Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1918)
THE HERMISTON GOOD THINGS for the Lunch Basket or Picnic Peanut Butter_______ Pickles, sweet and sour Salmon__________ .... Tuna Fish__________ AIbacore____________ Sardines____________ Clams______________ Shrimps__________ _ Corn Beef, can______ Potted Meat_________ Veal Loaf _________ Baked Beans.............. ____25c, 30c, 40c ________ 30c, 50c ____ 20c, 25c, 35c .................. 25c ___________ 15c 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c ____ ________ 20c ................... ....15c ________ 35c ___ 15c, 2 for 35c _______ 25c ________ 15c, 20c The purpose of the submarine is to empty the flour barre! of the allies. Fight them at the table three times a day- SAVE WHEAT B. S. KINGSLEY CITY MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY CHALLIS & HOFFMANN, Props. Our Stock of Groceries is Now Complete We are able to save you money It is not what you EARN but what you SAVE that counts. Give us a trial and be convinced IT PAYS TO PAY CASH MEATS RETAIL & WHOLESALE THE UNIVERSAL CAR We, being authorized Ford Agents, are obliged to charge only regular labor charges for each job. the price being set by the Ford Motor Company. Remem- ber that when there is a johon your Ford you can learn the labor charge before the work is started from large printed charts in our office. Prices on all Ford work is very reasonable, and you should not al low your car to run down on account of repair ex- pense when this information can be had in advance. See the Ford One Ton Truck on display HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON: HERMISTON ========== KEEP COOL LOCALS— Mrs. J. W. McDermed visited In Pen dleton last Saturday. Ross Newport, who was here on busi ness for a week, returned to his home in Portland Sunday. Cecil Kelly and Louie Garner left yesterday for Portland to enlist in the navy. F. F. Klitz, Boardman rancher, was transacting business in Hermiston a couple of days this week. Colonel and Mrs. H. G. Newport visited with friends in Pendleton for a day the latter part of last week. Harry Coyne, who followed the trade of painter in this citv the past few years, went to Portland Monday to seek work in the shipyards. Jack Gorham, one of Boardman’s energetic ranchers, was a visitor from the Morrow county town the first three | days of this week. R. Alexander, the ever genial retir ed Pendleton merchant, was a visitor over Sunday at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. E. P. Dodd, in this city. Mrs. Tooley of Monmouth, Ore., was in Hermiston Saturday on a visit of inspection of this city and country. The lady may come here later to re side. F. L. Kelly is contemplating making a trip to Portland in bis automobile in a lew days, and anyone desiring to make an overland journey can accom- pany him. Edwin Rawden of the Anti-Saloon League of Oregon was a visitor here last Saturday and Sunday, and during his stay delivered an address at the Methodist church Sunday morning. with the heat. We have all the conveniences that will help make life agree. Do not suffer able during the good old summer time. OIL STOVES and by the use of Oil stoves are much cheaper to operate than either coal or wood, one you may have warm meals three times a day and also have a cool, comfortable house at the same time Our Special the Detroit Vapor Range rivals the gas range in convenience and its opera- tion is less expensive. We also have other oil stoves at various prices and all are guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. ICE CREAM FREEZERS The old reliable White Mountain Freezer will give splendid results but we also have the Auto Vacuum Freezer which will make you delicious ice cream without turning a crank or add ing ice during freezing. Other Seasonable Goods Among other Summer Specials we offer Vacation Chairs, Hammocks, Croquet Sets and many handy devices for the canning season such as steam canners, canning racks, jelly strain ers, etc. Oregon Hardware & Implement Company Attention, Farmers! Any of you having any wheat, oats, barley, rye or vetch to thresh consult | me, as I will begin threshing opera tions in about 10 or 15 days. Address C. F. Ames, Hermiston, Ore. 45 2tc WE HAVE A Proposals Scaled proposals will be opened by the undersigned Monday. August 5, 1918, for the operation of a school bus over the north route, for the ensuing school year. The bus to be operated under the direction of the school direc tors, and may be either horse drawn or motor bus. The right is reserved Mr. and Mrs August Beisse and fam- to reject any or all bids. R. C. Todd, Clerk i y and Mr. and Mrs. John Leek and 45-2tc family were Sunday guests at the Lo Taken Up cust ranch home five railes northeast 1 roan mare 2 years old; star on face, of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. LaBarre. white left bind leg; brand C T on Attorney J. W. Warner and A. E left hip. 1 bay horse 2 years old; white right Robb returned Sunday evening from Hidaway Springs, their families re hind foot; brand on left shoulder, A. Said horses will be sold at public maining there to enjoy the balmy auction to the highest bidder Monday, Blue mountain air a few weeks longer. August 19, 1918. 48 Ingvard Skoubo, Boardman, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hoffman have rented the residence house of Mrs. H. L Deck, and will soon move from the Hoffman ranch north of town and take up their permanent abode in this city. Mrs. M, E. Hoisington came home Tuesday from a lengthy visit with a daughter, Mrs. A. R Gienger, at Pilot Rock. She will remain here with her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Spinning, the balance of the summer. Mrs. J. F. Morfitt and Miss Yuditb Kelly, two well known Honor Guard girls of this city, enjoyed an over Sun day visit in Pendleton with their friend Miss Alice Hudson, last terra teacher in the Columbia school. James Smith returned Monday from his two weeks vacational visit to the beach and coast cities. He looked real pert and refreshed on arrival home, and immediately resumed his duties as clerk in Hitt’s confectionery store. Grandma Knapp, who has been vis iting in thia city at the home of her son, B. F. Knapp, the past three months, left Wednesday for Portland, where she will remain a short time before returning to her California home. NEXT WEEK’S SPECIALS WANT ADS Send your washing to the Model laundry at The Dalles, Oregon, through P. B. Stscel, local agent. Bas ket leaves Wednesday morning and re turns Saturday of each week. -adv49tfc For Sale—Spring pigs and breeding stock of all ages. C C. Mason. 34tfc For Sale Cheap—Team, harness and wagon, also one automobile. F. L. Kelly. • 35 tfc. Dr. Freeze makes reg ular visits to Hermis ton. Consult him free and be sure of good eye service. 4 life For Sale—Fleming stacker and two buck rakes complete. Geo. C. Ellison, Hermiston, Ore. 43 tfc For Sale—TO head young lambs, 44 ewes, 26 wethers; also 12 head of heif ers, some bred; good stock. Inquire at this office for further particulars. 43-tfc Wanted—To buy No. 1 dry baled alfalfa hay for shipment. W. A. Leath- ers. 4l-tfc. For Sale—900 pound mare; works single, double or under saddle; gentle. Leroy Sullivan. 42tfc Wanted—One single buggy and har ness. Must be in good condition. Wm. Kennedy. 44tfc Mrs. M. Dutv, who has been at Gur- dane with relatives for a couple of weeks, came home Sunday last. She will returned to that little town in the Blue mountains Thursday to continue her vacation. Her daughter, Mrs Clark Prindle, accompanied her on For Sale—Forty colonies bees. See the trip, to remain there a week or M F. Miller at the Auseon place. 45tfc moi e. For Sale Cheap—Medium sized span Mrs. F. V. Prime, accompanied by of mares; will take other livestock in exchange. Address Box 584, Hermis. her little son, Frank Vernon, Jr., de ton. 45tfe parted the latter part of last week for For Sale — An orchard with full bear a mouth or six weeks outing at Hid ing trees; between 4 and 5 acres con away Springs. Dr. Prime will join tains peaches, apricots, apples, plums them there tomorrow, he having d - and pears. Good crop of peaches io cided that it is about time he laid spile of the late frost. W. A. Ford. 45tfc aside his dental tools and hiked to the Umatilla, Oregon. tall pines for a week or two. To Exchange—improved close io Willamette valley farra of 78 acres, 1 C. II. Young, chief clerk in the local one half mile to school and churches, offices of the reclamation service, de- for smaller irrigated place under Uma project E. A. Erickson, Elmira. parted Wednesday for California, ac- tilla ( regon. 50- pd companied by Mrs. Young and the children. The vacation will last a For Sale—Two young Jersey cows, month, during which time they will two heifers, one gentle driving mare, visit relatives at Berkeley and Pleas, top buggy and harness, one set butt- chain harness, two mare colts. T. II. anton, and take in the sights of San Gai; her. fòlle Shipment of Flour In and a good line of substitutes to go with it Olympic Pancake flour, package------------- Corn Flakes, package-------------------------- Grape Nuts, package------ ------------------ Macaroni, Noodles and Spaghetti, package Blue Karo Syrup, 10 lb. can------------------ Red Karo Syrup, 10 lb. can------------------ Fairbanks Dandy Soap, bar------------------ Crystal White Soap, 7 bars------------------- Bob White Soap, 7 bars------------------------ . 35c . 14c . 14c . 10c . 95c $1.05 . 5c . 50c . 50c Royal Bakery Goods from Portland PHELPS CASH GROCERY Phone 413 Your trading point is Hermiston ••• The Farners’ EXCHANGE is best in every line they carry ••• Come, inquire and look around before you leave town ••• THESE BOYS WILL PLEASE YOU AMAZING SUCCESS IS ACHIEVED BY T A N LAC ITS A SYSTEM BUILDER THAT HAS NO EQUAL FOR SALE AT THE Hermiston Drug Co. 4 Francisco and Ls Angeles. From 2 Portland they went by boat to Frisco. A special chicken dinner will be" i served at the Hotel Hermiston every | 45tfc P. B. Sisee) and Miss Ruth | Sunday from 6 to 7:30 p. m. - Mr«. For Sale Good fresh milch cow | Hart entertained at a very delightful 45tfe party al the home of Mrs Siscel last Leathers. | Friday evening. The guests just be- I mg girls, halt of them dressed as boys and the other half in some hideous feminine costume. Dancing an I games were enjoyed by all. Miss Pink (Lila McMillen) was married to Mr. Icabod Green (Ruth Hart) by the officiât iog minister (Yudeth Kelly.) The lunch was an elaborate all sir served on the school lawn to four of Hermiston's promising young men. The affair was such a success that the girls have de. cided to have another at the home of Yudeth Kelly next week. Wanted Girl for general housework. Mrs E P Dodd. 45c For Sale Horse, buggy and harness; price $75 I quire of L M Hills. Stanfield, Ore. 46-3tc. For Sale—Fresh young cow, $60 Jacob Hoffman. 46 2tp. W anted -Piano lo keep while owner is away Will take best of care of it. | Mrs H W. Hoffman. 45c. Lost— A lady’s oblong brooch on the streets of Hermiston. Finder please return to this office. 46c. ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL OF Bathing Suits and Caps Summer Underwear for Adults and Children And a Complete Line of Ladies Coveralls and Overalls MACKS VARLTY STORE