Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1919)
THE HERMISTON. HERMISTON, HERALD, _ OREGON. Wednesday, Nov. 5th Dr. Freeze, the The Hermiston Herald or WE ARE BUILDING OUR BUSINESS UN SERVICE be consulted free at Hotel Oregon parlors all day. You are assured of careful examina- tions, perfect ground lenses and the latest and best in mountings and frames at reasonable cost. All work guaranteed . Children’s eyes given careful attention and glasses advis ed only when strain exceeds 12 per cent above normal. At Stanfield Nov. 6th, Echo Nov. 7th. Entered as second-class matter December 1906, al the postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES We ask You Frankly for Your Business $1.50 ,____ _ 1.00 Subscriptions must be paid in advance. ADVERTISING RATES “Service” here means more than merely wait upon our cus tomers promptly and courteously. It means that we have staked our reputation on a business that is being built upon service. Service is the foundation of this business. It is the reason back of our steady growth. It is the basis on which all future relations with the public is placed. It is the most vital factor in the conduct of this business. Display—One time, 25 cents per inch; two inser tions, 20 cents per inch per insertion; monthly rates, 15 cents per Inch per issue. Readers—First insertion, 10 cents per line; each subsequent insertion without change of copy, 5 cents perline. In order to give equal opportu nity to every boy in his district to win an appointment to West Point or Annapolis, Congressman N. J. Sinnott will hold a competitive ex amination on December 15, 1919, to determine whom he will desig nate to the military and naval aca demies in 1920. The examination will be given for the congressman by the U. S. Civil Service Commission in the following tight cities at the same hour and day: Baker, Bend, Klamath Falls, La Grande, Lakeview, Ontario, Pen dleton and The Dalles. Any young man who is a bona fide resident of the second Oregon district desiring to enter this com petition should write at once to Congressman Sinnott, room 347, House of Representatives. The ages of admission to West Point are 17 to 22 years, and to Annapolis 16 to 20 years. Our service means more still. It means that in addition to courteous and prompt attention, that the builder can depend unconditionally upon the quality of any article bought from us, and upon any service rendered. He can depend upon getting what he wants—a part of the service includes Blue Printed Plans, Photos and hundreds of different designs of varioos yinds of buildings, Homes, Barns, Silos, Grain Bins, Elevators, Garages, Hog and Poultry Houses and other buildings that are free to customers. Upon the basis of SERVICE, we ask you frankly for your business. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. F. A. BROWNSON, MGR. Phone No. Ill Bring Your Building Problems to Us—We are no Parties having goods they wish stored can store them In Leathers’ 41tfc warehouse. Phone 581. G. F. Elliott will do your vul canizing on tires, tubes, rubber boots—anything. Gates' half sole, tires and tubes. 36-tfc. For Sale—Big type hogs. Geo. H. Root. WARREN’S Music House Pendleton, Oregon We wish to announce that we carry a full and complete line of High Grade Pianos, Vic- tor, Edison and Columbia Talk- Ing machines, new sheet music and records, banjos, ukaleles. guitars, mandolins—in fact anything in music. Terms to sulit the purchaser. Write for catalogs, or Phone 524. STEINWAY KNABE BALDWIN HAMILTON Warren’s Music House HOWARD ELLINGTON HOBART M. CABLE CONWAY SCHUBERT Tuning and Repairing A small payment down puts a fine piano in your house lllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIUI Ladies—Switches made from comb ings. Work guaranteed. Mrs. Lon Jeffries, Stanfield, Oregon. 52tfc Everything In the feed line at Leathers’ Warehouse. Itfc Wanted—Your subscription for The American Boy, $2 per year. Ed. Itfc H. Graham. CONTAGIOUS AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES The prevalence of septic sore throat, scarlet fever, diphtheria, chicken pox, small pox, measles and other contagious and infectious dis eases throughout the northwest and in our own county and community at the present time make it extre mely urgent that some united action be taken in combating the spread of these diseases. To do this success fully it will be necessary to have the fullest cooperation of all. Many of these contagious diseases are very light, the patient not feel ing sufficiently ill to go to bed. It Is these mild cases that are often- est unrecognized, and as a result are responsible for the spread of the disease on account of not being quarantined or isolated. The state law requires that in all contagious diseases and in suspected cases, a physician be called, whose duty is to see that all contagious cases are isolated and quarantined in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health. The people of the community will be of great assistance in controlling these epidemics if they will call in their family physician in cases of illness, particularly in children, and especially at times when epidemics are so prevelent. Unless this is done the epidemics can never be checked until all are immunized by having the disease. It is unfair for some to be quarantined while others are running at large, sowing the con tagion broadcast. Let us all as- I sume our responsibility, and co- I I Fire Insurance in three strong companies. See Edlie M. Johnson at 3tfc Dodd’s office. For Sale—Black Minorca hens and pullets. Mrs. W. D. Gordon, leacon Hill Ranch, R. F. D„ Her- niston. 7-ltc For Sale—Five passenger Ford, 1914 model, $300 cash. C. Brock- nan, Stanfield, Oregon. 5-3tc For Sale—Grade Duroc hogs; 3 zoung sows, 23 weaned pigs. J. G. lamp, 3 1 miles below Umatilla. 2t Will sell 10 acres of land 2 miles outhwest of Hermiston; five acres in alfalfa. Good deal. Come and ee me. Leslie W. Adams. 7tfc Use O. K. Calf Meal, See Leath- ers. 7tfc Good piano for sale at a bargain. Call Mrs. C. M. Jackson. 7tfc I have 4 0 acres of alfalfa land for ale very cheap; small house; some seeded. F. B. Swayze. 7tfc Alfalfa Ranch for Sale—101 icres one and one-quarter miles rom Hermiston, fenced, large fam- Have Xmas photos made at Ward’s when in Pendleton. We will pay your fare. 4tfc We have a few D’Anjou pears, 4 and 2 cents per pound. At or- chard. Bring your own containers. H. E. Hanby. 4-tfc. A good sewing machine for saie. Geo. A. Cressy. Gtfc Will trade a five passenger car for 20 tons of hay. C. K. Huff. Ross, Laudenslager wrles that Westland. Ore. 6-4tp himself and mother have arrived For Sale—Two dozen White Leg safely in Cleveland, Ohio, after a horn pullets. F. R. Vose. 6-ltc very tiresome trip. They intend to Wanted—Couple of first class remain there for a time visiting fresh, or about to become fresh. | relatives and friends, and Mr. Lau milk cows. A. P .Garner. 7tfc denslager asks that The Herald be i ent to his Cleveland address so Private Sale that he may keep posted on happen The furniture belonging to the ings in Hermiston. late Peyton T. Boone will be on sale at the store of F. A. Chezik Mon- Tom Corwine. that premier fun day morning, November 3. dispenser with the Ellison-White R. C. TODD. Administrator. | Chautauqua, created bushels of mer- | riment to the large crowd In attend- NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING i ance at the opening night of the Notice is hereby given that the five day festival at the Baptist church Thursday night. Last night I undersigned, as administrator of another good number was put on to the estate of Joseph G. Bedale. de a full house, and it now looks as if ceased, has filed his final account there will be overflow houses at the and report in said estate with the clerk of the county court of the balance of the entertainments. “got nare - State of Oregon for Umatilla Coun- | 1 .h I ty; and that the judge thereof has ALL FOR SCHOOL WARRANTS I fixed Monday, the First day of De- cember, Notice is hereby given that Dis- trict 1919. at the hour of ten o’clock a. m as the time, and the county court — court room — In the No. Umatilla County, Warrants, including Num- house at Pendleton. Umatilla Coun- bers 1936 to 2012, will be paid on y. Oregon, as the place for the presentation to me at Hermiston. hearing of objections to such final Oregon. Interest ceases from date account and the settlement thereof. of this publication. November 1, Administrator of the Estate Earl J Kingsley, 191* of Joseph G. Bedale. Deceased. Clerk District No. 14. “rhe '1 Raley. I Subscribe for The Herald. ____________ D1 LO. ________ | , — We are the exclusive agents for the most prac- I tical silo on the market today. THE BALLARD SILO This silo will not blow over, shrink up or fall down. ' It is air tight, double wall, eight inch air space. Ensilage will not freeze, dry out, sour or mold. The Ballard Silo has been on the market for 25 years and has stood the test in every way. We have many designs to choose from and plans are fur nished free. Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone Main 33 “The Yard of Best Quality” H. M. STRAW. MGR. For Sale—One pure bred Poland- China gilt and one grade cow, ex- eptional milker; fresh Nov. 4 next. Walter Rees. 3tfc Wanted—Your subscription for The Saturday Evening Post, $2.00; The Ladies Home Journal, $1.75; The Country Gentleman, $1.00. Ed. H. Graham, Hermiston, Ore. 35tfc. operate, in these matters pertaining to the health of the community, and I County Public Health Nurse Miss Florence Smiley and Miss Stasia Walsh, in charge of home hygiene in the county, were here from the county seat last Saturday and organ ized an hygienic class of ladies in Hermiston. Later meetings will be held by this class and lessons out lined to educate the public along these lines. To Your Profits round-BUILD A For Sale—New hand power corn sheller, $12. Can be changed to power by buying pulley. Present catalog price is $19. A. D. Smith, 112 miles south of Westland. 3tfc Fire Insurance, Notary Public and typewriting and stenographic work, ’ee Edile M. Johnson at Dodd’s office. 3tfc ly orchard, house has eight rooms ■ by so doing we will prevent much nd bath, large barn, buildings suffering and perhaps the loss of worth over $3000. Pictures sent on everal lives. equest. Dr. R. B. Robbins, Pendle- HERMISTON BOARD OF HEALTH ton. 4-7c Dr. C. O. Wainscott. 5 passenger Ford car for sale; City Health Officer. 1916 model. A. E. Robb. 4-ltc HE SOLD THE KING A THRIFT STAMP Richard Sipreile, 11 years old. who is a student In the Crocker Interme diate School In San Francisco, won national attention recently when he sold King Albert of Belgium a 25 cent Thrift Stamp. The King had juat seated himself in his automobile after an official reception In San Francisco when •Richard, the Lion-Hearted, " braving the Un States Secret Service men. leaped aboard the King's machine and thrust Thrift Stamp ‘and card into Albert's bonds. "Thank you," said the King, and then the King’s car lurched forward leaw Ing the kid behind. "I didn’t want the two bits," said Richard. "I wanted the King to know Duroc-Jersey 49tfc Fat Stock bought. D. R. Brownell, 50tfc Umatilla, Oregon. Further Away Than Your Telephone UIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIflltlllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII j | (WANT ADS. Opportunity for Every Boy FEED your stock appetizing green nutriment the year Add 40" OREGON Hermiston and may HERMISTON One year ............... Six months ......................... 1 ■ 1 1 Eye (Ube Specialist, will make “Be bis regular call at by M. D. O’CONNELL Issued Each Saturday Raley & Steiwer, Attorneys for Administrator. 7-5t Full Line of Girls and Boys and Small Children’s Shoes Just Received We hope to make it a pleasure for the public to trade here, where they will get "honest goods at honest prices.” The Oak Tan Shoe Store repairing is sufficiently well known and proven to need no comment. Send your orders by mail or ex press and we will prepay them back to you on short notice. A full line of men and boys’ guaranteed All-Leather Shoes— both work and dress—that will be sold to you if you investigate when in need of foot wear. The Famous "Florsheim” you all well know. We invite you to call in any time and look over our new store The Oak Tan Shoe Store Sam Rodgers, Proprietor Hermiston, Oregon Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED SEE HITT -FOR- GUNS 31.3. Hisrel , -= CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY Suba Jnuntain And AMMUNITION A I Popular Soft ‘Drink» The Season on Ducks ICE CREAM and Geese Opened In Cone» and Packages Oct. 1 A FULL LINE News stand Cigars and Tobacco Postoffice Bldg.