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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1918)
THE The Hermiston Herald CHURCH NOTICES. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services held in Library building. Sunday school 10:15 a tn. Wednesday night testimonial meet- lug. Second Wednesday iu each monili at 8 p m. Issued Each Saturday by HERMISTON HERALD, AN UNFASHIONABLE FISH Fine In Flavor and Food Value, Yet M. D. O’CONNELL OREGO. It seems as It there are fashions in fish just now as there are In wearing Entered as second-class matter. Decembe apparel. A fish that brings In German . 1906, al the postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon markets nearly four times as much per pound as our fresh mackerel and con SUBSCRIPTION RATES siderably more than haddock Is thrown One year ........... -...... $1.5 CATHOLIC CHURCH Six months -7 away by our fishermen because no one Subscriptions must be paid in advance. wants to eat it. Yet those who eat it Hermiston. 10:00 a. tn. praise It for Its delicate flavor. Even Umatilla, 10:00 a m. the English like It. Every year they Everybody welcome to these ser- consume 3,000 tons of It. Yet we will vices. have none of it. This fish is known as the goosefish, METHODIST CHURCH anglerfish, devilfish and monkfish. Sunday school IO a. iu. True, its appearance is against It, but Th o. Parks, Supt. still the epicures in England and Ger many demand it because it is delicious. Pi eaching Ila tn. Analyses made by the bureau of fish Epworth League 6:30 p. m. By eries on samples show that goosefish There will be no preaching at the EPHRAIM DOUGLASS ADAMS contains considerably more protein Methodist church ou Sunday night- Executive Head, Hletory Depart than flounder, slightly more than a cod, until August. ment a little less than halibut and consider Sunday school at Columbia 2 p. m. Leland Stanford Junior University ably less than sirloin steak. Frank Waugaman, Supt. The goosefish has an average length Preaching at 3 p. in. "The object of this war is to deliver of three feet and Is broad and flat, the free peoples of the world from the somewhat resembling the flounder In menace and the actual power of a vast general outline. The only way to get military establishment controlled by an MICKIE SAYS It. says a Philadelphia woman, Is for the housewives to club together and /I BOQUEEME ME) \F WE’O proceeded to carry out the plan without regard either to the sacred obligations demand it. At the present time fisher / Ser VP SOME OF THS of treaty or the long-established prac. men do not take the trouble to bring it tices and long-cherished principles of In copy JesT LIKE w COMES ternational action and honor; . . . This home, but discard it from their nets.- IN, WITHOUT MAKIN’ NO newer Ie not the German people. It Ie Popular Science Monthly. CORRECTIONS NER RUTHIN’, the ruthleee master of the Germen pee HERMISTON WHY WE ARE AT WAR WITH GERMANY SOME OF THE INTELLECTUAL LIGHTS AROUN’ THIS HERE NECK O' THE wooos’O LOSE \ THEIR REPUTMONS FER BEIN’ EOO 1 C ____________ _ V r * NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at I.a Grande, Oregon, June 11. 1918. Notice is hereby given that Thomas F. William non of Hermiston, Oregon, assignee of Annoi O Skinner, who on May 20th, 1905, made Desert Land Entry No. 01050, for S’NW% and N‘SWW sec tion 15, township 5 north, range 28 east Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the lami above described, before W. J Warner, United State: commissioner, at hin office at Her miston, Oregon, on the 6th day of August, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: William J. Dob ler. William Lacy. William T. Roberts, and Wil liam B. Spinning all of Hermiston, Oregon. C. S. DUNN. Regiatei SHOES We have a lull line of Shoes for Ladies, Gents and Children Boys’ Tennis Shoes, $1.05 to $1.25 Children's Tennis Slippers, 80e to $1. 40 Call and inspect them Prices right W. M. HAHN SHAAR’S Tonsorial Parlors Shower and Plain BATHS Scientific Tonsorial Treatment WE ENDEAVOR TO PLEASE Win. Shaar, Prop. Jacob L. Stork Blacksmith • ................ AND —— a Horseshoer • Shop located on Hurlburt Avenue A Good Show What Are You Worth? Have you any idea? Did you ever capitalize your wages and figure out? This Is the way to ascertain how much your labor is really worth. For instance, a man who has saved $20,000 and invested it at 5 per cent re- cebes an annual income of »1.000 a The clerk in the office or the wor man in the factory who gets $20 a week therefore receives the income at 5 per cent on an investment of $20,000 He is a $20,000 man that is, be Is getting as much week by week as the man with $20,000 who depends solely upon the income from his investments and who does not work for a living. The man who earns $40 a week has about the same income as the investor with $40,000 put out at interest at 5 per cent. Bo labor is capital. It has a market value. It can be called a commodity because It can be sold by its owner the same as any other possession he may have.—John A. Bleicher in Leslie’s. keep on minding our own business and to let other nations do the same A military autocracy that proposes to conquer the world must be de feated, to the point where It renounces "Ol hear that Casey ts havin’ trouble meddling with other nations, great or •mall, or there It no peace In the wid his belter half "Vis, she wants to be the whole world That Is the issue at stake, Pearson’s Weekly. and In it rents our safety and the thing safety of the world Nature Ills all her children with something to do Lowell This Ie the fifth of articles by Professor Aiima Examine this one if you have not, and get our figures on same immediately. Shotguns In War. A Concession. "After looking at the postal stampe of other countries, I hare come to the conclusion that you can't beat ours” "Maybe not, but, all I be same. It gets lots of lickings." -Exchange. Have You a Coal Bin? year, or about $20 a week. That shotguns should be largely uti lized In modern warfare is the conten tion of a number of military experts. It Is pointed out that such guns would be particularly useful to sentries at night time, as an intruder might more easily be crippled and captured by a spreading charge of heavy shot than by a single bullet. Moreover, a person ole. ... It Ie our business to see to moving quickly might often be missed t that the hletory of the rest of the by a shot from a rifle, whereas a snap CLAWS OF THE CANARY. world Ie no longer left to Ite handling. President Wilson, Auguet 27, 1917. shot from a shotgun in semidarkness DEMOCRACY VERSUS AUTOCRACY They Should Bo Carefully Trimmed could hardly fall to find its object. In the trenches shotguns could be Every Few Months." It is commonly said that this war used with success. A shotgun loaded As a canary grows old it will be no Is one In which America was forced with about forty-eight grains of pow to take part In order to “make the ticed that its claws get long and catch der and one and a half ounces of big What on the perches and wires as It hops world safe for democracy, about the cage. In a state of nature shot, with about twenty-five pellets, does the phrase mean? would be of much more value than the The theories and acts of the Ger the activity of the bird as It moves rifle, as during a night attack, either about on the ground or among twigs man military autocracy definitely deny tor attack or defense in semidarkness, the right of the people of a state to and limbs keeps the claws properly a single charge would hardly fall to in rule themselves The German people, worn down. Confined In a cage, the flict serious wounds on one or more of canary Is less active, and, while the in spite of forms of government that the enemy.—Exchange. make a pretense of popular control, rate of growth of the claws remains have no such actual control over their the same, they are subject to much less The Swiss Admiral. governors as exists in democratically abrasion. It is necessary therefore to trim them “As much business as a Swiss admi organized nations, In those nations the governors can De removed by a with a pair of sharp scissors every few ral” is a term sometimes used satirical- vote of the people In a general elec months. It is important to watch the ly. But the little inland nation actual tion; in Germany the people have not condition of the claws carefully, as by ly had an admiral once. He was an Englishman, too, a Colonel Williams, catching they may cause a broken leg this power. who Joined the Swiss colors In 1799. The aristocracy of Germany under In each claw a slender blood vessel ex stand this difference, and are afraid tends well down toward the tip. This This Colonel Williams got together a of the spread of democracy In Ger may be seen on close examination small fleet on Lake Zurich and was or many. The whole, much admired "effi through the transparent sheath of the dered to oppose the French army, which ciency” of Germany fa primarily due claw. In trimming cut well beyond was preparing to attack the Austrians to a desperate and constant effort by this canal and take special care not to and Russians massed near by. The French attacked their allied foes Germany's rulers to divert the German break the leg while handling the bird. In cage birds the horny covering of and routed them. Admiral Williams people from thoughts of self govern ment, by offering them material pros the bill as well as the claws sometimes calmly watched the battle that was in perity. And the rulers have sur becomes distorted through growth with progress on land. Then, enraged at his reeded. One of the causes of this out sufficient wear. The tips of the own inaction, he discharged his crews, mandibles may be pared down with a scuttled his vessels and went back to war was the necessity, by still fur ther “glorious acquisitions of terri sharp knife, but care must be taken England. Switzerland now has one armored tory," to hush the murmuring« 01 not to cut deep enough to reach the quick. — United States Department o boat on Lake Lucerne, but its com- political discontent In Germany, Vic mander Is only a captain.—Kansas City tory In war, every so often, is a nec Agriculture Bulletin. Star. etiity of the German system. “It is If She Ware Free. for eocial as much as for national A Father Vaughan Story. A woman of criminal tendencies and political reasons that we must Father Bernard Vaughan, the famous fix our minds Incessantly upon war.' serving a prison term was asked, "If “Success Is necessary to gain Influ you were given absolution, freedom t English Jesuit preacher, says what he enee over the masses," wrote Bern spend one night in the great city whol means and means what he says and hardi; and General Von Biasing, Just ly uncontrolled, where would you go- Is never afraid of directing his criti- cisms even against the most powerful before his death, wrote a "Politics’ to the theater, dance hall or where?’ Testament,” since largely circulated In She replied: "I would choose a warm sections of society, especially the idle rich. Germany, In which he argued for the night after a rainy day, a night when An amusing reference was once made all the electric lights wore halos around retention of Belgium, because, unlest to the fiery methods of denunciation t were annexed, the preittge of tht their heads and everything was foggy military autocracy would receive a I'd go to the park and walk for an hour he employs when In the pulpit. He up and down the paths, where I could had been preaching in Rome and had, fatal blow. Are we—are the Allies—then fight see the reflections of the misty lights as usual, dealt out plain truths about in the wet stone pavements. Then I'd everybody with his accustomed force. Ing to impose upon Germany a dif like to go to some quiet place where I One of the cardinals remarked that feront system; Is that the meaning of could hear organ music for another lie preached like an Italian. “Yes,” 'making the world safe for democ hour. Then l'd go to bod satisfied said another dignitary, "but he is an racy?" But before I got to bed I'd open and Italian. He was born on Vesuvius, Elihu Root says that Americar and we only sent him to England to democratic Ideals Include "liberty not shut my door for five minutes steadily cool.”— London Globe. I'd want to know thatit wasn't bolted! for themselves alone but for all who — Buffalo News. are oppressed.” Lloyd George asserts Salt and Toothbrushes. that It all countries had been demo Our dentist tells us a very Interest Father Fail. Again. cratically organized, this war would Did you ever watch the bright young ing thing. Ordinary salt is one of not have taken place; that this war man father has picked out as the man the best methods for sterilizing tooth- will determine not merely interna tional relations, but will affect the with a future and invited home foi brushes that are known. But not only because ft sterilizes is it so excellent, lives of peoples within their own no dinner? The B. Y. M. has read somewhere in but because it has the effect of soften Itone. for generations to come; that this war is to end In “International his youth that R. Y. men are supposed ing the bristles and making them ex- democracy,” I. e„ In liberty, equal to fall In love with and marry the pand in a way. One of the troubles so Ity, and fraternity, between nations boss’ daughter. And ho sits and stares frequently met with is that the bristles great and small General Smuts, for a her, nervous as the dickens because come out and are swallowed, causing merly a soldier against Great Britain he can't decide which is worse—losing appendicitis. The salt causes the bris tles to swell and so remain In the tn South Africa, says that the essence his job or following precedent. And the daughter plays the tune she brush. This may be but another of of this war Is the question whether governments should be founded on knows on the piano and wonders the several million theories. It Is im- military might or on “principles of "Whatever possessed father to bring portant, however, that bristles do cause appendicitis.— New York Globe. equity, justice, fairness and equality.” that around here?”—New York Even Ing Sun. Various writers have depicted this Substitute For Tobacco. war as a teit of democracy, to de A Slap at Her Complexion. Throughout the tropical orient the termine whether democracy can ad “Is it true that Mrs. Dub walte and natives employ a substitute for tobac just itself to an emergency so that by sheer efficiency it shall at least equal Mrs. Twobble are no longer on speak- co consisting of a slice of areca palm nut, wrapped In betel leaf, flavored the efficiency of a military autocracy, Ing terms?" "Yes. I fear the breach will never with a fine lime made of native sea- and assert that on this ground alone shells and colored with carmine. The the future government of all the ns be healed." "What did they fall out about?" habit Is universal, especially with the tions of the world Is at stake Will "They met on the street one day women, and sellers of “betel nut" may Crooks, the British labor leader, says this war "ta a people's war. We are all Mrs. Dubwaite said to Mrs. Twobble. be seen on many of the street corners In It, the man at the village pump and My dear, how do I look?’ Mrs. Twob- tn Saigon and other cities of Indo In the fields, the blacksmith, the car hie kissed her effusively and said, ‘My China. penter and joiner, the shipwright, and dear, you are a work of artr"—Bir • Handsome Serenity. the man of leisure. We are standing mingham Age-Herald. "George Washington was never guilty together because we are fighting for of deception.” Water Soaked. liberty." "The Glithers baby threw a big bun "Maybe not. 1 don’t believe, in fact, Yea, this war Ie one tn which ideals of government, of Individual liberty, die of stock Into the fire yesterday that he ever looked like his pictures on our postage stamps. But, of course, of civilisation Itself are In conflict morning.” "What a loss! It was destroyed, of he wasn't responsible for them."— Democracy la lined up against autoc Washington Star. Ie tn absolute fact a course?" “No; Glithers bought the stock from war of Ideala. Rut we are not fight Ing to impose our Ideale upon any a promoter. It was too full of water SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD nation What we are fighting for. to burn " Birmingham Age Herald In ' making the world safe for democ- racy," is to prevent a miliary autoc- racy from imponng iti authority and its ideals upon nt We are ready Io THE MOVIE” HERMISTON, OREGON: PATE NTS through the are old, being established o n1 ned, SWIFT a co." quick) bought by Manufacturers, — ivention for escription SEARCH D. Patent SWIFT & CO. Lawyers. Estab. 1889 307 Seventh st, Washington, o c We will quote you price on the material only, or on the com pleted bin. Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone Main 33 “The Yard of Best Quality” H. M. STRAW, MGR. Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon ------------ MANUFACTURERS OF------------ High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED Your Suit Renewed Just at this time of year, “between seasons,” the question of clothing is a puzzle. You don’t feel like investing in a new suit, and yet you need a change. We can help you out. Just get out some of those suits you have hung back in the closet, and bring them to us. WE MAKE OLD CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW We not only press vour suit, but clean it, taking out all grease and dirt, and giving it really the appearance of new. We help you to practice economy with neatness. JACK WHITE, THE TAILOR The Hermiston Honey Co Is now prepared to take orders for BEE SUPPLIES FOR FUTURE DELIVERY Order now and avoid the rush GEO. R. SHAFER, PROPRIETOR The Money-Maker on the Farm Today -is a silo, because it means the raising of more stock with less work and worry. We make a specialty of silos and can give you many helpful pointers on the building, its uses, material and costs. Let us show you the superiority of wood over all other materials. We have every thing you need right here in stock. Come in and talk it over. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. R A. BROWNSON, MANAGER