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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1919)
T he H ermiston H erald VOL. XIV HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1919 LI WINESETT IS NOW REAL ? _ N Eli Winesett, who up till now has en content to be known as a de- ure alfalfa rancher, has all of a dden sprung into prominence by unging into the honey bee indus- y. Since his advent here from old irginia nearly two years ago Mr. inesett has shown a fondness for es in a small way, paying more ttention to the raising of alfalfa n his big ranch just east of this ty. But gradually he became inocu- ted with a desire to delve deeper ito bee culture. This desire came ith a gradual realization that here as the ideal country for su«h an dustry. He studied the pros and ms until he became thoroughly onvir.ced that his hunch was the ight one, and then he sallied forth nd bought bees with a lavish hand. Before he got through he had aid out the munificient sum of 3000, but he’s got the goods to how for the expenditure—having ought 215 stands from George Sha- tr, 67 from Joe Maggs, 100 from 1rs. Miller and 39 from J. H. Pryor, ie now has 900 stands, counting in what he already had of his own, and he estimates that by this time next year he will have his $3000 back in the sale of products from the bees and have that much or more in pro fits from the apiary, besides the in crease in colonies. Time will show that there is a method in Eli’s apparent madness at the the present time, for he’s bound to be raking in the shekels from his bees with the opening of next spring. HOTEL HERMISTON TO SERVE SHORT ORDERS Believing that the time has arriv- ed when the inner man of the farm er who has occasion to be in the city at meal time demands as much attention as the merchant, clerk or traveling man, Mrs. F. L. Durfey, landlady of the Hotel Hermiston, has decided to inaugurate a short order bill of fare so that the general public may be the better accommo dated. Therefore the serving of short order meals at the hotel, and beginning today, also, the dining hours at the hotel change, and from now on all who wish meals served will be able to secure them at any time between 6 a. m. and 10 p. m. Short orders will include all edibles from cereals, coffee and cake up to the more solid foods, such as ham and eggs and beefsteak. Below is a sample of the short order bill of fare. Mrs. Durfey invites you to read it and come and eat what you want when you want it at any time of the day between the hours desig- Bated above: Cereals Mam and Eggs Bacon and Eggs Steaks and Chops Sandwiches Baked Beans Boston Brown Bread Salads Oysters, any Style Coffee Pie Cake Elected Officers The ladies of the Altar Society elected officers at an annual meet ing held last week for that purpose. Mrs. G. Beddow was elected presi- dc-t, Mrs. J. D. Watson vice presi dent. Mrs. J. J. Casserly treasurer and Mrs. F. C. McKenzie secretary. The society will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Ralph Thursday of next week. Making Improvements W. A. Leathers, proprietor of a large hay and feed store in this city, is having a concrete cellar, concrete garage and 100 feet of concrete re- his •aining wall constructed country home on his large alfalfa ranch east of this city. Contractor Notz is doing the work. Mr. Leath ers has also added another 75 acres to his farm, having purchased the Ethel Fraker tract adjoining This he will prepare for alfalfa at once. NO 8 L"!USL7! v/ll/» MAN Kicked By a Horse Tuesday while playing on the school grounds little George McKen zie, son of Mayor and Mrs. F. C. McKenzie, was kicked by a horse belonging to one of the scholars. The boy was injured severely, and he is now in a plaster cast extend- ing around his body and one limb, In this he will have to remain for five weeks, While there was a fracture of the hip bone and slight internal injuries, it is thought by the attending physician that no per manent disability will result. PrgtoePel gal, Ho’ERmEOne ” / 5877 -5 ay, (pie (4 “ate “‘.14 suree"seven 107 of their daughter, Miss Gertrude Ethel Simmons, to \Mr. William Montevllle Sanders is being made this week by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Simmons of Columbia District. Miss Simmons Is the popular chief oper ator at the Hermiston telephone ex change, and Mr. Sanders is a well known energetic farmer who has been a resident of the project for some years. The wedding cere mony will take place a week from today, November 15, at the parental home of Misa Simmons. After a honeymoon trip they will make their home at Eagle Creek. Oregon. Succeeding Miss Simmons as chief Operator is Miss Laura Boyn ton, who has been with the tele phone company for a number of years, during which time she has given universal satisfaction, and is highly deserving of promotion to this important position. Creek district last Sunday evening. and before the many who were In attendance at the gathering ad- jour ned Io go home well defined plans were laid by them for the in- augurai ion of a movement which has for its purpose the building of a water grade highway from Lena in Morrow county down Butter Creek to an intersection with the Columbia highway at Hermiston and thence on to the city of Uma tilla and the Columbia river. Gathered at the meeting were representative good roads boosters from Heppner and the Heppner country, from all over the Butter Creek district and from Hermiston and Umatilla. The meeting was unanimous In the belief that a Lena-to-the-Co- lumbia river highway is urgently needed at the present time in order to give the ranchers of Upper and Lower Butter Creek an outlet for their products, and this resulted In the appointing of delegates, who are now busy conferring with the coun ty courts of both Umatilla and Mor row counties In an endeavor to se cure an appropriation for the con- struction of the proposed highway. The state highway commission has signified that it will help In the building, and if it should be decided to make of It a post road, then gov- ernment money will be available also. Just recently a movement has been started by Portland people to re establish river traffic on the Co lumbia. and a short time ago repre sentativos of the promoters were hero and In other cities in Umatilla* and Morrow counties to Intere t farmers and business men In the movement. Just what success they met with we have been unable to learn, but we do know that ultima tely boats will again he running on the Ci limbia river, and when they do what would bo better than to have such a highway as the one from Lena to the Columbia built and In operation for such an event. Grading Main Street The Shotwell Construction Co. is this week engaged in grading the state highw'ay strip through Main street in this city. While this work is going on an effort will be made by the city council to secure funds for the macadamizing of the whole street from the city limits on the east to the railroad crossing and on out Hermiston avenue to the west Bought Forty Acres ern city limits. Funds for this work It has got to be almost like unto I W. J. Downer—everybody knows may come through a bond issue if a Chinese puzzle to keep track of genial "Bill"—this week purchased the taxpayers so desire. where people live in this city lately. 40 acres of raw land a mile and a This is due to so many rapid changes half east of this city on the Diago- Weather Report in the ownership of residence hou nal road from F. B. Swayze. He During the past week the maxi ses. Otto Sapper, to keep from will clear and level it this fall, and mum temperature was 89 degrees. moving, bought the house near the The first meeting of the Parent- the minimum 32 and the rainfall high school which he has lived in Teachers Association for the year in the spring put it in alfalfa, build .69 of an inch. for a year or more, and Phil L. Lay will be held in the high school room a neat little cottage just for but. is now owner by purchase of the Thursday, November 13, at 2:30. there, Bill is a bachelor. house in which Dr. Prime lives. The An invitation is extended to all that latter is spearing around for a place are interested In the school. There to move into, and has his eye on a will be exercises and songs by some residence he intends to purchase of the grades. so he will have to move no more. Miss Harmon, home demonstra- P. B. Siscel moved his confection Dr. F. P. Adams this week purchas- Hon agent, will give an address, and ery and ice cream establishment ed the J. II. Young home, Rev. Ira Miss Smiley, county health nurse. Work on the large addition to Wednesday evening into its new D. Hall is now owner of the H. Spin- Is expected to be present to give an Lays’ Garage is now under way by home in the building just complet ning dwelling and W. A. Mikesell outline of her work. the contractor, and when complet ed for it between the postoffice and bought the W. J. Emery residence ed it will give ample space and re the Oregon Hardware & Implement just east of the Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co. lieve the crowded condition at pres Co. store. Next week wc expect to record a ent existing In the establishment. Besides catering to the public E. W. Mack, the owner of the SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE with his usual line of confectionery. few more moves in this chess-like garage building, has decided to do soft drinks, stationery, cigars and house game. The Neighborhood Club met at the thing up in good style by filling tobacco, Mr. Siscel has decided to the home of Mrs. Joe Udey Wednes In the space behind the brick build give patrons who so desire a little day. A very pleasant afternoon was ing he owns on the west of the gar recreation, having added a pool hall passed by all. Each member work age to the alley with a one story in the rear of the store in a room ed on a friendship quilt for Mrs. terra cotta tile store structure 40x62 partitioned off for this purpose. Udey. Miss Kersting gave a few feet fronting on Second street. This The new quarters are light and airy, selections on her guitar, which was Is being built simultaneously with and makes of the place a citified Two hundred high schools of the much appreclaed. Members present the garage addition by Contractor establishment. state arc eligible for entrance into much appreciated. It was decided Beisse. Immediately on the vacation of the Oregon High School Debating at the meeting to have the Club the room next door west of Sappers’ Legue, now entering its 13th year, days on the first and third Tuesday Inc. by Mr. Siscel, carpenters were The state is divided into twelve dis- afternoon of each month hereafter, On November 1st Raymond W, put to work by Otto Sapper remov the league. so as to allow those wishing to at Hamm took over the Oregon Cafe, ing the partition between it and tricts for the purpose of tend the Red Cross lessons oppor having leased the establishment the hardware store, and in a short Each one of these will have a sep tunity to attend both. The next arate question for the preliminary from Mrs. Millie Deck, who for over time it was all one and is now well meeting of the Club will be at the n year had successfully conducted filled with hardware. The addition rounds, which will be contested in home of Mrs. W. A. Leathers on A business man and taxpayer la It. The leasing of the place Io Mr. of this room to Sappers’ hardware January. February and March, with Tuesday, Nov. 18th. quoted In the Coos Bay Times with Hamm was for the purpose of giving emporium gives the place a decided the semi-finals in May. J. O. Russell of Pilot Rock is di Mark Edmunds and family of a plaint that Is truly amazing If the lady an opportunity to more ly pleasing effect, and gives Mr. fully attend to her new duties in Sapper the desired opportunity to rector of the league for Umatilla Portland arrived last week to take taken literally for the truth. district, made up of Gilliam, Mor- possession of the ranch which he connection with the Hotel Oregon, ‘ ‘ I am inspected, suspected, exam more fully display his large hard- tow, Umatilla and Wheeler coun- recently purchased, known as the ined, re-examined, informed, requir- of which she became proprietor the ware stock. ties. The subject for discussion is Sellers place. cd. restrained and commanded, so first of last month. Mr. Hamm Is an able chef, being •Resolved. That the federal govern- W. Felt house that I don't know who I am, where Mr. and Mrs. W. Facetious Farm Hand highly qualified In the handling of ment should take Immediate steps went to Portland 1 Wednesday on a I am. or why I am here. "I guess the boss must have been toward the nationalization of the “All that I know is that 1 am sup the culinary department and man- week's visit. kidding me.” said the green hand nation's coal deposits and petroleum Prior io tak- posed to be an inexhaustible supply agement of the his son Will and E. E. Graham, from the city to one of his fellow resources." ing over the dining room he was in human need, dr- of money for every daughter Hattie. and Mrs. T. H. workers. “He told me when I fin High schools eligible for member Haddox, motored to Prosser, Wash., sire or hope of the human race, and the employ nt Mrs. Deck as cook, ished cultivating to leave the ma ship in this district are Athena, Con because I will not sell all I have and gave good satisfaction to his chine here and bring the horses on don. Echo, Fossil, Hermiston, Mil- last Saturday to visit Rev. Graham and go and beg. borrow or steal employer and patrons as well. foot over to the hay-shed. On foot— ton-Freewater, Pendleton. Stanfield, and family. The party returned money to give away, I have been ha-ha! Wonder if he thought I Weston. Arlington. Helix, Heppner, home Sunday evening, bringing with cussed. discussed, boycotted, talked Hunters Return would try to put 'em in a wagon Ione, Lexington, Umapine, Ferndale. them Mrs. E. E. Graham, who had about, talked to, lied to, lied about, C. Shilts and M E. Marks, two been visiting there and with her and haul 'em over! Yesterday he a son and daughter on the Wash held up. robbed, and nearly ruined; well known Butter Creek ranchéis, told me that when I changed the and the only reason I am clinging who went out two weeks ago to Taking Annual Vacation ington coast. wagon-box I would probably want to life is to see what Is coming off stalk the antlered tribe in the fast- " Maurice D. Scroggs, who holds Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Keller are the a longer reach. He has a funny « of the Blue mountains and the position of superintendent of ir happy parents of a little daughter. next." idea of humor. The only time I on the breaks of the John Day 100 rigation with the reclamation ser- Frances Marie, born to them on really need a longer reach out here miles from here, returned Wednes- A Heart and a Dollar vice, is taking his annual vacation Saturday, November 1, 1919. is at the dinner table. day last. They were successful In the irri- Everybody seems Io have a dollar bringing down a three and a five Mrs. Whittaker left for her home "He pulls a lot of jokes that are of a few weeks, now that negation season has closed. He ex in Pendleton Wednesday after handy and a kindly heart Io go with prong buck deer, and therefore had too deep for me. Wednesday — । - came out of the barn, where he had pects to leave for Portland In a few spending the past week visiting at it for the committee that Is now col plenty of venison on the trip. They been looking at that sick sheep wc I days in company with Mrs. Scrosgs the home of her daughter, Mr». W. lecting Hermiston’s apportionment say they saw a few bear in the In the county Red Cross member- mountains 01. rallier, the bear brought In from the pasture, and I to Pass a week or ten days visiting A. Leathers. ship drive* It will be over the lop discovered them they not taking heard him say that he thought he in that city. Mrs. C. E. McLane and children noticed some Improvement in the ; left Wednesday evening for Chewe- quickly and then some the way the much time to notate the color or this Chief Clerk Now weather! And. gosh, it's getting | I lah. Wash", to join her husband. donations are coming In In condition of Mr. Bruin They re George Patterson has assumed his | who has taken up a timber claim community for this worthy cause. port having encountered a foot and hotter every day' for all of which the committec feels a half of snow at the head of Wil- duties of chief clerk in the offices near that place. . of the reclamation service, having ! very grateful. the Ira D. Hall, pastor of Rev. Columbia District was well repre- Bapt 1st church in this city, has been promoted to that position on | rented in the classes given by the Mrs. Shilts and Miss Kate Wal American Legion Dance come Into the fold (not of the the transfer of Clyde Young to the county Red Cross nurse on home ker. her sister, accompanied church, for he has long been in Denver office of the service. Mr. nursing and hygiene. It Is now anticipated that the Am- mighty hunters on the trip. that) of this great family journal. Young has been busy all week pre Messrs, Linder, Noble and Spen- erican Legion dance to be held in for fermiture Sor a Jake Stork this and henceforth will be a constant | paring his household furniture the Auditorium on the evening of shipment, and expects to leave today cer are each having new houses letter from his brother Philip, whom reader of The Herald. Armistice Day. November 11, which Mrs. terected on their respective ranches. he had not heard from In 19 years. Neighborhood Club will give The letter eame from Frankfurt. Peters of the Pendleton PARENT-TEACHER MEET ING IS TO BE HELD CONFECTIONERY STORE IS IN NEW QUARTERS is increasing his acreage -building a hunter’s cabin and put- RK ON GARAGE ADDITION IS BEGUN COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES WILL SOON DEBATE MOMENTOUS QUESTION OREGON CAFE UNDER MEW MANAGEMENT HE WANTS TO SEE WHAT’S COMING NEXT ng instead as heretofore. has been arranged, such as grand affair nt its kind ever held in speaking and a. guessins this city. It is expected that fully Cake and coffee will be served. 500 people will be present. Germany, and N is needless to "»V that Mr. Stork was much pleased to learn that his relative was safe and wait