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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1918)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. 2 THE LAST PAYMENT ON The Third Liberty Loan WAS DUE AUGUST 15TH Delinquents please give this your attention The First National Bank of Hermiston Capital & Surplus $30,000 LOCAL BRIEFS .'. MURDER OF NATION Q BY RUTHLESS HUNS Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. Honor Guard dues have been delin quent for some time, girls! M. Duty has resumed his duties of How the Poles Were Slain and wielding the "grouch” brush in the Starved and Frozen During reclamation pipe yards. the German Drive. War is scraping our sugar bins and our granaries. The less we eat the longer it will take to empty them. F. C. Walcott Telle of the Scenes < of Horror He Witnessed Along the Miss Ruth Chamberlain gave a nice Road From Warsaw to Pinsk little party to a dozen or more of ber —Million Persons Homeless. young lady friends at. her home Wed nesday evening. ; ; Made by the BASS-HUETER PAINT CO. SAN FRANCISCO FloorPaints UNIVERSITY of OREGON Tspesles,Fw." Fuliy equipped liberti! culture and scientific departments. Special I training in Commerce, Journalism, Architecture, Law, Medicine i I Teaching. Library Work , Music, Household Arts, Physical Training and Fine Arts. — Military Science in charge of American and British officers. Drill, lectures and field work P all up-to-date, based on experience in preseat war. Complete system of trenches, bridges. lion FREE. Library of 80,000 volumes. Dormitories for men and w Write Registrar, Eugene, Oregon. for illustrated booklet. jej NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX Notice is hereby given that the undersigned 8 been appointed executrix of the last will and stament of John C. Barham, deceased, by order the County Court of the State of Oregon, for matilla county, made and entered on the 10th y of July, 1918 All persons having claims lainat said estate are hereby required to pres- phe same with proper vouchers to the under- hied at Hermiston, Oregon, within six months om the date of Erst publication of this notice. Dated this 19th day of July, 1918. L . Nettie E. Barham, fol Administratrix First publication of this notice is August 9,1918. SHOES We have a full line of Shoes for Ladies, Gents and Children 9563 WE SELL IN CAR LOTS W. M. HAHN “THE SHOE MAN" SHAAR’S onsorial Parlors Alfalfa Hay Baled or Chopped and Alfalfa Meal We are always in the market for loose hay delivered at the mill C.S.McNAUCHT CO. WE HERMISTON Second Hand Store Is now open for business Under New Shower and Plain BATHS At the same location as formerly with a full line of second-hand goods. Tonsorial We Will Buy all Your Old Junk endeavor to please CALL AND SEE US Wm. Shaar, Prop. Jacob L. Stork J. McCoy, Prop Horseshoer Shop located on Hurlburt A CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services held in Library building, Sunday school 10:15 a. m. Wednesday night testimonial meet ing. Second Wednesday in each month at 8 p. m. Hermiston, 10:00 a. m. Umatilla, 10:00 a. m. Everybody welcome to these vices. ser- METHODIST CHURCH Theo. Parks, Su pt. Preaching 11 a. m. Epworth League 6:30 p. m. There will be no preaching at the Methodist church on Sunday nights until August. Sunday school at Columbia 2 p. m. Frank Waugaman, Supt. Preaching at 3 p. m. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF UMATILLA Western Land & Irrigation Co.. I Plaintiff. I Summons for W. P. Littlefield and J. R Moore. I Publication Defendants, 1 To W. P. Littlefield and J. R. Moore, the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint heretofore filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fall so to appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint herein, to-wit: for judgment against the defendant, W. P. Little- field, for the sum of $189.42, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from Novem ber 1, 1916, for the sum $50, attorneys fees, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit, and for a decree adjudging the mortgage mentioned in the complaint herein to be a valid first Hen upon the following described property, to wit: Beginning at a point 440 feet North of the South- east corner of Section 6, Township 4 North. Range 28 East of w M. and running thence North 440 feet; thence West 990 feet: thence South 440 feet: thence East 990 feet to the place of beginning, containing 10 acres, more or less, and foreclosing the same and directing that the said premises and property be sold In accordance with the law. and the proceeds thereof applied in payment of the costs and expenses of making such sale and satisfaction of such judgment This summons is published pursuant to an order of the Hon. Gilbert W Phelps judge of said court, made and entered on the 12th day of Aug- ust. 1918, directing that service of summons here in be made by publication, and that such sum mons be published once In each week for six successive weeks in the Hermiston Herald, a newspaper of general circulation published at Hermiston, Oregon. Dale of first publication August 17. 1918. W S. Levens. Baker, Oregon, W. G. Drowley, Vancouver. Wash Attorneys for Plaintiff PATENTS Blacksmith AND ' CHURCH NOTICES. GET OUR PRICES Management Scientific Mt. Angel College, St. Benedict, Ore., the place for your boy. Address adv. Rev. E. R. Meier. Sunday school 10 a. m. Boys’ Tennis Shoes, 11.06 to $1.25 Children's Tennis Slippers. 80c to $1.40 Call and inspect them Prices right C. H. Crandall has been appointed by the water committee of the council to till the position of water superin tendent which became vacant by the resignation of Ross Laudenslager. The appointment will come before the city fathers for ratification at the next reg ular meeting. Oliver Hart returned from Portland Monday, after having been there several days in the anticipation of getting a berth in the navy. In this he was disappointed, having been re jected on account of weak eyes. He expects to leave soon for Salt Lake, Utah, and re-enter the forestry ser vice. Father Butler spent the whole of this week visiting at Camp Lewis, tie large army training station situated near Tacoma, Wash. While there be will be given ample opportunity to ascertain just how an up to date can tonment is conducted, and should be in a position to tell many interesting facts connected with it on bis return. CATHOLIC CHURCH Alfalfa Hay “THE MOVIE” A Good Show Every Saturday Night UERMISTON LODGE NO. 138, A. F A A. M. 11 meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday evening of each month. Visiting brethren wel come. Ed. Jackson. Secy. M. D. Serons W. M. VINEYARD LODGE NO. 206, I. O. O. F, " meets each Saturday evening in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting members cordially invited. W. R. Longhorn. Sec. J. S. West. Noble Grand. F. V. PRIME sende mnotnn"zs"Faed‘sXken D. SWIFT & Estab. CO. 188° Patent Lawyers. 307 Seventh St., Washington, 0 C. Cheurnlets DENTIST Hermiston. Orearon Office. Bank Bldg. " Office Phone, 93 Office Hours: Residence Phone 32 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. ' ' !. " DR. R. G. GALE , I Physician and Surgeon ‘ ' Rooms 1 and 2 Bank Bldg. , Office Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. Phone 551 ‘ : >. thinkable, but It exists. It is 1 Prussian system.—F. C. • : waicott ; ; and Infection from vermin were spreading. They were famished, their dally ration a cup of soup and a piece of bread as big as my flat. In Warsaw, which had not been de stroyed, a city of one million Inhab itants, one of the most prosperous cit ies of Europe before the war, the streets were lined with people in the pangs of starvation. Famished and rain-soaked, they squatted there, with their elbows on their knees or lean ing against the buildings, too feeble to lift a hand for a bit of money or a morsel of bread If one offered It, per ishing of hunger and cold. Charity did what It could. The rich gave all that they had, the poor shared their last crust. Hundreds of thousands were perishing. Day and night the pictures Is before my eyes—a people starving, a nation dying. Shoe Repairing Blasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. American National Bank Building Pendleton. Orearon Better than ever now that the machine is installed. To out of town customers sending work we will return It by next mail, paying postage one way. D. N. REBER, M. D. STOCK MENS' WORK AND DRESS SHOES JUST ADDED Eye, Ear Note and Throat Optical Department Glasses Ground Any Size or Shape Rooms 9-11 Schmidt Bld. Pendleton KILLED BY GERMAN HELMET American Soldier Hunting venir Picked Up Charged Headpiece. Shamokin, Pa.— Writing from a dug- out In No Man’s Land, France, Leo Comer, a corporal In the Twenty-third United States Infantry, forwarded to his sister here, Miss Cecelia Cotner, a bunch of strange flowers he had gath- ered while on patrol duty. Comer had promised a younger brother a German steel helmet as a war relie, hut In writing Informed the brother that he was doomed to dis- appointment until the Americans reach Berlin. He had seen a fellow soldier pick up a steel helmet and then fall dead. The helmet had been electrically charged by the Germans. Full Soles and Half Soles. Better than leather Sam Rodgers Oregon Hermiston Chiropractic Cures Where Other Methods Fail I use the Latest Painless Methods Dr. LORETTA H. STARBA CHIROPRACTOR Not Drugs. Not Surgery. Not Osteopathy Residence 103 Willow St. Office 103 W. Webb St. Phone 583 Pendleton. Ore. J. A. PEED VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 464 Office in old Reading Room J. T. HINKLE season is now here in ear nest and we are ready to serve you in any quantity Try us for your next order. Attorney at Law HERMISTON, OREGON W. J. WARNER Attorney-at-Law HERMISTON. OREGON Our Candies are always fresh and nice. Our Une of box candies Is unexcelled. Bulk candies handled by us are of same high grade. Bowman’s Studio For Good Service See PHOTOGRAPHS P. B. S1SCEL We guarantee our work. When in Pen dleton come and see us. Studio located Opposite Hotel Pendleton (NsnEazhe) Phone Your Orders French Restaurant UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Most up to date restaurant in Eastern Oregon Try our 35 cent dinner HOHBACH'S Pendleton Bakery, Confectionery. Restaurant Transfer V Stand at Siscel's. ’ Phe ... 262 We are ready at an» where or I s J.L. VAUGHAN The City Transfer | ELECTRIC FIXTURES W. B. BEASLEY AND APPLIANCES Phone 139 203 E. Court St. Pendieton, Oro. "Auto Truck ALWAYS ON THE JOB LONG AND SHORT HAULS HITT —FOR— Ice Cream Confectionery Give Ue A Trial Hermiston Transfer Company Office, Cor. Main and Second Sts. I Phone 152 Res.. 29F2 )_______________ .______________________________ The above statement by Mr. Wal cott is a terrible arraignment of the Hun, but no more terrible than he deserves. What has happened In Poland, In Belgium, In northern France and every other country that has been blighted by the Hun's pres ence would happen In America should the allies, by any chance, fail to win this war. It would mean the enslave ment of American men. the starving and death of American women and chil dren. Either the Hun or humanity must perish. BEST R epair WORK OPTICAL SPECIALIST +++++++++++++++++++++++++ : The following Is a statement by F. C. Walcott, who served as an assist- tint to Mr. Hoover during the time America wc, doing all that was pos sible to feed the starving millions of Belgium and Poland and northern France. In this work he was brought in direct contact with German military officials, and saw the conditions which the Germen invasion had created among the civilian population : I went to Poland to learn the facta concerning the remnant of a people that had been decimated by war. The country had been twice devastated. First the Russian army swept through it and then the Germans. Along the roadside from Warsaw to Pinsk, the present firing line, 230 miles, nearly half a million people had died of hun ger and cold. The way was strewn with their bones picked clean by the crows. With their usual thrift, the Germana were collecting the larger bones to be milled into fertilizer, but finger and toe bones lay on the ground with the mud-covered and rain-soaked clothing. Wicker baskets were scattered along the way—the basket in which the baby swings from the rafter In every pens ant home. Every mile there were scores of them, each one telling a death. I started to count, but after a little I had to give It up, there were so many. That is the desolation one saw along the great road from Warsaw to Pinsk, mile after mile, more than two hun dred miles. They told me a million people were made homeless in six weeks of the German drive in August and September, 1916. They told me four hundred thousand died on the way. The rest, scarcely half alive, got through with the Russian army. Many of these have been sent to Si beria; It is these people whom the Paderewski committee is trying to re lieve. In the refugee camps, 800,000 sur vivors of the flight were gathered by the Germans, members of broken fam ilies. They were lodged In Jerry-built barracks, scarcely water-proof, un- lighted, unwarmed in the dead of win ter. Their clothes, where the buttons were lost, were sewed on. There were no conveniences, they had not even been able to wash for weeks. Filth (Daklanns DALE ROTHWELL • i the ; ; Stanfield Auto Co PROFESSIONAL CARDS : :+*+*+++++*++++++++ ! Miss Edile Johnson has been signed This I have seen. I could not up io the deferred class of the nurses reserve by Mrs. McKeen, recruiting : : believe It unless I had seen It , , through and through. For sev- officer for this district. 1 eral weeka I lived with It; I The Hermiston Drug Co. this week .. went all about It and back of It; sold Miss Yudith Kelly a $100 Colum : ; inside and out of It waa shown bia phonograph, Mrs. E. Winesett a . i to me—until finally I cams to 150 one and a Umatilla party one cost ; ; realize that the Incredible was • i true. It la monstrous, It Is un- ing $50. There will be no services at the Methodist church next Sunday night nor at Columbia in the afternoon, but a joint meeting of the two Epworth Leagues will be held at Columbia at night, to which both congregations are invited. Fot interior floors always use B-H Floor Paint. Finest grade materials, carefully mixed. Extremely durable. Dries hard and elastic overnight Several desirable shades. LODGE DIRECTORY ueen E sther chapter No. 101, o. e . s ., meets second Tuesday evening of each month at 8:00 sharp in Mack's hall. Visiting members welcome. Frances G. Phelps, W. M. Tobacco Soft Drinks AUSEON’S Barber Shop ESTABLISHED «IX YEARS Our Aim Is To Please the Public Hunting, Fishing and Base Ball Goods First Class Billiard and Pool Tables BATHS IN CONNECTION Frank J. Auseon, Proprietor Hermiston IF YOUR AUTO NEEDS OVERHAULING Let me give you an estimate Several Years Experience is AUTOMOBILE GAS ENGINE Repair Work LL CARLILE Located in yellow house back of Baptist church HERMISTON ICE CREAM Is made under the most sanitary conditions. It pure, wholesome and high in food value. Made in all the popular flavors. Special orders given prompt attention. HERMISTON CREAMERY COMPANY