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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1918)
THE HERMISTON german mission proposed THE WAR INDUSTRIES BOARD Solf Tries to Enlist Personal Interest of Wilson. Has Removed all Restrictions on Construction COSTING TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS OR LESS If you have been contem plating building you need not hold back now............. It has been a patriotic duty not to build more than necessary for the past year. But that ban has been lifted, and you may feel perfectly free to build anything that you may need or wish LET US HELP YOU PLAN IT Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. R. A. BROWNSON, MANAGER The Man Who Defied the Kaiser JAMES W. GERARD An authorized Our Ambassor PHOTO to the PLAY German Version Imperial Court .. i AMBASSADOR JAMES W. GERARD'S- My Four Years in Germany Thanksgiving Day :: Admission, 25c, 35c LEGAL BLANKS FOR SALE AT THE HERALD OFFICE Leases, Deeds, Mortgages, Etc., Etc After the glorious Victory it would be well to heed the government's special request to ‘ Utensils Here M. D. O’CONNELL HERMISTON OPES Are you going to do any building or repair work this fall? Are you going to build a new barn, machine shed or root cellar? Farm machinery is too costly to be al lowed to remained out in the weather, while for a medium cost a good shed could be built to protect it from the elements. Proper shelter for the live stock solves feed and is true economy. Feed used by the animals to make heat can’t put on flesh at the same time. We must not let buildings go to rack and ruin because the country is at war, on the contrary the call is for economy and con servation through timely repairs. Come in and see us. Dizolagz°etdrper“s.csntserernsrlor:moninry Rzaäera"sentsmsertnsh, RSTdenus per line each ....... ... HIGH SCHOOL NOTES | day night. Dorothy Dalton will NOTICE OF SALE appear in “Tyrants Fear. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the au th- , - , .:11 ority of the City Charter of the City of Hermiston School opened Monday with and the direction of the City Council authorizing . me. « and directing the Treasurer of the City of Hermis- much enthusiasm. Ihere 18 d ton to collect the unpaid assessment for the . , ... I city irrigation water for the year 1918, levied and firm determination to make up imposed under the provisions of Ordinance No. 76, ... 1 passed by the city council and approved by the all the work lost during the en- mayor on July 2. 1913. and ordinance No. 96 passed . c 11 .,:11 bv the city council and approved by the mayor on ' forced Vacation. penO01 W HI April 17.1918. I . 1 will on the 23rd day of December, 1918. at the commence fifteen minutes ear- hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day ®t , . 1 pe the City Council Chamber in the City of Hermis- lier in the morning, and flfteen ton. Oregon, sell the following described lots, . . , » pieces and parcels of land at public auction to the minutes WÌ11 be taken Irom une highest bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds . . 13 1e from the sale of each lot, piece or parcel of land noon hour. 1 hlS adds a hall to be applied in satisfaction of the assessment 12:11 upon lot, piece or parcel of land with interest hour to each school day, and Still thereon from April 10. 1918, at the rate of 6 per e , i cent per annum together with a penalty of 15 per it lets the children out al the cent of each of said assessments and all costs. i , , . . Following is a description of each of said lots, usual time. The teachers instl- pieces or parcels of land with the number of feet . r . frontage, name of owner or reputed owner, and tute, usually held during IhanKS- amount of said assessment. i . 11 City of Hermiston according to plat filed with giving week. Will not be held County Recorder November 3, 1904. P P , Amount this year, thus three days will be Name Block 1— $3.99 made up during that time. Lot 7, 53 feet, Ed Maher . It Lot 8, 57 feet, Ed Maher.... 3.50 Block »- will take practically the whole Lot 15, 50 feet, Minnie Allsup.............. 3.50 Lot 16, 50 feet, Minnie Allsup .............. 3.50 year to make up the work. Noth Block 4- 3.50 ing definite, as yet, has been de Lot 14, 50 feet, H. A. Frick................... Lot 15, 50 feet. H. A. Frick................... 3.50 3.50 cided about the Xmas vacation. Lot 16, 50 feet. H. A. Frick................... Block 6— . 2,24 Lot 12, 32 feet, Her. Bank & Trust Co. Basket ball will be discontin Block 8— Lot 19, 25 feet, F. C. Pa A....... ............. 1.75 ued because making up the work Block 11— Lot 1, 25 feet, Wm. Kennedy..... will take all the time and give Lot 2, 25 feet, Wm. Kennedy .... .. 1.75 Lot 3, 25 feet, Wm. Kennedy... . 1.75 the students as much as they Lot 4. 25 feet, Wm. Kennedy..... 1.75 Lot 5, 25 feet, Wm. Kennedy .... 1.75 Lot 6, 25 feet, Wm. Kennedy .. 1.75 will be able to do. Lot 29, 25 feet, H. R. Newport . 1.75 To have a standard school the City of Hermiston according to plat filed with County Recorder April 5, 1905: school library must contain 250 Block 1— Lot 10, 25 feet, P. Norquist.......... . ..... 1.75 volumes other than dictionaries, Lot 11, 25 feet, P. Norquist......... ..... 1.75 encyclopedias and fiction. We Block 2— Lot 6, 10 feet, H. G. Newport ... .70 Lot 7, 25 feet, H. G. Newport 1.75 are considerably short of this Lot 12. 25 feet, Geo. J. Froehlin.... 1.75 number now, but at one time we Block 3— Lot 1. 50 feet, J. H. Reid .................... 3.50 Many of them Lot 12, 50 feet. Her. Bank & Trust Co 3.50 had these books. Block 4— have disappeared. If any one Lot 3, 50 feet, C. S. McNaught....... ..... 3.50 Block 6— Lot 11, 50 feet, J. H. Reid ..... «...... ..... ..... 3.50 in school or outside of school has Lot 20, 25 feet, H. G. Newport .......... 1.76 to the Lot 21, 25 feet, H. Q. Newport ........ .... 1.76 any books belonging Block 8- library, please notify the faculty Lot 1, 30 feet. Lena Behrman.............. .... 2.10 Lot 12, 25 feet, J. H. Reid ................. ..... 1.76 or send the book in. Lot 13, 25 feet. J. H. Reid ..................... .... 1.75 Lot 18, 25 feet, P. Norquist................... .... 1.75 A matinee and evening show Lot 19, 25 feet, P. Norquist................... .... 1.76 Lot 20, 25 feet, P. Norquist.................... . i 1.75 will be given on Thanksgiving, Block 10 - Lot 1. 15 feet. J. H. Reid.................. .... 1.05 November 28, Gerard’s “My Lot 2. 25 feet. J. H. Reid .................... 1.76 Lot 3. 25 feet. J. H. Reid ............... 1.75 Four Years in Germany,’’ will be Block 12— Lot 13, 25 feet. Her. Bank & Trust Co 1.75 shown. A good attendance is Lot 14. 25 feet. Her. Bank & Trust Co 1.76 Block 13— expected. Lot 1, 50 feet, H. G. Newport....... .... 3.50 Block 15— Lot 1. 50 feet, H. G. Newport . ............ Do not forget that Thrift and 3.50 Block F- Lot 6, 54 feet, H. G. Newport 3.78 War Savings stamps must still Lot 7, 54 feet, Genevieve Reid ........... 3.78 Lot 9, 54 feet, Genevieve Reid 3.78 J be bought. The Purple and Gold Block H— • j i • , Lot 6, 54 feet. Genevieve Reid 3.78 sides are working earnestly tO City of Hermiston according to plat filed with 1 sell these stamps. The amount County Recorder March 21. 1908: Name Amount sold by the Golds up tO the pres- Block 1— Lot 1, 84 feet, H. G. Newport sosent is $680.25 and the Purples Lot S» 50 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 3, 50 feet, H. G. Newport 3.00 have sold $1010.25. Lot 4, 50 feet, H. G. Newport 3.00 Lot 5, 60 feet, H. G, Newport ...... 3.00 The Junior Red Cross finished Lot 6, 50 feet, H. G. Newport 3.00 LOt 7, 50 feet, H. G. Newport . 3.00 books for LOt 8. 50 feet, H. G. Newport 3.00 their quota of scrap Lot 9, 50 feet. H. G. Newport . ..... 3.00 Lot 13, 50 feet. J. Pelmulder .... 3.00 the soldiers under Mrs. Voelker’s Lot 14, 84.8 feet, H. G. Newport 5.06 Lot 1, 45 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 2. 45 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 3, 45 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 4, 45 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 6, 45 feet. H. G. Newport Lot 6» 45 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 7, 45 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 8» 49 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 9, 49 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 10, 45 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 11, 45 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 12, 46 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 13, 45 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 14, 45 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 15, 45 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 16, 45 feet, H. G. Newport Block 1- Lot 9, 50 feet, H. G. Newport Lot 10, 50 feet. H. G. Newport .... Lot 11. 60 feet, W. A. Warren Lot 12, 60 feet, W. A. Warren Lot 13, 50 feet, W. A. Warren ... . Block 4— Lot 1, 40 feet, T. P. Harwood __ Lot 2, 50 feet. T. P. Harwood Lot 7. 50 feet. H. G. Newport Block 6 Lot I, 45 feet. H. G. Newport __ Lot 2, 45 feet. H. G. Newport Lot 3, 45 feet. H. G. Newport Lot 9, 49 feet. H. G. Newport __ Lot 10, 46 feet, H. G. Newport __ Lot 14, 45 feet. Mrs. Dan McDade Block 6— 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone Main 33 “The Yard of Best Quality” H. M. STRAW, MGR. IN ADDITION TO Edison and Columbia Phonographs WE HAVE NOW THE PATHEPHONE Which plays all makes of records. Also Pathe records used by the Brunswick and Sonora which are patterned after the Pathe. ALL PHONOGRAPHS ON EASY TERMS HERMISTON DRUG CO Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED supervision. This was the first district in the county to finish and the workers have now start ed on their second quota. HAY GRAIN AND FEED 2.94 2.94 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 . - .... .... IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE We are Always in the market for Alfalfa Hay Irrigon has been very fortunate in 3.00 3.00 having no cises of the -'flu” and very 3.00 little sickness of any kind. 3.00 .... 3.00 G. W. Hux was called over wo Lex 2.40 .... 3.00 ington, due to sickness in the family of 3.00 .... 2.70 2.70 .... 2.94 .... 2.70 2.70 .... 5.10 .... 3.00 3.00 Wheat and Rye Seed Millfeed and Rolled Barley Mrs. Bert Smith, hisdaughter. A. H. Allen has about completed a I neat little house he has been putting up on his ranch that he rece itly pur chased from Mrs. Lester. J. W. Brackenbury is Irrigon’s I 3-09 latest settler. • He hails from about | We have a variety of very pleasing and useful presents for young and old. See our Xmas line and be convinced. Carving Sets and Thanksgiving Cooking [ Mr. Customer] issued Each Saturday by Berlin, by Wireless to London.—A entered as second-class matter. December direct appeal has been made to Presi- i. 190; at the postonce at Hermiston, Oregon dent Wilson by Foreign Secretary Solf SUBSCRIPTION RATES for permission to send a German com I . ......... .75 mission to the United States at once. Oneyear -—----- ---------- SsuBgelions must be paid in advance. The object of the proposed mission is personally to lay before the American advertising rates government the conditions existing here and to assure the taking of steps to produce foodstuffs. In his message subsequent insertion without change of copy. to Secretary of State Lansing, Dr. 5 cents per line. Solf, after appealing to him to inter cede with President Wilson to send peace delegates to The Hague as soon as possible, "in order to save the Ger man people from perishing by starva- tion and anarchy,” he suggested that Herbert C. Hoover, the American food The opening show of the high administrator, be assigned to the task school Movie will be given Satur- of assisting the German people. DO YOUR XMAS SHOPPING EARLY Get Year IIERMISTON, OREGON The Hermiston Herald HERALD, lot 10, 50 feet H. G Newport lot IL 50 feet, H G. Newport Block 8— lot 3, 45 feet, H G. Newport lot L 45 feet, H G. Newport lot 9. 50 feet, Hattie Ripperdam lot 10,50 feet, Hattie Ripperdam ... 3.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 . 3.00 —For Sale it Lowest Prices— Redmond, Oregon, and has purchased 15 acres of the Davis lands and also s house and several lots in town LEATHERS »GORHAM A small crew is at work continuous 2.70 ly in cleaning out the government dit. 2.70 The work is done principally by 2 7 • 2.70 sluicing and operations are highly sue cesstul. The crew, m charge of of H 3.00 Wolfe, is camped at the lower Near Depot sand Paul Jones, engineer for "27 " 1* 3.00 Is now open for business Under New Management At the same location as formerly with a full line of second-hand goods. We Will Buy all Your Old Junk CALL AND SEE US J. McCoy, Prop SHAAR’S Jacob L. Stork the V. U.S o RS at Irrigon has been transferred 308 to Hermiston, where here he he will will be be asso. asso. 100 ciated with Mr. Newell Io reservoir in. 800) vestigations. Goodbye, Paul, we will 8 • 2 £0 8.4 881285 # 8 Neteor ----- 3.00 £0 past week He is coming back t buy lot IL 50 feet, H G about 00 acres of as fine land as there M # £ ft # 8 Newport - — - . 15 is under the project an I that has been lot 1, 87.5 feet, H. G. Newport ------- -- overlookedby some ofthe oldersa).,. lot L 86.6 feet, H G. Newport _ All A prospective new settler has her M #81 # & NoEpor - -- looking over the Company lands the Blacksmith AND — Horseshoer Newport —• Second Hand, Store ches. 2.40 Look in this space every week for the price of butterfat Phone 412 HERMISTON at Hermiston, Oregon, this 16th day of at least h- Mid h. ... i Dated ember 1918. 17,9 rw n- «id be was coming G-i r. a. PHELPS, City Treasurer1 and they sometimes do. back Tonsorial Parlors Shower and Plain BATHS Scientific Tonsorial Shop located on Hurlburl A WE ENDEAVOR TO PLEASE