Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1919)
THE HERMISTON HERALD HERMISTON, OREGON. .'•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii*. i H ermiston ! Bring Summer Atmosphere Into Your Winter Home! LOCALS miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ; Mrs. W. N. Rees visited in Pen dleton Monday. WE HAVE A Mrs..J. F. McNaught is enjoying a visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. H. Garey, in Portland. CAR OF POTA TOES Ripe enough to store for winter They aré all Netted Gems and good clean stock Price Off The Car S. R. Oldaker returned Wednes day morning from Idaho and Mon tana points, where he had been on business the past four months. C. M. Jackson and Milton Long- horn are owners of new Ford tour ing cars, having purchased them this week from the Hermiston Auto Co. Special price for quantities KINGSLEY’S Phone your orders for Groceries and Vegetables to 171 When You Think of Meat Think of Groceries And Order from the City Meat Market and Grocery PHONE. 131 Don’t forget that you can always get Maid O’ Clover butter at the City Meat Market. It is the best. Try a lo if of Butternut Bread, fresh every day. We carry a full line of Home Made Sausages, Hams, Bacon, Lard and Compound and the price is right Bring in your butter, eggs and poultry. We will pay you the highest market price, cash or trade. You Save 50c by Buying a Coupon Book It is good for anything in the house. Both sizes, $5 and $10 books. Get one and try it and see how handy it is for you as you can keep exact tab on your grocery bill and you know just how much you spend each month for you have the books to show for it. Get one the first of the month and try it. CITY MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY Challis & Challis, Prop*. Fresh, warm, circulating air in your home is a luxury M quite ill pox. At days the the 100 Willis Rees, while endeavoring to start his father’s car Monday, re ceived a "kick” from the crank that an X-Ray disclosed had broken his right arm. Mrs. A. Hunter of La Grande stopped off here Tuesday to see her parents. Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Barnes, while on her way to her home from a visit to a married daughter resid ing in Tacoma. % W. C. Lloyd left Friday evening for Spokane to take a three months’ course in a vulcanizing and battery charging school. On his return he intends to open a shop on Main street in this city. W. G. Drowley, of Vancouver, Wash., attorney for the Western Land & Irrigation Co., has been here the major portion of the week attending to legal matters connected with the above concern. Garnett H. Condon of Laurel, Mont., was a visitor in Hermiston last Saturday and Sunday. While here he was the guest of his sister, Miss Bessie Condon, seventh and eighth grade teacher in the local school. Earl Carson, former well known resident now operating a wheat ranch of 407 acres near Colfax, was a business visitor in Hermiston last Wednesday. He reports having had good success with his large wheat crop this year. Mrs. M. F. Callbeck visited in this city from Portland Tuesday be tween trains, and while her dispos- de of the little orchard tract con sisting of four lots which adjoins the Callbeck residence home pn the east to W. A. Correll. which you are entitled to if you let a Weatern Pipeless Furnace Bi > • ; have a little space in your basement. The ladies of the M. E. Aid wish to express their appreciation to all who contributed so generously and willingly towards the success of the Dairy Show supper. Frank Swayze has been this week from chicken times during the last few lad’s fever went beyond degree mark. $2.75 fis The Western Pipeless Furnace 1 Heats your entire house. 2 Circulates the air, purifies the atmosphere. The “WESTERN The Pipeless Furnace If in year» to come, some parts will have to be replaced, the fac tory is close by, viz: Western Foundry & Furnace Co. of Tacoma Safety First Don’t Delay See the “Western1 Now on exhibition At Our Store 3° Saves fuel, 4 Economizes heat. 5 Has no pipes. 6 Can be installed in any home, school or church. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Easy to install, at small cost. One register in the floor. No dirt or ashes in the house. Keeps the floor warm. A luxury and yet you save money. Out of sight, but always on the job. Burns anything. Keeps the cellar cool. A child can operate it. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money back. OREGON HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING « ; S 2 d s Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District % No. 14 of Umatilla County, State of Oregon, that a School Meeting of • aid district will be held at the • School House on the 24th day of November, 1919, at 3:30 o’clock in the afternoon, to vote on the prop- ‘ sition of levying a special district % tax, and buying additional school % play grounds. The total amount of money need- • ed by the district during the fiscal ! year beginning on June 16th, 1919,3 ind ending on June 15th, 1920, is I estimated in the following budget I % ind includes the amounts to be re- % eived from the county school fund, • tate school fund, special district ax, and all other moneys of the • iistrict: À P P d F PHELPS CASH GROCERY Phone 413 The Monopole Store "MONOPOLE" goods are first-class in every respect Merrill E. Doble, who owns and BUDGET operates a well producing orchard ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES I at Irrigon, was here last week In at- eachers’ salaries ................. » 9,324 % | tendance at the Dairy Show. He re- Furniture and teachers sup plies ..................................... 400 i I ports that there will be shipped ’from that part of the project this Library books .......................... "lags ............................................ year about 3500 boxes of apples. Repairs of schoolhouses, out Royal Bakery Goods from Portland buildings or fences .... Judge and Mrs. G. W. Phelps Transportation of pupils .... Cakes, Doughnuts, Rolls, etc., Wednesdays and Saturday» motored down from Pendleton Tues- Janitor’s wages ....................... Janitor’s supplies .................... day in their brand new Studebaker 'uel .............................................. Afternoon Delivery to Any Part of City Six. and returned to that city Wed Light and power .................... nesday morning. While here they Water ........................................... 150 Tuesdays and Fridays Fresh Vegetables 145 were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Jerk’s salary and bond .... Postage and stationery ..... 35 Phelps, the gentlemen being bro For the payment of bonded thers. debt and interest thereon, issued under Sections 117, 144 to 148. and 422 of the Alfalfa Farmers Take Notice M. W. Sharrard returned to his School Laws of Oregon, home in Willows. Oregon, Sunday 1917 ...................................... 2,580 Harvesting Equipment for Sale, after visiting with friends here a Interest on warrants ___ 600 Money Saved by Buying Now. couple of days last week while tak- Printing of notices _______ 50 insurance __________________ Finding it necessary to change 216 | Ing in the stock show. Mr. Sharrard Purchase of additional school my system of putting up hay, I have I formerly lived here, and ; is still own- grounds _______________ 800 determined to sell all of my present | er of valuable business property on equipment that is not usable in the Total estimated amount | Main street. new system, such as derricks, of money to be expend ed for all purposes dur We Are Receiving trucks, slings. nets, Jackson-fork, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Salinger of ing the year ............ 918. 705 etc., etc. Oakland. Calif., are welcome visitors Everything I offer is in first class ESTIMATED RECEIPTS at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. From county school fund dur- • order, of the non-breakable kind and W. Hannan out in the east end of Ing the coming school year 12.953 practically the same as new. Natur- the project, the lady being a sister to From state school fund dur ally I want to make the old equip- | ing the coming school year Mr. Hannan. They will remain un 570 | ment pay for the new. which must | Estimated amount to be re til the middle of this month. Mr. ceived from all other sour- be secured this winter. and to ac- | Salinger notes many progressive ces during the coming complish this I will discount liber changes since his visit here five school year tuition .... 1.600 ally on all articles sold now. I can years ago For Christmas work- use bankable paper. Total estimated receipts, Some now on display not including the mon ( all at Highland Farm and in- Harry Murchie. building contrac- ey to be received from spect “the goods.” follows: Towels,Gowns» j tor of Boardman. must be thinking the tax which it is pro J. F. McNaught. posed to vote .................. $5,123 seriously of going into the dairy Center Pieces, RECAPITULATION i business, for he was a very interest- Scarfs, Aprons, Card of Thanks estimated expenses i ed spectator at the Dairy Show here Total We h to express our sincere for the year ..................... $18,705 Sets, Etc., Etc. a couple of days the latter part of Total estimated receipts, not thanks to the people of Hermiston last week. We would like to ask including the tax. to be for their kind words and deeds d voted ..... ........ the gentleman how a bachelor can ln< the illne ’ and at the death of assimilate this dairy business and , "Z: loved husband, and for the do contract work besides. We know Balance, amount to be rais- ..$13,582 loyalty shown by the American ed by district tax he will answer this on his next viali Bated this 30th day of October. Legion members. and also to Mrs. to this city by tailing us that he has 1919. Kelley, friendship in our C. S McNaught hour of will net soon be for- I * Chairman Board of Directo Attest E J. Kingsley, Mrs. C. E. Wood 1 District Clerk. and Pierson family. 1 3 d Our Guarantee back of Every Purchase Percey Sisters Fireless Cookers Linoleum Electric Washing Machines We sell the latter on monthly payments at no more than your laundry Is now coating you by either wash woman or laundry charge We have seven satisfied users of the "Laundry Queen" Electric Washer. Why don’t yau join those who are saving them- selves this hard work? PHONE 192 __ PHONE 192 ___ ___ ___ SAPPERS’ INC. 11 Hardware Implemer Stamped Embroidery Goods as Bags, Baby