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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1918)
--—— T he HERMISTON H erald -- - - - - - - ———— _______ < HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3. 1918 •= VOL. XII 58 56 HERMISTON DR. ROAR OF BIG GUNS The Herald herewith reproduces a letter from Dr. C. O. Wainscott, for mer Hermiston physician, written to “J“parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.C. Wains- cott of Oakland, Oregon, from Paris on June 6. After enlistment in the medical corps of the service the doctor went from here to California. From there be was transferred to Fort Riley, Texas, and from there to New York before he made the jump across the big pond to the battle arena. His let ter is interesting, and reads as follows: "Upon our arrival in France I was sent to a casual officers’ depot for one week, thence to Paris, having arrived here the latter part of last week. Our voyage across was pleasant; however, 1 would not care to spend the rest of my life at sea. Seasickness was the worst hazard of the trip for me. We were in London 72 hours which gave us an opportunity to see many interest ing things “Since arriving on French soil have also seen quite a bit of country. I am st present receiving more instructions In the XRay, or I mean instructions in handling the French equipment. Our equipment not being available at this time. "The French equipment is quite different from ours and our methode of localization are not applicable with French equipment so we have to . learn new ones. I presume this will finish bur instruction unless we are sent to Italy or Mesopotania and find its neces- ary to learn their methods. “French XRay equipment is greatly nferior to ours, so you can see the lolly of our comiog to Europe for post graduate in that line. My opinion is hat America leads the world in most kery line. We certainly have the roods if we can only get them across, Ind at present it looks feasible. I "I read in today’s Paris edition of he New Yurk Herald that we had lost leverai boats off the Jersey coast from submarines recently. I “We hear less of war here than we lid in America and it is not many Biles to the front where the new drive or Paris is being made. "We hear an occasional explosion thich indicates that the Huns have topped another shell into the city by heir long range guns and occasionally it night the Huns make an aerial raid thich is usually beaten off before they each the city. No one seems to pay Buch attention to either one. I have fot been where any danger has been and I have been over quite a lot of the GOING AFTER PHOTOGRAPHS OF ENEMY ' DRAFT TREATY WILL SWELL ALLIED ARMY On July 31 the recruiting convention between Great Britain and the United States came into force and the period for voluntary enlistments terminates on September 28. During this period of 60 days, all Britons and Canadians between the ages of 20 and 44, both inclusive, re siding in the United States, have an opportunity of offering their services to their own countries at a time when the services of every man are urgent ly needed. On September 28 the per iod within which they can enlist volun tarily expires, and thereafter they will be liable to draft into the United States army. During this period all Britons and Canadians in the United States oí twenty years of age and those between 31 and 44, both inclusive, will be re quired to register on a date fixed by proclamation of President Wilson, and 30 days after registration they become subject to the American draft. American citizens between the ages of 21 and 31, resident in the British empire, will be given 60 days from July 31 in which to enlist, enroll or re turn to their own country for service, but after that time they would be sub ject to draft unless they had been granted exemption by the American Ambassador as provided iu the treaties. It is estimated that some 54,000 American citizens in the British em pire, including 36,000 in Canada, and 250,000 British subjects and 60,000 Canadians in the United States, will be affected by the treaties. The nearest British recruiting sta- tton is located at W. 605 Sprague ave- nue, Spokane, where local British or Canadian subjects can write for in formation as to rates of pay, separa tion allowance, etc. — — — __ - NO. 46 FRANZ KILLED AT ERIE BY RAILROAD DETECTIVE In chronicling the death ol Alfred | E. Franz at Erie, l’a , last week the I meager news obtainable at that time led to the belief that the young man had been accidentally shot. Mure authentic information received since, In Stanfield Thursday evening the however,shows that he was deliberate “Greater West End Development ly shot and killed by a railway detect League" came into being at a repre ive for the New York Central named sentative meeting of leading citizens of King. Echo, Stanfield, Hermiston, Butter A more detailed account of the Creek, Umatilla, Irrigon and Board events leading up to the demise of her man. This new organization will son was conveyed in a letter to Mrs. actively exist until its aims are attain Nora Franz of Hermiston a few days ed—that of securing the aid and sanct ago. It seems that Alfred was in the ion of the U. S. government to pro draft from this county and was to have vide reservoirs for ample water stor reported at Camp Lewis last week, age to irrigate the vast areas of pro and in making ready to come west ductive land now lying idle adjacent himself and wife and a niece bad gone to all of the above towns so that to the park that day for a little outing homes for returning soldiers after the before he started on the journey. The war may be provided. party was preparing to return home The meeting at Stanfield was pre when two men who had come into the sided over by E. P. Dodd, with Ralph park began fighting, and Mr. Franz, Holte secretary. An outline of what acting as peacemaker, in endeavoring is desired to be accomplished was set to separate them, received the fatal forth by Mr. Dodd, and to further the wound from a pistol shot fired by one plans and make the organization com of the combatants that afterwards pact a motion prevailed to appoint a proved to be the detective, who, it is committee composed of the following said, is now under arrest for man to prepare further data and present slaughter. The above Is the version it at a meeting to take place in Echo of the affair given Mrs. Franz by rela next Tuesday evening, August 6, to tives of the family now residing in which everyone interested is Invited: Erie, but the following press dispatch Echo—Frank Spinning, O. D. Teel, from that city puts a different con struction on the tragedy: A. B. Thompson. Stanfield—J.G. Pearson, J. M. Kyle, "Erie police say Franz, with Earl McCollum of Erie, was at Four Mile M. C. Bragan, Ralph Holte. Hermiston—E. P. Dodd, C. S. Me- Creek park near Erie, and started a scrap with King, the latter claiming Naught, F. B. Swayze. Butter Creek—J. B. Saylor, J. W. he had arrested McCollum for car robbery, and that McCollum used this Messner, Thos. Richards. Umatilla—D. R. Brownell, 1 Win. as foundation for threats liiat he would “get” King. Switzler. Irrigon—W. L. Suddarth, Dr. M. S. "According to King's story to the Kern. police, the night of the shooting Mc Boardman—J. C. Ballenger, S. H. Collum started the fight and in self Boardman. defense King had used ills club, which was taken from him by McCollum's companions. King had to run but Franz soon overtook him, upon which King fired. Franz was hurried to the hospital and was apparently improv ing when a relapse took place.” PRESENT WEST END NEEDS TO GOVERNMENT 8885888858828222222822588888858565685 Photographic machine of the British Boyal air force about to start on a photographing trip, the gunner being ready to protect it. COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE BUTTER CREEK ITEMS SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE While most gardens in this section I tell you these last few hot days have been a failure this season, still put the finishing touches of crispness we find several who are enjoying string on my garden. How about yours? beans, watermelons, cantaloupes, ripe Everything is drying up on the Creek tomatoes and sweet corn. from lack of water. Mrs. Robert McLane has returned Well 1 expect I better be going on after a lengthy visit with friends in homeward. The voung chinks are Tacoma. getting mighty thick, and I tell you Mrs. Davis and daughter Nellie leit we all take a crack at them when they last Wednesday for Portland where get close. I hear guns a banging in they will join Mr. and Mrs. Robert every direction. It sort of hurts a Neimeyer. Mr. Davis contemplates fellow's stomach to go out in the field leaving after the honey crop is har- and see nice Chinese pheasant friers laying all around shot to pieces. vested. Yes, I thought I would come over Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Sapper visited and see bow your second crop came Anna Sapper, Mon- his mother, Mrs. out this time. Most everyone on the day. creek was disappointed as the second Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leathers and daughter Minta returned Monday from crop was pretty short and the rabbits Hidaway and left Wednesday for got away with some of Walter Hin kle’s. Did they take any of yours? I Seattle and other coast points. They notice Glen Richards is stacking with expect to be gone about 10 days dur buckrakes this crop, using B. J. ing which time Jack Gorham from Nation’s outfit, so I understand. And Boardman will look after ranch inter Nation is working for him, too. ests. Well Hinkle got done at last. 1 ex Allen Hard, 19 years old, who lived Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Sapper and little I>ect the men were all glad as I heard with his parents on the Hawlev Bean daughter and Mrs. Smith were dinner some of them say that young Canfield guests of Mrs. Wm. Fritz last Sunday. didn’t get a very good cook when he ranch • near Echo, was accidentally killed Tuesday evening by being shot Mrs. T. H. Haddox and baby son On the first of the month P. B Sis- left Friday for a week’s outing at the picked out his choice. She didn’t in the abdomen by a bullet from a cel, who has the agency in this citv popular summer resort, Hidaway give ’em enough to eat when they 22 calibre rifle while bunting rabbits. were boarding there. for the Portland Oregonian and the Numerous friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harriet B. Bishop, 61 years Springs. Did you know we are having our Journal, discontinued the delivery of W. L. Pearson congregated Sunday old, who was committed to the slate these papers to subscribers. In ex Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Blessing and share of accidents on the creek this hospital at Pendleton from this county evening at their ranch home northeast Mr. and Mrs F. A. Brunson motored week. Well, to begin with Mr. Rie) planation of this act, Mr. Siscel says to Pendleton Tuesday, returning the got real sick along about Thursday last month, died at that Institution of town to do honor to and bid them that the recent order of the war de Wednesday. The remains were shipp farewell ere their departure for their and bad Dr. Gale, who said be had a partment to conserve paper wherever same day. ed to her husband, Pby Bishop, of new home in California. Social con Mrs. Brassfield and family returned bad stomach and bad better go to The ■ ‘ Both Paris and London are very possible by every possible means has Dayton, Wash. Joseph McCabe, 71 verse predominated on this occasion, ionderful cities. They do not com- made the owners of the above publica Monday from Portland, where they Dalles and have an X-Ray to see what years old, several years an inmate, and a well prepared luncheon was par was the matter. Riel is still in bed are with New York or other large tions tighten the strings on their visited several days. died last Saturday. He was committed taken of by the visitors before their Mr. Hall and Mr. Vivian were county and feels real bad. Then Vivian from Wasco county. American cities I have visited. Paris agents to such an extent that there is departure. Nation was riding last week and bad Bi many beautiful parks and statues no more profit in handling the papers seat visitors Monday, returning Tues It will be remembered that Mr. Stanfield has organized a company the saddle turn with her and broke a ■ all kinds. Reminds one of an ex- by carrier—in fact if he continued, be day. Pearson traded bis ranch to M. F. of home guards. It already has an Biition or world’s fair. No sky says at the end of a month the balance Miller, who formerly was a bridge Miss Laura Carson spent the week bone in her arm. I guess Mr. Basey is going to see enrollment of 35 men, and drilling carpenter on the O.-W. railroad who ■tapers like we see in our American would be on the wrong side of the end with her sister, Mrs. H. Sommerer. exercises are being carried on in an his wife soon. The lady intends to ledger. He will still continue to sell visited this valley quite frequently, Ruth and Wayne Akers returned able manner by Jake Stork of Hermis- papers and periodicals at the news Monday from Moro, Oregon, where stay in Portland another month. being therefore conversant with the ton, who knows the military game stand in his confectionery store, where they played for a dance last Saturday Did you notice we bad the plaster bright outlook for this Irrigation belt. from a to izzard, and other equally those who want the morning papers In return for the rauch Mr. Pearson for the new school bouse. qualified instructors. Echo also has night. secured residence property in East may secure them hereafter- We don't go in swimming as much organized a home guard company. Jene Skovbo drove several head of San Diego, Calif., whither they went as we used to because the water is real stock to Pendleton last week. Yellow jackets attacked Mrs. J. P. yesterday to take possession. After stale, but some of us found a new Mr. and Mrs. Felthouse and family Utterback of Echo while that lady was becoming settled io the new home Floyd Hoisington, a member of the swimming hole the other day. ' and Mrs. Newcomer returned Sunday out for a walk one evening last week. Mr. Pearson, who is a druggist by 5th Engineering Corps, now sta- Did you see Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Can- a month’s stay at Hidaway The attack of the wasps was so sudden oned in Angers, France, tells of The work room output for June and after field on the creek last week. They that she was unable to protect herself, profession, expects to re-enter the Springs. Mrs Newcomer's health is M recent promotion from the rank came down two or three days visiting. and was stung a number of times be business there. corporal to that of sergeant in a July surely reflects great credit on not much improved. Oh, yes. and Mrs. H. Moore just got fore escaping from them. After try ter to bis sister, Mrs. A. C. Spinn- the splendid patriotism of the women Miss Frances Hinkle and Mise Clar- back from Hidaway Springs. Says ing many remedies to alleviate the of Hermiston. During these two ice Watson spent Tuesday and Wed- ■• He now wears two gold stripes she bad a fine time but got dreadfully pair, the best one, so she claims, was nesday visiting Miss Ruth Akers. this uniform, gained by six months months we shipped the following I tanned. the application of flannels wrung out articles: __ 116 suits of underwear,. , Mrs. w. N. Wheeler, Mrs. F. A. Fice in Mexico and six more in ______ Do you notice, not much hay is sell of hot lard and applied as hot as possi finer. sweaters, 37 pairs sox, 628 cellu cotton and Dorothy were Stanfield ing on the creek. Buyers are afraid ble. This ought to be a good remedy says that he has now bicorne pads, 110 refugee baby shirts, 36 pairs «ETONS Monday. We have often beard remarks de- Mrs Joe Udey and little daughter to offer what bay is worth I guess for Hermiston bee mem to remember. "I well acclimated and that he is booties, 10,000 forcep sponges. rogatory to the purity of the city’s But then It is early for hay to go. inning to like to be on French soil, We have had the following dona- plorence left Wednesday for Wasco James M. Leezer, who came to Ore domestic water, but these allegations gon via Cape Cod in 1852, and located are put to rout by an analysis of three few days’ visit with her mother, he has seen no real thrilling lions: Mrs. J. F. McNaught, 315. • Next Liberty Loan ton in the war as yet, be hopes to Mrs. Chas Ames, $2 00; Mr*- „Caines. Mrs. Ea sink. in the town of Umatilla in 1864, where samples sent from here to the stale Secretary McAdoo announced Wed be conducted a hardware store and board of health at Portland on July 0 get into the thick of the fray ,1.00; Mrs. La Barre *100 "T " Mra w N Wheeler left Tuesday nesday night that the campaign for tin shop, and later was in the same I“ bag a few of the enemy. He E. Shaw, $5 00. Honor night from Umatilla for Kellogg, the Fourth Liberty Loan would open business io Pendleton and farmed in 25th by City Clerk Jensen under In “les that the "eats" are excellent at Wednesday afternoons the structions from the city council. This Lipes and that himself and com pan Guard girls will assist in the making I’»ho. where she willvisither brgibor Saturday, September 28, and continue the late eighties near Echo, died in analysis, a report of which was re | W. K Bloom- Mr. sod Mrs. — oom three weeks, ending October 19. Portland the latter part of last week turned to the clerk early In the week, f are in the best of health and of surgical dressings. one time residents of our Pirite. at the age of 77. shows that not a trace of gas or colon ' We started Tuesday on our second More Fiali bacilli was recovered after an In Bureau of Markets. quota of 10,000 forcer sponges. Fifteen cans of trout were received Fraser Sells a Home Still Short cubation of 72 hours. Monthly payments on the French atermade quick real es he I nited States department of in Hermiston Wednesday from the The chairman of the W. S. S. com The analysis was made by State Allure has established a bureau war orphans are due on or befoce, to | H-fraser Use spur ; state fish hatchery. They were imme- mittee reporta a shortage of 81000 in Health Officer R. E. I* Holl, and the markets at 511 Chamber of Com- first of each month. the latter part of last week when Fred diately taken to Cold Springs canyon the sale of the little war savers last ice building, Spokane, which will “Fatherless Children of France and w. Stevens offered him so much for and planted In the waters there under month, and as a result it will take report of bis findings from the sam ples show thus: Sample No. 1, taken th "eek issue a market letter that mal to J. T. Lambirti, First National his residence house on the west side the supervision of Henry Hill and C. $2400 each month for the remaining at reservoir, bacteria 150 cubic centi '■ contain a summary of market Bank, Pendleton ana grounds surrounding, Tom accept- B Percer- five months to put us up to our quota. meters. Sample No. 2, taken al the ations in each of the principal ine the offer without further ado and Ho speed up the sales by buying a few. well, bacteria 150 cubic centimeters. He ’ s In the Navy — w centers of the western states. A card to The Herald from Killed in Portland the deal was made. Mr. Stevens " Sample No. 3, taken al Sapper’s hyd I " contain information regarding cently came from Hyland, la, an. Mr. Aylesworth, who resigned from rant, bacteria 25 cubic centimeters. WEATHER REPORT org prices of corn, oats, hay and Sullivan, who left recently bought a tract of alfalfa land from C. the superintendency of the Boardman the r" feeds and such other com S McNaught He will take possession school and recently look a position as The maximum temperature for A brand new scales has been install- 5 as are of especial Interest to of the Fraser home in a few days, and timekeeper in one of the shipyards week ending Thursday evening was rd at the Farmers’ Exchange io order Armer and shipper. By writing near Portland, was accidentally killed 101 and the minimum 45 The rainfall to bring the weighing up to date. . "reau of Markets at the above there Monday while on duly. | was Off of an Inch. > EErea by the Stevens family. those desiring can secure the gocd luck he'll soon be “on hi WHAT IS HAPPENING IN UMATILLA COUNTY NO MORE PORTLAND PAPER DELIVERIES FAREWELL PARTY TENDERED PEARSONS ERMISTON DOY IS GIVEN PROMOTION RED CROSS DOMESTIC CITY WATER TESTS HIGH IN PURITY He lile woecd.’ Harold for.FAF.. lao t.C.UE — a w tip me cstmts!". er.... to gel a crack at the Kaiser.