Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1919)
it . u U 1 an 1 he Hermiston Herald NOTICE FOR ELECTION the County Court for the State of Issued — Each — Saturday ' ‘ by I Oregon for the County of Morrow. 1 In the matter of the Organization of | M. D. O’CONNELL H ERM In TUN__________ UKEGON J the John Day Irrigation District | in Morrow, Gilliam and Umatilla Entered as second-class matter. December Counties, in the State of Oregon | . 1906, at the postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon Notice is hereby given that an elec- ,%tion will be held within precincts SUBSCRIPTION KATES ■ One year .—............. -......................... .100 number one, number two, and num- Six months ...—........... .. ........ -.............. ber three, within the proposed John Subscriptions must be paid in advance. == . Day Irrigation District in Morrow. | TO THE ADVERTISING RATES Gilliam, and Umatilla counties, in Display— One time. 25 cents per inch: two inser-1 cist of Oregon, P on the 23rd day _ ... 20 ora ’s, inch ineh per now insertion; insertion: monthly monthly LIC siale vi -4/9 — hr 1119 —* | lions. cents per of August, A. D. 1919. between the rates, 15 cents per Inch per issue. Readers— First insertion, 10 cent» per line: each hours of eight o’clock A. M. and subsequent insertion without change of copy. 6 cents per line. eight o’clock P. M. of said day, at the polling places hereinafter desig-1 Weather Report nated, within said District for the The maximum temperature dur purpose of determining whether or ing the past week was 95 degrees not the said District shall be organ- and the minimum 43. No rain. ized under and by virtue of the pro visions of Chapter 357 of the Gen- eral Laws of Oregon for the year MAIL OR BRING YOUR LISTS 1917. The electors with said dis tricts shall be required to cast bal SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE lots at said election which shall con- The names of the five winners will be published A petition is being circulated by tain the words: “Irrigation District, Glen Richards and Pete Sheridan, Yes" and “Irrigation District, No,” next week. Contest closes next Thursday the object of which is to form a road and also the name of such directors as shall be nominated to be voted | district on Butter Creek, reaching from the Morrow county line on the for at such election, which directors Percey Jarmon farm to the Butter shall be elected by the district at "large. That the said precinct num- Creek social club dance hall. Several people from here attended ber one shall comprise all that por the dance at Hermiston last Friday tion of the ¡proposed district lying east of the west line of sections 33, night. 28. 21, 16. 9, 2, in Township 2 At The Movie Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Nation and "Danger, Go Slow!" with Mae little son Myron left last Saturday , North, Range 24, E. W. M also north Murray In the leading role, will be for an extended trip in the east. of the north line of sections 4, and the moving picture featured at The They will visit mainly in Nebraska, 5 in Township 2 North, Range 24, Movie show house this Saturday and they plan to be gone about six E. W. M. also east of the west line of Sections 31. 30, 19, 18, 7 and 6 all evening. weeks. For Sale—Good milch cow. Wm. in Township 3 North, Range 24. E. Lum Rhea was a delightful host i W. M. also north of the north line | 48tfc Kennedy, R. F.. D. last Saturday afternoon, when he ! of Section 6, ' Township 3 North,1 Installing Auxiliary to Fountain Bartlett Pears 4c per pound at E. W Mack is this week installing invited a group of friends to meet | Range 24, E. W. M. and sections 1 Hanby's orchard. Bring your own a new back bar to his soda fountain his house guest, Cloyd Tillson. Those . and 2 Township 3 North Range 23, | 47tfc <■< tainers. n the drug störe. It is of handsome present were Vivian Nation, Lucille E. W. M. and east of the west line Violet Shaw. Bernice For Sale—158 acres of partly im- design in mahogany, with marble Richards, of sections 34, 27, 22, Township 4 proved land In Jefferson county; or top on either side. An electric heat- Spencer, Susan Spencer and Thomas North Range 23, E. W. M. That Richards, besides the host and hon will take good auto in part pay- ad steam table occupies the center, the voting place in precinct number ment. Call on or write A. L. Luce. and refrigerators are on either side. or guest. one as herein before described was M. R. A., Hermiston, Ore. 47-3tp This equipment will enable the ser- On Wednesday Cloyd Tillson re by an order of the County Court turned to his home in Portland. Bartlett Pears 4c per pound at ving of light hot or cold lunches made and entered on the 12th day of Lum Rhea accompanying him, to the Robb Bros, orchard. Bring con r drinks. July, 1919, designated to be at the spend a week’s vacation there. tainers. 47-3tc James Carty residence, located in Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Spencer and section 10, Township 2 North Range First Pears To Trade—For improved land H. E. Hanby shipped the first little son Sloan motored to Stanfield 25. E. W. M. That said precinct anywhere on the project, 40 acres pears of the season Wednesday, last Saturday. number two shall include that of improved land in Benewah coun- E. W. Rhea was a visitor to Uma part of said district lying west of ty, Idaho, two miles from good There were 15 boxes of choice Bar- tilla on Wednesday. the west boundary of precinct num town. Some timber; in fine hay, letta, and they were consigned to Several people are^lannlng to at ber one as hereinbefore described, he Pendleton Cash Market. For rain and fruit belt; requires no Ir- i hese Mr. Hanby received $2 per box tend the harvest ball to be given in and south of the north line of sec- rigation. Leslie W. Adams, Her Echc on Friday night. tions 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Township 3 miston, Oregon. 47-4tc F. o. B. Hermiston. North, Range 23, E. W. M. and ly- For Sale—Saddle horse, also good ing east of the Gilliam - Morrow Install Lighting System Jersey milch cow and two calves. county line. The voting place of Harry Rogers, a rancher on the 1ou Rogers, near W .W. Rogers precinct number two as hereinbefore Meadows between Echo and Stan- ranch east of Hermiston. 47-2tp SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE described, was by an order of the field, has ordered of the Oregon For Sale—On account of going Hardware & Implement Co. of this County Court made and entered on Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Blessing and the 12th day of July, designated to Into other business, I will sell my city an electric lighting system, for home place, 20 acres, at a bargain. installation on his farm, A complete children were Sunday guests of Mr. be at the J. E. Crabtree residence, See me about it. 1% miles north domestic water system is also includ- and Mrs N. W. Bloom. located in section 34, Township 2 Church services will be held at North. Range 23. E. W. M. of Hermiston. R. M. Hood. 47tfc ed in the order, and when these are That the school house this Sunday. Evan the said precinct number three shall installed on arrival Mr. Rogers will For Sale—Double buggy harness, gelist Moore will preach at 11 a. m.. comprise all of that part of said dis only used two months and in first cheerfully pungle up »1000, the cost followed by a basket dinner, and trict lying west of the Gilliam-Mor of the whole system. class condition; made to order. J. preaching again at 3 and 8 p, m. row county line and north of the A. Rowan, on Mathews farm, Her- Everybody invited. north Une of section 6, 5, 4, and 3, m Iston. Soon Discard Crutch 48tfc Mrs. F. Waugaman and mother. Thomas MacKay, who a little (Continued on Page Three Will Trade Two buy Percheron Mrs. David Moran, are spending the colts, well matched, and three Jer- over a year ago had the ligaments week-end at Rieth visiting friends. rey cows, fresh In May and June; In his left leg torn loose in an acci NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bloom of take hogs or sheep. Call on or write dent while breaking a colt, was in Regular meeting of Hermiston Geo. Attebury, Stanfield. Ore 48-2tc the city on business Monday from Spokane were Tuesday and Wednes range will be held at the home of his ranch home north of Hermiston day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Cressy in Her- Lost In Hermiston A $10 bill He still has to use a cruch, but Blessing. miston on Wednesday evening. Aug. In a small black case. Reward for said he expected to soon discard it. Owing to the absence of the Rev. 20, at 8:30 o’clock. i eturn to Mrs. H. L. Payne or this as the limb, which was perfectly Gallaher the M. E. Sunday school office. 48-1tc numb for a long time after being and church services will be omitted TAKEN UP For Sale—2% inch Studebaker Injured, has of late been making a until Sunday. August 31. Notice Is hereby given that the wagon. Frank Auseon. 48tfe grand "come back" to norma:. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beddow and undersigned has taken up and holds Mrs. W. H. Simmons were Pendleton at his ranch 4 * miles east of Her Cows for Sale Have just come visitors on Friday. fresh, Phone 181, or Inquire of F. You Never Can Tell miston the following described stock N. Whitney. 4 8tfc One black horse aged 10 years, Miss Yudeth Kelley, linotype op weight 1400 pounds; white star in For Sale- Good pair black chaps: erator and bookkeeper In The Her- forehead; branded W—,on left hip long hair and wooly. Phil Lay. 48 aid office, departed last Sunday evening on a two weeks' vacational The above described property will You will want to read the great visit to the home of her aunt, Mrs. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE be sold at public auction to the series of articles on building up ade- J. W. Cathcart, in Husum, Wash highest bidder for cash in hand on quate community School opens in Umatilla Septem- life in nearby At least that’s what Monday, August 25, 1919, at 10 a she told our towns starting Sept. 13th in The ber 8th, and a very successful term printer’s devil when he Interviewed m., at the above mentioned ranch, Country Gentleman. Subscribe now. is anticipated. The district has her on the eve of her departure. unless redeemed by owner. 11.00 for 52 issues. Ed . H. Gra- purchased new high school equip- 47-2tc Dame Rumor, however, has doped it Joe Udey. ham. ment and other supplies needed 47tfc out different, featuring little Danny throughout the grades. For Sale—Good work horse; 2% Cupid. But our little "devil", who Employed county officials have Umatilla has a live, wide-awake been given a $10 raise in salary by i Inch new wagon and set of work claims to be a boon companion of harness. See E. A. Smith, or ad “Danny," holds his story is the Commercial Club, second to none in the county commissioners, and now ; dress Box 341, Hermiston. 48-Mp right one—still you never can tell. the county. The late organisation some of the elective officials claim | has been fully reorganised and is in they are under paid. T Une for a very successful year. The Club meets every Friday evening in the council chamber. We will give five nickel plated pocket flashlights Five people sending in the most complete list of Chev rolet owners in Hermiston and the vicinity BUTTER CREEK ITEMS LAYS’ GARAGE I WANT ADS. It's Hard t Which IS The Best YOU can seldom determine the real value of I a shoe by its appearance. Merchants, themselves, are often deceived and cannot be certain as to what the shoe is actually worth unless it is cut up to see how it in made. Nothing equals LEATHER for making good shoes. Many substitutes for leather are often used — where they cannot be seen — because they are cheaper than leather. But you may be assured of honest leather-built shoes, correct styles, and all-around satisfaction by purchasing The Friedman-Shelby All-Leather Shoe In the "All-Leather” line you will find shoes at every price, of every style, for any purpose—the various brands included are "Atlantic” shoes for men; Pacific’ shoes for women. Red Goose" shoes for children, and "Honesty heavy work shoes. ALL 1 FATHER — ALL THE TIME. See us for these goods. THE OAK TAN SHOE STORE Echo Furniture & Under taking Go Carries a complete line of the following articles Axminster, Congoleum, Fiber, Brussels and Velvet 1 Rugs, Window Shades and Rods, Picture Molding, Cut Flowers and Floral Pieces for Funerals We carry the New Home Sewing Machine Sold on monthly payments Most everything in the home, furnishing line. We cordially invite the public in to look over our stock. Showing goods is a pleasure not a bother. COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES UMATILLA ITEMS Columbia Highway Garage WEST SIDE PHONE 241 BUSH Auto Supplies and Accessories REPAIR WORK GUARANTEED Gasoline WEST slot Motor Oils PHONE Ml Worth Going After The most popular cowboy at the tenth annual Pendleton Roundup. Sept. 18. 19 and 20. is to be pre isen ted with a 1150 silk beaver hat. the gift of the American Hat Co. I Henry Pollak, president of the com pany. will bring a party of six from Norwalk, Conn., especially to see the epic of the west. To Supervise Prune Packing Wm. F. Smith departed Tuesday afternoon on his annual journey to Walla Walla, where for the next few weeks he will have charge of prune picking and parking operations on the Blalock orchard tracts near that city. He said It la estimated there will be from 100 to 125 ears of this fruit shipped from the above orch- arda this year. Wanted—Stock hogs and wean- ing pigs. w. A. Leathers. 45tfe THERE’S NO EXCUSE FOR SHABBY FURNITURE Make the Old Things New At very little expense and without any effort you can make your furniture, your woodwork and your floors bright, glossy and waterproof with anize FLOOR FINISH The Home Preserving Varnish ‘sr We guarantee a perfect result or “refund your money for the empty can,” if you tor low directions. Come in. Let us show you the wonder. . , „ results possible with thia varnish. it clear or in eight colors. . e We have SAPPERS’ INC. G OUR ENDORSEMENT We like to push along the sale of good, honest, reliable mer- (handise. That's why we advertise the perfect fitting, popular priced shoes for Women, Children, and Men. They please practically all our customers who have given them a rial. We recommend them on account of their unusual durabil ity. They come in every required style and sixe, without doubt the most economical as well as the most comfortable and enjoyable footwear you can buy. CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY That Satisfies HAHN’S That Satisfies Phone 621 Snia Futain iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiimiiiiiililiiti>iil||||1H||H|||||||>|||||||ii||>|>||||||||||[|||||[|lliilii Here you can buy And All Popular Soft Drml^ ICE CREAM Nearly every needful household article that is used in e family kitchen. Come in and see our choice line of Alu- ware. Here you will also find the best of underwear, a nne line of millinery, and toilet articles of every descrip- minum tion to choose from. Neus tland Cigan and Tabacco Potto (bet RUg. We have Angorian knitting and cro- ° e co on. buttons in all sizes, fancy and plain chinware. etc. I VARIETY STORE . . .