Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1918)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, • : HERMISTON 3 EVERYBODY CAN I--------- ====== LOCALS---------------- — HELP WIN THE WAR BY CONSERVING FOOD Eat More Potatoes and Less Wheat $1.50 15c 15c . 20c 35c 20c Potatoes, 100 lbs. . . Beans, pink, white or red Tomatoes, per can . . . Hominy, per can . . . Corn, 2 cans .... Beets, per can .... Sweet Potatoes, per can Spinach, per can . . . We are prepared to serve you B. S. KINGLEY CITY MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY Special for Coming Week Coal Oil, 5 gallons................................ Canned Tomatoes, per can.................. Solid Packed Tomatoes, per can......... Canned Corn, per can........... . .......... A. & L. Corn, per can......... . .......... Peas and Beans, per can . ................. Corn Meal, yellow or white, 9 lb. sack Rolled Oats, 9 lb. sack_______ _____ Buokwheat Flour, 9 lb. sack______ Pearl Homing, 9 lb. sack___________ 5 lbs. best Bulk Coffee _____ __90c -13c -18c -13c -18c -13c --64c _. 64c -90c -64c $1.00 We will give you a chance to save money if you buy here next week as I am closing out my stock and I will give a 5 per cent discount on all orders of $10.00 or over, but these are all cash prices. HERMISTON, OREGON: Will the groundhog see his shadow today. FRESNOES Do not forget the union meeting at the Methodist church Sunday evening. Mrs James Ware of Butter Creek, Mrs Jack Kennedy and child left for was operated on at Pendleton Thurs Tacoma last week to join her husband, day by Dr. Gale. who has permanently located there. Mr. and Mrs. J S. West received a Mrs. J. A. Robb returned to Spokane postcard from their son Robert the Saturday after a abort visit here with first of the week informing them of his friends and looking after property in safe arrival in Boston from a hazard terests owned by herself and busband ous ocean trip, the details of which In this city. will appear io a letter from him next U. E. Saw io, whose ranch adjoins week.________________ that of Jesse Prindle's west of town, Cost Just as Much departed the first of the week for a I have two pieces of land left and month’s visit to the old home in Evans they coat just as much as they did a ville, Wis. week ago. They are the best tracts of Frank R. Koox, who moved here land on the whole project. from Sherman county a short lime ago, S. R. Oldaker was recalled to Moro Tuesday by the draft board there to take physical examination. Oliver Hart left Tuesday for Stiles, Idaho, to settle tip business matters connected with the recent trade of properties between his father, H. T. Hart, and John Rice. H. E. Bettinger, who with Henry Notz is busily engaged io constructing an enormous sheep shed in the upper Butter Creek district, was here on a visit to bis family over Sunday. Harold K. Dean, assistant on the experimental farm, is away on a several weeks trip to Washington, D. C , to make annual report to the government of work accomplished by Superintendent Allen and nimself the past year. We have in stock the genuine Holt Fresno in Three and Five Foot Sizes, and our prices are very reasonable. We ask you to examine these before buying elsewhere WANT ADS Send your washing to the Model laundry at The Dalles. Oregon, through P. B. Siscel, local agent. Bas ket leaves Tuesday morning and re R turns Friday of each week. -adv49tfc For Sale—A span of mules at a bar Judge Burke, formerly collector of gain for quick sale, also yearling Jer customs at Portland, visited here a sey heifer. C. B. Percey. -adv4tfc couple of days last week with his old For Sale:—As I am going to leave friend J. W. Messner, president of the Hermiston I offer my 67 acre ranch for Western Land & Irrigation Co. sale cheap; 35 acres in alfalfa, 5 acres Mr. and Mrs A. Anderson arrived orchard and good set of buildings; or Tnesday from Ellensburg, Wash., on a will sell 37 acres with the buildings, visit to their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. orchard and 15 acres in alfalfa. W. B. Knox, ranchers on the Kellogg C. H. Skinner adv.6-tfc place north of town, which they re Wait for Dr. Freeze, cently purchased. the eye specialist, if you Mrs. C. J. Roberts of Westland en- need glasses or have i tertained the teachers and pupils of any other eye troubles District No. 8 by being hostess to headaches. Regular visits to Hermis them at the matinee at The Movie ton, Stanfield and Echo each month. Wednesday afternoon, the trip being Watch for dates. -advtfc made by auto. Want to buy No. 1 alfalfa to bale. Dr. Kern, president of the Inland 16tfc Leathers. Empire Lumber Co., who is devoting I buy any kind of livestock. A. L his time these days to improving bis | big ranch near Irrigon, was visiting Steimer, Stanfield. Phone 83. 17 20p i in this city a couple of days the first of For Sale—Two thoroughbred Poland the week. China sows. W. J. Logan, 11 miles La grippe took such a firm bold on J. A. Reeves, rural route carrier, Tuesday that be was unable to make b.s usual trip, so his reliable substi tute, J. T. Embry, is carrying the mail during his illness. a north of Dobler ranch. 19tfc Small Willamette Valley cherry orchard in bearing to trade for Her miston acreage. Full particulars P. O. Box 600, Hermiston, Ore. 19tfc For Sale—4 head work horses, har nesses, hack, 5 ft. fresno, plow, mower, tools, etc., roll top desk, swivel chair, typewriter, dresser and other household goods. For information inquire at Herald office. 18-2tc For Sale—Hoosier cabinet, Monarch range, book case and dining room set. R C. Challis arrived home Tuesday H. A Frick. 19c from a business trip to Walla Walla. I am prepared to deliver milk and Returning by way of Pendleton, he was cream from tuberculosis tested cows compelled to remain there a day and to all parts of the city. P. P. Sullivan, night to take treatment for an attack phone 188. 20tfc of appendicitis, an aliment that has troubled him off and on for the past For Sale -One 24 inch wide tire wagon and one single buggy. Call phone 181. two years. 20tfc H. C. Parrett, owner of about 400 Cash for good fresh cow. Maurice acres of land adjacent to the town of 20-ltp Boardman, was in Hermiston from D. Scroggs. Los Angeles this week negotiating For Sale—A six and one half months with the government for the convey- old mule colt, and nearly new hack ance of water to the land so that the harness. H. Boettger, on Benedict work of improvement that be has de- ranch north of town. 20-2tp elded on could be carried out this Four foot slab wood at $6 50 per spring. cord while it lasts. R. A. Stewart. H. D. Newell, project manager, and -2O-2tc C. H Young, chief clerk in the local The Hermiston Stable has backs, reclamation offices, are away to Den ver, Colo., this week, having been buggies and harnesses for sale, or to called there, to attend conferences of trade for cows, horses or other stock. 20tfc project managers and chief clerks from all government projects, who For Sale—Ten acres of choice land have assembled in convention in that near town. Peter Norquist. 20tfc city. Lost—Small black leather medicine Col. H. G. Newport arrived home case. Please return to Dr. Gale. 20 from Portland the middle of the week Lost—Left hand gray kid glove. Fin after having been in the Rose city der please leave at Herald office. 20. since Monday on business connected with the compilation of figures to be used in bidding on the state highway contract for the building of the trunk THE “OPEN DOOR.” line road through tue western part of Umatilla county that is to be let What la Meant by the Term In Inter shortly. national Politics. The "open door" is in international politics the principle of equal treat ment In trade with oriental countries for all trading nations as opposed to the policy of effective monopoly in favor of any one nation. The phrase came Into popular use toward the end of the nineteenth cen tury, when varione European nations were trying to establish “spheres of Influence" in China. The United States was opposed to the granting to any nation of exclusive trading privileges In these “spheres of influence," ani In 1899 John Hay, see- retary of state, addressed a circular note to the interested powers, asking them to pledge themselves not to In terfere with any treaty port or with any vested interest within their re- spective spheres of Influence, to en gage that discriminating customs and port duties should not be levied In auch spheres and that within any na- | Gasoline at this price will be tion's sphere of influence no higher railroad charges should be imposed please. By bbl. per gal. upon subjects of other nations than upon subjects of the nations having such spheres. The pledges their entirety by France, Germany, Greet Britain, Italy and Japan. Rus. Don't forget that you can save one cent on a loaf of bread. Butter Nut is the best and you can al ways get it at the City Market for 9 cents a loaf. Oregon Hardware & Imple ment Company EPIDEMICS Are rare in enlightened communities, because we have learned how to prevent them. Health authorities have learned that the BEST cure is PREVENTION Just so with all bodily ailments. Don’t wait to cure—PREVENT Remedies procured at this Drug Store will keep your entire sys tem in perfect working order, thus effectually warding off disease. SEE US FOR HEALTH. Hermiston Drug Co First Class Tailoring Done by JACK WHITE Hermiston’s Up-to-Date Cleaning and Pressing PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE “Boss Mechanic” Overalls and Coats Warranted not to rip, and fast colors $1.75 EACH Mack’s Variety Store The Hermiston Honey Co Is now prepared to take orders for BEE SUPPLIES FOR FUTURE DELIVERY Order now and avoid the rush GEO. R. SHAFER, PROPRIETOR IMPORTA NT-WAR REDUCTIONS! GASOLINE NOW But no further charge account* at this price. strictly cash, so at this price, do not ask credit 23c SAPPER BROS. GARAGE sia reserved the right to levy discrimi- For Sale—Roselawn Farm, one and one-quarter miles southwest of Her miston. One of the finest orchard- alfalfa tracia on the project. Mrs. Geo. Davis. 13tfc. HERMISTON SECOND HAND STORE Pays the highest price for SECOND HAND Reeder & Correll FURNITURE CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates furnished on All Classes of I have the SINGER SEWING MACHINES Buildings FLUME AND BRIDGE WONK CALL AND INSFECI out STOCK M. IDUTY, PROPRIETOR