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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1918)
THE The Hermiston Herald Leftover Sandwiches. Sometimes after a party there are issued Each Saturday by sandwiches left over. Here is an excel lent way of using them up: Make a M. I). O’CONNELL OREGON batter exactly like you use for pan- HERMISTON cakes and add to it either sugar or Entered as second -class matter, December •alt, according to whether the sand- ». 1906, at the postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon wichen are sweet or savory. Then each sandwich is dipped in the batter SUBSCRIPTION RATES and fried till a golden brown In fat $1.50 from which a faint bluish smoke is ris- Six months Ing. No matter how dry they are they Subscriptions must be paid in advance. are delicious done in this way. HERMISTON HERALD, BIRDLAND DANCE HALLS. Playhouses and Gardana of the Austra- lian Bower Birds. HERMISTON, OREGON WHY WE ARE AT WAR WITH GERMANY There are several species of bower birds, chief among them tbe Satin and tbe Newton. The Saain bower bird is the heat known. When the bowers By were first discovered it was supposed EPHRAIM DOUGLASS ADAMS that they were playhouses built by tbe Executive Head, History Depart- native children, but as a matter of fact ment they are tbe dance balls of birdland. Leland Stanford Junior University Tbe nests are built In tbe trees and have no connection with the play- Telltale Tommy. houses. The male birds build these lat GREAT SOCIAL PROBLEM. object of this war is to deliver Tommy- Do you go to bed very early, ter and gather every bright and shin- the “The free peoples of the world from the log object they can find to adorn the menace and the actual power of a vast To Get Men Rightly to Adjust Them- Mrs. Peck? Mrs. Peck—Yes, Tommy; sometimes entrance to the bower. When it is com military establishment controlled by an solves to All Other Men. Irresponsible government, which, having -when I feel tired. pleted, according to one who has secretly planned to dominate the world, Our great social problem is bow to “You wouldn’t go so early If you were watched them, little "at homes” are proceeded to carry out the plan without make tbe tuan at the bottom loom so either to the sacred obligations given daily, at whic h the males meet regard of treaty or the long-established prac- large and seem so important that all married to my father, would you?” tices and long-cherished principles of in "Oh. Tommy, you funny boy! Why and pay their court to their ladyloves, other men will cease to think of him as action and honor; . . . This not ?” now bowing and scraping, now playing ternational power Is not the German people. It Is a thing and treat him as a person. "'Cause my father told mother that the ruthless master of the German peo hide and seek through the bower and The real social problem out of which ... It la our buainess to see to If lie were your husband he'd make you now doing au absurdly dignified dance ■ ple. It that the history of the rest of the other minor problems grow and of sit uv!— Exchange. world Is no longer left to Its handling. for their edification. which they are really only aggravated Newton's bower bird decorates Its —President Wilson, August 27, 1917. symptoms Is tbe world old problem of Guard Your Habits. WE FIGHT FOR GOOD FAITH bower with fresh flowers every day, the right relation between persons. We are creatures of habit We suc- and if a visiting male bird wants to This is a fundamental issue and to “The faith of treaties Is the only ceed or fall as we acquire good habits tight all be has to do is to disturb one solve It would solve all these minor or bad ones, and we acquire good hab of these flowers. The master of the solid foundation on which a Temple manifestations. Tbe friendly relation of Peace can be built up.” (James of men is therefore not alone the gist ita as easily as bad ones. That is a bower proceeds with the painful duty Bryce.) Good faith between nations, fact. Most people don't believe this. of teaching him how to behave In com of the race problem, but it is the gist Only those who (Ind it out succeed In pany, while the remainder of the party as between men, is the one and only -of all social problems. safeguard from a return to barbarism. life.— Herbert Spencer. raise a great racket, but never inter | Without it brute force, sheer might. The age long struggle has been how fere. A naturalist studying them dis ! must rule. Without it there Is no to get men rightly to adjust themselves arranged one of their flowers, but each security in human relations—no se Some New Uses For Yeast. to all other men. Because It Is so essential in the mak time he did it the bower master rear curity, even, for life itself. To keep flight adjustment to other men would mean In the economic realm that no ing of bread and beer most of us think ranged It with great care.—National j one’s word, when once given, that le capitalist would want to beat down that yeast is useful for nothing else. Geographic Magazine. i the evidence of the progress of civ below a living wage the laborer who Hut the Berlin Institute of Fermenta- | ilization, and the test of it. Industries calls attention to the five Impeachment Cases. made production possible. It would Hence the case of Belgium becomes that valuable flavoring extracts Although one president of the United the single greatest German offense mean that no laborer would want more fact wages and shorter hours than tbe con- and tonica can be obtained from It and States (Johnson), one cabinet officer against civilization in this war. At a relatively large percentage of mus- (Belknap), six United States Judges , dltlon of production would stand. first, in our American ignorance of Right adjustment between men would ile building matter. Its remaining con and eight governors of states have world conditions, we did not see this stituent, a mass of cellulose, can be been impeached since the foundation We do see it now; more and more we mean that no landlord would be will ing to live easy off rents of houses used to make a very hard mass, known of the republic, only one senator, Wil realize that until the crime against which made health and happiness im- as ernolith. an excellent noninflam- liam Blount of Tennessee, has been ar Belgium is atoned for, there can be possible to the occupant. It would ma ble substitute for celluloid.— Popu raigned before the bar of the house of no peace, and no hope of a world congress to which he was elected. Of mean In return that no tenant would lar Science Monthly. at peace. the eight governors impeached one was demand more than that for which be What the the facts? • By treaties The Pulse Beat. acquit d. In three cases the charges gave a just return, and be would pro- signed in 1815, and again in 1831, and The readiest and roughest estimate were dropped, one was permitted to y artect the interest of his landlord ns he of time Is the pulse bent. It is sad to resign, and three were removed. Three still again in 1839, this last revision — would protect his own interest. being in effect in 1914, it was agreed Right adjustment would mean In all know that the human pulse beat Is not of the impeached Judges were removed, “Belgium shall form a perpetually walks of life the rule of right, not the exactly sixty to the minute. That is and three were acquitted. Both Presi one of the faulty disarrangements of dent Johnson and Secretary Belknap neutral state. The five powers guar rule of might. Southern Workman. life. But It comes pretty close. And were acquitted. Politically the last antee to It this perpetual neutrality, the rough and ready calculator of the named impeachment cases were the as also the inviolability of its ter Logical Conclusion. ritory.” These five powers were Aus "Electric wires must be quick tern time between the flash of lightning most important the United States has | tria, France, Great Britain, Russia and the thunder depends on his pulse experienced. — Argonaut. pered." and Prussia. By such treaties the when he cannot see tils watch. To the "Why?" New York’s Subways. neutral state was pledged to defend “Because It seems so dangerous to ordinary mini a second is a pulse beat More than 2,000 trains start each day In arms the neutrality of its terri- — London Chronicle. cross them."- Baltimore American. from the terminals of New York's st >- | tory; and each of the great powers way systems. They are run on sched- pledged Itself not only not to march Comprehensive Business. No Hangings. ules as carefully prepared and as close troops into or through the neutral "I suppose you built up your colos Him How did you like the stage ly timed as those of a trunk line rail state, but also to aid her, in case sal fortune by attending strictly to hangings in Unit Shakespeare show? road. her territory were violated. He There weren't no hangings, y’ your of . business.' Between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 per- | The world, thinking no nation so “ Yes, replied Mr. Dustin Stax. “ But boob! He killed 'em with a sword.— I made It my business to keep inform sons ride each day on the subway. base as to break its word, was com- Cornell Widow. ed as to what the other people were This is more than twice the number pletely taken by surprise by the at carried daily by nil the trains on the tack on Belgium. But we know now Men who are low and are falling do doing.”—Washington Star. entire Pennsylvania railroad system. from Oerman »tatements, that German not revolt. It Is men who, although Nearly two thirds of the New York military plans had for years intended Unkind. they may be low, are rising who re- She- What do you suppose Harold users of the subway are carried during to break this pledge. German rulers 3 volt.—W. O. Sumner. meant by sending me those flowers? the morning and evening rush hours.— lied as to this consistently, and lied up to the Irut day. On the morning Also She lie probably meant to imply Rapid Transit. before the German troops advanced Sound Advice. that you were a dead one. -Jack o'Lan the German minister assured Belgium "Is there no way of stopping these tern. Not His Language. cyclones?" naked a man of the traveler Lord Robson, at one of the dinners of she need feel no alarm, and in the Paradoxical. who was recounting Ills experiences tn the Glamorgan society, told the story evening of that same day he delivered "The truth lies somewhere.” far countries of a Welsh witness in a Glamorgan- his ultimatum. The world has never seen so com "Strange conduct. Hint, for the shire case who, having been sworn to "No,” replied the narrator. "The speak the truth, the whole truth and plete a denial of the binding effect best way Is to go right along with truth.”— Baltimore American ’em." - Exchange. nothing but the truth, was asked If he of the pledged word. Why has Ger- The Allies have been keeping could speak English or would like an many so lost sight of the principle he replied; “I can , of honor among nations? Her own Whenever you can look at yourself Interpreter. the enemy on the move backward speak some English, but I cannot speak ( answer reveals the cause; it is again aud he satisfied you should begin to all week, and have captured the truth, the whole truth, and nothing 'the plea of might. “The fato that Bel suspect yourself of moral blindness. gium has called down upon herself but the truth.'-- St. James' Gazette. 1 many hundreds of them. (note the hypocrisy of this) Is hard but not too hard, . for the destinies of the immortal great na tions stand so high that they can not but have the right, in case of need, to stride over existencies that can not defend themselves." (Pro fessor Oncken.) When the British Minister at Berlin notified the Ger man Chancellor that Great Britain C. 7 was in honor bound to defend Bel glum's neutrality, the latter argued that this was “Terrible,” a war “Just for a word—'neutrality'—Just for a scrap of paper." The pitiful—get. the terrible—»igniflcance of such utter enrei, it that Germans believe them justified. “If I am asked what we are fight- Ing for." said Prime Minister As- quitti. “I can reply In two sentences. In the first place, to fulfill an obliga tion . . . not only of law. but of and continues for two weeks, ending Saturday evening, August 31. honor, which no self-respecting man Regardless of merchandise shortages, regardless of high wholesale prices, re could possibly have repudiated; sec ondly, to vindicate the principle . . gardless of any and all conditions, we have brought down prices on summer goods that small nationalities are not to be erushed. In defiance of international to a point that must compel their immediate and complete good faith." ======"?= —V C a direct guarantor America, was not like Great Britain, of the neutrality 1 ,0 of Belgium, 11 though In _____ various con j ventions (of which Germany also was and these present are now taking up the space they will have to occupy a signer) we pledged to the main | tenance of the world principle of "good faith." But every nation was attacked The lowest prices quoted on 1918 merchandise will be in effect during this sale i when Germany broke faith "The law protecting Belgium which was vio lated was our law and the law of every other civilized country. . . It was our safeguard against the necee sity of maintaining great armaments Our intereit in having it maintained the law of nations teat a »u hitan is included. Qualities are absolutely dependable. Styles are faultless. Assort as tini, rateable, permanent interest." (Elihu Root I ments are excellent In the hope of an enduring peace. In Not one element is lacking to prevent this from being the most important and the hope of an advancing civilisation we can not forget Belgium. In the far reaching August Cleanup Sale in our history. hope for unmolested self-development the sense of our own security nec this Nomatter what you are doing it will pay you to lay of a day and come to | In essary to progress we must not forget Belgium, until her wrongs are righted Have You a Coal Bin? .75 August Cleanup Sale The most forceful bargain event of the season, offering O at unmatchable I prices all remaining ______ C warm weather goods C BEGINS Saturday Morning, August 17 disposal. Fall Goods will be Piling in Upon us Soon Examine this one if you have not, and get our figures on same immediately We will quote you price on the material only, or on the com pleted bin. Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone Main 33 “The Yard of Best Quality” H. M. STRAW. MGR. Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED Your Suit Renewed Just at this time of year, “between seasons," the question of clothing is a puzzle. You don’t feel like investing in a new suit, and yet you need a change. We can help you out. Just get out some of those suits you have hung back in the closet, and bring them to us. WE MAKE OLD CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW We not only press vour suit, but clean it, taking out all grease and dirt, and giving it really the appearance of new. help you to practice economy with neatness. We JACK WHITE, THE TAILOR The Hermiston Honey Co Is now prepared to take orders for BEE SUPPLIES FOR FUTURE DELIVERY Order now and avoid the rush GEO. R. SHAFER, PROPRIETOR season goods Thousands and Thousands of Dollars Worth of Seasonable Merchandise Buy all you need of the goods offered for months to come. This is the seventh of a series of PENDLETON’S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE Having suppressed the Salvation Army in Germany, we suppose the Kaiser has given up all hope of salvation just as his subjects began to get suspicious. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD The Money-Maker on the Farm Today is a silo, because it means the raising of more stock with less work and worry. We make a specialty of silos and can give you many helpful pointers on the building, its uses, material and costs. Let us show you the superiority of wood over all other materials. We have everything you need right here in stock. Come in and talk it over. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. R. A. BROWNSON, MANAGER