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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1919)
STOW HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON S! OUR OWN HOME What joy it would be to have a home all your own, built as a home should be built, arranged as you've always wanted your mouse,, = , thing ordered as you want it, when you want it your own yar cottage garden! h t There’s nothing like owning a home to make a man rea e him he he’s a Eubetantial citizen, or to give people the confidence in deserves. You can’t measure the value of owning your own home on a dollar and cents basis alone—and yet with rents still on the increase and the price of building stabilized, probably for years to come, home buildin and home owning never was a better investment. Just add to that the satisfaction and contentment for your wife, a better place for the babies to grow up. a more "livable” enviorment A safe investment? Your house and lot are as safe as a bond. There is an unprecedented market now for improved property—you can cash in” at once if you wish. Five years hence, even though building prices slowly settle to a lower level, the tremendous building activity that must come in the meantime wiil give your investment a substantial in crease in value. NOW! REPAIR NOW! PRICES WILL HOLD STEADY FOR YEARS YOU'LL SURELY BUILD SOME DAY AND YOU’LL NEVER FIND A MORE OPPOR- TUNE TIME THAN NOW. We urge you to build because you Do you hesitate because you think prices are too high and you’ll wait will not only help yourself, but you for them to drop? You’re making a will help relieve the housing situa mistake, for prices must stay at a tion in our city. If this city is to high level for years. prosper, we must have places to live. Consider the facts, There’s a tremendous market in Europe and The home that you build will add here at home for every thing we can permanent value, add to the wealth make—the fundamental law of sup- and prosperity of the entire city, ply and demand must work. We give us opportunity to expand. have an unprecedented amount of And if we can make you realize gold in the country, and when there is more money in circulation and no that it is to your advantage to great increase in production, we build now, you will help start the simply pass more gold around for wheels of industry. You will put our goods. We have high prices in men to work producing—the $7500 figures—but not in reality. If wages you spend will call for materials and goods are higher, then the and supplies. The Government asks balance remains the same. So long you to build now to give returning as the gold stays here, prices will soldiers work in factories and trades hold up.' In short, business men In .short, you’ll not only help your say unreservedly that if the prices self but you’ll help this community, do go down at all, it will be very, the nation, and society as a whole. We would be glad to talk this very slowly. In the meantime, rents are higher, and you pay rela matter over individually with you— ask the advice of the business men tively more to live—as great pro- portion as though you built your immediately and have them confirm home at present figures. what we say. An then— BUY NOW! PA INT NOW! FREE PLAIN BOOKS showing Homes with the latest designs of book-cases, fireplaces, pedestal arches, medicine cabinets, kitchen cupboards, sideboards, ironing boards, breakfast room sets, linen closets, stair cases, etc. . FREE PLANS FOR HOME AND ALL FARM BUILDINGS TUM ■LUM LUMBER COMPANY nurrying passers-by. Ami this Is what Notice of Administrator's Sale of the old darky saw happen when the FRUIT TREES IN THE CITY Real Property smiling woman reached the girl. In the County Court of the State of First of nil he saw her open her Suggestion That Would Seem to Be Oregon for the County of Uma- purse and drop some of its contents Worthy of Serious Consideration tilla. liito the tin pan the girl held ready by Authorities. “So Shines a Good Deed in a and waiting, and then he could see. ln the matter of the Estate of as they both looked across the street Naughty World.” T have often asked why we could Joseph G. Bedale, Deceased. at him, that the lady was telling the not have In parks, along our boule- Notice is hereby given that the girl the source of the contribution— vards and along our streets apple, undersigned, F. B. Swayze, as ad Beautiful Iris Flower That Old Color and the girl waved her hand and peach and cherry trees. The answer ministrator of the estate of Joseph smiled at the old man. And then he given was that boys would climb the G. Bedale, deceased, under and by ed Man Carried Led to Pretty In saw the girl look nt the flower as the trees and eat the fruit. The robins, cident Witnessed on Busy virtue of an order of the Honorable KEEP BOXES AT WINDOWS Indy held It, and then the flower too, would eat the cherries. City Street. Charles H. Marsh. Judge of the Cou changed owners once more and was When a boy I gathered hazelnuts on nty Court of the State of Oregon, for Simple to Do, end Few Things Add He was quite old and very black. quickly pinned on the lapel of the land now included in Lincoln park and More to the Appearance of Ills tired eyes were like those of a bine coat the girl wore. The old man they tasted fine to a boy with a torn Untatila County, made and entered a House. smiled, and shuffled along his way, on the 12th day of July, 1919, will straw hnt, one suspender and not faithful dog who has had a long day happily. The Indy went her wny too, from and after the 18th day of Aug much else for clothing, writes a corre and sits quietly looking up at his mas- Those who can afford to spend the ter just before lying down on his rug and she looked hnppy. And the Sal- spondent of the Chicago Dally News. ust, 1919, offer for sale, and sell time and money need experience no vation lass, proudly wearing the blue But park commissioners rarely give at private sale for cash at the First for the night. A neat and clean old difficulty in having window boxes well was radiant.— Hartford Cour- that kind of boy a thought nor the use black man was he, but not so prospe r- flower, National Bank of Hermiston, in Her ant. that could be made of the space now mlston, Oregon, and subject to con furnished with handsome plants ous ns one would wish to be, perhaps, throughout the entire year. In win used for elms and sickly shrubbery. in the evening of life. He was not firmation by the County Court of ter hardy dwarf evergreens, such as “Bacon Box” Furniture. Whut tree more beautiful than an moving ns rapidly as were most of the “Bacon box stuff" Is the contemptu apple, pench or cherry abloom? Wal Umatilla County, Ore,, to the person boxwood, young pines, spruce, arbor people on the busy, street, and from ous description iby second-hand deal- nuts, hickory nuts and others are 100 making the best and highest offer vitae and junipers may be used in the time to time he almost stopped his slow, shuffling walk to enjoy looking era for much of the new furniture now per cent American and would tend to therefor, all of the estate, right, body of the box with English ivy to down nt the lovely blue Iris that lie being hastily manufactured. Such Is make 100 per cent Americans of every title and interest of the Estate of trail over the edge. In early spring carried tenderly In his wrinkled hand. the shortage of timber and the de- boy and girl who eat of their fruit or Joseph G. Bedale, deceased, in and various bulbous plants—tulips, crocus | to the following described real prop and daffodils—are available. Double Any lover of flowers could see at a mend for furniture that packing cases, enjoy their shade. glance that the old man was likewise sugar boxes, etc., supply the material Consider the amount of fruit and erty, situated in Umatilla County, English daisies or pansies may also be — used. There Is, of course, no difficul a lover of flowers, and more than one for bedroom suites. nuts the children might have at no State of Oregon, to-wit: One dealer confided to the writer ty whatever in obtaining plants to oc greater expense than we now have busy passer-by turned to lock nt him An undivided one-half inter that he had been offered suites In two Just to raise a few leaves and see them cupy the boxes during the summer. and the beautiful bloom he carried. est in and to the Southwest There is a large number of plants The woman who finally stopped the grades. When he asked the differ blown away ! quarter of the Southwest quar that are suitable for window and old man and spoke to him about his enee In quality between the two the Here is a field for the boy scouts ter of the Northwest quarter of And a field that Is worthy of any or blue flower was kindly looking, ebb r- traveler replied: porch box gardening. Among them "Well, tn the cheaper line we can’t ganization that hns American blood in Sec. Five (5), Township Four ly, soft-spoken. A listener might have may be found those that will thrive thought she talked Just n little In the guarantee that names like ‘Best Cured Its system and wants to play the great (4) North. Range Twenty-nine In sunny, shaded or partly shaded Hams’ or ‘Parson Oats' won't show game of the people, for the people and sont hern manner. places. Plants for window boxes can be (29), E. W. M„ subject to the up under the varnish. In the better by the people. "You have a lovely Iris there, uncle,” roughly grouped in three divisions— dower interest of Nellie Bedale. she said. "Just the kind 1 always ed quality we guarantee the wood Is trailers, plants of medium size for the widow of the said Joseph G. If a soldier is rated at $10,000 mire every spring. And If you'd like stained right down.”—London Chron- second row and taller ones for the Bedale, therein, and subject to lele. by the government, what's a good to have some one have It who loves back row. There Is nothing hard and husband worth in time of peace? i the lien of the United States of the flowers I'd be very glad to buy It fast about these divisions. In small H. C. L. Hasn’t Reached Mountains. See J. H. Young. from you.” Agent Mutai | America for water rights appur boxes it Is advisable to dispense with The high cost of living makes little tenant to said land. “Ma’ah, said he. taking off the old Life Insurance Co. of New York the taller kinds, and sometimes an ex hat that kept the white wool from difference to the mountaineers down Is He can tell you. Are you suffici- Said property will be sold for cellent effect can be obtained by us- Columbus man who blowing In the breeze, “ma’am, ef yo‘ Tennessee. cash in hand upon confirmation of Ing one variety alone. Some of the ntly insured. all like Iris Ah sho wish to gib him to made a trip through that region re- the sale by the above entitled court petunias by themselves, because of cently and remained over night and yo.’ Please to ax’cep’ him Cum me. and upon execution and delivery of their strong growth and sprawly hab- ma’am"—and he held out the flower through the day at the home of a Notice for Publication. deed. It, furnish adequate height and nt the i mountaineer, was asked to pay $1 for for her to take. same time trail sufficiently to hide the Department of the Interior, U. s. Dated this 19th day of July. 1919, his lodging and three big meals. And "Oh no, uncle. I couldn’t take It from front of the box. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon. F B. SWAYZE. you like that. I didn't mean you to the head of the household wanted to July 12, 1919. Administrator of the Estate of Jos- give It to me, indeed I didn’t ; but It know If the charge was too much. At SMALL-TOP MILK PAIL BEST eph G. Bedale, Deceased. was so lovely 1 Just couldn’t help ask each meal enough was set before the Notice Is hereby given that Rob ing you to let me buy It. Thank you Columbus man to serve five ordinary ert Kennedy, of Hermiston, Oregon, Raley & Raley. Prevents Entrance of Dust or Dirt and Just the same, though." she said, pleas- men. The mountaineers raise every who. on August 9. 1915. made home- Attorneys for Administrator. Greatly Reduces Number of antly and smilingly, and started to go thing they eat and do not worry about stead entry. No. 015140, for Lot 10 First Publication July 19, 1919 | the high cost of things, because there Bacteria in Milk. down the street. Last Publication August 23, 1919 "Ma’am, ma’am," the old fellow call- Is little they are obliged to buy.—Co- (S NE*NW%), Section 28.Town- ship 5 N. Range 28 E. Willamette In modern dairies where clean milk ed after her. “Won’t yo' all wait jes lumbus Dispatch. tank for Dairy Herd, Meridian, has filed notice of inten- is produced the small-top milk pail one minute, please. Ah'll tell what I'd When figuring on a tank for th Felt and Cloth From Spun Glass. | tion to make three year proof, to es- is a necessity, as it presents only a Ink to do, ef yo* don‘ mln'. Dera’s a Il Sole, published at Milan, contains tablish claim to the land above de- dairy herd, allow for about 160 pounds Salvation gal dar on de co’ner ami Ah small opening into which dust and dirt didn’t hub money ‘nuf to gib her any an article on the glass industry, in scribed, before W. J. Warner. Ü. S or 40 gallons, for each cow daily. may fall from the air or from the Yo all take de iris flo’ an' gib her de which It la stated that after a series Commissioner, nt Hermiston, Ore- cow s body. It has been found by Making a Kicking Cow. of experiments made In Venice ana money, won’t ya’ please, ma'am ?” experience that the use of a pail ,,f gon, on the 19th day of September. Most times it is the calf that Is this kind greatly reduces the number “Certainly." said the lady, "and I’m | Murano by Signor Luigi Bisgato, fen 1919. handled roughly that makes the kick sure the girl will thank you for the and cloth made from spun glass have of bacteria in milk from dairies where ing cow. money. Good -by, uncle"—■and she now been successfully produced there Claimant names Wit ne It la used. Many types <>f milk patto A new society, the "Vitrum," has Thomas Mackay, William S. Mitch- are for sale, hut any tinner by the ad- en formed with extensive plants *11. Shedrack C. Nichols, Fred to where the bright-faced Salvation ' It is better to be insured than to dition of a hood can convert an ondi, Army girl stood collecting stray dimes Naples, for the manufacture of this Chezlk, all of Hermiston. Oregot nary pail into a sma H-t op pail. and nickels and quarters from the t and cloth for use as Insulators In ALL THREE HAPPY We Buy nome Town Alfalfa Hay T Helps! DUNN, Reegiste — Subscribe for The Harald. BUTTER WRAPPERS—WE SELL THEM ALL PRINTED in any quantity We are also in a position to do your baling. Hunt Bros At Hermiston Hotel Hermiston Oregon "Auto Truck ALWAYS ON THE JOB LONG AND SHORT HAULS Hermiston Transfer , Company Office, Cor. Main and Second Sts. Phone 152 Res, 44" MARSHMALLOW Hip