Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1918)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, KAISERPLANNED TO pLEASE make the last payment - on your 3rd Liberty Loan this week. RULE WORLD AFTER 6 MONTHS _ WARFARE Last payment was due Aug. Thought From Theft of Iron and Coal France, Land From Russia. Would Pay Bill The First National Rank Planning world trade domination. If of Hermiston not actual world rule, as the outcome I a short six-months’ campaign in Europe, Germany now finds herself outcast from among civilized nations her people impoverished, her honor irrevocably stained by the blood of Belgium, and facing a future of Tatnomless ignominy and disgrace. I will make room for my growing Hiiliini...... im....... ................................................................. ................................. people by taking some more of France and a few thousand square miles of Russia," said the Kaiser. "We will get the iron and coal In Northern France for manufacturée which we will sell the conquered population of Russia, and this, besides Indemnities, wUl more than pay for the war. Eng. and will not dare come in, and our merchant fleets will soon crowd her from the world trade routes. "It the United States does not —------- ---------- acquiesce, her manufacturers will get no more of our dyes and chemicals, her farmers no more of our ferii Mzers. And we will also take from her all South American com- merce." Capital & Surplus $30,000 LEND AS THEY FIGHT THE GOVERNMENT OF THE 1 UNITED STATES asks you for a loan—all you can spare to make up a total of Six Billion Dollars. This money is necessary to keep those boys fighting in France - to keep them well fed, well armed and supplied with ammunition. If you lend as they fight, victory will come, and if you lend as willingly vic tory will come quickly. BE GENEROUS WITH YOUR LIMIT BUY Liberty Bonds TODAY Any Bank Will Help You Nllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllli This Advertisement Contributed Through the Patriotic Co-operation of Merchants of Hermiston THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF I OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY i the Matter of the Estate of ) Notice to Credi- iliard A. McLallen, deceased 1 tors, Notice is hereby given that the undersigned 8 been appointed by the above entitled court, Kutor of the last will and testament of Willard McLallen, deceased, and that he has qualified the law directs. All persons having claims tust said estate are notified to present the me to me at the office of my attorney, W. J. srer, Hermiston, Umatilla county. Oregon, th proper vouchers, within six months from the te hereof. Dated this 8th day of August, 1918. " W. G. Fritts, Executor Alfalfa Hay WE SELL IN CAR LOTS Alfalfa Hay Baled or Chopped and SHOES Alfalfa Meal We have a full line of Shoes for We are always in the market for loose hay delivered at the mill Ladies, Gents and Children GET OUR PRICES C.S.McNAUCHT Co Boys' Tennis Shoes, $1.06 to $1.25 Children's Tennis Slippers. 80c to $1.40 Call and inspect them Prices right W. M. HAHN SHAAR’S onsorial Parlors Shower and Plain BATHS Scientific Ton »orial Treatment HERMISTON Second Hand Store Is now open for business Under New Management At the same location as formerly with a full line of second-hand goods. HERMISTON, OREGON. LODGE DIRECTORY CUUUMHA NEWS NOTES UEEN ESTHER CHAPTER No. 10L O. C s. meets second Tuesday evening of each month Q --------- Frances G. Phelps. W. M. elcome. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. Carrol Akers, Edward and Herbert Hall will leave the latter part of this week for O. A. C., Darrell Murchie and Wayne Akers about the 26th for Eugene w here they will enter the University of Oregon. This takes nearly all the young men from this district. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waugaman, Mrs. Blessing and Mrs. Haddox motor ed to Pendleton Monday returning the same day. HERMISTON LODGE NO. 138, A. F. A A. ML. "" meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday VINEYARD LODGE NO. 206, I. O. O. F, * meets each Saturday evening in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting members cordially invited. W. R Longhorn, See. J. 8. West, Noble Grand Geo. Briggs has been serving as juror at Pendleton. Mrs. H. Hooker and mother, Mrs. Rodgers, were Echo visitors Wednes day. Rooms 1 and 2 Bank Bldg. Office Hours: 10 to 12; t to 4; 7 to 8. Phone 551 OPTICAL SPECIALIST Shoe Repairing Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. American National Bank Building Pendieton. Oregon STOCK MENS’ WORK AND DRESS SHOES JUST ADDED Optical Department Glasses Ground Any Size or Shape Full Soles and Half Soles. Better than leather Mr. and Mrs. Leo Clark and family have returned from Imbler, Oregon, Chiropractic Cures Where Other Methods Fail where they attended the funeral of I use the Latest Painless Methods Mrs. Clark’s father. Dr. LORETTA H. STARBA America. “Remember end the war in 1019.” To America and her Belgium five and million Geo. Joerndt has returned business trip to Seattle. from a Mr. and Mrs. Leather* and Miss Irene Boone enjoyed the three days at the Round Up. Notice to Neighborhood Club Mem bers—There will be a meeting on the Sommerer lawn Wednesday, Sept 25, at 2:30 sharp. Everybody urged to at tend. Annual election of officers. of us a vallant Pendleton Rooms 9-11 Schmidt Bld. CHIROPRACTOR Not Drugs. Not Surgery. Not Osteopathy nest and we are ready to serve you In any quantity. Try us for your next order. J. T. HINKLE OREGON HERMISTON, W. J. WARNER Our line of box candies is unexcelled. ORIGON HERMISTON, J.L.VAUGHAN “mee me cart t MI Junk WE ENDEAVOR TO PLEASE CALL AND SEE US Wm. Shaar, Prop. J. McCoy, Prop ■ rrr for all kinds of Transfer Work Stand at Siscel’s. Phono 262 We are ready at any time to go any where or haul anything The City Transfer W. B. BEASLEY Ice Cream Confectionery LONG AND SHORT HAULS Transfer Company Hermiston Office, Cor Main and Second Sts. Ree . 29F2 Phone 152 AUSEON’S Barber Shop ESTABLISHED aix YEARS Tobacco Soft Drinks Hunting, Fishing and Baie Ball Goods " First Class Our Aim Is To Please the Public Hermiston I. IF YOUR AUTO NEEDS AUTOMOBILE “THE MOVIE” GAS ENGINE dow pottfr t» »huh tubtenb^t to ihf it. Phone Your Orders —FOR— ALWAYS ON THE JOB F. O. Vose, Proprietor Blacksmith without P. B. SISCEL HITT Te Auto Truck Several Y ear i Experience is be For Good Service See Pendleton, Ora. OVERHAULING Thú is a reproduction ° Ine " Mh /'btrtf Loan are entiteg No AMERICAN Homt »hoM high grade. Phone 139 203 E. Court St. Let me give you an estimate Horseshoer candies Billiard and Pool Tables BATHS IN CONNECTION Jacob L Stork % ------- AND - Bulk handled by us are of same AND APPLIANCES Western Land & Irrigation Co., I WP. Littlefield and J. B Moore, I Defendants, I Our Candies are always fresh and nice. of We Will Bay all Your Old ICE season is now here in ear Telephone 464 Office In old Reading Room French Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. C. Parks and baby re turned to their borne in Portland Mon day after a two weeks’ visit with her Billions of dollar* of Ameri- sister, Mrs. W. Myers. many. os’s huge war loans are coming back Following Columbia ranchers were to the farmer in payment for his purchasers of thoroughbred stock at grain and stock. The farmer, for his future honor the sale last Saturday: H. M. Soni Wallace Spencer, Frank and standing in the nation, most see merer, that every penny of this sum he can Waugaman and F. P. Phipps. spare is reinvested in war loans. C. E. Spence spoke Saturday night The Fourth Liberty Loan, now upon at the school bouse snd the prelimin us, calls för but a portion of what America must spend In war effort* In ary steps taken toward forming * the next few months. It must be sub chapter of the grange here and also scribed promptly and overwhelmingly one in Hermiston the previous evening That "the man who is not for us Is against us” is as true now as when Hermiston Dairy and Hog Show It was written centuries ago October 18 and 19. If YOU buy a fifty dollar bond when you COULD BUY a five bun dred dollar bond, you are not doing IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY your full duty as an American. OF UMATILLA Oregon VETERINARY SURGEON Bowman’s Studio H. J. Stillings and E. E. Shore of Cold Spring*, have purchased 49 head of cattle they intend to fatten. Sam Rodgers Hermiston Residence 10$ Willow St. Office 108 W. Webb St. Phone 683 Pendleton, Oro. desperately against the wheel of war Messrs, and Mesdames G. Beddow, preparations from now on. To no H. Ott, M. B. Murchie, F. A. Brunson, one person or class is it given to do N. W. Bloom and Mr* W. N. Wheeler a greater share In this war than any PHOTOGRAPHS enjoyed the Round-Up Saturday. We guarantee our work. When In Pen other person or class,. Each must The ladies of the Neighborhood club dleton come and see us. Studio located do his utmost entertained Wednesday afternoon at WEIGHT RESTS ON Opposite Hotel Pendleton (NsNE.the) the home of Mrs. C. A. Kellar, com AMERICAN FARMER pliœenting Mrs. G. C. Akers who wll Upon no one class rests a greater leave soon to make her home it responsibility than upon the Ameri can farmer, who with his wives and Wasco. Several vocal solos were ren sons and daughters constitutes on • dered by Mrs Akers and Mrs. Ton UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT third of our population. He has the Stewart that were much appreciated Most up to date restaurant In Eastern Oregon Try our 36 cent dinner first and great responsibility pro The rooms were artistically decorated viding food for the nation at home, with dahlias and asters. About 30 HOHBACH’S food for the fightins men abroad, and ladies enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs Bakery, Confectionery, Restaurant Pendleton food for our allies tn the battle Une Kellar and the honor guest was pre and their civilian population. seated with a set of Community silve: England, with millions of acres of teaspoons from the club. At the close parks and hunting grounds converted of the afternoon delicious refreshments into farms can only raise crops to ELECTRIC FIXTURES feed her people half the year. France, were served with every man tn uniform, and nearly half her fields overrun by armies, does even less With her grain fields extended by millions of acres of new land, Ameri- ca is responding to the call and allied hunger will never be an ally to Ger- Better than ever now that the ' machine is installed. To out of town customers sending work we | will return it by next mail, paying postage one way. D. N. REBER, M. D, Now, across the graves of a mil- Hon of his young men, the Kaiser is beginning to see the sun set on the smallest of his ambitions. "Foch will never cross the Rhine,” is now the German watchword. German cities, shrieking beneath the visitation of allied and American airplane bombers cry out: "No more of this barbarity.” Buch cries are echoed in the ghostly laughs of thousands of Gotha and Zeppelin victims in London and Paris. The Rhino will be crossed, and Cologne and Berlin will wince be- neat the shells of Allied guns. G. C. Akers left Monday for Wasco accompanied by his daughter, Miss “Five million men in France,” arias Ruth. EST REPAIR WORK DALE ROTHWELL Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beddow motor ed to Two Rivers Sunday. Mrs. John Williams has returned from a lengthy visit with her daugh ter who resides in Portland. (Daklanns Physician and Surgeon GERMAN GRAVES GRIM ANSWER Mr. snd Mrs. Banks and daughter, Mrs. Jory, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rodgers left Thursday for the Round Up. Cheurnlets DR. R. G. GALE Jene Skovbo purchased a Ford truck from Sappers’ Inc. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beddow and Paul Miller left Thursday to enjoy the the Round-Up. Auto Co PROFESSIONAL CARDS Mr. and Mrs. Stockard from Irrigon DENTIST have moved on to the L. H. Pearson : Hermiston. Oregon ranch. Mr. Pearson contemplates Office. Bank Bldg. Office Phone, 93 Office Hours: leaving in the near future for Tacoma, Residence Phone 32 8 a. m. to 5 p. n his former home. Mrs. W. H. Simmons was hostess Sunday to a dinner party in honor of her daughter, Mrs, L. Brownell, from Umatilla. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fritts, Gertrude Simmons, Mr. Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. L. Brownell and daughter, Miss Bertha. Stanfield publication Aurust 17,1918. Baker, * 8. Livens, Orege W G Drowiey. Vancouver, CARLILE Located la yellow house back of Baptist church HERMISTON ICE CREAM Is made under the most sanitary conditions. It pure, wholesome and high in food value. Made in all the popular flavors. Special Orders given prompt attention. HERMISTON CREAMERY COMPANY