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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1920)
THE HERMISTON THE HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. HERALD HERMISTON Published every Friday at Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon, in the heart of Eastern PROTECTION Oregon’s great irrigated alfalfa fields, by the Herald Publishing Company. PREPARE for WINTER M. C. Athey, Editor Entered M second-class matter, December .. 1906, at the postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon PAYS Subscription Rates: One Year, (2.00; Six Months, (1 00 Make your house comfortable before cold weather sets in ANTI-COMPULSORY-VACCINATION omy. Caution dictates that we buy from AMENDMENT On the ballot on election day you will find a measure entitled "Anti- Compulsory-Vaccination Amend merit,” 312, Yea, and 313, No. This measure was drafted by those who do not believe in compulsory vac cination. They do not believe any one has the right to say you MUST be vaccinated. The bill meets our ap provai, and we are going to vote 312 YES. The opposition to the bill sends out literature to the affect that It ; would “Pemit children in whose homes there is smallpox, diphtheria, infan- tile paralysis, meningitis, or • othei catching diseases, to attend school and infect your children.” 1 We all know this is a base falsehood, and shows how desperate the people are who would kill the measure, foi they have every reason to believe it will pass. And we hope their fears are well founded. SEE THAT YOUR ROOF IS IN SHAPE and your Windows and Doors are Perfect We have a complete stock of Prepared Roofing Shingles Doors Windows ORDER our STORM WINDOWS KILLS THE FOUR YEAR TERM The size you want Let us know your wants at once Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co R. A. Brownson, Mgr. PHONE 111 We are showing the Best Line of Leather. Vests this season we have ever had, at popular prices. These gar ments have become so popular that almost every man who has any out of doors work find them almost indispensable. Priced $13.50, $15.00, $17.50 and $18.00. Mackinaw vests, $10.00. In Underwear We can Please You from the medium priced Union Suits, fall and winter weight, $2.50 to $8.50. The following makes, a guarantee of qual ity: Coopers, Kenosha Klosed Krotch, Wright’s Spring Needle. There is a measure ou the ballot making all county officers hold of fice for four years instead of two This is a good and a bad measure. It has its good points, but we believe its bad one offsets the good ones, and we do not want the measure to pass We all know it is impossible, al most so, to frame a recall, and oust an obnoxious official, unless he is tor rank. But we have occasions whei we would he very sadly handicapped to have to let an official who was utterly incompetent to stick on th< job for four years , because no on< wants to start a recall. If we let the law stay the way it is, two year terms, when we get : good official, just elect him again a it is always done and keep him on the job. And if we pick a lemon, he only gets two years and we let him out but if we had to put up with it fot four years—Good night. The measure numbers are 308 Yes and 309 No. We recomend 309 No. SINGLE TAX The Single Tax measure on the,bal lot is No. 306 Yes and 307 No. Give 307 so many crosses and kill all sucl vicious measures, as single tax, ths the sponcers will hesitate to start an: such stuff again. Vote 307 NO. IS HISTORY REPEATING? Hier, Neckwear is a Hobby of Ours a house that is known for its honesty and its willingness to guarantee the quality of its goods. Economy requires that quality be proportionate to price. The home dealer is known to you. He can not afford to sell you shoddy or inferior article because it would come back to him. He can not afford to gouge you because it would put him out of business. Both his honor and his business safety compel him to give you a square deal. ■ Think this over before the rush is on. People who think twice before they buy seldom make a mistake. MARGUERITE CLARK SEEN IN "WIDOW BY PROXY” Marguerite Clark introduces a nav el addition to her long list of charm ing screen heroines In her latest Paramount-Artcraft picture, "Widow by Proxy,” which will be the attrac tion at The Play House Saturday, October 23 rd. The story is from the Broadway stage success of the same name, wrlten by Catherine Chrisholm Cushing. Miss Clark has the role of a vivacious batchelor girl who pre tends to be the widow of a soldier mising in action, so that her dearest chum may collect an inheritance which is due her, but which she is too proud to accept, Complications ensue thick and fast, and the climax is reached when the “late” husband walks in, very much in the flesh. ‘‘Widow by Proxy” is crowded with wholesome Comedy and provides Just the sort of part that has raised Miss Clark to her present pinnacle of popularity. A capable cast supports the little star. Still Building Sidewalks Contractor Beisse is still putting down concrete walks. In the block between Second and Third streets, he has just completed laying the walks in front of property owned by Ross Newport, C. S. McNaught, F. B. Swayze, E. W. Mack and C. N. Cran- dall. He will next move his outfit to Dr. Kern’s lots, in front of Dr. Gale’s office. H. M. Gunn Goes to Valley H. M. Gunn left Wednesday morn ing for the Willamette valley, hav ing accepted the position of principal In the county high school near Eu gene, in a consolidated district. Mr. Gunn was for some time principal of the Hermiston High School. Mrs. Gunn and Jane will remain here. Are the days of Sodom and Gomor rah returning? and you can be sure to see what you want from 75 cents to Are our great American cities s $3.50 (with war tax attached.) wicked that they must be overthrow) before they can be cleaned? Fall and Winter Styles and Samples ED. V. PRICE & CO., Slugs Are Plentiful Newspaper men in our metropoli reasonably priced. The armies of slugs that sally tan centers of population are indefat forth this wet weather to eat rag igable news gathers. ged holes in leafy vegetables at night Their "nose for news ” has beer Fall and Winter Weights in sharpened and developed to the point and hide so effectively in the day- where they have become the keenest time, need a good dose of calcium arsenate. Use at the rate of 1 lb. detectives in the world. are now on shelves in good range of prices, $1.50 to $3.50. They are exposing rottenness and to 25 galons of water, about a round corruption to an extent that is ap ing tablespoon to one gallon, says FLEISCHER’S YARNS in the new shades for Caps and palling to all decent and self respect the O. A. C. entomologists. Sweaters are greatly in demand. We have a fair range of ing people. shades in the knitting worsted at 75c per ball, 8 to pound. If one-tenth of all the stories thej Oil Sprays Fail For Fungi print are true the more populous sec Oil sprays have thus far failed to HOLEPROOF HOSIERY is so well established in this tions of this country are a hotbed of control fungous trouble as apple scab community we need only say our line is fairly well balanced financial filth and a mire of mora and anthracnose, peach blight and with price range 75c to $2.50 plus war tax. debauchery. leaf curl, and brown rot, against When sworn officers of the law which the Oregon growers has to WOMEN’S-CORSETS in staple models, $1.50 to $6.00 and I are "unable” to detect crime the fight, says H. P. Barss, plant path war tax. CRIB BLANKETS, very pretty, at $2.50. At I newspaper men go out, dig up. and ologist at the O. A. C. Experiment tractive patterns. I expose it in the columns of their station. Dependence on them has I papers. caused thousands of dollars loss to I But unfortunately the reporter iF Oregon fruitmen, and growers are I not a policeman, and neither is he r urged to use only the standard lime court or a jury. He can not arrest or copper-containing sprays put on at I prosecute, or sentence. the proper time. If in doubt about And others do not—in the most any new spray material they are in flagrant cases. vited to consult the experiment sta IlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllliiiiiillllll • It is the old, old story of protect tion, as the agents' claims are ex- Full Line of Ladies’ Shoes = ed vice and corruption running ram travagant and. often groundless. pant and defying all law, order and decency. Silage Fattens Steers If you have son or daughter Full Line of Girla’ and Boys’ g whose welfare you value, keep him How silage added to alfalfa hay cuts in half the cost and time of fat and Small Children’s Shoes. = or her away from the big city. tening young steers for market is The smite of the deadly rattle- told in the new Oregon station bul snake la no more dangerous than the letin, “Fattening Steers,” ready for streets where the bright lights bum free distribution. Other feeding and* the hellhounds lurk for their practices that will help the livestock unwary prey. man whether he can afford to buy The country town may be small and and fatten steers for market are ex dull, but it is clean and wholesome. plained on the basis of a six-year test It Is a better place in which to live st the Union branch station. Send Sam Rodgers, Proprietor Hermiston, Oregon than the modern Sodom or Gomorrah. to O. A. C. for free copy. PLEASING PROFITS Every farmer is in business for profit. He is interested in anything that will increase his profit. He knows the importance of good seed and well bred stock. He has been talking about it for years. Thought and a little investment pay big dividends in buildings as in stock and seed. When good farm buildings will pay for themselves in the saving of grain, stock, feed and machinery in one season—surely they can be called a good investment. Practical working plans, specifications and r bills of material free to customers. Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone 331 ‘ • The Yard of Best Quality H. M. STRAW, MGR. SEE HITT CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY —FOR— Onna Jnmtain GUNS And A ll Popular Soft Tirinas -and— ICE CREAM AMMUNITION In Cones and Packages A FULL LINE News stand Cigars and Tobicco Ladies’ and Children’s Union Suits Hermiston Produce & Supply Co — CEMENT PIPE For Irrigating and Draining Concrete Blocks For Foundations and Building Cement Brick For Chimneys MANUFACTURED BY Hermiston Cement Products Co. HERMISTON, OREGON a The Oak Tan Shoe Store THINK IN TIME A word of caution even to the wis est is not amiss at times. • The season is approaching when • all people will be making their Orders will receive prompt attention ■ I Christmas purchases. • The fact that money has been LEAVE ORDERS AT CITY MEAT MARKET—PHONE 131 • I plentiful for the past few years has ■ I not removed the element of caution ■ I from our home people. and neither ======== has it blunted their desire for econ- AUTO TRUCK DRA YING WILLIAM BURKE BINE Echo Flour Mills manufacturers of High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour Study Club Meets The Study Club met with Mrs. R. A. Brownson Tuesday afternoon. Roll call was answered by current topics on Mexico. Mrs. H. L. Payne read a paper on the conditions in Mexico among the poorer class, and Mrs. Patterson also had a paper on "Mex ico To-Day.” "Under the Shadow of Spencer. Mrs. Brownson served tea The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED