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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1918)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, LOCAL BRIEFS FOR THE NEXT Do not forget Marshall’s meeting at the Baptist churb Feb. 12. The Methodist Ladies Aid will meet with Mr*. Gunn next Wednesday after- noon for a work meeting. The First National Bank of Hermiston Capital & Surplus $30,000 PROFESSIONAL CARDS W. J. WARNER HERMISTON. J. OREGON T. HINKLE Attorney at Law HERMISTON. OREGON HITT Can fit you out in what ever you may need in the ===== way of = . HUNTING or FISHING EQUIPMENT DENTIST Hermiston. Oregon Office. Bank Bldg. Office Phone, S3 Residence Phone 32 Office Hours: 8 to 5; Sundays A eve- nings by appointment. ALEXANDER REID Physician and Surgeon Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 P. M. Office Phone: Main 92 Residence Phone: 191 Office in Bank Bldg. Complete line of Base Ball and other Sport ing Goods Confectionery Ice Cream and Soft Drinks First Class DR. R G. GALE Billiard and Pool Physician and Surgeon Table* Rooms 1 and 2 Bank Blds Office Hour*: 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. Phone 551 "Auto Truck ALWAYS ON THE JOB VETERINARY SURGEON Office Phone 482 Hotel Phone 61 LONG AND SHORT HAULS DALE ROTHWELL OPTICAL SPECIALIST Hermiston Transfer Company Office, Cor. Main and Second St*. Phone 152 Res.. 29F2 Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. American National Bank Building Pendleton. Oregon Subscribe for The Herald. % Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED Anyone finding a side lamp for a Ford car please return to Dr. Gale of this city. We are required to pay for coal and the freight on it before unloading. . The government regu lates the selling price, and it is therefore forcing us to ask CASH FOR ALL SALES OF FUEL. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co R. A. BROWNSON. MGR OREGON the time for regular meeting* will be the night with Mr and Mrs. Castle of 1 decided upon. Every one is reguested this place. to come prepared to work for Our A number of farmer* are donating Boys who are at the front. Don’t be a work spreading cinder* on the road slacker. near the depot. What we need worse Mrs. Paul Jones came home on the than cinders is to have the hill leveled local last Saturday from Ontario, Ore., between the railroad and the main where she has been for some time part of town so anv one passing undergoing ao operation. She is im through could see the best part of this proving nicely. Her mother accom Columbia river city. panied her home and will remain with her for some time. BUTTER CREEK ITEMS Mr. Klitz of Boardman, who has been leveling land here for Mr. Davis, SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE While in town Monday W. O. Suth was called home last Friday evening erland informed us that be had just by the death of his father-in-law. Mrs. A. I. Basey returned from finished shaping quite a chunk of new Messrs. Hendrix, Weston and Wil land on his place for spring seeding son of Boardman are in town again Portland Saturday. She is in very and was about to begin the work of this week for more trees for their poor health. leveling and otherwise preparing for ranches at Boardman, and by the Good bye dear old school car seeding five acres for his neighbor. looks of things will be well supplied Farewell “Shoffer” Steve, Frank Beddow. Marks has bis “six” car with windbreaks and shade trees. You no more we will need. The members of the Baptist church A number of Irrigonites were in will be the guests of the Methodist Hermiston Friday nigbt and took in C. P. Helmick and E. L. Thrasher people next Sunday night. Both or the debate between Milton and Her arrived on the Canfield ranch Monday ganizations extend a hearty welcome miston, which they greatly enjoyed with 300 hetd of cattle from Bridge to all to attend this service, Bring and felt well repaid for the trip. We creek flat. your friends with you. R v. Chap- understand some think Hermiston’s Mias Nola Schroeder of Westland man will deliver a sermon, “How other team can beat the team we left for Portland Sunday to attend the Much do You Weigh?" heard, and if it is true all we can say High School of Commerce. Where are our true Hooverites. The physical examination of all men is we ture need to be shown, as it is in class 1 under the draft law began hard to believe Hermiston can produce Just wear your Hoover uniform and last Wednesday. It is estimated that more than two such splendid debaters come to Butter creek dance Feb. 2, as there are about 1000 In the above class like Misses Gunn and Winslow. We there will be a big box of candy given in this county. The examination, would like nothing better than a to the person dressed the most Hoover- which is being held at Pendleton by chance to decide by hearing the other izing. County Physician McFaul, will weed team debate with the one we listened M. E. Marks arrived home from out the physically unfit before the time to Friday night. Pendleton Tuesday. Says he went to Harry Davi* has just received his get a pair of wings but came back for the second call. feed grinder be won as second prize at with the same old red hot Mitchell Hermiston is now well supplied with the Spokane corn show. The only engine. That meaos one less aviator fuel, both the Inland Empire Lumber trouble he will have Is to invest the for the U. S. Co. and the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co money he got from Farmer Smith for Mr. and Mrs. Dal Shultz will stay in having received many carloads of coal an engine to run his new grinder. the old Shafer house and look after and wood during the past two weeks. He is a proud lad over his new Thresher and Helmick’s cattle. Both concerns have also been receiv prize and is laying his plans now to ing much lumber in carload lots of Mrs. N. B. Stephens intends going win the first prize next fall. late, and they are now well supplied back to cook for Mr. Raney in the Messrs. Hendrix and Davis won all chopper cook house. with that commodity. Be careful Mrs. games in pedro against C. Caldwell Stephens, “cooks” sometimes freeze The Hermiston high school basket and Fred Davis Tuesday night. As ball team went to Pendleton Friday thia is the second time the two later out in zero weather. Mrs. Jas. Ware was much surprised evening of last week and played the were losers they will have to learn the high school team of that city. They game, as Messrs. Hendrix and Klitz when her youngest son John came home from town with a new Victor were beaten by a score of 33 to 18, al were the winners a week ago. last week. though in the first half it looked as Geo Caldwell passed in hie examina if they would bring home the laurels Remonstrance against withdrawal tion last Monday and expects to be having the Pendleton boys at their from school district No. 8 is coming called soon. mercy by a score of 11 to 10. along floe. Everyone is signing it, or Frank Doble of Irrigon is now some Rev. H. E. Marshal), state evangelist where in France. Earl Rand, at Camp at least should. The last load of Hinkle hay was of the Baptist state convention, will Lewis, expects to be sent to the front hauled Jan. 29 Why was it Johns got begin a series of meetings in Baptist any time now. so many cars so quick. Tillamook church on Tuesday nigbt, Feb. 12. All L. M. Davis shipped veal to Pendle company waited months. Do A. B. M. Christians of the community will take ton Tuesday. Co. own their own cars. Well Mr. part in this great “Drive for Souls.” Ray Castle is in town visiting his Johns is through this season. They expect to go over the top this time. All singers are invited to help parents. He expects to be called for Mr. Wm. Gefke and crew came out examination soon. in the chorus work. to the creek and gave our new bridge Oscar Cerry of Umatilla was an a going over, but we noticed they The open season on postoffice rob Irrigon visitor Sunday last, spending didn't drive the car all the way. Has beries is again on, the one at Umatilla coming first on the list in the opening campaign. ' The robbers, who made entrance to the office in the neighbor ing town last Monday night, were wary, evidently, for they only took what money was in the til), about $15. The local postmaster is wondering if they are preparing to make this office an other visit, or whether they will pass him up altogether this time. A large number of Hermiston people went to Pendleton Mondât to hear Major Edwards and Captain Cook, two Canadian army officers making a speaking tour of the state, deliver lecture* on present war conditions. Both of these men saw service at the battle front to the extent that the major is minus both arms, which were torn off in the thick of the fight at Somme, and the captain received an abdominal wound that nearly ended his life in a battle at Festubert and was “gassed” at Ypres. Among those from here who heard the men talk were Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. J. W Campbell, F. B. Swayze, Henry Hitt, H M. Straw and S. R. Oldaker. FUEL CASH ON DELIVERY HERMISTON, The moving picture show, “Mothers of Fiance,” which held the board* at the Auditorium Wednesday afternoon and evening, and was given under the auspices of the high school of this city, drew a crowded bouse at both performances. The scene was laid in France, with the adorable and divine Sarah Bernhardt in the leading role. Horrors of the present war were de picted In the drama which gave the audience an almost audible insight into the suffering and distress the great titantic struggle has brought to homes in that particular part of Europe. Everyone was seemingly satisfied with the drama, and many ex- pressed hope that The Movie would put on more like it at intervals. IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS A number of the people of Irrigon met Friday evening of last week in the waiting room of the new O. W. R. & N. depot to discuss taking up Red Cross work by organizing a community auxiliary to the Morrow country chap ter of the American Red Croce. Mrs. Seaman was chosen chairman, Mrs. Stanyan secretary and Mrs. Suddarth treasurer. The depot waiting room was adopted a* the regular meeting place, but regular meeting time was not set. The petition to form the auxiliary was filled out and sent to the Morrow county chapter. There will be another meeting called as soon a* we bear from the chapter, after which anyone said “good road*” to them. Our little dog* are growing and still no Hoover. The Tillamook Co. ha* purchased horses, wagon, 18 horse power port able gasoline engine, spring tooth barrow, plow and baler. Look* like they were trying to Hooverize on something. Mr*. E. H. Gardiner is spending a week with her mother east of Hermis- ton. War classifications are coming slowly but everybody is happy. in The first of last week Mrs. R. G. Attebury and daughter went to call on Mr*. M. M. Rial and Mr*. E. H. Gardiner and stopped her car in front of Gardiner’* on some straw. Daugh- ter—“ What’s all thia straw here for mamma." “Mr. and Mr*. Gardiner have a little wee baby; want to see it." Daughter—“My but it must have been well packed." DIRECTORY OF RANCH NAMES AND OWNERS Agnew, J. I Agnew, A. W Allen. F. L Bauschard, W. P ................Circle A .......... Hasel-Burr ..................... Allendale Hardee rabble "The Locusts” South HHI Ranch Mountain View Ranch Briggs, Geo. E Beisse, August F Four Sisters .... .Germania Barham, J. c Barnes, E. W Blessing, W. L .... .... ..Tamalpias Bradley, G. W Terrace Park Canfield, R. C. (Butter Creek) The Ragged Edge Canfield, Mr*. R. c .............. Glen Ellen Casserly. J. J......... Sunny Slope Chamberlain, c. c Buckeye Ranch Clark*. Mr*. C. 8. ........ Herma Vista Creasy. Geo. A. Pleasant View .......... Be th-ar* bah Davis, E. E Roselawn Davis, Geo Davis. H. O. Shady Nook Farm Dyer. J. 8... ..... Alfalula Ranch Embry. John T.The Rad Feathered Chicken Ranch Eriksen. E. T Summerdale Ridgeview Giern. W.J ............. . ........ Alfadato Graham, Ed. H The Knell Gunn. H M................ ......... Hallhurst Hall. C. G. and H. E Hannan. W. F Nob Hill Hobbs, E. A Hoisington * Hoisington . Morningside Hood. c. A.............................................. Fairview Ranch ................... Tarryawhile Hooker. H. A............. ........................ Wabasso Horning, Mrs. D. W Intlekofer, John ..................................... Orio Four O'Cloek Ranch Jensen. C. M Leather*. W. A Leek. John Macdonald. Chas McCully, R. A ....... McLallen, W. A .... McNaught, C. 8 McNaught, J. F Monkman, B. G Newport, H. O . Pearson, L. H .... Pannock. F. B.... Percey. C. B....... The Lay Ranch Buena Vista South View .................... Breezy Hill .......... The Three Pines ........... Multum In parve Ridgeway Farm Highland Farm ............................. Webak The Old .... Homesteed Fairview Farm ............ .Woodbine ....... Meadow Lark WE’VE GOT THE MUSIC HAVE YOU GOT THE STEP? If you have take your lady and come to Hermiston to the DANCE IN THE AUDITORIUM FRIDAY EVE FEB. 8th Akers’ Orchestra will be there to welcome you and give you your money’s worth of good dance music You will only be taxed one bone for all the hazy, mazy fun you will have. The eats will be dished up to you in the Hotel de Auditorium Grill at midnight THIS DANCE TO BE GIVEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT