Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1918)
21614 is. : - THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON he he wee ■ ) GOOD THINGS Lunch Basket ■ or Picnic Peanut Butter............... Pickles, sweet and sour Salmon______ _______ Tuna Fish................ Albacore____________ Sardines___________ Ae ' Clams ....__________ Shrimps :................... .. Corn Beef, can______ Potted Meat_________ Veal Loaf __________ Baked Beans.............. ___ 25c, 30c, 40c ............ ...30c, 50c ......... 20c, 25c, 35c ......... . ......... —25c ____________ 15c 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c . .........................20c ____________ 15c ..........................35c ___ _ 2 for 35c . .............. 25c ________ 15c, 20c B. S. KINGSLEY CITY MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY CHALLIS & HOFFMANN. Props. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT THE BUSY STORE t Pa ( < | h “HEM T 444 5 per cent discount on $5.00 cash sales 10 per cent discount on $10.00 cash sales Smoked Jowls, lb Picnic Hams, lb Cottage Rolls, lb 30c Hams, lb 40c Swift Premium Ham, lb 42c 1 Bacon, lb •4 50c We will buy Your Farm Products MEATS RETAIL & WHOLESALE ORI BODIES We are now able to again get new Ford Bodies. Do yo i realize that an overhaul of your car and a new body would make your car like new? New cars are very hard to obtain, while new bodies cost as follows: Runabout, $80.00 F. O. B. Seattle. Touring Car. $100.00 F. O. B. Seattle. Freight from Seattle not over 910.00 r s This expense with a $31.25 labor charge for complete motor and transmission overhaul and $13.75 for front and rear axle overhaul labor should make most Fords appar ently new, while a new car costs from $530.00 to $545.00. Col. H G. Newport was attending to business matters connected with the Newport Construction Co. In Portland a couple of days the latter part of last week. Juvenile Officer Haley was down from Pendleton Tuesday investigating into the condition of the Shutter chil- dren, in the east end, whose mother died recently. Veterinary Surgeon J. A. Peed de parted this week for the old family home in Newcastle, Indiana, to pass a month visiting with bls father and other relatives Other Seasonable Goods Among other Summer Specials we offer Vacation Chairs, Hammocks, Croquet Sets and many handy devices for the canning season such as steam canners, canning racks, jelly strain ers, etc. Oregon Hardware & Implement Company A WANT ADS Send your washing to the Model laundry at The Dalles, Oregon, through P. B. Siscel, local agent. Bas ket leaves Wednesday morning and re turns Saturday of each week. -adv49tfc For Sale—Spring pigs and breeding stock of all ages. C C. Mason. 34tfc Dr. Freeze makes reg ular visits to Hermis ton. Consult him free and be sure of good eye 4 life Lyle Delman Tilden, son of Mr. and service. Mrs. C. W. Tilden of this city, who For Sale—Fleming stacker and two enlisted last month as an apprentice buck rakes complete. Geo. C. Ellison, 43-tfe seaman, went to Portland Monday and Hermiston, Ore. took the final examination. Wanted—To buy No. 1 dry baled alfalfa bay forsbipment. W. A. Leath- Mrs. H. B. Noland and children of ers. 41-tfc. Walla Walla arrived Monday and are Wanted — One single buggy and bar enjoying a visit at the home on Eas ness. Must be in good condition. Wm. Main street of Mr. and Mrs. J. Pel Kennedy. 44tfc mulder, the ladies being sisters. For Sale—Forty colonies bees. See Mrs. H. A. Waterman and family M F. Miller at the Auseon place. 45tfc moved into their town house on Gladys For Sale Cheap—Medium sized span avenue Monday from their ranch of mares; will take other livestock io northeast of town, which they have exchange. Address Box 584, Hermis- been operating during the summer. ton. 45tfc Wanted—Party with outfit to level Misses Beth and Lelia Martin of Stanfield have been guests during the small tract east of town Enquire Her ald office. 47 week at the home on Gladys avenue of Bartlett pears for sale. Bring your Mr. and Mr*. Geo. L. Chai lis. The or tubs along. Phone 18«. H. young ladies are sister*of Mrs. Challis. boxes E. Hanby. 47tfc Mrs. A. S. Johnson has returned For Sale—An orchard with full bear from a three weeks’ visit at Portland ing trees; between 4 and 5 acres con and Eugene. She was accompanied tains peaches, apricots, apples, plums and pears. Good crop of peaches io homo by her aunt, Mrs. Farrar, of spite of the late frost. W. A. Ford, Peru, Ind., who is making a lour of Umatilla, Oregon. 45tfe the coast. To Exchange—Improved close in Miss Julia Franz, who recently en Willamette valley farm of 78 acres, half mile to school and churches, listed in Pendleton to train to become one for smaller irrigated place under Uma a Red Cross nurse, visited this week tilla project E A. Erickson, Elmira, 50-pd with her mother, Mrs Nora Franz, be Oregon. fore goiog to Tacoma hospital to take For Sale—Kitchen cabinet. B. S up active training. Kingslev. 47ifc For Sale — Barrels and honey cans at Postmaster J. H. Young left for 47-3tc. Portland Wednesday, to spend the bal Farmers’ Exchange. For Sale—Good fresh milch cow ance of the week attending to business Leathers. 45tfe • matter*. His little daughter Inez Lost — A gold locket and chain be accompanied him, to remain a week or two visiting with friends of the family longing to little Margaret Sapper. Re- ward. Please leave at Garage. 48-ltc. residing there. For Sale—Empire cream separator George Holland thought he would new; hand power feed cutter, one horse take another little whirl among soci plow. E. A. Hobbs, north of towp. 48tf For Sale—A very desirable 20 acre etv on the beach al Seaside before he goes to war under the new 45 years of alfalfa ranch, home fruits and berries good house, stock, machinery and hay age draft law. He joined his wife and all for sale. E. A. Hobbs, 24 miles daughter there the first of this week, north of town. 48tfe and will return with them today or tomorrow. TSKL&OKNTSK® UMATILLA "ESTATE or Notice te.Crodl- , has Notice is hereby given that the undersigned been appointed by the above entitled cour, executor of the last will and testament of winlaT" A MeL-allen deceased, All and persons that he having has qualified a* the law directs. claim, against said estate are notified to present the Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jay, who have resided in this community for some lime operating a ranch about a mile east, moved to Pendleton the first of week, to live there permanently. Re- cently they disposed of their ranch to same to me at the office, of my attorney, w. J. Warner, Hermiston, Umatilla county. Oregon Western Oregon parties, who will ar vouchers, within six months rive here this fall and lake possession “Dated th sth day of August, IM*. W. G. Fritts, Execut, In the meantime the place will be cared for by P. F. Ward. with proper Harry Coyne, who went to Portland a couple of week* ago for the pur- pose of working at his trade, that of painter, returned to Hermiston Mon day. Ho reports work alack in his j numbers, thus causing an over supply On his return he again hung out his any jobs in his line that may come À The old reliable White Mountain Freezer will give splendid results but we also have the Auto Vacuum Freezer which will make you delicious ice cream without turning a crank or add ing ice during freezing. Cyril Brownell, legislative candidate from this district, came from Umatilla last Saturday on a little visit to friends Thorough business, high school and in this community. college courses at Mt. Angel College, J. W. Messner, president of I he Western Land & Irrigation Co., spent Sc Benedict, Ore. Address Rev. E. adv. a few days this week enjoying an out R Meier. ing at Hidaway Springs. Taken Up Attorney J. T. Hinkle came home 1 roan mare 2 years old; star on face, from the county seat Monday, after white left bind leg; brand C T on having been there several days trans left hip. 1 bay horse 2 years old; white right acting legal business. hind foot; brand on left shoulder, A. Miss Marguerite Watson entertained Said horses will be sold at public a number of her young friends at an auction to the highest binder Monday, informal dinner Sunday evening at August 19, 1918. 48 Ingvard Skoubo, Boardman, Ore. her home on East Hermiston avenue line in the Rose City, due to the fact that tradesmen following painting and j decorating have Hocked there in large | INC Oil stoves are much cheaper to operate than either coal or wood, and by the use of one you may have warm meals three times a day and also have a cool, comfortable house at the same time. Our Special the Detroit Vapor Range rivals the gas range in convenience and its opera- tion is less expensive. We also have other oil stoves at various prices and all are guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. ICE CREAM FREEZERS Miss Ailsa Wishart came home the latter part of last week from a short visit to relatives in and near Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Strohm and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Fisher leave for Port land today to attend the G. A. R. en campment. —- £ OIL STOVES W. R. Walpole was up from Irrigon the first of the week attending to busi ness matter*. Miss Virginia Todd came from Pen dleton and passed Sunday at the par ental home in this city. Mrs. H W. Collin* returned to Pen dleton Monday after an enjoyable visit here with her sister, Mrs. E. P. Dodd. 1 Fl Do not suffer with the heat. We have all the conveniences that will help make life agree- able during the good old summer time. Miss Leona Harnack went to Bonne ville Friday, where she has accep-ed a position. Born, to Mr. and Mrs Walter B Hinkle on Wednesday, August 14 1918, a daughter, at Portland. The purpose of the submarine is to empty the flour barrel of the allies. Fight them at the table three times a day—SAVE WHEAT a. Ei KEEP COOL ===== LOCALS — Herbert Haneline left Monday for a week’s visit lo relatives at Pilot Rock. for the 219 : HERMISTON: a 5 y*50000S " ORECON " SALVATION from the NEXT WEEK’S SPECIALS WE HAVE A Shipment of Flour In and a good line of substitutes to go with it Olympic Pancake flour, package_________ Corn Flakes, package__________________ Grape Nuts, package_________________ Macaroni, Noodles and Spaghetti, package Blue Karo Syrup, 10 lb. can____________ Red Karo Syrup, 10 lb. can____________ Fairbanks Dandy Soap, bar____________ Crystal White Soap, 7 bars_____________ Bob White Soap, 7 bars________________ . 35c . 14c . 14c . 10c . 95c $1.05 5c - 50c . 50c Royal Bakery Goods from Portland PHELPS CASH GROCERY Phone 413 FEEDING FOR RESULTS Think of the folly of feeding your work horse, your cow your hog and your chickens from the same crib of com. You expect a different result in each case—but you don’t get it, and then you blame your stock. DON’T DO THAT. USE BALANCED FEEDS We have feed for every purpose—and it will bring re sults. Feed for your cow, to produce milk and butter, feed for the horse, to make him strong; feed that will fatten your hog; feed that makes your hens lay. LET US HELP YOU TO FEED FOR RESULTS I FARMERS’ EXCHANGE STEARNS ZE PYROL 111 HEALING—ANTISEPTIC A germicide for the mouth, teeth, throat and skin. A liquid. It reaches the crevices. To prevent pyorrhoea and germ diseases. Will succeed where peroxide fails. 14 OZ. BOTTLE *1.00 t Hermiston Drug Co. WE ARE OFFERING A NEW LINE OF Angorian Knitting and Crochet Cotton IN A VARIETY OF COLORS WE ALSO HAVE AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF FANCY BUTTONS suitable for cotton, silk or light wool dresses MACKS VARIETY STORE 0