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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1918)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. LODGE DIRECTORY Outside the House. INSURE YOUR HAY It is too valuable to run any risks. ===== — yourself at once. = Protect LOCAL BRIEFS C. F. Mortimer is reported on sick list the Wm. Sbaar passed Friday of last week in Pendleton. DROP IN OR PHONE US One hundred carloads of baled hay was shipped from here in July. The First National Bank of Hermiston Capital & Surplus $30,000 Hairy McMillen left Wednesday for Pendleton, where he is driving F. A Brunson’s truck during harvest. J. C. Ballenger of Boardman was a guest at the P. B. Siseel home while here on business Thursday and Friday. The restaurant in the Hotel Oregon will be reopened in a few days by Mrs. H. L. Deck. Locally grown watermelons have made their appearance in the Hermis ton stores. Making a Magnet. The Girls Honor Guard girls will The simplest way of magnetizing a sew with the Red Cross every Wed bar of steel is that known as "single nesday hereafter. touch." The bar to be magnetized is A mahogany dresser for $1 Eugene, the 6 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hanby, had bis tonsils removed Wednesday by Dr. Gale. That old dresser —un less in very bad condi tion-can be made to look like a fine, new piece of mahogany by applying one or two coats of B-H Lustrelac. The John Day Spray, Oregon, the other day a boar that was Mason. N. Seaman and J. E. McCoy were here from Irrigon Monday, and when they went home the former took with him a fine cow that he purchased from Wm. Kennedy and the latter a few choice pigs from C. C. Mason’s stock of high bred Duroc-Jerseys. Try it for finishing fur niture, interior wood work and floors. Eight shades and color less. Merrill Potter, a rancher a short dis tance north of town, is another who has discarded "Old Dobbin” and taken to the more modern way of traveling, that gentleman having this week pur chased a new Ford touring car from Sappers’ Inc. Miss Edlie M. Johnson returned last week from O. A. C., having remained over for the summer school session. On her way home she visited with friends in Portland for a few days She will visit her parents here until September, when she will resume her studies at the college. Lustrela C Made by BASS-HUETER PAINT CO., San Francisco DISTRIBUTORS: Oregon Hardware & Implement Company E HAVE ENLISTED TO ELP WIN THIS WAR THEM? WILL YOU HELP RELEASE SELF SACRIFICE IS THE RULE NOTICE Complying with the request of the War Economy Board of the Council of National lefense, and in accordance with the resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the ational Automobile Dealers Association at St. Louis May 18, 1918, the following war me policy will be enforced by this establishment for the purpose of releasing expert echanics for government work. EFFECTIVE AT 1. ice ONCE We will discontinue all unnecessary and free ser- and inspections. 2. Our salesroom, repair shop and all other lents will be closed after undays and holidays. 3. 6:00 P. M. depart- daily, and all day In order to eliminate unnecessary office work, the overnment has requested that all business be conducted • economically and efficiently as possible. Therefore, on nd after August 5, 1918, charge accounts arts, repairs and labor will be C. 0. D. Development Co. of bought and shipped classy Duroc-Jersey raised here by C. C. There will be a business meeting of the Baptist church Sunday morning, August 4, at 11 o'clock. All members are urgently requested to be present. B-H Lustrelac imitates natural woods, giving an elastic,durable gloss. HE GOVERNMENT NEEDS EXPERT MECHANICS. How many beautiful hornee on which money has been spent lavishly to make them complete are marred by some de fect in the landscape work! A few hours’ motor trip through the suburbs of almost any city in the country will reveal many such cases. The most fre quent Jar the trained eye receives is from the poorly laid out walks and driveways in which badly arranged curves are used or walks made to curve around an ova) grass plot placed in the center for no other reason than to make pedestrians take time to circle about that particular grasa plot. Post- men, messenger boys and others take a short cut, and soon a path In the proper direction Is worn across the sod. When a curve la used in a walk or driveway there should be a reason for It If there Is no other reason plant one; place a tree or two or shrubs in a position so the curve will seem neces- sary. People then will keep on the walk, and the plan will seem reason- able.—New York Sun. will be discontinued. A YOUR PATRIOTIC DUTY It will be the patriotic duty of every owner to make all minor adjustments and repa mself to the end that every expert mechanic available for war work may be release * government Owners are urged to see that their tool» are in order, that jack nd pump are in working condition, that extra tube» and tires are in toper repair and that other necessary equipment is in condition to nable them to take care of emergency repairs on the road CONSERVE GASOLINE, OIL AND GREASE WHEREVER POSSIBLE. National Automobile Dealers Ass n. SAPPERS’INC. UTTER WRAPPERS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE WE SELL IN CAR LOTS meets second Tuesday evening of each month Visiting members welcome. Frances G. Phelps, W. M. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. UERMISTON LODGE NO. 138, A. F A A. M . 11 meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday evening of each month. Visiting brethren wel- come. Ed. Jackson, Secy. M D. Scroggs, W. M VINEYARD LODGE NO. 206, I. O. O. F.. • meets each Saturday evening in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting members cordially invited. W R Longhorn. See. J. S. West. Noble Grand Many William Shakespeares. There have been many William Shakespeares in the past. Among the burials In the registers of St. Clement Danes, In the Strand, there is the en try, "Jane Shackspeer, daughter of Willm., 8 Aug., 1609." Warwickshire records show, among other things, that a William Shakespeare "paid 8s. to the Lay Subsidy, Walton super Oide;” an other W. S. priced the goods of "Rob ert Bhakesper of Wroxall” on March 10, 1563; another, a shoemaker of Coven try, made his will March 18, 1605-6; still another William Shakespeare, "gentleman," had "his daughter Su sanna" (singularly enough) baptized on March 14, 1596, and yet again another W. 8., a shoemaker of Warwick, fell Into the Avon and was drowned. These are a mere fraction of the full list.—London Chronicle. ment at Cape Horn. This is claimed to be the southernmost lighthouse in the world. Baled or Chopped and Alfalfa Meal for Cheurnlets K V. PRIME DENTIST Hermiston. Oregon Office, Bank Bldg. Office Phone. 93 Office Hours: Residence Phone 32 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Physician and Surgeon Rooms 1 and 2 Bank Bldg. Office Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. EST Office 103 W. Webb St. Phone 583 Pendleton, Ore. J. A. PEED Shoe Repairing Better than ever now that the | machine is installed. To out of town customers sending work we will return it by next mall, paying postage one way. STOCK MENS' WORK AND DRESS SHOES JUST ADDED Try Our “Newlin” soles Full Soles and Half Soles. Better than leather Sam Rodgers Oregon Hermiston ICE C R E A M VETERINARY SURGEON season is now here in ear nest and we are ready to serve you in any quantity. Try us for your next order. Telephone 464 Office in old Reading Room J. T. HINKLE Attorney at Law HERMISTON, OREGON w. J. WARNER Attorney-at-Law HERMISTON, OREGON Our Candies are always fresh and nice. Our line of box candies is unexcelled. Bulk candles handled by us are of same high grade. Bowman’s Studio For Good Service See PHOTOGRAPHS We guarantee our work. When in Pen dleton come and see us. Studio located P. B. SISCEL Opposite Hotel Pendleton (NsNahe) Phone Your Orders French Restaurant for all kinds of UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Transfer Work Most up to date restaurant in Eastern Oregon Try our 35 cent dinner HOHBACH’S Bakery, Confectionery, Restaurant Pendleton J.L.VAUGHAN ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND APPLIANCES Stand at Siscel’s. Phone 262 We are ready at anv time to go any where or haul anything. The City Transfer W. B. BEASLEY Phone 139 201 E. Court St. Pendieton, Ore. .___________________________________________ HITT " Auto Truck -FOR - ALWAYS ON THE JOB LONG AND SHORT HAULS Give MB A Trial Hermiston Transfer Company Office, Cor. Main and Second Sta. Phone 162 Res., nn Ice Cream Confectionery Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks AUSEON’S Barber Shop ESTABLISHED BIX YEARS 1 Our Aim Is To Please the Public Hunting, Fishing and Base Ball Goods First Class Billiard and Pool Tables BATHS IN CONNECTION Frank J. Auseon, Proprietor Hermiston Several Years Experience in Queer. AUTOMOBILE ture on cooking last evening. Why weren't you there ? “I was home with a terrible attack GAS ENGINE through WORK DALE ROTHWELL “Does your husband worry about the grocery bill ?” “No; be says there’s no sense In both himself and the grocer worrying over the same bills.”—Exchange. earthly royal road to It but toll — Wendell Phillips. REPAIR Phone 561 OVERHAULING Let me give you an estimate Repair Work LL CARLILE Co. (Daklanis DR. K. G. GALE ot dyspepsia.” GET OUR PRICE® Stanfield Àuto Co. PROFESSIONAL CARDS IF YOUR AUTO NEEDS Alfalfa Hay C.S.McNAUCHT Q I at 8:00 sharp in Mack’s hall. OPTICAL SPECIALIST laid on the table, and the pole of a powerful magnet Is rubbed from ten to twenty times along Its length, always In the same direction. If the north pole of the magnet is employed the end of the bar first touched will also become Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. a north pole, while the opposite end, at American National Bank Building Pendleton. Oregon which the magnet is lifted before re turning, will be a south pole. There are other and more complicat D. N. REBER, M. D. ed methods, known as "divided touch” Eye, Ear Note and Throat and “double touch,” In which two and Optical Department even four magnets are employed. Glasses Ground Any Size or Shape A steel bar can also be magnetised by placing It within a coll of insulated Rooms 9-11 Schmidt Bld. Pendleton wire, through which a galvanic current is circulating. The magnetism induced Chiropractic Cures Where Other Methods Fail In this way, however, Is weak com I use the Latest Painless Methods pared with that which can be procured Dr. LORETTA H. STARBA If the same strength of current is em CHIROPRACTOR ployed through the Intervention of an Not Drugs. Not Surgery. Not Osteopathy electromagnet. Residence 103 Willow St. A. L. Barnes returned to Hermiston this week after an absence of three months, and is visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Barnes. While away the gentleman was connected with the ex Falling Up Out of a Balloon. traction of chrome for use in the con If a man falls out of a rising aero struction of armored vessels from a plane or balloon be will not go toward the earth, but will continue rising Into mine in Northern California. the air for an appreciable time. If Cecil Kelley and Harold Adams went the air machine were stopped in its to Pendleton Sunday and returned the ascent at the time It could catch the same evening with a Ford touring car man as be came down. If the airship and a Ford ton truck for Sappers' Inc. were ascending at the rate of thirty- They came by way of Stage Gulch, and two feet a second the man would rise sixteen feet before beginning to fall said the road over that route between toward the earth. Thus, by reducing here and the county seat town is in the speed of its ascent, the vessel very good condition. might keep by the side of the man and rescue him. The reason why the man N xt Wednesday evening in Pendle rises Is the same as the reason for a ton will be held a meeting of the bullet's rising when shot from a gun Umatilla County Patriotic Service Into the air—both the man and the League, at which time matters of bullet are given a velocity upward, and general interest to the public will be It takes some time for gravity to nega presented. It is asked that all Home tive that velocity. and County Guard organizations be Growing Grapes. present for inspection by Major Hibb Grapes will grow almost anywhere ard and Adjutant Kollock. and are sure to bear. Grapes can be Tuesday evening a number of young trained on trellises close to fences or men assembled at the home of Mr. to outbuildings. Spring Is the best and Mrs. P. P. Sullivan to do honor time to plant, using either one or two to their son Herbert, who leaves in a year old vines. Frequently cultivation during summer will Improve the fruit. few days on the completion of his Wood ashes make a good fertilizer furlough to resume his duties in the for grapes, and half a bushel to the war risk insurance office st the naval vine will not be too much. base at Hampton Roads. A grand No pruning will be required the first time was had by the boys and their season, but the second season cut back host, and at the windup of games and the strongest canes to three or four instrumental music they were treated buds and remove all others. to a very appetizing supper by Mrs. Proper Physical Education. Sullivan. The purpose of physical education 18, of course, not merely to build up the Taken Up Under the Herd Law bodies of boys today, but to put into One gray fillie, weight 1200 pounds, the lives of boys tbst thing, whatever branded quarter circle H on left It to, that will make the boy stay strong shoulder. . Ooe brown yearling colt branded T and ablebodied when be reaches man- hood. Such men—lovers of fresh air, on left shoulder. One brown yearling colt, stripe in of hiking In the wild, of sleeping out forehead, brand on left shoulder, un- under the sky—men who can both en discernible. joy and endure, are the men who will Ooe bay work horse, weight 1250 make up a strong nation and not a na pounds, branded K on left shoulder. tion of weaklings.—Scouting. To be sold at auction August 12th at 10 o'clock a m. at the Canfield ranch Cape Horn’s Lighthouse. on Butter Creek. Probably the most desolate and Edw. Canfield, Echo, Ore. dreary spot In the world Inhabited by white men is the lighthouse that is maintained by the Argentine govern Alfalfa Hay ueen ESTHER chapter No. tot. o. E. a.. Located in yellow house back of Baptist church HERMISTON ICE CREAM Is made under the most sanitary conditions. It pure, wholesome and high in food value. Made in all the popular flavors. Special orders given prompt attention. HERMISTON CREAMERY COMPANY