community. It is only through such means that street from Phelps grocery store. To want subject, ask the Department of I Agriculture, Washington, D. C., for we are enabled to take proper advant vote for the city officials, residents s Farmers’ Bulletin No. 1085. age of tbe opportunities that present must go to the Library. A mayor, recorder, treasurer and themselves for community better- six’ councilmen are to be elected at Fr Dorthy Shotwen has Accident Such an interest on the part of the this coming city election, and it is f Dorothy Shotwell sustained a frac- urged that all voters turn out and tature of the leg just above tbe ankle populace does not end with commun show their interests in the affairs of ity improvement. There is a per I “ Yoakum Sunday. J. K. Shotwell the city in which they are a resi sonal equation which is of vast im has a camp at Yoakum where he is dent. doing construction work on the High- portance. It deflects our minds from our 1 way. and the family bad driven up ' R. F. Fraser, representing the I there. While in the mess tent the private business affairs, gives them Monterasteilli Marble and Granite food for thought and development, - floor under one of the benches gave Works, was in town Wednesday tran * “ay, and the bench went down, pin- affords us a broader perspective of sacting business for his company. I hing Dorothy under in such a way life and Its conditions, and strength that her leg was broken. An X ray ens us for the battles of the years Mrs. W. R. Nugent of Umatilla was was taken and a Potta fracture of that are before Us. a Hermiston visitor Wednesday. It Is a good thing in all ways. both bones was found. Nearly Completed Great activity on the High School athletic field this week resulted in an excellent football field for the school boys, and they received much encouragement in their efforts to do a good Job. Many of the business men of the town gave up most of the day to directing the work and Wed- nesday morning truck loads of dirt were coming in at the rate of one every seven minutes. The dirt was hauled in from near George Corse's ranch, and the loading was under the direction of Earl Kingsley. Spreading the dirt at the field was in charge of Bill Warner, Henry Hitt, Pat Siscel and a number of other men who are interested in seeing the boys have good grounds. They expect to have it in shape to give Stanfield/a hard fight Friday afternoon. Red Cross to Care for Home Cases The county has turned over all charity cases that come up locally to the care of the Hermiston chapter of the Red Cross. This is with the ex ception of contagious cases which will be looked after by the proper au thorities or those directly under the county supervision. Cases close to Pendleton will be cared for by the Pendleton Associated Charities. Local people who respond to the Red Cross drive will thus be assured that cases in this vicinity will be the recipients of their generosity. IPYOU.WANT BEER ANPWIN I ■ COOKING DEMONSTRATION AT SAPPERS’ +Q ON WITH THE FIGHT Press dispatches tell us that for months a bitter fight has been wag ed by the retailer and the consumer against the manufacturer and the wholesaler. , The bone of contention is the low ering of prices. The consumer is tired of paying profiteering prices for everything, he buys. He is calling a halt by cur tailing his expenditures. The retailer is as desirous of a re- the loss of trade through the deter mination of the consumer to buy only absolute necessities until such time as prices return to normal. hTe retailer is as desirous of a re duction in prices as is the consumer, and is fighting the manufacturer and the wholesaler to this end. The latter, however, appears to be loath to surrender his excessive prof its, and is holding out to the end. That end, when it comes, may pos sibly be a federal grand jury indict ment for profiteering. The government, the retailer and the consumer when working together are decidedly more powerful than the manufacturer and the middleman. Stubbornness and greed'may suc ceed for a time, but It gets a jolt in the end. Still More Sidewalks I Woe betide the sewing machine agent or the candidates for election In their house-to-house canvass this week, for all the housewives have been spending their afternoons at Sappers' Inc. If they turn out as well on election day the candidates needn't worry anyway. All this week a magician by the name of Professor Becker has been working wonders in cookery in Sap- pere’ and the S. R. O. sign has been out all week. Professor Becker is teaching the women of Hermiston how to keep from using all the dishes in the house in making a one-egg cake, how to make perfectly round (likewise perfectly delicious) cookies without rolling or cutting them, how to make a cake that the man of the house doesn’t have to tip-toe round the house for half an hour, and other things that will tend to make the home happy. Housewives of many years exper- • lence are learning things each day, and housewives of only a few months experience are filling the front« row seats. It might he mentioned also that a fringe of men is always on the outskirts of the crowd, the fact that everything cooked during the after- noons' demonstrations Is " passed around for immediate consumption by the audience probably has noth ing to do with that. Professor Becker is an interesting and Instructive talker and his meth ods of work are illuminating to the housekeepers that are going every day - to the store. One can hardly believe that the quick-moving, hum- orous man who accomplishes so easily what a woman calls work and he makes play of it, is a man of over 60 years. He was born in 1839 and has been cooking for 87 years. He and the famous "Jim" Hill were em ployed many years ago on a Missis- sippl river steamboat. Hill as clerk and Mr. Lecker as steward. The cooking demonstration this week Is in connection with the die- play and special sale of the Majeetic range. Concrete walks are going down around the Hotel Oregon this week, n the south and west. F. B. Swayze has had work started on his lots east from Hahn’s store to the corner of 'econd street and work will soon be The Older Boy’s Conference for under way on the property owned Northern Oregon held in Pen by C. W. Craik of California, west of . the office of the Western Land & dleton. November 5, 6, and 7. Free entertainment for all delegates and Irrigation company. The laying óf the walks on Mr. adult leaders is being provided in the Brigg's property and that of Mr. homes of the Pendleton people. They Swayze marks the completion of are also giving a banquet to all con- concrete construction on both sides • of Main street from First to Third. ferente delegates Saturday evening. Other property owners have signi Mr. Cash Wood, Secretary for the fied their intention of joining the Young Men’s Christian Association procession but work is being held up for Umatilla County is chairman of temporarily by the absence from the committee on local arrangements town of the city surveyor. and has a good corps of men assisting him. Mr. A. E. Yount, Interstate Boys’ Secretary is\arranging the program The first number of the Umatilla and directing the conference. He has secured Mrs. Jean Morris Ellis, Chautauqua was given Friday night, vocational guidence expert and char- October 28. A good attendance was J. C. Moody, an engineer from acter analyst to appear on the pro- present. Mrs. Ed. Rennick has returned the Flathead Indian Project, Montan- gram and give personal advice and a, was on the Umatilla Project view help to all desiring to talk with her. from a trip to Idaho. Mr. ing work, Oct. 24th and 25th. He Other prominent leaders Mrs. Mock has gone to Portland inspected Cold Springs & Three Mlle Walter Jenkins, Executive Secretary Io be gone for several days. Falls dam and was much interested for Community Service, Portland, The Ladies’ Home Bureau will In the duty of water and the develop and Mr. Norman F. Coleman, Presi meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. A. dent of the Loyal Legion Loggers and E. McFarland, to discuss the men and ment of the sandy soil. Lumbermen. Mr. Jenkins is one of measures in the coming election. Af A high compliment was paid the the best song leaders in the North ter the talk a social hour will be community in securing improvements west and will have charge of the spent. on Canal A. This work is now in music for the conference. Mr. Cole W. P. Llewellyn has returned progress about one mile south east man is a speaker of wide experience from a flying trip to Portland on and is especially well fitted to speak of Hermiston. business. to boys. It Is also probably that Mr. Mr. and Mra. Cari Caldwell are W. W. Dillon. Executive Secretary of The Reclamation Service is .the the parents of a 9% pound baby possessor of one of the army ambul- the Interstate Executive Committee, girl. will be present at the conference and lances, that is being used by Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Yerxa, who have Dean's department as a light truck. take a leading part on the program. Mr. Wood, chairman of the local been residents of Umatilla for many committee on arrangements, esti years, are Having in a few days for Frank Sloan of Stanfield, was in mates that there will be at least one Portland, where they will make their Hermiston Wednesday looking after hundred boys in attendance from U- home this winter. • Mr. and Mrs. Talbot have a 9* his interests in the coming election, matilla county. With the several pound little daughter. adjacent counties to draw from, the In which he is one of the Republican committee expects an attendance of candidates for the legislature. well over 200 delegates. Cards received by friends of Mr. The banquet Saturday evening giv and Mrs. Paul 8. Jones, of Imperial, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ballenger mo en by the public spirited people of California, announce the birth of a tored up from Boardman Sunday. Pendleton, will be a very enjoyable daughter, Nathalie Sibyl Luce, on r. N. Whitney is substituting on feature and will be a fitting close October 17th. Mr. Jones was with the rural route In the absence of to a busy day. The Conference will the Reclamation Service. close Sunday night with a great Un Mr. Reeves. ion Service of all delegates, churches Mrs. F. V. Prime and Mra. Bel- and Young People's Societies. Mrs. W. A. Mikesell is reported as linger ' spent Tuesday In Pendleton being on the sick list. on a shopping trip. Miss Edile Johnson is expected Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Schockey have to return Saturday from Hot Lake W. O. Crowley of Vancouver. , a 7 1-4 pound baby boy, born to them where she has been for several weeks Washington, is in Hermiston this taking treatment. this week. , week on business. He is attorney for the Western Land & Irrigation Frank Page Adams has been 111 C. P. Adams bad the misfortune Company. • this week to lose one of his prize win this week with an attack of Indiges ning hogs through sickness and an tion. The Neighborhood club, which other hog was struck by a car and Mrs. W W. W. L. Blessing has taken the house was to have met with severely hurt. Felthouse at its next meeting, has at the corner of Fourth and Hurl- changed its plans, and will meet with Mrs. J. 8. McPherson spent the day hurt streets, recently vacated by Mr. Mrs. Henry Ott. Wednesday, Novem: here Monday, the guest of her daugh- and Mrs. Myron Hunt and will move her 3rd. into town soon. ter, Mrs. C. M. Jackson. City Election to Reclamation be Held Tuesday Service Notes Thia Sign Telia Ita Own Story NO. 7 Conference of the Older Boys i ; -I K Í UMATILLA ITEMS 1, J • F