Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1918)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON TIT , tl P • ■ It 1 TT I C How We re Going to Help Uncle Sam The Hermiston Herald Issued Each Saturday by M. D. O’CONNELL HERMISTON Put More Money Into Hermiston OREGON Entered as second class matter. December I. 1906, al the postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon (Explaining the use of the “Trade Acceptance” in plain terms) SUBSCRIPTION RATES ____ ______ ____________ In order to put more money in circulation throughout the country Uncle Sam has created the Federal Reserve Banks. Suppose John Doe has purchased merchandise to the extent of $10 from Richard Roe & Co. and desires credit on same longer— for 60 days. The banks have furnished a “Trade Acceptance” which looks like this. 8 o o E o :T Os Q 8 rn 'h % 2 — C. O E Mr. Roe then takes this Trade Acceptance to his local bank who sends it in to the Federal Reserve Bank nearest and this money is then credited back to the local bank for FURTHER CIRCULATION IN HERMISTON. The Trade Acceptance has been recommended by Uncle Sam in these war times. We feel that it is a patriotic duty to use this form of extension of credit at this time and thus HELP UNCLE SAM PUT MORE MONEY INTO HERMISTON. For further information consult your banker or we will be glad to explain. H. M. STRAW. MGR For Interior floors always uss B-H Floor Paint. Finest grade materials, carefu lly mixed. Extremely durable. Dries hard and elastic overnight. Several desirable shades. Made by the BASS-HUETER FAINT CO. BAN FRANCISCO Floor Paints —== li -== DISTRIBUTORS, Oregon Hardware & Implement Company GO GET ’EM Over there in Flanders Fields the Germans know and Fear that cry. Right here-at-home "Go-get-em" means Those Bonds— Liberty Bonds You intend to buy. Go Get ’Em Today! Any Bank Will Help You MERCHANTS OF HERMISTON WEATHER REPORT Fairly warm weather prevailed the past week. Maximum 94, minimum 42 S. M. FELTON Trade Acceptance RICHARD ROE AND COMPANY Hermiston, Ore,, Sept. 1, 1918 On... Nov. 1, 1918__ pay to order of our selves Forty DOLLARS. $40.00 Plus interest at 8 per cent after date. The obligation of the acceptor of this bill arises out of the purchase of goods from the Drawer. VALUE RECEIVED AND CHARGE TO ACCOUNT OF To.. John Doe____ I RICHARE ROE & CO. Hermiston, Ore | By ____________ Inland Empire Lumber Co .75 ADVERTISING RATES Display— One time, 25 cent* per inch; two inser tions, 20 cent* per inch per insertion; monthly rates, 15 cents per Inch per issue. Readers -First insertion, 10 cents per line; each subsequent insertion without change of copy. Here’s How It Is Done oo $1.50 Six months ................................................. Subscriptions must be paid in advance. Samuel M. Felton, president of the Chicago Great Western, who rehabili tated the railroads of France. TREASON OF LENINE ANO TROTZKY PROVED YANKEES WIPE OUT ST. MIHIEL SALIENT Siberians Declare War on Germany Olovannaya, Trans Baikal —The Si berian government at Omsk, a forti fled town of Asiatic Rassia, has de elared war on Germany, and has or dered the mobilization of the 1918 and 1919 classes. Are you going to do any building or repair work this fall? Are you going to build a new barn, machine shed or root cellar? With the American Army in Lor raine.—The St. Mihiel salient has been wiped out and the enemy forces are now virtually with their backs on the famous Wotan-Hindenburg line with the Americans and French paral leling them closely from Verdun to the Moselle. Before the American attack the Ger- man defense caved In and Pershing’s troops swept on hours ahead of their schedule. The performance of the Americans stationed on the western side of the St. Mihiel salient, with the assistance of the French, constitutes one of the most brilliant pages of American his tory thus far in the great struggle. It was this unit which accomplished two of the most notable strategic moves of the offensive. The first was the taking of Les Eparges hill, which had cost the French many casualties in the last four years. The second was the daring march of an American regi ment at night through woods infested with Germans to Vigneulles. there to effect a liason with troops working from the eastward. In carrying out these two moves the allies encountered the stiffest opposi tion of the offensive. They fought desperately and counter attacked re peatedly. Vilcey-Sur-Trey and Norroy, near the Moselle, were included in the ter ritory regained by the Americans when the line stretching from the Hinden burg positions was swung slightly up ward on the extreme right. Both American wings are reported to be straightening out and co-ordinating their positions across the late St. Mi hiel salient. Our patrols now control the area between the American lines and the Hindenburg reserve defenses. The Germans are digging in far to the rear, rather than attempting to dispute the American gains effectively. Inland Empire Lumber Company AMERICANS UNDER FIRE FROM METZ The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack similar payment January 1C and 30 Is resulting in constant air duels Anti per cent January 30. London.— Secretary Baker In an In terview declared that the American casualties in the St Mihiel salient were surprisingly small considering the scope of the operations. Very few men were seriously injured, he said. The majority of the wounded were only slightly hurt and will quick ly recover Mr. Customer Americans Drive Enemy Back to the Wotan-Hinden burg Line. Washington.—Proofs removing any doubts that Lenine and Trotzky, the Bolshevik! leaders, are paid German agents are laid before the world by the United States government in an London.—General Pershing's army, amazing series of official documents according to reports, is making fine disclosed through the committee on progress. It has advanced from two public information. to three miles on a 3-mile front and Secured in Russia by American the fortress guns of Metz have come agents, these documents not only Into action against it. show how the German government The enemy appears to be withdraw through its imperial bank paid its gold Ing to some further line which will to Lenine. Trotzky and their immedi protect the railway communications ate associates to betray Russia into ' in the vicinity of Metz, which at pres deserting her allies, but give added | ent are under the long range fire of proofs that Germany had perfected her the Americans. plans for a war of world conquest long American patrols are advancing at before the assassinations of Sarejevo, various points a couple of miles be which as the world is now convinced yond the general advances. conveniently furnished her pretext. Six German divisions totalling about These documents further show that 60,000 men were operating in the St. bofore the world war was four months Mihiel salient when the Americans be old, and more than two years before gan their attack, it has been learned. the United States was drawn into it, Of these fully a fourth were taken Germany already was setting afoot prisoners. her plans to "mobilize destructive agents and observers" to cause expío BIG GUNS CAPTURED sions, strikes and outrages in this 200 country and planned the employment Great Quantities of Supplies and 15,000 of "anarchists and escaped criminals" Prisoners Taken, Says Pershing. for the purpose. Washington.—In wiping out the St. Mihiel salient in 27 hours, American NEW PART PAYMENT PLAN troops supported by French divisions captured 15,000 prisoners, more than New Liberty Bonds Sold on a Very 200 guns of all calibers, hundreds of Liberal Basis. machine guns and trench mortars. San Francisco.—A new plan of par This was disclosed by General tial payments on Liberty bonds In the Pershing s communiques received at forthcoming issue has been adopted the war department. by the United States treasury depart The enemy was pressed so hard. ment, according to instructions from General Pershing said, that he was Washington received here by James forced to abandon great quantities of K. Lynch, governor of the federal re ammunition, telegraph and railroad serve bank for the 12th district. material, rolling stock, clothing and These new partial payments, as out equipment. In addition, he burned lined in the instructions, will range large stores. from the initial payment of 10 per cent through the subsequent payments Air Combats Along Metz Front. of 20 per cent up to the final payment With the Americans on the Metz of 30 per cent. Front— Fighting near the Hindenburg The bonds will be dated October 24. line has largely been transferred from Following the Initial payment of 10 the ground to the air. With the Boche per cent, the second payment of 20 hurrying air reinforcements here, the per cent will be due November 21. 20 | concentration between the Meuse and percent will be due December 1». a | the Moselle of air fighters of all types American Lonses at St Mihiel Light OPI GON 5 t TuBERTYe ten “C1OC [3 | aircraft guns are also continually barking along the whole front. Num emus Boche planes have been brought down. The American and French pur | suit machines are keeping the enemy confined practically behind his own tines. Whenever the Germans cross the front they are speedily chased back. Meantime, day and night bomb, it g by Americans. Italians and British continues actively. Galway Castle Sunk, 189 Missing London The British steamer Ga way Castle, of 7988 tons gross er mute to South Africa, was torpedoed and She 189 had are 749 reported persons miss. on board, sunk. of whom Ing. The missing include 120 passen gers, 36 naval and military officer. 1 and men and 33 of the eres Teers Farm machinery is too costly to be al lowed to remained out in the weather, while for a medium cost a good shed could be built to protect it from the elements. Proper shelter for the live stock soves feed and is true economy. Feed used by the animals to make heat can’t put on flesh at the same time. We must not let buildings go to rack and ruin because the country is at war, on the contrary the call is for economy and con servation through timely repairs. Come in and see us. Phone Main 33 « The Yard of Best Quality " H. M. STRAW. MGR. Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED UNIVERSITY of OREGON Tripips.toz."«. r ul ♦equipped liberal culture and scientific departments. Special 3 tr mining in Commerce, Journalism, Architecture, Law, Medicine Teashing ibrary Worl Music, Household Arts. Physical Training and Fine Art*. re rican and British officers. Drill, lectures and field work 1 Tuition i REE. i ibrary of 80,000 volumes. Dormitories for men and women. - lowest, much opportunity for working one’s way. w rite Registrar, Eugene, Oregon, for illustrated booklet. Ct Lus Gnamn THE BUGLE CALL Summons all the forces and resources of the Republic to the defense of Freedom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the United States authorities have ranked as one of the fifteen distinguished institutions of the country for excellence is military training, has responded to the call. The College is distinguished not only for its military instruction, but D istinguished also FOR— Its strong industrial courses for men and for women: In Agriculture, Commerce, Engineering, Forestry Home Economics, Mining, Pharmacy, and Vocational Education. Its wholesome, purposeful student life. Its democratic college spirit. Its successful graduates. Students enrolled last year, 3453; stars on its service flags, 1258, over forty percent representing officers. College opens September 23, 1918 For catalog, new Illustrated Booklet. and other information write to the Registrar. Corvallis, Oregon Everything for the Builder ( an be found in our yard—from the foundation up. All lumber is thoroughly seasoned and in fine condition for immediate use. Our stock represents the output of some largest and best mills in the country, and the care we use in handling and storing insures you nice, bright, dry stock, easy to work and handle. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. R A. BROWNSON, MANAGER