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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1918)
I TEE HERMISTON HERALD, the first payment on HERMISTON, OREGON. MATTHIAS ERZBERGER FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN PLOWS will be due Nov. 16th The First National Bank of Hermiston Capital & Surplus $30,000 Swiss C heese F actory Why borrow a plow and thereby be without its use on the day you need it most? We have an assortment that contains only the best plows made. Come in and see these and get our prices. You will always find our prices and terms take into consideration the fact that we are in a new country with heavy expenses. In other words, “We see you thru.” AT STANFIELD Pays $2.75 per 100 for Fresh Milk , 2 1 sat. DELIVERED AT THE FACTORY - PAUL HOFER Matthias Erzberger, civilian leader of the German armistice delegation. PHONE 83 AUSEON’S Barber Shop ueen esther chapter No. 101, o. e . s „ meets second Tuesday evening of each month at 8:00 sharp in Maek s hall. Visiting members welcome. Frances G. Phelps, W. M. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. Q ESTABLISHED Six YEARS Our Aim Is To Please the Public BATHS IN CONNECTION F. R. Vose, Proprietor HERMISTON LODGE NO. 138, A. F. & A. M., * * meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday evening of each month. Visiting brethren wel come. Ed. Jackson, Secy. M. D. Scroggs, W. M. VINEYARD LODGE NO. 206, I. O. O. F., " meets each Saturday evening in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting members cordially invited. W. R. Longhorn. Sec. J. S. West. Noble Grand. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Hermiston DR. R. G. GALE ‘Auto Truck Physician and Surgeon Rooms 1 and 2 Bank Bldg. Office Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. Phone 551 ALWAYS ON THE JOB LONG AND SHORT HAULS Give F. V. PRIME DENTIST Hermiston. Oregon Office, Bank Bldg. Office Phone, 93 Office Hours: Residence Phone 32 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Us A Trial Hermiston Transfer Company Office, Cor. Main and Second Sts. Phone 152 Res., 29F2 DALE ROTHWELL OPTICAL SPECIALIST ehi r% Alfalfa Hay WE SELL IN. CAR LOTS “onins Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. American National Bank Building Pendleton, Oregon D. N. REBER, M. D. Alfalfa Hay Baled or Chopped and Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Optical Department Glasses Ground Any Size or Shape Rooms 9-11 Schmidt Bld. Alfalfa Meal We are always in the market for loose hay delivered at the mill Pendleton Chiropractic Cures Where Other Methods Fail I use the Latest Painless Methods Dr. LORETTA H. STARBA CHIROPRACTOR GET OUR PRICES C.S. McNAUCHT Co Not Drugs. Not Surgery. Not Osteopathy Residence 103 Willow St. Office 103 W. Webb St. Phone 583 Pendleton, Ore. VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 464 Office in old Reading Room OVERHAULING Let me give you an estimate J. T. HINKLE Attorney at Law Several Years Experience in OREGON HERMISTON, The Methodist Ladies Aid are hold TAKEN UP Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ing a food sale today, beginnigg at tain the wages of their employes at 2 p. m., in the former rest room one has taken up and holds at his ranch 4%2 miles northwest of Hermiston, the following described the standard which has prevailed dur door east of tbe First National Bank. stock: One black boar, weight about 200 pounds: four ing the war, despite the industrial un white feet, white spot under neck and white on Goose hunting is tbe order of the nose, and two very small cuts on right ear. certainty of the immediate future. The above described property will be sold at day nowadays. Sometime« tbe hunters public auction to the highest bidder for cash in This is the substance of one of the bag a goose or two, but more times the hand Monday. December 2, 1918, at 10:00 a. m., at principal resolutions adopted at a the above mentioned ranch, unless redeemed by geese make ‘‘gooses” out of their pur owner. meeting of representative lumbermen J. M. Prindle suers. and loggers of the two states held A letter from the state food ad here Saturday. Reduction of wages, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. “even should lumber fall in value," is ministration is to the effect that on Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande. Oregon, November 8. 1918. December 1st the individual allowance opposed by the operators. Notice is hereby given that Otto G. Sapper, Continuation of the Loyal Legion of of sugur per month is to be increased of Hermiston. Oregon, who on May 12, 1915, made Reclamation Homestead Entry No. 014665 Loggers and Lumbermen was urged as o four pounds. for lot 3,section 32, township 5 north, range 29 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention an absolutely necessary part of the Read Tbe Movie advertisement else to make three-year proof to establish claim to the organization of the lumber Industry, where in this issue. It is about Am land above described, before W. J. Warner. U. S. Commissioner, at his office at Hermiston. Oregon, in resolutions adopted. The meeting bassador Gerard's “Four Years in Ger on the 6th day of January, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Henry M. Som* was conducted under the auspices of many," which will be screened at the merer, Charles A. Keller, Paul M. Miller and Wil the West Coast Lumberman’s associa- local playhouse a week from tonight# liam J. Downer, all of Hermiston, Oregon. C. S. DUNN. Register tion. and was largely attended. Lead While tbe new food administration ers of the industry from all parts of ruling which permits of the purchase NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING the northwest were present of white flour, without substitutes, ap Notice is hereby given to the legal voters plies to bakers and all public eating of School District No. Fourteen, of Umatilla places as well as the homes, the ad county, state of Oregon, that a school ministration advises that the bread al meeting of said district will be held at the Deaths From Epidemic Exceed Cas- lowance is not increased. In other school building on the 14th day of December, 1918, at two o'clock in the afternoon, to ualties of Yankees In War. words a person is supposed to be just vote on the proposition of levying a special Washington.—The recast epidemic as saving with food now as wbenoblig district tax The total amount of money needed by the of influenza in the United States hss ed to use substitues. district during the fiscal year beginning on caused more deaths than occurred June 17, 1918, and ending on June 16, 1919, among the American expeditionary Is estimated in the following budget and in INFLUENZA TOLL IS HUGE forces from all causes from the time the first unit landed in France until hostilities ceased. This announcement by the census bureau was bassd on unofficial estimates of tbe total css ualties among the overseas forces reports from 46 cities hsving a com bined population of 28.600,000, which showed 82,306 deaths from influenza and pneumonia from September 9 to and November 9. “Total casualties in the American expeditionary forces,” said the anr nouncement, “have recently been un officially estimated at 100,000.” Washington.—President Wilson, in a proclamation, has designated Thurs day. November 2», as Thanksgiving day and said this year the American people have special and moving cause to be grateful and rejoice. Complete victory, he said, has brought not only peace, but ths confident promise of a new day as well, In which “Justice shell replace force and Jealous in W. J. WARNER and Canadian Soldiers to Have Farm®. GAS ENGINE farm lands in the Canadian north OREGON west sre being set aside for returning of HERMISTON. Repair Work CARLILE French Restaurant UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Most up to date restaurant in Easter Oregon Try our 35 cent dinner Located in yellow house back of HOHBACH’S Baptist church Bakary. Confectionery, Restaurant cludes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, spec ial district tax, and all other moneys of the SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE district: There 1» to be a turkey shoot at Pete BUDGET Sheridan’s on Sunday, Nov. 24. The ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES shooting will begin at 9 oclock and Teachers’ salaries.............................. I $8460.00 continue on through the day as long as Apparatus and supplies, such as it is light enough to see. All are maps, chalk, erasers, stoves, 200 00 curtains, etc...........•.................... cordially invited to come and try their 100.00 Library books...................................... luck shooting, as this Thanksgiving is M oo Flags..................................................... to be a real thanksgiving. Repairs of schoolhouses, outbuild ings or fences .......................... .. 100.00 There will be a dance at the Butter 50.00 Improving grounds.............................. creek Hall on Saturday evening Nov. Transportation of Pupils................. .. 1275 00 30, so be sure and tell all your friends Janitor’s wages . ................................. 900.00 265 00 about it and bring all tbe family, as we Janitors' supplies......................... .. expect to bave the best dance tbat Fuel....................................................... 700 00 250.00 Light and power.................................. there has ever been at Butter Creek. Water..................................................... 175.00 145.00 Schoo) started Monday of last week Clerk’s salary and bond................... 35.00 and nearly all the children are there, Postage and stationery..................... For the payment of bonded debt but they all say tbat these abort days and interest thereon. Issued under make II bard to make up back studies. sections 117, 144 to 148, and 422 of school laws of Oregon, 1917 .. 258000 I. D. Basey bas sent his stock over 720.00 Interest on warrants.......................... co Monument. Mr. Basey intends to 20.00 Printing notices.................................... make Monument hi« borne next sum Insurance.............................................. 75.00 365.00 Miscellaneous...................................... mers as soon as school is out. hay to Mr. Marks is shipping bis . The ditch work will soon be finished on the low line as the crew is at the Winnipeg, Man — Tboussnds of acres road below Bert Nation’s. Attorney-at-Law west ern provinces. Pendleton moved to the Howard's »beep were Hinkle place Wednesday. It is understood that scores soldiers. ---------- of Canadian soldiers who have married English sod French girls have already applied for homesteads and that a movement is on foot to establish “sol diers' colonies" throughout the CHURCH NOTICES. conomy n Every Cake 203 E. Phone 139 Court St. Pendieton, ore Oats—No. white feed, $54 ton. 2 Barley—Standard feed, $50.25 ton. “„-Whole. $73077; cracked. STS 333 per ton; alfaite, per pound. Eogs—Ranch, 680 per dozen, potatoes —$1.75 @2 per hundred. Poultry—Hens, 26028ci aprin£,27 a30c; roosters, Uc; ducks. 270300: geese, 18c; turkeys. 30031c. ‘ Butter—Creamery. Wc PATE NTS “o. Id, through the old established tgenCy’WnurSRartare being quickly, inventions. our lItt duo SWIFT & co Ml“ent Lawyers, Estab. 1889 Phone Your Orders for all kinds of Transfer Work Siscer.. Phone 262 We are ready at any time to g° any where or haul anything- Stand at The City Transfer W. B BEASLEY pasEastern Washington timothy, 338 per ton. alfalfa, $34 per ton. "Btter—cramery. 60063c gg/s— Ranch, 80c per dosen___ Foultrs—Hens. 2928e;, "dner 260; roosters, dressed. 2792 C. geese. Me; turkeys, 400* See me Hermiston, Oregon Stanfield Àuto Co Cheurnlets (Daklanng Balance, amount to be raised by 11 2302 60 District tax (At the Lodge Hal) tmEverzone The amount of money to be raised by this special tax is more than the amount raised Thanksgiving Services by special school district tax in the year im- in the community I. invited to join ip mediately preceding this, plus six per cent the Thanksgiving service Thursday, | It If necessary to raise this additional at 10:30 a. m. BEST REPAIR WORK season is now here In ear nest and we are ready to serve you In any quantity. Try us for your next order. Our Candies are always fresh and nice. Our line of box candies Is unexcelled. Bulk candles handled by us are of same high grade. For Good Service See P. B. SISCEL 40 Totalestimated expense for the year $16450 00 Total estimated receipts not includ ing the tax to be voted........... 81147.40 A. E. Bensel, Supt. Everybody welcome. Good singing amount by special levy for the following HITT —FOR Ice Cream Confectionery by the united choirs; Sermon, Bev. "APsstimated increase in cost or M. R. church. Gallaher of the Methodist Was there ever a time like this for thanhsgiving? conduct- ing the school is twenty-five hundred forty- I seven dollars, due chiefly to the increased cost of the following items over last year: | Teachers’ hire, twelve hundred thirty dol- hr»; pupils' transportation, three hundred Services Nov 24. Sunday school 10 a. m. | seventy-five dollars; Interest hundred dollars; fuel, one T. C. Parks, Supt. dollars. The following items, viz : Janitor and janitor’s supplies, teachers’ supplies, library i books, building repairs, ground improve- ments, water and miscellaneous contribute the balance of the increased cost, or five hundred ninety-two dollars P reaching 11 » m. Subject, “Others."’ Seattle. ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund during the 596 00 coming school year...................... I From state school fund during the 446 40 coming school year................... Estimated amount to. be received from all other sources during the 858 00 coming school year..................... RECAPITULATION Sunday school, 10:00 a. tn. Nov. 28, ^Hay-Timothy, ..$16450.00 Total .. vote................................. ...84147 BAPTIST METHODIST CHURCH ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND APPLIANCES You'll Be Satisfied Total estimated receipts nut Includ ing the money to be received from the tax which It is proposed to THE MARKETS. Portland. Will do your work under engineer’s instructions BUTTER GREEK ITEMS Tillamook Co. trigue among the nations." AUTOMOBILE EVERYTHING IN FARM IMPLEMENTS Portland, Or.—Lumber manufactur ers of western Oregon and western Washington are determined to main Nation Asked to Voice Gratitude. IF YOUR AUTO NEEDS SAPPERS IN( LUMBERING WAGES TO BE CONTINUED LODGE DIRECTORY Epworth League 7:00 P- o>. Preaching 7:30 p. m Subject, “A Castaway- M. R. Gallaher, CATHOLIC CHURCH Hermiston, 10:00 a. m. Pastor Tobacco Soft Drinks charges, two hundred fifty Dated this 20th day of November. 1918 J. D Watson, Chairman Board of Directors Attest: R. C Todd, Clerk 8-11 Hunting, Fishing and Base Ball Goods Billiard and Pool