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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1920)
THE HERALD, HERMISTON The Hermiston Herald Issued Each Saturday by M. D. O’CONNELL OREGON HERMISTON SATISFACTION ALL AROUND If you buy your Flume Lumber of us. We have just received a Complete Stock of the Very Best Flume Lumber See us before buying Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Phone 111 R. A. BROWNSCN, MANAGER 1 2- for the cushion inside or below the breaker strip • 3 for the intermediate bond be tween the breaker strip and tread 1-for calendering each layer of fabric “Apply engineering efficiency to State control of public utilities." Vote for Rhea Luper, Republican nomination for Public Service Com- missioner. pd. adv RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE Order of Eastern Star We, your committee, to whom was referred the duty of drafting reso lutions of condolence, beg to submit the following: Whereas, the silent messenger of death has entered the home of our brother and sister, H. R. Newport and wife, and taken from them their be loved father, Mr. H. G. Newport; therefore, be it Resolved, That our brother and sister have lost a kind and loving father, and be it further Resolved, That we extend our heartfelt sympathy to our brother and sister in their hour of grief and sorrow, and may the Heavenly Fath er bless them as He sees they need. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the min utes of this Chapter, a copy be sent to the bereaved brother and sister and a copy sent to The Hermiston Herald for publication. Fraternally submitted, W. W. Illsley, Mabel M. Jensen, Kathryn L. Garner, Committee.. We, your committee, to whom was referred the duty of drafting reso lutions of condolence, beg to submit the following: Whereas, the silent messenger of death has entered the home of our sister, Anna Sapper, and family and taken from them their beloved sis ter, Miss Christie Albrecht; there fore, be it Resolved, That we extend our heartfelt sympathy to our sister and family in their hour of grief and sor row, and may the Heavenly Father bless them as He sees they need. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes of this Chapter, a copy be sent to the bereaved sister and family and a copy sent to The Hermiston Her ald for publication. Fraternally submitted, W. W. Illsley, Mabel M. Jensen, Katheryn L. Garner, Committee. This process adds strength and elasticity to the fabric and rubber and has done much in combat ing the stone . bruise, tread separation, blowouts, and all common evils that make tires short lived. One Thermoid Crolida Com pound Tire will ove this to you. ou take no risk, for this tire is sold on a basis of 6000 miles of guaranteed serv ice (Ford sises 7500 You can't pull tha traad miles). off a Tharmoid Tua ■ * HOW TO AVOID APPLE SCALD Scientists Have Discovered That Cer tain Fats and Olle Reduce Dis- ease to Minimum. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Complete Plans Specifications and Photographs Inland Empire Lumber Company The State University and the State Normal Osteopathy 1920. PRIME al , A DISBURSEMENTS Recorder, Attor ney, Health Officer, Police and Fire Department $415.00 285.00 101.88 620.16 Supt. salary........-_____ . 575.00 $ Distillate................ ........ ............ Mice. Mdse.& Labor, etc Water work and repairs.... — 490.44 485.57 165.00 $1,716.01 April lit, balance 120.63 $1,886.64 $1,836.64 Statement of Irrigation Fund No. 1 from Nov. It to April lat, 1920. RECEIPTS Collections.... 402.21 DISBURSEMENTS Printing____ Miscellaneous 35.16 $ 133.96 Nov. 15. 1919, Deficit - Apr. L IMO. Balance $300. But in state institutions else Hermiston. Oregon Office. Bank Bldg. Office Phone, 93 Residence Phone 32 259.09 $ 402.21 $ 402.21 Statement of Irrigation Fund No. 2 from Nov. 15, 1919, to April let. 1920. At the State University it is at pres where statistics show the average to Office Hours: 8 a. m. to 5 p. I be $996. 540.80 Printing__ Grading and Packing Fruit Prepara- tory to Placing In Cold Storage. much scald as those In commercial barrels if both were held in a storage room that received occasional ventila tion. If the storage room was not ven tilated, or if it was only poorly ven tilated, the ventilated barrels caused very little decrease in scald. Apples near the aisle or near a door scalded far lees than those in the bottom of the stack. Boxed apples exposed to a continuous air current of 88 miles an hour were practically free from scald while similar apples that did not receive the constant fanning became badly scalded. Stirring the storage air was found to be more Important than renewing It Scald was greatly Increased on fruit delayed in storage unless well ventilated during the delay. Spring When Buds Start—No Detriment to Canea. 78.11 197.30 $540.80 Statement of Library Fund from Nov 15, 1919, to RECEIPTS April 1. Deficit 15.70 Salary Librarian ° 2.05 . 15, 191A to After effects of influenza successfully treated. Labor 157.29 Qffice hours: 9 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 5:30 p. m. Evenings, 7 to 8. Phene 796. Subscribe for The Herald. convincing institutions can no VETERINARY SURGEON the vast numbers of Oregon boys and Herm ist on.Ore. girls (5400 in fulltime courses alone) House Phone 283 unless they receive DR. R. G. GALE Office in Hotel Oregon Office Hours: 10 t 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. __ Phone 551 iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 3 — — — A - — a —= EELECTRIC FIXTURES = = AND APPLIANCES = = Phone 139 = = 203 a. Court at. Pendieton, or*. = iFlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIliiniT more support. On May 21 the Higher Educational relief measure will appear on the ballot. You axe urged to preserve the quality of higher education by voting fox it. Paid advertisement inserted by Colin Dyment in behalf at the Joint Alumni Relief Committee for Higher Education in Oregon, 514 Pittock Block, Portland. Chiropractic Relieves Where Other Methods Fai I um the Lataat Painless Methods Dr. LORETTA H. STARBA CHIROPRACTOR Not Surgery. Not Osteopathy WAY TO PRUNE RASPBERRIES Advisable to Perform Operation In Nov. 15, deficit Apr. 1. Balance are longer give satisfactory training to Not Drugs. Collections These proofs of economical administration, but the three 1,216.48 DISBURSEMENTS THEIR BUILDING INVESTMENT ent |322 per student; at the College DENTISTRY $801.83 Collections........................................ Lady Attendant 10 to 12 ». m.; 2 to 5 p. m„ and by appointment IS ALSO VERY LOW $ 314.13 42.50 445.20 $ present cost at the State University is $203 a year; at the College it is $180. But even before the war, when money would buy twice as much as It buys now, the average cost at all other state institutions was 132 5 a year. In addition OFFICE HOURs: she RECEIPTS Nov. It. Balance............. Licenses ................ Apr. 1. Deficit.......................... Nov. 15, Balance .......... Chiropractic, Electro-Thera College, Port 1919. Office over Pint National Bank Statement of General Fund from Nov. 15, 1919, to April 1st, 1920. RECEIPTS Graduate National School of Chicago, 1913; National College of peutics, 1915; Post-Graduate Pacific land, 1917; National School, Chicago, D r .C. O. WAINSCOTT —I. wr ‘Ps S $714.31 $714.31 $801.83 ALL DISEASES Surgery Medicine OF THE CITY OF HERMISTON Statement of Water Fund from Nov. 15, 1919, to April let, 1920. CHIROPRACTIC AND ELECTRO THERAPEUTICS Agricultural College P. Statement of the fund balances as of April 1st, Miscellaneous....... . ...... ............. Announces that he has opened offices in the Smith-Crawford Building, Pendleton, for the practice of Hogs traded for dollars will buy buy more today than ever before. Increased weight and proper care mean extra dollars. Convert the extra dollars into well ventilated, sanitary hog houses, feeding floors and correct pens hnd secure EVEN MORE DOLLARS. Recorder's Financial Report Street lights.................................. DR. R. C. ELLSWORTH And Homes for Hogs PHONE 711 Office at Residence all Hours Name of Fund Debit Credit General fund.......... .......... ..$445.20 Water fund ........................... 120.63 Irrigation Diet. No. ! ................... . 269.08 Irrigation Diet. No. 2................... 197.30 Library fund .......................... 15.70 Street fund ............................. 137 29 Treasurer's cash............................. 253.41 d ■ ' Most people nave learned that. If they sleep in an unventilated room, they poison themselves with the gases exhaled in their own breath. But it probably has not occurred to many people that apples asleep or semi-dor mant—in cold storage—do exactly the same thing. ' It had not occurred to anybody, in fact, until very recently, when some specialists in the bureau of plant industry, worked it out. It is not always possible to leave the windows open In the sleeping room of the apples, but the specialists have found a way of getting around this difficulty in experimental quantities by the absorption in certain fats and oils of the poison that Is breathed out by the apples. The disease which may be thus caused in apples is known as apple scald and manifests itself by turning the skin of the apple brown. While FREE TO CUSTOMERS the scientists have discovered that the disease is due to a gas ‘or gases breathed out by the apples, they have not been able to identify the gas or gases. But they have discovered that, If the apples are placed in wrap pers impregnated with certain fats Phone 331 and oils, the poison is absorbed and the disease either prevented or re duced to a negligible quantity. In « The Yard of Best Quality ” barrel experiments In which only part H. M. STRAW. MGR. of the fruit was wrapped, the scald was greatly reduced on apples adja cent to the wrapped ones. Ordinary commercial apple wrappers caused little decrease In scald and paraffin PROFESSIONAL CARDS wrappers were but little better. Several other points of importance were determined as a result of the DR. FRANCIS ADAMS experiments. Mature fruit scalds less Physician and Surgeon than immature, but fruit Just chang OFFICE PHONE, 92 ing from green to yellow has scalded RESIDENCE PHONE, 596 worse than either green or yellow Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:80 p. m. , fruit Well-colored red fruit surfaces have been practically immune. Heavy Day or night calls answered promptly have for many years spent less mon irrigation of apple trees Increases the ey per student per year in training susceptibility to scald in the apples Oregon boys and girls than Is spent produced. Apples in ventilated bar DR. W. W. ILLSLEY rels developed less than a third as at any other state Institution. The Salaries, Hermiston Auto Company HOG SHELTER Profits from Pigs 4-for the tread of the tire Frequently bruite» result from under - inflation, but too often they are due to faulty construc tion and to the shortcomings of ordinary rubber and fabric. Two years ago the Thermoid chemists discovered Crolide, which is compounded with Up River Fine Para rubber in four def inite ratios: Horficultura Mr». L. N. French and slater. Miss O'Flinn, left for their home in Salem Tuesday after a ten day visit with Mrs. French's son, J. O. French, on the Hoisington ranch. RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE Order of Eastern Star The dangerous stone bruise DRUISES mean broken inner fabric, and broken fabric means blowouts—the ruination of more tires than all other causes combined. Entered as second-class matter, December . 1906, at the postonice at Hermiston, Oregon HERMISTON, OREGON. It is generally advised to prune raspberries in the spring, and not In fall, because of their liability to die back during winter. If pruned in the fall, the chancee are that another prun ing would be required In the spring and double labor Involved. Even when spring comes it is often prudent to wait UH the buds start so that no mis take can be made as to Just how tar the live wood extends, says a writer tn an exchange. There Is no detri ment to the canes In such a practice, and I have found it of value also In the ease of the blackberry, especially In the case of such varletiesas the Early Harvest and King, which are injured by severe winters. The po sition of the blossom buds cannot al- ways be discerned until they begin to open and show white. I have never observed any Injury an the result of such late pruning. Georgette Blouses, Apron-dresses & Hata GLASSES GROUND TO FIT YOUR EYES LENSES DUPLICATED ON SHORT NOTICE AMERICAN NATL. BANK BUILDING, Phone 609 PENDLETON LODGE DIRECTORY Dr. A. M. SIMMONS EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Pendleton, Oregon Penland Building Over Tallman Drug Sta DR. W. H. REYNOLDS VINEYARD LODGE NO. IM. L O. O. F. ▼ monte anch Monday evening in Odd Fellows Chiropractic Nerve Specialist Rooms 1 and 2 Inlaud Empire Bank Building. Hours: 10 to 12 A.M. 1:30 to 5 P.M. Phone 1018 Pendleton. Ore.