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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1920)
T he lodge directory Notice for HERMISTON HERALD, and all acts and parts of acts to in repeal conflict therewith.” adopted Land Office 8th, at 1920. La Grande, Oregon, by the people of the City of Hermis- September ton at a special election held in said the 15th day common of March. council 1910, Notice la hereby given that Effie and and on, ratified by the sosharp in Masons,hais E. Bullack .of Umatilla, Oregon, who 1910 city on the 16th day of March. on June 11th, 1916, made Homestead Entry, No. 016026, for SEY NW1, BE.IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE ° THE CITY OF HERMISTON: Cw. Kellogg. Secy- being Farm Unit "A", Section 22, Section.1.—That Section 72 of the Township 5 North. Range 27 East. charter of the City of Hermiston be .AWEYARD LODGE NO. 206, 1. °- °- F, and, the same is hereby amended to VINRis each Monday evening in Odd Fellows of X illamette has filed notice read as follows: intention Meridian, to make three-year " "“siting members cordially invited. Section 72.- No money shall be Longhorn. Sec. G. H. Myers. N. O Proof, to establish claim to the land expended, - . . or Payment made, from any fund of the city, except special above described, before United States at his office, at Her. assessment funds, until a specific ap PROFESSIONAL CARDS Commissioner, miston Orezon, on the 8th day of propriation shall be made therefore, November, 1920. • and an ordinance making an appro- Claimant sanies at witnesses: priation of money must not contain T. Carroll, Pete McNabb, a provision on any other subject. All Frank Rider and Arch Mac Farland, demands for interest on the bonded VETERINARY SURGEON all of Umatilla, Oregon. indebtedness of the city and other Hermiston, Ore House Phone 21 C. S. Dunn, fixed charges shall be paid as the Register. same mature, or in accordance with the terms of the contract. The com Notice mon council shall have power, by DR. R. G. GALE , Umatilla County. The Roadmas ordinance, to limit the expenditures Physician and Surgeon ter s Office, will not be responsible of every department of the city gov Office—Gladys Ave. near First St. for any bills or other obligations in ernment .except interest charges and curred by its employes or sub-con- other charges fixed by contract or by Office Hours: Phone Ml tractors or other persons, unless such this charter, during each fiscal year, “I t 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. bills, etc., are covered and supported or during any month thereof, and by the proper requisition from the any contracts made, debts created, or DR. FRANCIS P. ADAMS Roadmaster liability incurred in excess of the ’s Office. Physician and Surgeon Dated at Pendleton, October 7th. amounts authorized by the council, Eyes treated, tested and Glasses Fitted 1920. 5-2tc where the council may so limit the Office over Flrat National Bank expenditures of money, shall be null and void. The city shall issue no OFFICE PHONE. 92 ORDINANCE NO. 101 RESIDENCE PHONE. 595 warrants or other evidence of indeb To submit to the legal voters of the tedness for any purpose whatsoever Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:80 p. m. City of Hermiston measures pro in excess of five per centum of the Day or night calls answered promptly posed by the common council and assessed valuation of all property of now on file with the City Record the city, except in special assessment DR. W. W. ILLSLEY er of said city, to be voted on at funds, unless there is money in the the next ensuing general election treasury duly appropriated and ap- Office over First National Bank to be held within the city on the pliable to the payment of the same Osteopathy Medicine Surgery 2nd day of November, 1920, and upon presentation? provided, how Calls answered at all hours to direct the publication of said ever, that in case of epidemic, disas Residence phone 711 Office phone 551 measures, together with this or- ter by fire or water or other emergen dinance, and to provide a title for cy, the council shall have power to each of said measures and the create special emergency funds and ballot numbers and ballot titles incur liability on account thereof in thereof. excess of revenues provided by ordin DENTTSTR* THE CITY OF HERMISTON DOES ance. The council shall have power Hermiston, Oregon and authority by ordinance to order ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Office, Bark Bldg. Section 1.—That there be submit and contract for street improvements Office Hours Office Phone, 93 8 a. m to 5 p. tn. ted to the voters of the City of Her and other public improvements which Residence Phone miston all measures herein proposed it may deem expedient and necessary to be referred to the people of the for the public welfare and to pro City of Hermiston by the common vide for the payment of the same by council and now on file in the of- the issue of city warrants on any ffee of the city recorder, to be voted fund provided therefor, not exceed Optometrist and Optician upon at the general city election to ing the limit of warrant indebted be held in said city on Tuesday, the ness herein prescribed. Glasses ground to fit your eyes Section 2.—All acts and parts of Fifteen years experience at your service 2nd day of November, 1920, be acts in conflict herewith are hereby tween the hours of 8:00 o’clock a. and 8:00 o’clock p. m. ' of said repealed. American Nat. Bank Bldg. m. 11 day, which said measures, together BALLOT TITLE with the ballot numbers and ballot Pendleton, Oregon titles thereof, are as follows: The following is the form and number in which the measure will be printed on the official ballot: BALLOT TITLE Referred to the People of the City The following Is the form and Get Your number in which the measure will of Hermiston by the Council: be printed on the official ballot: REFERRED TO THE PEOPLE OF Charter amendment limiting the THE CITY OF HERMISTON BY THE assessments to be levied for street COMMON COUNCIL. improvements to the actual Cost EVERY MORNING thereof as apportioned to the prop Charter amendment limiting the erty benefited and to authorize the From Your amount of warrant indebtedness that council by ordinance or agreement may be authorized by the common with property owners to provide for council for street and other public paying all or part of any street im improvements and uses to five per provement from the general tax centum of the assessed valuation of funds. Vote YES or NO. the city. Vote YES or NO. PENDLETON BAKING CO. 403 YES 400 YES. 404 NO 401 NO. The full text and title of such The full text and title of said measure is as follows: measure is as follows: A BILL A BILL To propose by reference to the To propose by referendum to the WEST WEST people of the City of Hermiston an people of the City of Hermiston by side SIDE act to amend Section 72 of the char the common council an Act to amend ter of said city, entitled "An Act to subdivisions 11 and 14 of Section 101 incorporate the City of Hermiston, of the charter of the city, entitled Umatilla County, State of Oregon, “An Act to incorporate the City of and to provide a charter therefor, Hermiston, Umatilla County. State of Oregon, and to provide a charter therefor, and to repeal all acts and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiin parts of acts in conflict therewith,” adopted by the people of the City of Hermiston at a special election held j. L. in said city on the 15th day of March. EELECTRIC FIXTURES = 1910, and ratified by the common = AND APPLIANCES = council of the said city on the 16th = Phone 139 = day of March. 1910. = 203 E. Court St. Pendieton, ore. = BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF HERMISTON: nililllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllBIIIHIh Section 1.—That subdivision 11 of Section 101 of the Charter of the "RED-I-FIT" City of-Hermiston be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: FORD ACCELERATORS HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK Subdivision 11.—No lot, part The pressure of the foot goes direct by thereof or parcel of land shall be as rod to the patented crank lever which sessed for any local or special im TRANSFER operates the carburetor sensitively and provement in excess of the actual accurately, independ ently from hand cost of such improvement as appor throttle; closes autot natically. Durable tioned to said land and in just pro PHONE 152 and different. Will oritlast the car. We portion to the cost of the entire im install while you wait.. provement of the local improvement district in which such land is situ- J. A. PEED „Salvan DR. F. V. PRIME Dr. Dale Rothwell FRESH BREAD Local Dealer Morrison & Son C. Garage GuaranteeWork Quick Service Reasonable Charges I OREGON Publication Department of the Interior. U. S ESTHER CHAPTER No. 101. O. E. 8.. HERMISTON, ated, except upon the express con sent of the owner of such land, or his duly authorized agent, first obtained in writing. Section 2.—That subdivision 14 of Section 101 of the Charter of the City of Hermiston be and the same Is hereby amended to read as fol lows : Subdivision 14.—Where the esti mated assessment against any lot, part of lot or parcel of land for any local improvement, appears to the common council as excessive or out of proportion to the special benefits to be derived to the property by reas on of such local improvement, and where the Improvement of a street in any local improvement district ap pears to the council to be of general benefit and value to all the inhab itants of the city, the common coun cil may, by ordinance, appropriate a sufficient amount from the general tax or special tax funds of the city to pay for so much of the cost of such local improvement as shall not be provided for by assessment upon the property specially benefitted by such improvement, and the council may, by agreement with the proper ty owners in any local improvement district, provide for payment by the city of a just and fair proportion of the cost of improving any street or roadway within the city. The coun cil shall also have the power and authority to create a special fund from the general fund of the city for the purpose of paying all or such portion of any street improvement as it shall deem just and fair to the city and to the property owners spec ially benefitted thereby, and also for the purpose of keeping the streets, so improved, in repair. The council may, by ordinance, whenever expe dient or necessary to complete any street improvement undertaken by it. authorize the issuance of warrants in payment therefor and fix the terms and conditions of payment by the city and by the property owners specially benefitted by any such im provement. Section 3.—All acts and parts of acts In conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 2. —The city recorder shall immediately cause to be pi ublished in the Hermiston Herald, a i weekly newspaper, printed and published in said City of Hermiston, a complete copy of this ordinance, including all the measures embodied herein, to gether with the ballot titles and bal lot numbers thereof, which publica tion . shall run in two consecutive issues of said newspaper issued prior to the general election to be held in said city on November 2, 1920. Section 3.—Whereas, a great deal of cement sidewalk is now in course of construction on the streets of the city and a number of petitions are pending and praying and urging the city to improve the streets by grading and graveling before the time for extreme cold weather; and, whereas, the streets are now in a rough, brok en and dangerous condition and it is necessary for the preservation of the health, peace and safety of the inhab itants of the city that said measure mentioned in this ordiance be submit ted to the voters of the city on the 2nd day of November, 1920, an emer gency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the council and approval by the mayor. Passed the common council this 6th day of October, 1920. Mabel M. Jensen, Attest: City Recorder. Approved by the Mayor this 6th day cf October, 1920. F. C. McKenzie, Mayor. 5-2tc vaughan ! I. H. Van Winkle Transfer Work Stand at Since r.. Phone 262 We are ready at any time to go any where or haul anything. The City Transfer w. B. BEASLEY F tor) ONE OF THE BEST barber shops In Eastern Oregon SHOWER BATHS T. L. HALL TRANSFER LONG AND SHORT HAULS PHONE 192 Zoeth Houser SHERIFF For SHERIFF Regular Democratic Nominee W. R. TAYLOR If elected will strive to give the people an economi cal and efficient administra- Strict enforcement of the law | tion. and a Fair Deal for Everybody. ‘ whose appointment as Attorney Gen eral. has been announced by the Gov ernor, upon the retirement of George M. Brown to become Justice of the Supreme Court, has announced him- self as a candidate for election to that office at the general election on the 2nd of next month. The office is to be filled by the people at the next election. Mr. Van Winkle has been First As- sistant Attorney General during the entire incumbancy of Judge Brown, (since the first Monday in January, 1915 ) having accepted the position at the urgent request of the latter. He held the same position under At torney General A. M. Crawford, from February, 1904 until July 1, 1913, when he resigned to go into private practice. During these many years of service he haa had a wide expert- enee in construing and interpreting the laws, especially of the State, and in advising and guiding the various state officers, boards and commis- stona, and in the conduct and trial of state cases in the state and federal courts. In assisting members and WASTE STEAM MADE USEFUL Utilization la Economical on Account of High Prices of Coal and Elec tric Power. The practical value of using exhaust steam In various creamery operations is being demonstrated by the dairy division. United States department of agriculture, Last year 45 creamer- ies installed exhaust-steam water heaters and hot-water boiler-feed pumps, assistance being given and. In some cases, plans furnished by govern ment specialists. Equipment for us- Connections for Using Exhaust Stsam In Continuous Pasteurizer. FLIES TORMENT DAIRY cows Mixture Recommended by Minnesota Expert to Keep Pests Away During Summer Season. S. A. Miller Republican nominee for Repre sentative, Umatilla county. Your support appreciated. Pd Adv Don’t wait until it is too late to have your winter plumbing done. Put your order in now and have your home ready for the cold spell. I. E. Putnam, 5th and Main Sts. l-tfc TO THE VOTERS OF HERMISTON As announced in these columns last week I have decided to become a candidate for the office of City Re corder, therefore I ask your favorable consideration at the election to be held November 2nd. Since 1912 I have served your interests as best I could as City Councilman without compensation. I believe this exper ience coupled with my clerical abil ity and office equipment places me in position to ask your support in the coming election. I assure you it will be appreciated. J. D. Watson. 5-tfc Pd. Adv. John Law May Well Be Called the Daddy of All tha Get-Rick-Quick Schemes Floated. Hermiston, On, for all kinds of DAIRY FACTS Ing exhaust steam to pasteurize cream was Installed by six creameries and a number of others introduced similar economies. The result of such efforts. It Is point ed out, makes possible more econom ical operation. The high prices of coal and electric power have given add ed importance to the utilization of steam formerly wasted. FIRST REAL “MONEY WIZARD” Hollis Percey, Prop. Phone Your Orders perhaps no one has had as much ex perience as he has while First Assis- tana Attorney General, through all these years. It was on account of this experience and ability and his well kown stand for law enforcement’ that caused Attorney General Brown to seek his aid when first elected, and to retain him to this date. Governor Olcott in this instance followed his usual rule of promotion of an experienced official which has heretofore met with the overwhelm ing approval of the people. Mr. Van Winkle may well be expected to con tinue the policy of law enforcement and careful attention to public inter ests which has characterised the ad ministration of his predecessor. In fact, he has been a very considerable part of it. Mr. Van Winkle is a native Oregon Ian. having been born and reared on a farm in Linn county, and will be fifty years old. He is also Dean of the College of Law of Willamette Un iversity and its many graduates who are practicing in all parts of the state and the northwest will be glad to know of his promotion. He is, and has always been a Republican.. No nominations can now be made for this office, because the vacancy occured too late, and each voter will have to write on his or her ballot the name of the person for whom he or she wishes to vote for this office and mark an "X” before it the same as the names which are printed on the ballot. Pd Adv. Two centuries ago there “reigned" In Paris a greater personage than the young king, Louis XIV., or hia regent, the duke of Orleans—a money wizard, whose operations are* recalled by the Ponzi speculative scheme In Boston. He was John Law. a Scotsman, who through his friendship with the duke of Orleans, established n credit bank on the theory that money la the cause not the result of wealth. He obtained for the bank a monopoly of the na tion’s foreign trade, the profits of which would repay the investors. In 1716 Law established a private hank with a capital of 6.000,000 livres with power to Issue notes. It became an instant success, and his paper cur rency became more valuable than the minted currency of the government. Then he formed his company of the west, developing Louisiana, territory with a capital of 100.000,000 livres New Orleans was built. Trade ex panded. Shares In the company rose In value until first l’aria and then the whole of Europe went mad. Every- one was growing rich. Law became director general of finance for France. But the height was reached In De cember of 1719, when his enemies, by side schemes, began to break him. He suddenly found himself bankrupt. He escaped from France, became a wan derer and died In poverty. Not a Matter of Relief. “Music speaks a universal guage.” Mid the enthusiast. «a» "I have beard so," replied Mr. Cum- rox. “But judging by the programs. committees legislature in the I -e --------- of - the ri — 9-9)79 ---------- the ‘‘ words ---2 VI of 9 a universal ‘ language 22155)1 are drafting of laws and in passing upon just as hard to spell and pronounce the validity of proposed legislation, as any others." __ Ry preventing tiles from tormenting the cows much greater flow of milk Is secured during the summer months and the remainder of the lactation period. The following home-made mix ture has given good results at the col lege dairy farm. It Is better than sev eral other mixtures tried and quite as efficient as the prepared sprays coat ing a dollar per gallon. It Is made as follows : 1% quarts of any standard coal tar dip. 1% quarts fish oil. 1 pint of oil of tar. 1 quart of coal oil. % pint of oil of Eucalyptus. Mix In ten gallons of lukewarm soft water In which a bar of laundry soap has been dissolved. Spray twice a day, In the morning after milking and in the afternoon when cows are brought In for silage or green feed. When a half barrel cart with spray nozzle attachment Is used two men can spray a herd of forty cows In ten minutes. This mixture Is not perfect and does not keep all the flies away and. furthermore. It leaves the coat rather harsh and causes dust to adhere; however, It Is very benz- ficial anti practical and results In more. milk and greater comfort.—H. H. Kll- dee. University Farm, St. Paul. CALF-FEEDING RULES 1. Do not overfeed. 2. Give feed In a clean, whole some condition. 3. Have the utensils scrupu lously clean. ' 4. Feed regularly and In small quantities. 5. Always feed at a tempera- < lure of 95 to 100 degrees Fahren- ' j helt. Use a thermometer—do | not use your finger. 6. Givo the calf water to drink. 7. Be regular In everything, 8. Give the calves exercise In the open air during good weath er, but do not expose them dur ing cold, rainy weather. 9. Provide clean, well-lighted pens with plenty of bedding. 10. Gruel feeding may be con- tlnued after the fourth month If desirable or It may he discontin- tied at three months of age, and the calf be put on a hay and grain ration. KILL STABLE FLIES QUICKLY Ten Per Cent Solution of Formalin In Milk Sprinkled In Gutters la Recommended. A quick and sure method of killing stable flies Is to make a 10% solution of formalin In milk and sprinkle it o । the cement floors and gutters. The flies are attracted to it and are kiliel In 30 minutes. Then the floors are washed and the stable Is clean for the day. This operation la repeated enei morning as long as necessary. At th" beginning of the campaign It will take several mornings to clear out the filer, but after that It will be necessary to do It only as often aa they become bothersome. Their breeding place ‘ the manure pile outside the stable should be done away with and the manure drawn out dally to the fields or placed In a fly tight pit .