Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1920)
Underground Railroad and Useless Caucus Room, Two Extravagances at Capitol. Mills Now Cutting Tum-A-Lumber J 993 62.93.-521 “Build Now $ Because of enormous demand; will cost more to build this summer; U. S. 5 years behind building; demand may keep price stationary for ten (10) years. Our experience in planning “Homes and Farm Buildings” is shown by the num ber of jobs planned and materialed by us in 1919: " Barns ............ ................. 116 382 New Houses........ ................ 29 $ilo$ .......... 457 Remodeled Houses Hog Sheds ... ................ 39 112 Chicken Sheds ... ................ 11 Schools..... 37 Stores and Banks. 3. Churches .... .... . 12 Public Garages .. ................ 30 Warehouses .. 271 Private Garages . Granaries .... ................ 28 66 Packing Sheds ... ............ .137 Miscellaneous 28 Machine Sheds .. 1672 Total Number of Jobs One of the curiosities of the capitol is the miniature railroad that connects the senate, via underground passage, with the senate office building, relates a Washington correspondent. The cars of this railroad operate on a monorail by electricity. The road is about ISO yards in length and has a double track. When one car is at one end of the track the other car is at the other end, and vice versa. The railroad was intended originally to aid senators in making speed from their offices to the senate chamber. Roll calls do not require much time In the senate and there is danger that if a roll call Is asked when a senator la in his office he will miss the roU call un less he uses the electric car. That saves him about ten or fifteen seconds’ time. The road is open to the public and it costs nothing to ride. As a conse quence messenger boys, clerks and janitors use the railroad freely, while senators, except on days when the weather Is inclement, prefer to walk In the open air between their offices and the senate chamber. • Besides the initial equipment, the road entails an expense of about $50 weekly for the employ of two opera tors and probably half that amount for electricity. This would make a yearly expense of $3,900 as a very conserva tive estimate. As a matter of fact the railroad probably costs more like $6,009 or $7,000 a year. The senate has another extravagance that Is almost an eyesore. This is the palatial caucus room that cost no one knows how many thousands of dollars when the senate office building was constructed. The room is finished throughout In marble and has immense crystal chandeliers. It has the largest seating capacity of any room in the capitol except the hall of the house and the senate chamber. Yet the acoustic properties of the room are so bad that it is never used, and it stands there as an expensive monument to Some one’s mistake in planning the senate office building. Of course a person would ordinarily pay no attention to such a thing as bad acoustic properties, but in this room it cannot help but be noticed. HUMOROUS Floor Paini" Springtime is ”clean-up” time While you are doing your spring cleaning, consider the need of repainting your floors. A painted floor is a clean floor—or, at least is easily cleaned. No cracks; no germ-catching worn spots ; no unsightly blemishes. B-H Floor Paint is made in California for Pacific Coast conditions and climate. Spreads easily—a quick dryer—forms a hard, yet elas tic coating which lasts and wears twice as long as the average paint. There is a B-H product for every use. Call today and let us prove it to you ! SAPPERS’ Ina Distributora for BASS-HUETER PAINT CO. San Francisco : 3 Those Amateur Musicians. “Professor, how is my little daugh- ter?” "Fine, Mr. Sprechelnitz ; she can play the scale without sticking out her tongue." 14%. v: Different Mab — I hear that you are going to marry Jack Swift. Congratu lations. Ethel—But I'm not going to mar- ry him. Mab—Oh, then, my sincere con- gratulations. How much should I give to make this a better world? A It showed an income so large that his tax was 53%. Andhia total ¿ifts to church and char ity for the year were $148. Think of it—thousands spent for luxuries and pleasure for himself; and $148 to leave the world a little better than he found iti Its Class, “That rare feat you mention to a paradoxical one.” “In what way?” "It to also well done." Free Complete Blue Printed Plans and Specifications Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co IONE HEPPNER Most of us do better than that ; but not so very much better. Our average daily gift for all church causes is —less —less —less —lesa Murphy's Odd Idea. An officer on board a warship was drilling his men. “I want every man to He on his back, put his legs in the air, and move them as if he were riding a bicycle," be ex plained. “Now commence.” After a short effort one of the men stopped. “Why have you stopped, Murphyt* asked the officer. “If ye piase, sir,” was the answer, “Ol’m coasting.” A Successful Student. “Will you give me a crust of bread an’ a cup of “Designers and Materialers of Homes and Farm Buildings” water, mum?” “Certainly, I’ll fix you up a nice lunch. But why didn’t you ask for something sub- stantia! f "I’m a student of human nature. garded as purely mental (or more ac But that does not hold for we fre It’s mighty sel curately psychic), or as physical mani- quently have the dream when covered dom I strikes any body what’s mean enough to give festations. The dream in question is up warm. me Just a crust an’ a cup of wa- said to be the basis of Hans Chris Professor Freud, the latest and the tian Andersen’s story, "The Emper- most celebrated of Investigators of ter.” M's New Clothes" and has been done dream sources, says in his book, "The No Self-Healer. Into poetry by the German author, Interpretation of Dreams," that the “What has become of that hypno- • Fulda, In “The Talisman." It la dream is based upon a recollection of tist?” called by the scientists a “standard" “Had to quit hypnotizing. Putting DID YOU DREAM OF LACK OF or “typical" dream because It is one our earliest childhood. When we were babies we were seen with Indifference CLOTHING? which Is experienced by all persons by relatives, strangers and servants people to sleep wore down his nerves and gave him insomnia.” in an Identical or almost identical dressed and were not "THAT Is called one of the "stand- manner; whereas most of oar dreams scantily ashamed. These recollections of baby- W ard” dreams, one which is most Law Forbids Hoarding. are peculiar to ourselves. hood. Imprisoned dormant and unre- annoying and one which everybody al The empirics, those who interpret callable In our waking hours, are most, has experienced at least once in dreams In the old, superstitious, tradi- Persons who have sought to excuse liberated to us In the dream state. his life, some people many times, is tionsl mystic and unscientific manner Our feeling of uneasiness and desire their violations of rules and regula the dream of finding oneself in a —declare the dream under considera tions of the United States food ad thronged street or in a room filled tion te be a bad omen, though they do to escape though no one notices ministration on the assertion that our nudity, la a reflex from the with people and suddenly realizing not all agree Just how had. They "repression" of our later lives during “there is no law requiring It,” are that one Is only partially clothed or' say it signifies that people are con- warned that there Is a law governing which the habit of being properly not clothed at all. In these dreams spiring against you ; that you are soon such cases. According to the law, clothed in publie has become pert of the people with whom we find ourself to receive an Insult; you will be dis persons who willfully hoard any nec our normal existence. do not appear to take any notice of appointed in your friends and rela- essaries shall, upon conviction, be (Copyright) our unconventional condition, but the Uveo and It la a warning to you to fined not exceeding $5,000 or be I m- dreamer Is much disturbed and en- | mend your ways. prisoned for not more than two years, Instruments for Pruning. deavors to escape. This dream has or both. The statute sets out just Those scientists who strive to ac- In pruning, use sharp instruments, what “hoarding" to and Includes, not received particular attention from 1 count for dreams by referring them to those scientists who for more than a physical source say that this dream and make a clean, smooth cut. ▲ only the act of hoarding, but the with- half a century have been Investigating ■ is simply the result of sensations bruised or splintered cut disfigures the holding of necessaries to gain a high er price for them. Hoarders will be the phenomena of dreams re j caused by the bedclothes slipping off. tree. prosecuted tn the federal courts. CERTAIN man in New York filled out his income tax report. than than than than we spend for daily papers a local telephone cail a third of the day’s car fare 3 cents a day No wonder that 80% of the ministers of America are paid less than $20 a week. No wonder that the church hospitals turn away thousands of side people a year. No wonder that China has only one doctor for every 400,000 people. No wonder that every church board and charity society to forever meeting deficits, forever passing the hat. It isn’t because we are selfish ; it isn’t because we don’t want to help. It’s just because no one has ever put up a great big program to us, and asked us to think of the work of the church in a systematic businesslike way. The Interchurch World Movement representa the united program of thirty denominations. They have surveyed their whole task, no business could have done it better. LEXINGTON They have budgeted their needs; no business could have amore scientific budget. They have united to prevent the possibility of waste and duplication. At least a million dol lars will be saved by the fact that thirty individual cam paigns are joined in one united effort. And they come to the men or women who love America —to you— this week asking you to use them as the chan nel through which a certain definite part of your income can be be applied to make this a better world. Only you can determine what part of your income that should be. I‘s a good time right now to answer that question We’re passing through the world just once; how much better will the world be because you passed through? United Financial Campaign " pat l Mm O27 April 25th to Mey 2nd OhINTERCHURCH World Movement of ^orth America