Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1919)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON: '•IIIIUilflillililllUiHlillltlHllllllillllltH-2 IT’S TOO WARM TO COOK "ilHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIl'. OUR STOCK OF FRUIT JARS $1.25 1.40 1.75 .... $1.40 1.65 1.90 Economy Caps, 35c Zinc Caps, 40c Schram Caps, 35c Small S. S Lids, 15c When You Think of Meat Think of Groceries And Order from the City Meat Market and Grocery P hone 131 Don’t forget that you can always get Maid O' Clover butter at the City Meat Market. It is the best. Try a lo f of Butternut Bread, fresh every day. We carry a full line of Home Made Sausages, Hams, Bacon, Lard and Compound and the price is right Bring in your butter, eggs and poultry. We will pay you the highest market price, cash or trade. You Save 50c by Buying a Coupon Book It is good for anything in the house. Both sizes, $5 and $10 books. Get one and try it and see how handy it is for you as you can keep exact tab on your grocery bill and you know just how much you spend each month for you have the books to show for it. Get one the first of the month and try it. CITY MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY Challis & Challis, Props, TWO ITEMS EED IN THE ORCHARD RIG HT APPLE PICKING LADDERS APPLE PICKING BAGS We carry both these items in stock at right prices. If hay is your product, allow us to show you a real test on a real hay fork. Our prices are right on these too. NOTHING CHEAP BUT THE PRICE an< | HARDWARE Phone 192 We have sold many of these stoves and would gladly have you talk with any user as to their satisfaction. Adolf Skovbo, progressive farmer of Boardman, was an over Sunday and Monday business visitor in this city. We would also suggest that you buy one of our North Pole Refrigerators ness matters in Portland a few days this week. They are clean, economical and will do much to preserve food during the warm weather. Victor and Perry Jensen, Chester Pelmulder and Fred Hesser, Jr., left Sunday for a week’s outing at Bing ham Springs. Oregon Hardware & Implement Co a o 209 WI Dr. Freeze makes ' Miss Everette Kingsley, who just regular visits to Her- completed her course at O. A. C.. miston. Consult him came home Saturday of last week to free and be assured of | Heavy Rubbers, 10c spend the summer. good eye service. 36 ******** PHONE YOUR ORDER 171 YOU J. J. Casser ly has for sale a black mare, weight over 1600 pounds—a perfect animal. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Gentry and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Boyer and family of Heppner were guests at the Root home Tuesday. Jelly Glasses A dozen, 70 cents Florence Automatic or Perfection Oil Stoves F. A. Chezik. general merchant of the West Side, attended to busi ECONOMY Pints Quarts Half Gallon prepare a meal with one of our Dr. W. W. Illsley was a Pendle ton business visitor Tuesday of this week. Self Sealing Mason, Small Mouth Pints Quarts Half Gallon with the old fashioned stove, but even these days it is not drudgery to Mrs. H. G. Newport is away to Portland on a visit to friends. Miss Bryant, teacher in the schools of Great Falls, Mont., is a guest at the home on Gladys avenue of her sister, Mrs. H. T. Fraser. (WANT ADS. A 1 1 A 70/0 AAe 4-1 I 4 1. 1 A - To Your Profits FEED your stock appetizing green nutriment the year round — BUILD A SILO. Dr. Hoisington of Pendleton spent Thursday here looking over his al Wanted—To trade 20 acres un falfa farm east of town, which Toni improved, with water on it, for good Haddox is operating for him. 34tc Hammer. automobile. We are the exclusive agents for the most prac tical silo on the market today. G. F. Elliott will do your vul Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Kingsley are- canizing on tires, tubes, rubber In Portland enjoying the festivities incident to “Buyers’ Week,” having boots—anything. Gates’ half sole, 36-tfc. entrained for thit city Tuesday tires and tubes. night. Feed your hogs Corn, Wheat, Whole Barley, Rolled Barley, and Marie and Marjorie Pelmulder re Ground Barley, Mill Feed and Mid turned to Hermiston Monday last dlings. W. A. Leathers, Phone 581. from Walla Walla after spending For Baled Alfalfa by bale or car two weeks there with their grand- loads see Leathers. Phone 581. 40 moher, Mrs. Rogers. SILO Miss Golda Mumma arrived home Thursday morning from Portland, In which city she had been for seven weeks taking a course in music in the Ellis & White conservatory. If you want a sack or a ton of Rolled Oats, Rolled Barley, Mill Feed or Ground Barley, phone 581. Open regular business hours, in cluding Saturday evening. Daily de livery service. W. A. Leathers. 40 Can you realize that the quan tity of actual reading matter in just one copy of the Saturday Evening Post will make a $1.50 or $2 book if published in standard book form. 52 copies only $2. Ed. H. Graham. Phone 581. 40tfc Miss Hazel Strain, in her junior year at O. A. C.. who is spending the Parties having goods they wish vacation period at her home in Pen stored can store them in Leathers’ dleton. visite last Saturday and Sun warehouse. Phone 581. 41tfc day in Hermiston at the home of her For Sale—No. 10 Smalley ensilage brother Clayton. eutter. R. C. Canfield. 42tfc Miss Nita Patrick returned to Hermiston Monday after an absence of six weeks visiting her father at Dayton, and friends that reside there and at Walla Walla, Wash. For Sale New Chickering piano. Mrs. Clayton Strain left the first Mrs. J. S. Mattoon. 42tfc of the week on a visit to the paren- Nothing too small, nothing too tai home in Spokane. She was ac- large for me to insure. J. H. companied by her brother. Ernest Young, Fire, Auto and Life Insur- Crockatt, who was a guest for a few ance. 44-2tc days at the Strain home in this city. For Sale—-Yellow Transparent The Misses Leah and Doris Per- apples, orchard run. 3c per pound. cey departed for Portland Monday of Maurice D. Scroggs. 45tfc this week th attend "Buyers’ Week.” For Sale—Two good residence Before returning home they will lots close in on good residence street stop a few days in Wasco and visit Cheap. Easy terms. Sappers’ Inc. with Mr. and Mrs. Steve McMillin. 45-4tc who formerly resided here. For Sale—6.14 acres on Columbia John Schimke of the Hermiston Highway about 1 1-4 miles this side Auto Co. sailed into town Tuesday of Irrigon. Paid government water Sap- evening tn a brand new Reo touring right. Cheap. Easy terms, 45-4te car. which he secured In Pendleton. pers' Inc. Being local agent for this type of For Sale—Good business block, car. the above concern is now dili- Main street. Is paying 11 per cent gently showing its fine points to net on price asked. Part cash, bal- prospective buyers. ance 2 to 3 years at 8 per cent. Box O.. Hermiston,! Ore. 45-4tc Mrs. M. A. Brown and daughter Mabel and Mr. Young, father of For Sale—Residence house close Mrs. Brown, who has been visiting in on West Side. Inquire at this of- In Hermiston the past couple of fice. 45tfc weeks, departed Thursday for Port W anted—Stock hogs and wean land. where they will stay a week ing pigs. W. a . Leathers. 45tfc and then go on to Seaside, to remain until the first of September. Wanted—Baled hay. Top prices paid. W. A. Leathers. 45tfc H. H. Mack, son of Mr. and Mrs. It costs SO to 100 per cent more to E. W. Mack, stopped off in Her mis- ton Tuesday of this week on his build a home today than it did in way to Portland to attend “Buyers’ | 1914. If your property should burn Week." Mr. Mack drove through In your present insurance policy would bis big Stutz roadster. He is en- be insignificent. You should add gaged in the drug business at Hun- more insurance in an old line fire tington, and will probably stop for Insurance company. Have J. H. i Young revalue your property and a week on the return journey. fix you up at once. 46 Mayor F. C. McKenzie "hopped off" to Seaside Tuesday night to join his family at that well known summer resort. Others In this city pair of old ----------- mules. - fine . A . good . Tresno team, for sale cheap or will trade. What hare you ----- to — offer? O. L Bennett, on Frank Beddow to ranch. Hermiston, Ore. 46-4tp who have since and are about emulate the action of the worthy Wanted mayor, and whose families are Seaside, are C. S. McNaught. F. B ket price. Leathers. Swayze and Dr. F. V. Prime Loose hay at top mar- any quantity. w. A. 46c For Sale—Two old turkey hens Postmaster J. H. Young went to 10 young turkeys 2 months old 2 Portland Monday on busi ness. He dozen young Leghorn pullets j months old Mrs. J. T. Embry. 46-2te This silo will not blow over, shrink up or fall down. It is air tight, double wall, eight inch air space. Ensilage will not freeze, dry out, sour or mold. The Ballard Silo has been on the market for 25 years and has stood the test in every way. We have many designs to choose from and plans are fur nished free. Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone Main 33 "The Yard of Best Quality " H. M. STRAW. MGR. — Something New and Delicious TO BE SERVED AT THE HERMISTON DRUG STORE FOUNTAIN NEXT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. Aside from the regular menu of all popular Fruit and Caramel Sundae» and refresh: ins drinks, we will serve a number of delightful new Sundaes including Honolulu Gin Liberty Sundae, Airship Nut Sundae, Sammy Sundae, Soul Kiss, Sleepy Hollow Sundae and end Merry Widow Sundae, and the drinks will also include some special thirst quencher We Specialize with Hazelwood Ice Cream and are serving five of these delicious creams Vanilla, Strawberry, French Nugat and Maple Nut Call in and give us an opportunity to serve you. HERMISTON DRUG STORE PHELPS CASH GROCERY Phone 413 The Monopole Store “MONOPOLE” goods are first-class in every respect Our Guarantee back of Every Purchase Royal Bakery Goods from Portland Cakes, Doughnuts, Rolls, etc., Wed’s and Saturday’81 Fresh Vegetables Tuesdays and Fridays Wanted—Your subseriptiot te.Notel Oregon. Cafe Sunday from The Saturday Evening Post. " 12.10.2 za Price 75 cents. Ticket The Ladies Home Journal. " 50 cents. Regular dinner The Country dentreman. $ ", 1 «-He H. Graham. Hermiston, ore- Fried Spring Chicken Dinner ders. at