Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1919)
TRE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, HERMISTON. ■ -LOCALS---- We are Here to Serve You = X Mrs. E. P. Dodd and children left last Saturday for Salem to join Mr. Lodd there and remain until The close of the legislative session. ARRICES TUMBU and when you need anything in the Mrs. W R. Gallaher went to Port- land Thursday and will return Sun- day. She was accompanied by Miss Ila McClintick. Hardware, Furniture and Implement Miss Virginia Todd came from lletor and passed Sunday visit ât the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Todd. Mr. and Mrs. B. Quick of Irrigon visited Tuesday and Wednesday in this city at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McFalls. line come in and get our prices and learn the quality of goods we carry Mrs. E. W. Mack, who has been visiting with relatives in Hunting ton the past ten days, came home yesterday. She was accompanied by the wife of her son Sidney. Mackinaws and Stag Shirts Now Were $7.75 5.95 5.25 4.10 3.60 5.15 $9.50 Mackinaws for men 7.50 Mackinaws for men 6.50 Mackinaws for men 5.00 Mackinaws for boys., 4.50 Mackinaws for boys., 6.50 Stag Shirts_____ . GET IN ON IT BEFORE YOU ARE TOO LATE KINGSLEY’S CITY MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY CIC OF THIS MONTH White Wonder Soap Easy Day Soap Pure White Soap White Wonder Naptha Crystal White Soap 4 bars 25c 4 bars 25c 3 bars 25c; 7 bars 50c 3 bars 25c; 7 bars 50c 3 bars 25c If you want'Soap by the case you had better get our prices before buying. You will save money by doing so. MEATS RETAIL & WHOLESALE See our line of Pumps. We have them from the small size Pitcher Pump to the Deep Well Pump. prices are right too OREGON Oregon Hardware & Implement Co The family of Gemge C. Eilisen h..s been placed under smallpox quarantine, their two children hav ing contracted the disease in a light foni. Mrs. F. I,. Kelly was called to Portland Monday by message from her eldest son, C. L. Kelly, bearing the sad news of the death of his wife from influenza. A young man who was courting a girl who had bought a good many Liberty bonds was asked how it felt to be engaged. He replied: “Fine; every time I kiss her I feel as though I was clipping a coupon from a gov ernment bond. ******** E. E. Fletcher, an Idaho ranch A physician was passing a tomb- er, was casting his optics over this project Thursday. He’s innoculated. stone cutter and remarked; "Good and is going to buy and settle here morning, Mr. Jones; hard at it, I soon. : ee. I suppose you finish the stone so far as ‘In memory of’ and then Dr. W. W. Illsley returned to the wait and see who wants the stone?” base hospital at Camp Lewis Satur- 'Well, yes, unless I hear that some day night, after putting in 21 stren- body is sick and you are attending I nous days and nights here rendering the case. Then I put the name on | professional services to patients dur and finish the stone.” ing the flu epidemic. Meeting of Dairymen Called There will be a meeting of Dairy men on Wednesday, January 29, at 8 p. m. in the basement of the pub lic library. All persons interested in dairying are urged to attend, as matters of extreme importance will come before this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. T. Madron of Metol- (Signed) Committee. ieus, Oregon, were guests a few days this week of their friends, Mr. and Card of Thanks Mrs. Chas. McElroy, while here look We desire to express our sincere ing over the project with a view to thanks to all those who so kindly locating later. assisted us by sympathetic words ’Tis said one cannot teach an old and deeds during the fatal illness dog new tricks, but we notice since of our darling baby, and especially those Echo "subs” were here our lo to our neighbors and the nurses at cal telephone operators have learned the Hermiston hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hamman. an old one—that of making patrons call by number now. Announcement Editors W. H. Crary of the Echo The hall is still occupied as a hos News and W. T. Bray of the Stan- pital and we have no place we can field Standard made this office a have meetings next Sunday. There | pleasant social call last Saturday will be preaching at the Columbia while here a few hours viewing the school house, and all Hermiston sights in this wide-awake commun folks who have conveyances or can ity. get a way are urged to attend this meeting at 3 p. m. M. R. Gallaher, The librarian has received all Pastor. house and senate bills thus far pro posed for passage from State Senator Roy W. Ritner and Representative Dr. Freeze makes reg- visits to Hermis- E. P. Dodd, and these are now on ton. Consult him free file at the library for the inspection ind be assured of good f good eye service. 13 of the public. O. D. Teel and J. Frank Spinning of Echo passed Wednesday here in ci ference with J. T. Hinkit, re clamation service attorney, checking over some matters pretaining to the Teel irrigation project. The smiling face of John Waller is again seen about the Inland Em pire Lumber Co. yard, the gentleman having resumed his duties as sales man at that concern Monday after himself and family had passed safe Send your washing to the Model ly through a siege of the flu. laundry at The Dalles. Oregon, through P. B Siscel, local agent. Bas Mrs. N. C. Chapman of St. Paul, ket leaves Tuesday morning and re Minn., is a welcome guest of her sis- turns Saturday of each week. -adv49lfc ter. Mrs. R. M. Young, in this city. Wanted—Your subsciption for The The lady is making a tour of the Saturday Evening Post, »2 00; The west, and after visiting here for a Ladies Home Journal, 81.75; The time will Zo to San Francisco and Country Gentleman, $1.00. Ed. H Graham, Hermiston, Ore. 3tfc thence to Denver, Colo., on her way Sewing machine repairing and sur. home. plies, all makes. Phone 281. C. E. Hensley. 18tfe J. McCoy, proprietor of the se- Stock For Sale — Early Maturing, cond hand store, was off his feed Easily Fed type Du roc Jersey hogs. Sunday. Monday and Tuesday. but Geo H Root, Hermiston, Ore. 12tfc was able to go on shift again Wed Half of my farm for sale on very easy nesday. No, he didn’t have the flu but he says from the way he felt he terms. Come and see. C. W. LaBar 9ife. had a combination of nearly every re. ill while the sickness lasted. Wanted—A good cow for cash. A. (WANT AOS Tom Haddox, who has leased the Hoisington ranch in Columbia Dis- li let. la having a couple of rooms added to one of the two residences on the place so as to give better fa- j duties for the accomodation of hired help. Correll A Mayran are doing the carpenter work and Reed- er Bros will plaster the interior. W. L. Kimble, who Is a member of Company 9. Naval Training Camp. Seattle. Wash , came In on No. 6 | Tuesday morning to spend part of a furlough here. The gentleman be fore entering the service operated a ranch east of town, and during his stay he will give his attention to finding someone to lease or buy the place from him. P Garner. 16-tfc For Sale—One good sorrel borse io care of E. P. Shaw. saddle 17-41 p For Sale—4 cows and young heifer; -fresh 1st of December; 1 fresh 1st of Mirch. Enquire al this office. 18 tie For Sale— Cole’s Hot Bl «at stove. Geo. C. Ellison. 18 tfe For Sale—Finest bred paring mare in state of Oregon. Am leaving the country. Goo. C. Ellison, Hermiston, Oregon. Htfc Sappers' sell Radiator Anti-freeze. For Sale—42 inch Fresno in good condition. Price $25. j. w. Me- E’roy 18-2tp See Reeder Bros, for stackers and flume work. 1 g NEXT WEEK’S SPECIALS Blue Caro, per 51b can......................... 50c Blue Caro, per 101b can........................ ........................... $1.00 Monopole Hominy, (21b can) 3 for ...50c Medium Red Salmon, 11b can............ ...25c Van Camps Pumpkin (large cans) 2for................... 45c Van Camps Sauerkraut (large cans) 2 for................. 45c Standard Tomatoes, Peas and Corn, 2 cans for...... 35c Large Size Citrus, per package.......... ...,30c No Rub Laundry Help, per package.......................... 25c We have several reliable White Soaps, 4 bars for 25c If you want Quality Goods buy our Monopole Line FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Royal Bakery Goods from Portland PHELPS CASH GROCERY Phone 413 LION TIRES AND TUBES Quality Service We maintain a high standard on heavy busses carrying 16 to 22 passengers per trip running 20900 miles on a regular schedule. Guarantee 5000 miles. Get Our Prices. We Make Our Adjustments Hermiston Farmers’ Exchang P. F. FALLEN, Umatilla Representative. Phone 384 Finally Come to It There is a man in this town, and he ’peers wonderous wise, he swears by all the gods that he will not advertise. But some day he’ll advertise, the.ety hangs a tale — the ad. will he set in nonpariel aid headed “Sheriff’s Sale.”— Swip ed and remodeled. Notce for Publication Department of the Interior, Ü. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, January 13. 1919. Notice is hereby given that Wil liam J. Warner, of Hermiston. Ore., assignee of Chas. A. Montandon, as signee of John D. Rice, assignee of Miles E. Pearson, who. on Sept. 30, 1904. made Desert Land Entry, No. 02273, for SE* SEU. Section 19, Township 5 North, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before 8. A. Newberry. United States Commissioner, at his office, at Pendleton, Oregon, on the 13th day of March. 1919. Claimant names witnesses: Frank B. Swayze, Charles A. Keller. William O. Fritta, and Frank C. Park, all of Hermiston. Oregon. C. 8. DUNN. Register. % W ebster ’ s N ew I nternational DICTIONARIES are in use by busi ness men, engineers, bankers, judges, architects, physicians, farmers, teachers, librarians, cler gymen, by 9ucce»9Íul men and women the world ocer. Are You Equipped to Win? The New International provides the means to success. It is an all- knowing teacher, a universal ques- tion answerer. If you seek efficiency and ad- vancemen t why not makedaily use of this vast fund of inform ation? 100.000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 a Pages. Fatleiie J’Ysow-a... ,4 " paper MERRIAM Co.,