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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1918)
THE H ermiston H erald VOL. XIII HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1918 ESEARCH FOR RESERVOIR SITES GIVE GOOD RESULTS OLD GLORY1 FLIES ON GERMAN SOIL INFLUENZA QUARANTINE TO BE LIFTED TO TONIGHT For some years past investiga- stored flow of the Umatilla river. ons and surveys have been This preliminary survey work has been done under general in e in the hope of finding a structions from the Interior De ¡table location for the storage partment to obtain advance in f water to supply the irrigable formation as a basis for new ds in the west end of Umatilla The excellent sample of broom work, or enlargement of exist nty not capable of being, irri- corn grown by Sam L. Carson on ted from the government Cold ing irrigation and drainage pro his ranch near this city which is now prings reservoir. Ten or more jects throughout the country. on display at the Oregon Hardware & tes have been considered, but that may be carried on after the Implement Co. store may be the in ey all lacked merit to such an termination of the war. It has centive for some of our farmers to tent that their construction been reported that the govern diversify a little more next spring by not been undertaken. There ment may adopt a policy of con planting on their respective places a numerous sites of ample structing reservoirs for irriga goodly acreage of this cereal. That pacity in the Umatilla river tion purposes at the expense of its wonderful productivity in this soil nyon, but the expense of re- the nation at large, instead of at has been absolutely proven is well oving the railroad out of the the expense of each individual known, and this coupled with the SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE nyon would make the cost of project; although all canals and fact that at the present time it com rvoir construction prohibit- ditches from the reservoirs to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Spinning returned mands a good price on the market the land to be watered would be the latter part of last week from Cali- Did Hermiston celebrate the real for the manufacture of carpet brooms e. news of the signing of the armistice? During the past two . months, charged against the land bene- foruia. Why of course she did, and in a man goes a long way toward making of it wever, the reclamation service fited. This policy of reservoir Mrs. McCune is spending the week ner that left no doubt but wbat the one of the staple crops of the project with her daughter in Portland. war was over. It was no small cale at no distant date. as been making preliminary construction, however, is only in Mrs. William Switzler is still quite bration like the one when the fake prospect, so there is as yet no This cereal, if grown in quantity, rveys in the McKay creek can certainty of its ultimate adopt sick with influenza, but Mr. Switzler news came, for the real grand parade should prove one of the best money on, some thirty-three miles is much improved and is able to be Mondav, with real band music, was ion. about. Mr. Compton and several of something to conjure with for years to makers on the farm, for recent quo- m Hermiston, where two Now that the war has practic- [ ’he Greek boys are recent victims. uable reservoir sites have been come. Echo and Stanfield hove to ir tations from one of the manufactur ound. McKay creek flows into ally come to an end, it has been Miss Ray, who has been staying at like manner, and when the three towns ing concerns on the coast show that Dyxtra home, left last week for joined forces the procession that wend at the present time broom corn is e Umatilla river about two suggested that construction work the her home at Dallas, Ore. ed its way back and forth between the iles west of Pendleton, and the on the McKay creek reservoir Ted Carroll was in Hermiston Satur above places was over six miles long. commanding the very enticing price nyon extends south from that might possibly be started during day last, bringing home with him a It will take a long time to finally of from $200 to $450 per ton. int. The McKay creek valley the summer of 1919. If this load of potatoes from the Farmers’ adjust peace proper, for Germany_is_ a very fertile one, and is now should occur, then it may hap Exchange for himself and D. C. Chap- now in the throes of internal turmoil, but the signing of the armistice means cupied by many farms. There pen that enough water will be man. a beginning of the end, fur which wheat fields on the uplands stored during the following win Miss Lillian Busch, our lady opera everyone is thankful. ter for one or two irrigations in tor, has returned from a two weeks’ rdering the valley. the summer of 1920 on land sojourn in Portland. Henry Shaffer, who has been One of the possible reservoir where the natural flow of the Lee Carroll spent Saturday and Sun a resident of the project the past ites is at the month of the Mc- Umatilla is now depended on. day with his parents at Irrigon. six years, during which time he SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE ay canyon, two miles this side The full benefit of the new re Mr. and Mrs. James were Pendleton has worked and been a constant f Pendleton. The other site, servoir would not be available visitors the latter part of last week. Dr. Dorn made several trips into this companion of J. H. Tabor, who er south, is five miles from for a year or two thereafter. D. C. Brownell of Portland was vis community this and last week and operates the Tabor ranch seven endleton. Approximately the iting at the Robert and Lou Brownell vaccinated several families, including Some arrangements would, of homes last week. Stillings, Hannan, Haddox and Wau- miles east of Hermiston, died e amount of water may be ' course, have to be worked out Clint Harvey, who was reported as gaman’s. Sunday forenoon. The body was red in each location, but the whereby the private projects being seriously ill at The Dalles, is Waugamans took their daughter embalmed by Undertaker Prann tter of the two sites is regard could purchase this stored water much better at this writing. Jessie to Pendleton last week. She and after a short impressive ser as the more desirable because from the government. Mrs. Searls of The Dalles is a guest had fallen from the chicken house and vice Tuesday was brought to this f less material being required severely injured one of her arcus. The prospect of the McKay at the Reynolds home. city and accompanied to the old construct the dam and the Miss Hattie Graham visited with her home in Pennsylvania for inter creek reservoir is the brightest d to be taken for the reservoir brother, E. E. Graham, and family one ment by his daughter, Mrs. ing less developed than the J hope that has made its appear day last week. ance for some time for the de Caston, of Seattle, who with her Columbia district was well repre er location. At the south : velopment of the irrigable land SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE husband came here on tele sented Monday in the peace parade at tion test pits are now being west of the Umatilla river to the graphic advice from Mr. Tabor Hermiston and also at the bonfire. ug at the proposed dam site. no one on the creek has report full extent of its productivity, ed As Miss Albrecht is still ill but much of her parent’s death. any cases of the flu and if none are h of these reservoir sites has Deceased had attained the ad for that land is regarded by reported this week school will open, improved over a week ago, not being estimated storage capacity of confined to her bed so closely. vanced age of 72 years, and al many people as being among the , and perhaps tbe Butter creek dance m 50,000 to 70,000 acre feet of 1 A new house is being erected on the ways enjoyed good health right desirable in this section of hall also. ater. If the government most 1 ranch of Rev. Jones. When complet upto the last. On Sunday about the county. Mr. and Mrs B. J. Nation motored ed it will be occupied by W. Spencer. ould conclude to utilize the to Pendleton Monday to help the Per- 10:30 he came in from the yard Miss Gertrude Simmons spent Wed cKay canyon, only one reser- dletonians celebrate peace. They de after a short walk around, and nesday and Thursday with her parent- ir would probably be built clared they yelled until they couldn’t after a few remarks on general at Tip-Top ranch. bear themselves think, and after that A reservoir at McKay creek Mrs. W. N. Wheeler received her matters with Mr. Tabor lay down they thought the other people were ill have an unusual advantage first letter from her husband, Lieut on a couch for a little repose. making too much noise. Wheeler, now in England, since he Inside of ten minutes after he ver many other locations, for it A jolly party indeed was tbe party sailed six weeks ago. He wrote that ill not be necessary to construct Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reeder that motored out to I. D. Basey’» last the trip was fine, only not exciting had stretched himself on the bed y canals to convey the and daughter have returned to Sunday and partook of a fine chicken enough as not a "sub” was sighted. he had passed away, the only r to the reservoir or to Hermiston from Florida after an dinner. The party consisted of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beddow and sign of his departure to the land y it away. The flow of the absence of eight years. The and Mrs. Harold Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Simmons took a motor trip Mon beyond being a little heavier k will be used to fill the gentleman is a carpenter and Wishart, daughter Elsie, and two son*. day to Heppner. Eo route they slop breathing than was his wont. ervoir, and then as the water plasterer, and in the early days Hav hauling is not progressing as ped for lunch at a small grove and Death thus came quietly and y be needed for irrigation, plied his trade here, and has re- rapidly as it should on account of car cooked in true campers' style. peacefully, as he had asked in Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neimeyer, now ter the spring and early snm- entered the business in partner shortage at Westland. his prayers that it should. Old at Portland, are tbe proud parents of er flow of the Umatilla river is ship with his brother, Levi Reed- Mrs. I. D. Basey «as in Hermiston a baby girl. Mra. Reid just received age caused his death. Tuesday for the first time in two | er, it will be allowed to flow word from tbe happy grandfather. er, The journey from Florida months. Sentenced to Eighteen Month* wn the bed of the Umatilla to was made all the way in a Ford Mrs. B J. Nation is the United War Wilford K. McFaul was Mon e present intake canals of the touring car with but very little Worker» representative on the creek Contains • Joker day sentenced to 18 months im ious projects near Echo. The trouble being encountered. and was out Wednesday getting sub- I When a person get» something for prisonment on McNeil's island scriptions for tbe fund. nothing, »aid something usually con- inter and spring flow of Mc- P ’ — ind — - - tains a joke« or has * string attached for having robbed the mails dur y creek is known to be ample Geo. ureter who a . . toit. For instance, a certain preacher In Their New Home fill one reservoir, and it is and broke his arm and one rib, is gett received from the patent medicine ing operation by him of a rural ght it would be sufficient to J. McCoy, proprietor of the Her ing along fine and able to enjoy riding company an Offer to provide hischurch route out of Echo. His trial wi ith song book, free of charge. - It took place in the federal court at Pply another, if a second one miston Second Hand Store, has in an auto. Work on tbe high line ditch will was explained that there would be a Pendleton, and during the pro- moved his family from the ranch uld ever be built; but if the soon be completed for this year. few adds in the front end beck of the w of the McKay should prove he formerly operated on the west There is talk of there being a sec- books, but that these ads wou'd not be reedings, among other evidence that went to show that he had a t to be enough for two reser- side of the Umatilla river to the tion house at Westland some time in offensive to the membersof his congre astatine valuable irs, then the water from Birch residence house on the acre of tbe near future. If there is a section gation, since the books were being se- penchant for extracting, ? J J k could be diverted to the ground on Fifth street in New house and tbe school teacher and ber cured for nothing. Tbe preacher gave | letters was the fact that ne had McKay. These two creeks are port addition that he recently husband and family move into tbe the order and the books arrived. He purloined one containing a check school houee Westland will have ite found the lines to be mildly worded for $80 drawn by a local firm and less than three miles apart where purchased from Col. Newport. start in tbe way of a town; then the and decided to use the books. He ex iac 1 dressed to a gentleman on the The acre is well improved with a next thing that we will expect is for plained from the pulpit bow the book* they could be connected. route. This check was cashed This stored water would not family orchard, and the interior some one to improve one of the lots had been secured, and announced that in Pendleton by the mail robber only be supplemental to the of the four room house has been and have some water on the townsite, they would sing No 274. Imagine the people's surprise when on reaching and the money spent. Present Cold Springs reservoir semi-modernized, so that now A. I. Basey has at last got his car to the second verse, they found themsel running again and we naturally sap- it makes a very comfortable for the government project, but With the lifting of quarantine the pose that he is getting reedy for tbe ves singiog: "Hark, the Heavenly an- local Red Cro-s has resumed work gels sing. Johnson's pills are just the could also be used for the Fur- home. wedding procession which Mr Marks again, and it is requested that all who thing; Angelic voices meek and mild nish Ditch Company and the intend* to spring on us. can possible do so attend. The room City Clerk C. M. Jensen is having • KO for man and one for child " Western Land A Irrigation Com new kitchen and bedroom added to his pany projects, as well as for the home in the southwestern part of Another carload of dry land potatoes Ob, you cidsget ready tor school and the Wednesday evening class will Whitman county -------------- --------- Frank was received from “ begin again as heretofore. Cantractors Levi and several smaller projects which this week by the Farmers’ Exchange, next Monday morning Reeder are doing the work. now obtain water from the un BROOM CORN QUOTED AT $200 TO $450 TON UMATILLA ITEMS CELEDRATION WAS TDE REAL ARTICLE DEATH PEACEFULLY COMES TH AGED MAN COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES BUTTER CREEK ITEMS RETURNED HERE AFTER EIGHT YEARS ABSENCE NO. 9 After a battle of three weeks in an endeavor to stamp out Spanish influ enza in this neighborhood, Mayor McKenzie this Saturday evening will proclaim the lilting ofthe quarantine, which will admit of church going peo ple to attend worship Sunday and everything resume normal condition Monday. Simultaneously Chairman J. D. Watson of the local school board will serve notice of the re-open ing of the Hermiston school on Mon day morning of the coming week. Mr. Watson also desires to notify teachers and pupils that school will take up fifteen minutes earlier each morning and the lunch hour shorten ed that much at noon. This will add nne-half hour to normal school time, and is being done to make up for lost time on account of the en forced vacation. The careful following of the quar- antine regulations as laid down has completely stamped out the flu here it is thought, for only one new case has appeared in Hermiston within the past week, that being W. F. Smith on the Dishon place in the western part of town, and at this writing he has almost fully recovered. Out in Columbia district, however, there are several cases yet, and on this account quarantine on school and gatherings may remain in force therefor a week or ten days to come. NEW DUTCHER SHOP ABOUT TO BE OPENED Within a few days another butcher shop will he established and in operation in this city, H. W. Hoffman and Soren Jensen having entered into pardnership for this purpose. The new en terprise will begin business in the Kern frame building on Main street which was formerly occu pied by the Hermiston Second Hand Store. GRAVELING NORTH RIDGE ROAD A DOON Under the supervision of Road Supervisor Leathers a streach of the county road leading from this city toward Umatilla is being graveled by a force of ten men ami eight teams. The work is bring done on a sandy part of the thoroughfare on North Ridge leading west along the south side of the Leek ranch. He’s Making a Record The many friends of Philip L Lay will be pleased to learn of hit making a good record in the army. Last week the divisional adjutant called Philip and two other sergeants up from the With regiment and told them that of the 99 sergeants in their regiment they had the highest rating, and said there were plans under way to send one or two non-commissioned officers to different cities on a "camp welfare mission,” and if it came up Sergeant Lay and his two companions would have a choice of accepting or rejet ting the detached work. At a formal re view Oct. 20, the inspector general from Washington, D. C., stated that Battery A. 38th regiment, F. A., was the best trained battery now in train ing in any of the camps in the U. S. Auto Application Blanks retary of State Ben W. Olcott a quantity oí 1919 application blanks for the registration oí motor vehicles and chauffeurs, also a number of cop- ies of the moter vehicle lew. These will be distributed to any application to this office. who one may require such blanks or law K on I