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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1919)
,THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON:---------------------- ------------- - Notice for Publication A. D. Crosland, WHEREFORE, your petitioners Department of the Interior n , ilong the center line of the said Maurice Johnson, pray that all of the said lands in Land Office at La Grande 6.3 section 24 and the Section 19, Tp. W. A. Leathers, gon. Oct. 18, 1919 ' ore- 5 N. R. 29 E. W. M. 7560 feet, more cluded within the limits of the pro C. C. Mason, In the County Court of the State of or less, to the northeast corner of posed boundaries as described afore Notice is hereby given-that , W. A. Finn, Oregon for Umatilla County. thur W. Purdy, of Hermiston’ Ar the SEY of the said Section 19; said and excluding the exceptions Ruth T McNaught, In the Matter of the Organization of thence southerly along the east line mentioned therein, be organized into gon, who, on October 3, 1904 Jno. W. Campbell, Hermiston Irrigation District an irrigation district to be known Desert Land Entry, No. 9217 ade By AGNES G. BROGAN Alice T. Campbell, Umatilla County, State of Ore of the said SEH of said Section as Hermiston Irrigation District, No. 4 46). for NH swi.s’old 19, 2640 feet, more or less, to the A. E. Meyer, gon. • ' 19. Township 5 N„ Ranke oglon southeast corner of said Section 19; under the provisions of Chapter 35 < Catherine Meyer, To the Honorable County Court of thence easterly along the north line of the general laws of Oregon for Willamette Meridian, has filed C. T. Shutter, 1917 and acts amendatory thereof.. Umatilla County, Oregon: tice of intention to make final 10°, of Section 29, Tp. 5 N. R. 29 E. W. Barris sat before a confusing litter Elizabeth Leek. Dated this 12th day of September, The undersigned petitioners re- M. 264 0 feet,, more or less, to the to establish claim to the lana Io of papers, and passed his hand In trou- spectfully show: C. W. LaBarre, described, before W. J. Warner r northeast corner of the NW 1 of 1919. R. C. Canfield, bled fashion over his forehead. That petitioners are more than J. F. McNaught, S. Commissioner, at Hermiston 0/ A. E. Robb, Allan Barris was a piny-writer, as fifty or a majority of the owners of said Section 29; thence southerly Geo. A. Cressy. gon, on the 3rd day of Decenk along the center line of said Sec J. A. M. Robb, well as manager of various depart- land irrigated or susceptibe of irri- tion 29 a distance of 2640 feet, more Thomas Campbell, 1919. -er. F. S. Beddow, W. J. Warner, menta connected with that work. His gation within the boundaries here or less, to the center of said Section Claimant names as witness. Sapper, Anna F. B. Swayze, ambition was to present a new and inafter described and desired to pro 29; thence easterly along the north Frank B. Swayze, H. Thomas p. W. S. Casady, J. T. Hinkle, truly great actress In one of his orig- vide for the construction of works line of the SE‘ of the said Sec ser, Charles W. LaBarre. Anar Otto Heinl, for the irrigation of the same and to P. Dodd. E. McMillan, all of Hermiston, Ores" liuti plays. That desire gave no prom tion 29, 2640 feet, more or less, to Terre Haute Orchard Co., F. J. Auseon, _C. S. DUNN, Register.": ise of fulfillment. Matter-of-fact af provide for the reconstruction, bet the northeast corner of the said Ellen Canfield, terment, extention, purchase, opera SEH of said Section 29; thence Ada R. Hinkle, fairs continually claimed his time. Fred W. Stevens, tion or maintenance of works al northerly along the west line of the Maurice D. Seroggs. Notice for Publication Henry M. Sommerer, Here, among the litter, were pitifn! ready constructed and for the as- Mrs. J. C. Barham, Department of the Interior, U _ of NWY of Section 28, Tp. 5 C. M. Jackson, letters, begging work of almost every sumption as principal or guarantor SWY C. S. McNaught, Land Office at La Grande 0.” N. R. 29 E. W. M. 1320 feet, more J. S. Dyer, Geo. E. Briggs’, kind—those of confident would-be of indeptedness on account of dis- or less, to the northwest corner of gon, Oct. 18, 1919. • W. W. Felthouse, Lynds D. Lay, “stars” he found It necessary to ig trict lands to the United States un the said SW 1 of NWY of said Notice is hereby given that Wil P. Norquist, Philip L. Lay, nore. The city seemed to be filled with der the federal reclamation laws, Section 28; thence easterly along liam C. Kik, assignee of Thomas J George R. Fisher, C. M. Jensen, Inexperienced girls certain of their own and petitioners do now propose the the north line of the SH of NWY Coffman, of • Hermiston. Oregon W. S. Mitchell, organization of an irrigation district of said Section 28, 2640 feet, more M. B. Murchie, who, on November 23, 1904, made histrionic ability. Thos. MacKay, to be known as Hermiston Irriga Otto G. Sapper, Desert Land Entry (old No. 45% Here was one, from a young wom tion District, within Umatilla Coun- or less, to the northeast corner of E. E. Graham, August F. Beisse, Serial No. 0 2 2 7 2), No. 010089 an who had at first written in the en- ty. State of Oregon, under the pro the said S’ of NW* of Section 28; T. H. Haddox, J. K. Shotwell, NH SWY. Section 23. Township Thomas W. Botkin, thusiasm of sure success, asking for a vision of Chapter 357 of the general thence northerly along the west line S. S. Palmer, 5 N„ Range 28 E., Willamette Meri P. L. Duncan, certain part in one of his prominent laws of Oregon for 1917 and acts of the NWY of NEY of said Sec H. M. Straw, dian, has filed notice of intention H. A. McKeen, tion 28 1320 feet, more or less, to plays. “Though she was unfamiliar amendatory thereof. C. B. Percey, to make final proof, to establish F. V. Prime, That the lands of your petitioners the northwest corner of the NEH F. M. Guiwits, with theatrical work,” she frankly claim to the land above described S. D. Dobler, of said Section 28; thence easterly are included within what is known Jas. A. Scott, confessed, “she knew that she could before W. J. Warner, U. S. Commis! W. O. Sutherland. along the north line of the NWH of as the Umatilla Project built by the F. A. Chezik, portray his character of ‘Normand’ sioner, at Hermiston, Oregon, on the Geo. Strohm, NEY of said Section 28, 1320 feet, United States Reclamation Service Ed. H. Graham, faithfully.” Her request for a per 4th day of December, 1919. E. L. Jackson, and said lands are susceptible of ir more or less, to the northeast corner James Gent, Claimant names as witnesses. sonal interview and trial had been ig rigation from the waters of the Um of the said NWH of NEH of said J. A. Reeves. Geo. H. Root, Theodore C. Parks, William J. Dob. nored. Section 28; thence northerly along Jay Pelmulder atilla River as a common source and Frank H. Stone, 1er, William T. Roberts, Smith S. The second letter which came from all of said lands are located within the east line of the SE1 of SEH W. T. Roberts, Frank Waugaman, Palmer, all of Hermiston. Oregon. of Section 21, Tp. 5 N„ R. 29 E. W. the aspirant was decidedly humble ; Umatilla County, Oregon. H. O. Thompson, Joe Udey, C. S. DUNN. Register. Craig Thom, That the boundaries of said pro- M., 1320 feet, more or less, to the she would be glad of "a few speaking Anton Soneson, L. C. Quick, posed irrigation district are de- northwest corner of the SEH of A. L. Luce, lines." SUMMONS SEH of said Section 21; thence A. D. Crosland, R. C. Todd, The next appeal was for an inter- scribed as folows; easterly along the north line of the Maurice Johnson, Beginning at a point on the west C. F. Willhite. In the Justice’s Court for Hermiston view only, and the last, which claimed W. A. Leathers, line of Section 3, Tp. 4 N. R. 29 said SEH of SEY of said Section W. A. Hineline. Alian Barris' amused attention, was E. W. M., where the south boundary 21 and the north line of the S1 of District, County of Umatilla, C. C. Mason, Jessis W. Hineline, for office work of any kind which he line of the right of way of the "A” 312 of Section 22, Tp. 5 N. R. 29 State of Oregon. W. A. Finn, C. E. Baker, could give her. She had suffered canal of the Umatilla project as now E. W. M. and the north line of the Ruth T. McNaught, C. H. Crandall, J. W. McDermed, Plaintiff, vs. “strange misfortune,” she wrote, and permanently located and construct 31 of SWY of Section 23, Tp. 5 N. Jno. W. Campbell, Eli Winesett, James Brown, Defendant. Alice T. Campbell, her need was great.” ed by the U. S. Reclamation Service R. 29 E. W. M. 1.75 miles, more or To James Brown: less, to intersect the half section A. E. Meyer, Intersects the west line of said Sec The appeal touched him, not so Notice for Publication. north and south Catherine Meyer, In the Name of the State of Oregon. much by Its pathos as by its cheerful tion 3, at a point southerly 385 feet, line running through the center of Section 23 in Department of the Interior, U. S. C. T. Shutter, more or less, from the northwest You are hereby required to ap persistence. He wrote the girl, ask Land Office at La Grande, Ore Elizabeth Leek, corner of the SW’ of NW ′ of said township at the northeast cor ing her to call upon the following day, said Section 3; thence running in a ner of SEH of SW’ of said Section pear and answer the complaint filed gon, Sept, 17, 1919. C. W. LaBarre, and he had almost forgotten his indul southerly and westerly direction 23; thence running in a southerly Notice is hereby given that Henry against you in the above entitled ac R. C. Canfield, gence when she was announced. A. E. Robb, M. Hubbard, of Echo. Oregon, who, tion within seven days of the date along the said boundary line of the lirection on said north and south In his mind, Barris pictured his right of way of said “A” canal a enter lines a distance of 1.5 miles, J. A. M. Robb, on May 3rd. 1916, made Homestead of service of this summons upon more or less, to the northwest cor F. S. Beddow, Entry, No. 015830, for E1 Section frank applicant as a glowing creature distance of .86 miles, more or less Anna Sapper, 20, Township 3 N, Range 27 E, you. of ner of the SW’ of NEH of Section garbed In popularly approved fashion. to the east line of the SWY And you will take notice that if W. S. Casady, Willamette Meridian, has filed no Instead, it was a small gray-clad fig SWY of Sec. 20 in Tp. 4 N. R. 28 35, in said township; thence east Otto Heinl, tice of intention to make three-year you fail to appear and answer or ure which awaited diffidently his invi- E. W. M., at a point distant 290 feet, erly along the north Une of said SW’ of NEH and along the north Terrs Haute Orchard Co., Proof, to establish claim to the land plead within said time, the plaintiff, tntion from the doorway. The gray more or less, and in a northerly line of the 8% of NE % of said Ellen Canfield, from the southeast cornei above desribed before W. J. Warner, dress was softly clinging, with u quaint direction Fred W. Stevens, of the said SWY of SW' of saie Section 35 and continuing along U. S. Land Commissioner, at Her for want thereof, will take judg kerchief about her shoulders, and it Section 20; thence running in a the line of the St north Henry M. Sommerer, miston, Oregon, on the 3rd day of ment against you for 532.55, and was tlie girl's shy, glancing purple eyes southerly direction 290 feet, more of N 12 of Section 36, in said C. M. Jackson, November, 1919. for plaintiff’s costs and disburse which first Impressed him. J. S. Dyer, or less, to the said southeast corner township, and along the north line Claimant names as witnesses: ments of this action. She had spoken advisedly, she was of the SW‘ ofSW Y , of said Sec. 20; of the S12 of NH of Section 31 in W. W. Felthouse, George Pullar, John Pullar, Sher Dated at Hermiston, Oregon, this P. Norquist, “unusually good looking”—“unusual” thence running along the south line Tp. 5 N. R. 30 E. W. M. to the east man Nelson, S. C. Cummings, all Of line of said Section 31; thence son- George R. Fisher, 4th day of April, 1919. of Sections 20 and 19, Tp. 4 N. R. Echo, Oregon. was the word. therly a distance of three-quarter W. S. Mitchell, S. 20. C. S. DUNN, Register. E. P. Dodd, “Can you do stenography and type 28 E. W. M. in a westerly direction miles, more or less, to the southeast Thos. MacKay, to the southwest corner of the SEY writing?” he asked. Justice of the Peace. corner of said Section 31; thence in E. E. Graham, of SEY of said Section 19: thence The girl sadly shook her head. This Summons is published pur T. H. Haddox, Notice of Final Account running in a southerly direction a westerly direction along the south "If you could give me other things along the east line of the NWY of line of said Section 31 a distance of Thomas W. Botkin. Notice is hereby given that Net suant to an order of the above en P. L. Duncan, at first, I would learn that later,” she NE’ of Sec. 30, Tp. 4 N. R. 28 E. one mile, more or less, to the north tie E. Barham, executrix of the es titled court made and entered on H A. McKeen, spoke In a sort of soft eagerness. W. M. 1200 feet more or less to a east corner of Section 1, Tp. 4 N. tate of John C. Barham, has filed the 10th day of October, 1919, and F. V. Prime, "Heretofore, I bad no opportunity point on the east bank of the Uma- R. 29 E. W. M.; thence in a south her final report and account in the defendant will be required to appear erly direction along the east line of S. D. Dobler, tilhi river; thence running in a of learning. My life was—all ease.” said Section 1 and along the east W. O. Sutherland, County court of the State of Oregon and answer within six weeks from She caught her brenth tremulously and northerly direction along the east line of Section 12, in said last named Geo. Strohm, bank of the Umatilla eight for Umatilla County, and the Judge the date of the first publication of threw out her hands in n hopeless miles, more or less, to river E. L. Jackson, the north township, a distance of 1.75 miles, of said Court, by an order made and this summons, to-wit, October 11, gesture. The wistful eyes were misty boundary of Section 4, TP. 4 N. R. moie or less, to the northeast corner J. A. Reeves, with tears. entered on the 16th day of October. 1919. Jay Pelmulder, 28 E. W. M. to a point westerly and of the SEY of SEY of Section 12; "Everything changed for me In one distant 290 feet, more or less, from thence westerly one-half mile, more Frank Waugaman, 1919, has fixed Monday, the 17th‘ J. T. Hinkle, Joe Udey, moment. That was the strange, hard the Northwest corner of the NE 1 or less, I the southwest corner of day of November, 1919, at the hour Attorney for Plaintiff. the NWA. of SE ‘ of said Section Anton Soneson, of NE’ of said Section 4 and at part of It." of ten o’clock A. M. as the time, and Address: Hermiston, Oregon. 12; thence in a northerly direction L. Luce, Quickly she brushed the tears from the southeast corner of the Govern along the west line of said NW 1 the County Court room in the Court First Publication Oct. 11, 1919. R. C. Todd. ment Reset ve for the Three Miles her eyes and leaned toward Barris. C. F. Willhite. Falls diversion dam on said river; of SEY of said Section 12, a dis House in Pendleton. Oregon, as the Last Publication November 22, 1919 “Can you believe me,” she asked, thence running In a northerly di tance of one-quarter mile, more or W. A. Hineline, place, for hearing and settling said “that I have now between me and rection along the east boundary line less, to the center of said Section Jessie W. Hineline, account. Any heir, creditor, or starvation just twenty-five cents?" C. E. Baker, of said Reserve two miles, more or 12; thence In a westerly direction LODGE DIRECTORY other person interested in said es C. H. Crandall, At his astonished stare, she smiled less, to a point on the south bound one quarter mile, more or less, to the southeast corner of SW1 of Eli Winesett, ary line of Section 21, Tp. 5 N. R. tate may, on or before the day ap suddenly, very bravely, Barris thought. ueen ESTHER chapter No. tot, o. E. S. NW 1 of said Section 12; thence pointed for such hearing and settle Q meets second Tuesday evening of each month “If you will give me some work to 28 E. W. M. westerly and distant northerly along the east line of said 670 feet more or less from the NOTICE at 8:00 sharp in Mack's hall. Visiting members do at once that part of the trouble will Southwest corner of the SEY Estella A. Hitt. W. M. of SW’ of NW’ a distance of one- In the County Court of the State of ment, file his objections thereto, or welcome. soon be disposed of,” she told him. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. any particular item thereof. : WY of Section 21; thence running quarter mile, more or less, to the Oregon for Umatilla County. Tlie busy man, whose sympathy and in a westerly direction along the northeast corner of said SW’ of In the Matter of the Organization Dated at Hermiston, Oregon, this UERMISTON LODGE NO. 138, A. F. * A. M . anxiety were usually bound up in his south boundary line of Section 21 NW 12; thence in a westerly direc HERMISTON IRRIGATION DIS 17th day of October, 1919. - 1 meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday tion along the north line of said TRICT. evening of each month. Visiting brethren we- own Intricate work, found himself io a point on the north boundary Nettie E. Barham, Executrix. come. SWY of NW ′ a distance of one- To whom it may concern: moved now as he had never been line of the Government reserve wes J. H. Young. W. M. H. K. Dean. Secy. J. T. Hinkle, Attorney. You are hereby notified that moved to pity and admiration. The terly and distant 760 feet, more or quarter mile, more or less, to the southeast corner of the NE % of the undersigned petitioners in the VINEYARD LODGE NO. ,206, 1. O. 0. F. First publication Oct. 18, 1919. girl's sincerity could not be doubted; less, from the said southwest corner NEY of Section 11, in said town- " meets each Saturday evening in Odd Fellows Last publication Nov. 15, 1919 her plucky willingness to work herself of the SE ′ of SWY of said Section ship, thence northerly one-quarter above entitled court for the forma hall. Visiting members cordially invited. 21. Tp. 5 N. R. 28 E W tion of the Hermiston Irrigation W. R. Longhorn, Sec. R. W. Sprague. N.G out of a discouraging situation won running in . a northerly M.; thence mile, more or less, to the northeast District In Umatilla County, State direction his Immediate championship. along the east boundary line of the corner of said Section 11; thence of Oregon, under and pursuant to Notice for Publication "You might begin," he suggested, “by Umatilla river to the northwest In a westerly direction along the Chapter 357 of the General Laws of PROFESSIONAL CARDS answering Hint Irritating telephone; corner of the said Section 21; thence north line of said Section 11 and the State of Oregon, for 1917, and Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande Ore- use your Judgment as to whether re running In an easterly direction along the north line of Section 10. acts amendatory thereof, will pre- gon, Oct. 18, 1919. DR. R. G. GALE sponse upon my part is Imperative, or along the north boundary line of the in said township, a distance of two sent the above and foregoing peti Notice is hereby given that Sue Physician and Surgeon may be postponed. I’m maddeningly said Section 21, 2640 feet, more or miles, more or less, to the south tion for the formation of said irri Rooms 1 and 2 Bank Bldg.. Dobler, assignee of Sherry C. less, to the southwest corner of the west corner of Section 3 in said gation district to the Honorable o busy." Township 4 N. R. 29 E. W. M.; Court of Umatilla County, Bravinder, assignee of William F. Office Hours: The girl, her hat swiftly removed, SE 1 of Section 16. Tp. 5 N. R. 28 thence northerly along the west County Phone 551 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to g. Oregon, at the chambers of said Bingham, of Hermiston. Oregon E. W. M.; thence running in a was already nt the telephone. line of said Section 3, a distance of Court in the Court House of said who on February 27, 1905. made northerly direction along the center Barris noted approvingly the soft ar 3575 feet, more or less, to intersect county at Pendleton. Oregon, on the Desert Land Entry (old No. 47 7) DR. FRANCIS P. ADAMS rangement of her hair, In keeping some line of said Section 16. 2640 feet, the south boundary Une of the “A” 5th day of November. 1919. at the Physician and Surgeon Serial No. 02442. for NH NW^, more or less, to the center of Sec- way with the trim gray frock and se- canal right of way, the place of be hour of 10 o’clock of said day; and OFFICE PHONE, 92 22. SEL SWY. Section tion 16. Tp. 5 N. R. 28 E. W. M.; ginning. rious eyes. For a time he was not you are further notified that the Township 5 N., Range 28 E.. Willa’ RESIDENCE PHONE. 182 EXCEPTIONS above and foregoing petition, to mette Meridian, has filed notice of disturbed by the telephone, continuing thence In an easterly direction 2640 Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:30 p. m. feet, more or less, to the northeast, Saving and excepting the follow gether with a plat showing gener his dictation to an observant young corner of the SEY of Section 16. to make final proof, to es- Day or night calls answered promptly ing described tracts of land lying ally the proposed boundary of the woman typist. Subconsciously, at last, Ip. 5 N. R. 28 E. W. M.; thence within claim to the land above de- the above described bound irrigation district proposed to be he sensed the stranger’s troubled gaze runn ing in before W J. Warner, U. S. a northerly direc-"- ary, to-wit: formed in said petition and the ommissioner, at Hermiston, Ore- DR. W. W. ILLSLEY In his direction. Mutely, she seemed t ion along the east boundary In Township 4 N. R. 28 E. W. M. lands included within said boundary 1919 on the 5th day of December, Osteopathic Physician to be signaling his help. line i of Section 16. 660 feet, more or All of the NEY of SEY of Sec will be filed with the County Clerk Barris abruptly dismissed his stenog less, to the northwest corner of the tion 10. and all of the NY of SW1 of Umatilla County, Oregon, on and and Surgeon Claimant names as witnesses- rapher and turned to answer the girl’s S1 of SW‘ of NW 14 of Section of Section 11. being a part of the after the 4th day of October. 1919 Lleullen Brownell, William T. Roß- PHONE 641 Dated this 30th day of Septem Ham bothot Umatilla, Oregon, wil- silent appeal. Her eyes, as he looked 15. Tp. 5 N. R. 28 E. W. M.; thence City of Hermiston. Office at Residence all Hours running in an easterly direction All that portion of the NWY of ber, 1919. down upon her. were darkly tragic. ′ AlK, Theodore C. Park« along the north line of the said SH Section 10 lying within and above J. F. McNaught, both of Hermiston, Oregon. "I must go," she said, breathlessly. of SWU Geo. A. Cressy, of NW’ of said Section the present located and constructed "I must leave you ; and. oh, I did so 15, 1320 feet, more or less, to the laterals of the "D” line system sur C. 8. DUNN. Register. Thomas Campbell, want to stay—my first chance—and the northeast corner of the said Sh of rounding the Hermiston Butte. W. J. Warner, DENTISTRY crying need for money—" Her voice SW‘ of NW% of said Section 15; In Township 5 N. R. 28 E. W. M. F. B. Swayze, Hermiston. Oregon Notice for Publication broke In its despair. J. T. Hinkle, thence running In a northerly di- All of the SW% of Section 27. Bank Bldg. .. Department of the Interior. U S Office. P. Dodd. Again Barris was moved, deeply; lection along the west line of the all of the SEY of Section 27 lying Office Phone, 93 Office Her F. J. Auseón, Residence Phone 32 8 a. m. to P: SEY of NW ’ of said Section west of the boundary line of the 15, Land Office at La Grande, ore- the secret, the mystery of her unwill- 660 feet, more or less, to the north- right of way of the R-j and R-h Ada R. Hinkle. gon, Oct. 18, 1919. ingly gripped him. Maurice D. Seroggs, bur °tice, is hereby given that Wil- D r .C. O. WAINSCOTT "Explain yourself," he said tersely. west corner of the SE‘ of NW% of laterals and all of the NW’ of Sec Mrs. J. C. Barham, tion 27 lying south and west of "Are you, after all. an Impostor, or an said Section 15; thence in an J Coffnmn % assignee of Thomas Office over First National Bank C. S. McNaught. terly direction along the north line the south and west boundary of the innocent mistakenly enduring some of the said SE‘ of NW* of said right of way of the R-h lateral; all Geo. E. Briggs, OFFICE HOURS: . trouble ?" Section 15. 1370 feet, more or less, of the El of El of Section 28 Xo"0237317, Lynds 10 to 12 ». m.; 2 t 5 p. m.. »nd by appointmt" He was surprised at his own emo to the northeast corner of the said and all of the W12 of EH of Sec- Philip tions. C. M. Jensen, Section. 23. Township 5 N.. Range SEW of NWW of said Section 15. tion 28 lying south and east of the M B Morchie. -*E. Willamette Meridian has fll. Chiropractic Relieves Where other Methods F “I ask. because I honestly wish to thence In a southerly direction along south and east boundary of the right Sour"" ozantenttonro“makesnna I use the Latest Painless Methons Otto G. Sapper, the east line of the said SE‘ of of way of the R lateral: all of the help you," he added gently. August F. Beisse, 33 lying The little gray figure came close. NW% of said Section 15. 660 feet. E* of NEY of Section Dr. LORETTA H. ST ARSA nbevt"erertsea"Terole" w T will J. K. Shotwell, The girl held out imploring hands. Into more or less, to the north boundary east and north of the east and north CHIROPRACTOR S. S. Palmer, ton: orecoroM"tmeoner atyer"- the purple eyes came a laughing gleam of the right of way of Lateral "O” boundary of the right of way of the Not Drugs. Not Surgery. Not Osteorat" H. M. Straw, R. lateral; all of the El of El of of the Umatilla project as now per of triumph. House Address 703 K Webb St. 0 cember, 1919. y ° —e C. B. Percey, manently surveyed and constructed Section 21 and all of the El of "Thanks." she said. "Tour own be slaimant, names as witnesses: Office 103 W Webb St. Phone 583, Pendieton F. M. Guiwits, by the U. 9. Reclamation Service; WH of SE‘ of Section 21. and all lief tn my acting Is the surest proof of thence running In an easterly and of the E% of EH of WH of NEH Jas. A. Scott, "7, . S. Palmer, William T. Rob. Its success. 1 told you that I could do southerly direction along said of Section 21. the above tracts F A. Chezik. DALE ROTHWELL aoke e” p F. Drolshagen, reo- IL For the past hour I have been boundary line of the right of way known as the "Umatilla Buttes." Ed. H. Graham, OPTICAL SPECIALIST Oregon. ’ all of Hermiston, your 'Normand,* and you have forgot of the said Lateral "O". a distance James Gent, That it Is the Intention of peti ten her In me." of 2.33 miles, more or less, to the tioners to elect the first Board of Geo. H. Root. c. s. DUNN, Register. And so It happened that Allen Bar north line of the S’ of Section 24, Directors from the District at large Frank H. Stone. rl» realized his dream, presenting a Tp 5 N. R 28 E. w M at a point and to establish the main office and W. T. Roberts. distant 360 feet, more or less, and H O Thompson in an easterly direction from the votine place at Hermiston. Oregon, his original plays. BUTTER WRAPPERS — WE Craig Thom, center of said Section 24; thence diat It the said proposed irrigation PETITION UNAWARE Section 15, intention, tablish scribed, X L. C. Quick. SELL THEM ALL PRINTED. Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses Peebler Building