Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1918)
HE HERMISTON HERMISTON, OREGON: HERALD, {HERMISTON: e 9 ===== LOCALS— Your Money Feeds the Guns That Stop the Huns ------ Mis. Delome Harbaugh of Seattle is visiting with Mrs. J. F. McNaught. The cooked food sale held by the M. E. ladies last Saturday was well pat- ron'zed, the proceeds being over $17. AT PRICES YOU LIKE TO P^Y Crystal White Soap, bar Pearl White Soap, bar P & G White Naptha Soap, bar Feis Naptha Soap, bar Steam Refined Borax, bar Ivory Soap (small), bar Ivory Soap (large), bar Jap Rose, bar Fairy Soap, bar Grandpa’s Tar Soap, bar Goblin Soap, bar Palm Olive Soap, bar CW 7c 10c 13c ... 8c 13c 8c, 13c ......... 6c 13c A Good Supply of FRUIT JARS, CANS & RUBBERS On Hand for the Canning Season B. S. KINGSLEY CITY MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY CHALLIS & HOFFMANN, Props. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT THE BUSY STORE Wc have a fine line of lunch goods, especially suited for the school children. Buy one of our cash sales books and save money. $10.00 CASH BOOK FOR $9.50 $ 5.00 CASH BOOK FOR $4.75 11c Bread ....... Margarine, lb. Crackers No. 1 Crackers No. 3 Mrs. F. A. Phelps and Mrs. C. M Vuyen and little sun returned Wednes day from a few days visit to friends in Boardman. The Baptist Aid will meet with Mrs. West next Wednesday. This is the annual meeting end election of officers will take piace. SHOUTING Butter, Eggs, Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Fowls MEATS RETAIL & WHOLESALE FREEH We have a limited supply of "Farm Record Books' for keeping complete record of farm expenses no matter what your line of farming is. Get one while they last. We also have some free Blue Print books of up-to-date Farm Barns which will give you wonderful ideas in barn construction. The above are free to those interested while the limited supply lasts. Oregon Hardware & Implement Company Eleven acres highly improved, clear of incumbrance, price $4,000, to trade for improved or partly improved land near Hermiston. One hundred and sixty acres of clear wheat land tu trade fur unimproved land in the alfalfa district. House in Portland, value about $4000, to trade for a tract of land near Her The schedule of payments required miston by the Fourth Liberty Loan bords 1400 acre stock ranch on the John have been announced here as follows: Day to trade fur a ranch in the alfalfa i Ten per cent to be paid down, 20 per belt. Buildings, some hay land, bal- | ance pasture. D odd & K napp . -adv cent November 21, 20 per cent Decem ber 10, 20 per cent January 16 and 30 For Sale at the Lay Ranch per cent January 30. Beginning Monday. Farm machin- Rev. D. D. Proper, D. D , associate ery, tools, wagons, iron truck, bay secretary of the department of the racks, buggy, horses, cattle, household life American Baptist Home Missionary things, stoves, beds, tables, etc. Word was received here this week that Carl Voyen has been transferred from bis former field of activities in Florida to the officers training camp located near Atlanta, Ga. This is in line of another promotion for Mr Voyen. society, will conduct services in the Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening. It is desired that all members be present at these services as Dr. Proper wishes to discuss matters of importance. There will be services also the following Sunday. R. W. Alleu returned Wednesday from a trip to Southern Idaho. While there he visited the Boise and King Hill irrigation projects with a view of trying to interest the settlers to use the border system uf irrigation for the mure economical use. uf water. He says he viewed some acres of the finest mixed grass pasture land he bas ever seen on the King Hill project. - RED CROSS -I- FREE!! This Advertisement contributed through the Patriotic co-operation of the Soren Jensen has bought himself a Maxwell runabout, and after he secur- | es a coil frum the factory you will see him running about all the time in bis Leslie Adams, a homesteader of this | runabout. project, has moved his family to Mr. and Mrs Russell Brownell and Plummer, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. N. Iverson, parents of Mrs. Earl Brownell of Umatilla, are Call and See here from California visiting relatives New fall and winter line ladies, in this valley. gents’ and children’s hose, knit under wear, ladies and misses custom made Contractor Levi Reeder superintend- and ready-to-wear corsets, suits, skirts, , ed the building this week of a plank waists, one piece dresses, petticoats 52tfc sidewalk on the railway right of way and furs. Mrs. A. S. Johnson. near the depot connecting with the city's walks on both sides uf the track. A Few Tracts Wanted B. F. Knapp, of the real estate firm of Dodd & Knapp, returned Munday from a ten day business trip to Port land. He came overland, driving a Briscoe car that he had purchased In the Rose City for E. P. Dodd. Since becoming accustomed to handling the car, the worthy justice of the peace is a little inclined to the belief that the speed limit regulations in this city are a little too restrictive. WE PAY CASH BUY LIBERTY BONDS TODAY—ANY BANK WILL HELP YOU Earl Clements is over from Richland | taking in the Round-up and visiting al the Knapp home in this city. The young man is a brother of Mrs. Knapp. daughters, came overland in bis auto Tuesday for the purpose of looking over the project with a view to local Ing here. He said poor crops prevail- ed in that part of Jefferson county this year, and for that reason he is going to pass up dry farming aud try his luck in this irrigated district. ‘ BUT THE Your Dollars invested in Liberty Bonds become cannon, shot and shell, rifles, bullets, clothing, food and the other necessities of this war. Get into the fight with every dollar you can. Sub scribe your utmost to 4th Liberty Loan Mrs. Geo. Fry of Klamath Falls, Ore., is a welcome guest at the hume uf her friend, Mrs. H. M Schilling, un Ridge way avenue. F. M McClintic, a rancher of Mad ras. accompanied by his two grand- Household Crackers .... 85c (3 lbs. 4 ozs. ) Graham Crackers Is. ... 20c Graham Crackers 3s LET IT. ALL BE OVER The Movie gave a show last night in place of the one scheduled for tonight, which was cancelled un account of the Round-Up. WANT ADS Send your washing to the Model laundry at The Dalles. Oregon, through P. B. Siscel, local agent. Bas ket leaves Wednesday morning and re turns Saturday of each week. -ady49tfc Wanted—To buy No. 1 dry baled alfalfa hay furshipment. W. A. Leath- ers. 41-tfc. Fur Sale ur Trade —An urcbard with full bearing trees; between 4 and 5 acres contains peaches, apricots, apples, plums and pears. Has house, well of excellent water, henhouse and barn. W. A. Ford, Umatilla, Oregon. 49tfc Maternity hospital for women desir ing a private sanatorium during con finement, with modern conveniences and experienced nurse. Fur particulars call on or address Mrs. N. E. Good- win. 49tfe Dr. Freeze makes reg- to Hermis- ular free and be sure of good eye service. 2ôtfc Straw fur sale. Miller. serre gh ced” Y Inquire of R. D. 5ltfe For Quick Sale—Horse, harness and buggy, all In good condition; also good Jersey milk cow; two pigs; 25 turkeys; some chickens, old and young, and a few other articles. H. J. Belscamper 52tfc and ton acres An order for us to make 10,000 spon- H. S. Paddock, ges has been received, and work on ton, Oregon. them will begin a* soon as the mater ial arrives. The work on the refugee garments Is going slowly. We need more help. AND AUTOMOBILES See the Manure Spreader and Silage Cutter atti* la indefinite must resign from man Owing to meeting is called she the this for CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services held in Library building. Sunday school 10:15 a. m. feels that she Wednesday night testimonial meet office of chair tog. Second Wednesday in each month fact a special at 8 p. m, Thursday after. CATHOLIC CHURCH chairman Will be elected, tendance is requested. 25c pkg. Stock Tonic . 50c pkg. Stock Tonic . $3.50 pail Stock Tonic 35c can Poultry House Spray 60c can Poultry House Spray $1.75 can Animal Dip_____ 100 lbs. Granite Grit. 100 lbs. Poultry Shell 100 lbs. Clam Shell .. 100 lbs. Oyster Shell . Charcoal, per pound Umatilla, 10:00 a. m. .$1.00 . 1.00 . 1.20 . 1.45 2 1-2 Umatilla Storage & Commission Co. Our Success in War Is Self This means a well directed method in a just cause. Every American citizen has the privilege of attending to his own business in his own way. Hence the most capable one forges ahead. Are you in the lead? If not hook on to the methods of the one in advance and keep up. Are you buying right? If you do not know just drop in and see FARMERS’ EXCHANGE And Get Put Right These Are The Boys to Look After Your Local Demands WE ARE OFFERING A NEW LINE OF Angorian Knitting and Crochet Cotton IN A VARIETY OF COLORS WE ALSO HAVE AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF FANCY BUTTONS suitable for cotton, silk or light wool dresses MACKS V ariety STORE LISTEN ! in good Hotel. alfalfa. Hermis. Mrs Oregon 1-ltp CHURCH NOTICES. Mrs. 25c pkg. Poultry Food Tonic 25c can Insect Powder____ 50c pkg. Poultry Tonic____ SI.25 pail Poultry ________ Bring the family and partake of a chicken fry dinner at the Hotel Oregon Cafe Sunday from 12:30 to 2 p. m.-51tfc 2 2 Word has been received from Having leased our warehouse and not having room to store our stock of Poultry and Stock Foods we are offering the following exceedingly low prices to move stock quickly. Cocker spaniel pups for sale. Ad dress F. E. James, Umatilla, Ore.-51-4tp For Sale—Light work team. Apply life An appeal has been sent out from to C. M Jensen. Red Cross headquarters asking the Wanted—2t inch wagon and 34 foot 1 various chapters to collect used cloth- fresno; must be in good condition. Ad I log for the 10,000,000 imprisoned peo- dress R. F. D. Box 71. Hermiston, Ore life i pie in occupied Belgium and France. The dale set for this campaign is the i For Sale — One Iron Age garden • week of Sept. 23 30. All useful cloth drill and cultivator combined, good • ing is acceptable, also pieces of goods work team and harness. E. A Hobbs, ♦Stic • of any kind. The clothing need not be north of town. mended, but It must be clean These 1-ltp things may be left al the Red Cross Wanted—Men and teams for fresno room Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday work. Mrs. Bess Spencer. 1 2tc ” afternoons. This is an appeal to our Cheap for Sale or Rent—Ri acres of generosity. The need is great FARM IMPLEMENTS BIG CLEAN UP SALE kt Music is an Alladdin’s Lamp. It will convert the hum- ‘ est cottage in Christendom into a palace. ou music in _ Is your home a music-made palace? Have yo our home. The solace of music is beyond words. . There are many satisfied owners in this neighborhood of the New Edison, “the phonograph of the soul.” Come i and let us demonstrate the truth of these assertions to you HERMISTON DRUG CO