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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1919)
THE TO VICTORY BOND BUYERS Please remember that there will be a payment due on the Victory Bonds each month from now un til November. The first payment was due July 15. Pay it now if you have not already done so. The next payment will be due August 12. Arrange to pay it on or be fore that date.________ The First National Bank of Hermiston Capital & Surplus $30,000 HERMISTON HERMISTON, HERALD, OREGON. .. LOCAL BRIEFS J. J. Casserly reports 2 1-5 tons of hay per acre, baled, from a seven Nothing is as Good as a acre tract. Lays’ Garage brought the first 1920 model car into this territory - an F B Chevrolet. SMALLEY The régulai monthly meeting of the Hermiston Fire Department will be held next Monday evening in the public library. . Ensilage and Mr. Beals has a crew of men and teams at work releveling his land west of town, preparatory to seeding it to alfalfa in early September. (Concluded from Page Two) ownship 3 North Range 23. w M. and west of the west line lections 34. 27, and 22, all in “"Ship 4 North Range 23, E. W. That the polling place in pre- e numbered 3 as herinbefore tribed was by an order of the inty Court made and entered on 12th day of July, 1919, desig edto be at the Eight Mile School ise located on section 32. Town- 72 North, Range 23, E. W. M. that the County Court of Morrow inty, Oregon, has appointed juds- and clerks of election as follows, wit: ames Carty and Ed McDaid,^ ges of precinct number one, and ph Finley, Phil Doherty and n McDevitt as clerks of election, precinct number one. J. E. brtee and Mrs. J. A. Troedson appointed judges, and J. A. edson. George Miller and Walter », are appointed clerks of elec- i in precinct number two. J. D. «, and Tommy Dean are appoint- Judges, and Ashur Montague, W. Gregg, and George L. Newell, are ointed clerks of election In pre- it number three. Thatrany per- , male or female, over the age of nty-one years, whether a resi- t of the district or state or not, i is a bona fide owner of one acre nore of land situate within the riet and whose name appears on last assessment roll or who is bolder of an uncompleted title ontract to purchase State or y Act lands and also entrymen 1 public lands of the United es shall be considered as land ers for the purpose of such elec- . and shall be qualified petition- for the organization of said irri- on district and shall share privileges and obligations owners within the district. ling the right to vote or hold all of in- of- and shall be considered electors the purpose of such election, hat the boundries of said dis • established for the purpose of election are as follows; eginning at. the southwest corn- ’section 30. T. 1 N., R. 22 E. “i thence running in an easter- frection along the south line of .sections 30. 29 and 28 to the east corner of section 28, T. 1 " 22 E. W. M.. thence running 1 northerly direction on the east ° said section 28 and continu- in a northerly direction along east line of sections 21 and 16 : 1 N., R. 22 E. W. M„ to the neast corner of said section 16; : running in an easterly direc- I along the south line of sections ■ and 12 to the southwest corn- “section 12; thence running in r herly direction along the east V 1 N , R. 22 E. W. M.. to .Irtheast corner of said town- "thence running in an easterly "on on the south lino of T. 2 N., “24, and 25, E. W. M„ to the o peast corner " 25 E. W. of said township 2 M., thence running northerly direction on the east y"said township 2 N.. R. 25 E " to the southwest corner of F 18. T. 2 N., R. 26 E. W. M , r* running in an easterly direc- "the south line of sections 18, 115, 14 and 13 all in T. 2 N.. I • W. M.. to the southeast rot said section 13. thence D5 in a northerly direction on “$ line of said T. 2 N., R. 26 “ and continuing In a north- urection along the eastline of th R 26 E. W. M.. to the pest corner of section 30, T. 3 " " E. W. M., thence running F easterly directicn along the F line of sections 30. 29. 28. 27, F 25. all in T. 3 N.. R. 27 E W L he southeast corner of said 2253 thence running in a "TV direction on the east Jine Land 4 N„ R. 27 E. W. M., to , west corner of section 19. I « 28 E. W. M„ thence run- I" an easterly direction along en line of said section 19 a F- of one half mile more or [ te east bank of the Umatilla L "hence running in a norther- [ easterly direction on the west I ", said Umatilla River a dis- L1 five miles more or less to sr "line of section 28. T. 5 N I. “ M.. thence running in • f ’ direction on the south line I section 28 to the southwest said section 28; thence .8 along the west line of said 7 • in a northerly direction I teet more or less In the south ■ of the right of way of the anal of the West Extension Lmatilla Project as now per- 'T surveyed and constructed , S. Reclamation Service; ."nning in a northerly and . direction along said bound- Tot the right of way of said nal a distance of £6.16 miles I I more or less to the west line of the E. one-half of section 23 in T. 1 N., R. 24 E. W. M ’ at a Point distance 4840 feet more or less and in a a southerly direction from the N w corner of the N. E. one quarter of said section 23, thence running in a northerly direction along the west line of the east one half of said sec tion 23. 2840 feet more or less to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of said section 23, thence running, in a westerly direction along the north line of sections 23. 22. 21 20 and 19, allinT. 4 N., R. 24 E \V M. thence continuing in a westerly direction along the north line of sec tions 24. 23. 22 and 21. all in T. 4 N., R. 23 E. W. M., to the northwest corner of said section 21, thence running in a southerly direction ...oucion along the west line of said section 21 to the southwest corner of said section of 21, thence running in a westerly direction along the north line of sections 29 and 30. T. 4 N., R. 23 E. W. M., to the northwest corner of said seeti n 30. thence running in a southerly direction along the west line of sections 30 and 31, T. 4 N., R. 23 E. W. M„ to the southwest corner of said section 31, thence running in a westerly di rection along the north line of sec tions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, all in T. 3 N.. R. 22 E. W. M., to the northwest corner of said section 5, thence run ning in a southerly direction along the west line of sections 5, 8, 17, 20 and 29, all in T. 3 N„ R. 22 E. W. M., to the southwest corner of said section 29, thence running in a wes terly direction along the north line of section 31, T. 3 N„ R. 22 E. W. M., and section 36, 25 . 24 and 33, M., and sections 36, 25, 24 and 33, all in T. 3 N„ R. 21 E. W. M„ to the northwest corner of said section 33; thence running in a southerly direction along the west line of sec tion 33, T. 3 N„ R. 21 E. W. M.. and sections 4. 9. 16. 21, and 28, all in T. 2 N„ R. 21 E. W. M.. to the southwest corner of said section 28; thence running in a westerly direc tion along the north line of sections 32 and 31 in T. 2 N., R. 21 E. W. M„ to the northwest corner of said sec- Mon 31, thence running in a south erly direction along the west line of section 31, T. 2 N.. R. 21 E. W. M., and sections 6, 7. 18. 19. 30 and 31. all in T. 1 N., R. 21 E. W. M . to the southwest corner of said section 31, thence running in an easterly direction along the south line of sec tions 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36, all in T. 1. N., R. 21 E. W. M.. to the southeast corner of said section 36; thence running in a northerly direc tion along the east line of said sec tion 36 to the southwest corner of section 30, T. 1. N.. R. 22 E. W. M.. the place beginning. Alfalfa Cutters Reeder & Reeder, contractors, liave secured the contract for build ing the new school house In Colum bia District, and are now busily engaged on the work. with blower for blowing the chopped ensilage or hay directly to your barn. We stock these and prices are right, too. Hal Ross returned last week to his Idaho home after seven days spent under the parental roof. He was also looking after his second cutting of hay. which he reported as being very good. "2" SAPPERS’ INC. "9 A few of those made practically homeless by reason of their wives HA R 1 w A R E and families spending the summer in Seaside were guests al a 7 a. m. chicken breakfast Tuesday at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Gallaher. Mrs. A. Buhmann and daughter Elda returned last Saturday evening from a visit to Pendleton, and Sun day Miss Elda departed for Wasco, her former home, to pass a couple of weeks visiting with relatives and friends. See us if you are in the market for a car Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hahn arc having a large screened-in porch built on the south side of their resi dence on Gladys avenue. The di mensions are 10x26. The work is being done by Contractor J. W. Mc- Dermed. DEALERS FOR C. S. McNaught left Tuesday evening for Seaside, to remain eight or ten days, Mrs. McNaught and the children have a cottage there for July and August, and will re main at the seashore until the end of this month. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Challis, ac companied by the lady’s sister, Miss Bess Morton of Stanfield, left Wed nesday on a ten day outing trip to Hidaway and Lehman Springs in the Blue Mountains. The journey wa smadel by auto . 1919. (Seal) J. A. Waters, Clerk. By Goy M. Anderson. Deputy. cerr has been taken by W. W. Felt- pose well known hay dealer. Built to Satisfy HUPMOBILE REO Good Looks and Peppy Performance Unusual Power and Stability A LIMITED SUPPLY OF ACCESSORIES Hermiston Auto Co PIONEER Barber Shop Established in Year One of Our Project BATHS IN CONNECTION BARBER SHOP Phone Your Orders . Clean and Sanitary for all kinds of Transfer Work Stand at Siseel's. Phone 262 We Hot and Cold are ready at any time to go any where or haul anything SHOWER BATHS The City Transfer W.B. BEASLEY A. W THOMAS, Prop. WM. S'il a ar == "ar ABOUT TUESDAY WE WILL HAVE A “WINTHER” FOUR WHEEL DRIVE TWO TON TRUCK with body on—down here ready for business. do your business If you doubt that a truck can Phone us and Arrange for Demonstration e 9 2 has been assigned to the buying of grain for Albers Bros, in Baker. 23. 1919 Union and Wallowa counties, and Witness my hand and seal of said that his place here an buyer of al- Court affixed this 12th day of July. i faifa for the above Portland con- August The Universal Car TIRES AND TUBES daughter. M rs. Chas. Kay and Saving and excepting the follow- Miss Edith, from Springfield, Ohio, ing described tracts of land in the are guests at the home of Mr. and counties of Gilliam. Morrow and Mrs. H. M. Gunn for the summer. Umatilla. State of Oregon, within the Mrs. Kay is a sister of Mrs. Gunn's, described boundaries. to-wit: Township 2 North. Range 21 East and with her daughter visited the Willamette Meridian. project’ three years ago. . All of sections 4, 8, 16 and 21; the west one-half of section 10. McMillan & Strader, operators of Township 2 North. Range 22 East the mechanical department of Lays’ Willamette Meridian. All of sections 1. 2 and 3 and the Garage, have been compelled to go northwest quarter of section 10. on a strictly cash basis on account Township 3 North. Range 22 East of having themselves to come across Willamette Meridian. All of sections 1. 5, 12, 20, 29. 34. immediately for all auto parts they 35 and 3 6 and the northwest quar secure from agencies and factory. ter of section 13; the east one-half of section 14. and the southwest Mr. and Mrs. Geo A. Cressy were quarter of section 17; the southwest Mr. quarter of section 21. the west, three Pendleton visitors Wednesday. quarters of section 23, the south Cressy while there held conference east quarter of section 27. the south with the county court regarding the one-half of section 25. All of sec appropriation of funds by the coun tion 26. Township 2 North. Range 2.. East ty for the forthcoming Dairy and Hog Show, to be held in this city in Willamette Meridian. All of sections 5. 6. 7. 8. 17, 20, October. 21 29 and 33. and the south one- half and northwest quarter of sec- Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mack left Sun (ion 9. All of section 16 Township 2 N„ R. 26 E. W. y day in their auto Jon a journey to an All of sections 15 and 16. improved ranch they own near Eagle Township 4 North. Range 27 East Valley. Oregon, where they will Willamette Meridian. All of sections 1. 2, 3, 4, 8, 9. visit for a week or two. They were accompanied on the trip by the gen 10. 11. 15. 1«. 17. Township 5 North. Range 27 East tleman's brother Sydney, of the gar- Willamette Meridian. Mack at All of that part of sections 23 and age firm of Cumins 24 lying south of the north bound- Boardman. onsecutive weeks prior to DORT United States, Goodrich, Fisk and Firestone EXCEPTIONS ay morning from Portland, and re- entered on the e 12th day of July. ame shall be publish- | ports his 1919. and the $ He says he d once each week for at least four her recent operation. FORD FORD TRUCK AND FORDSON TRACTORS Miss Gladys Beals left Monday for Portland, where she will pass sey- eral days visiting relatives and friends. Eroni there she will go on to California to attend the univer- sit y al Berkeley, which opens the middle of this month. ary of the district as Thereinbefore described. All of sections 25, 26, 27, Mrs. P. E. Hayden left Tuesday 33, 34, 35 and 36. evening on a visit to her sons Joseph Township 5 North Range 28 East and William, farmers near Lewis- Willamette Meridian. All that part of sections 19 and 29 ton, Idaho. Miss May, daughter of lying within the boundaries, of sal" Mr. and Mrs. Hayden, who Is super- district as heretofore described and IrUndent of grades In the schools all sections 20. 31 and 32. The boundary description of said at Lewiston, and who Is here on a proposed district, excluding the ex- virit, will keep house for her father -eptions mentioned above, cover an until the return of her mother a irea of 3 45.260 acres. This notice is published pursuant month to an order of the County Court of C J .Johns, Jr . returned Wednes- Morrow County. Oregon, made and IM PLEM EN TS If you are at all interested in trucks of any kind let us show you I ow our Winther can best fill your wants. This truck will take out a load where a team cannot. May we prove it? LAYS’ GARAGE ‘