Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1917)
t THE HERMISTON HERALD, Cross this, Saturday, afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Civic Center room. LIVING PRICES The puolla of Miss Bryant’s room went to the river Friday afternoon of laat week for a picnic and all enjoyed the time immensely. Every penny is cut off the cost of goods that possi bly can be with us. Frequently we retail goods for less than they could be replaced for at prevailing prices. We give a few of our present prices. .. 40c Wesson Oil, pints... . ..... -................. ..... 75c Wesson Oil, quarts....................... !___ $1.45 Wesson Oil, half gallon........................ 14c Luncheon Olives. -..... . ....................... . 10c Monopole Pineapple, sliced or grated „ 15c Alex Brand Salmon ............................. 20c Albers Pearls of Wheat Shredded Wheat........... -........ —..... .. 14c 15c Puffed Rice or Wheat .......................... 18c Knox Gelatine...................................... Mr. and Mrs. Waterman, Of The Dal lea, parente of the late Waterman, are guests at the Water man home in this city. Thursday the Boy Scouts biked to Minnehaha springs- An account of the trip, written by one of the boys, will appear next week. Friday afternoon of last week Miss Sacher’s room enjoyed a picnic on the butte, which all thought far better than the same time spent in the school room. SUPPORT ROAD BONDS AND GET CONSTRUCTION If the bond issue falla to carry ($6,- 000,000 road bond bill), let us ask our- selves what le going to become of the quarter-mill tax that we are going to pay anyway? What is going to be come of the auto license tax that the autoilta are going to pay anyway? We talk about fearing the funds derived from the bonds will be inequitably dis tributed, what better off will we be regarding equitable distribution of the road money if we vote down the Free Delivery to all Parts of the City bonds? Where will It go? Under the PHONE 411 bonding bill we are assured that if the county prepares Its grade that that designated road will be hard-sur County Officials faced. If the bonds lose, we aren’t as Circuit Judge................................ G. W. Phelps District Attorney. ......................... Roscoe 1. Keator sured of anything but continued bad Issued Each Saturday by fudge................................................. ....C. H. Marsh roads, continued mud and continued B. E. Anderson Commissioners H. M. Cockburn financial loss In consequence.—Corval FRANCIS R. REEVES ..... R. T. Brown lis Gazette. Clerk ......... ......J. D. Taylor Sheriff......... HERMISTON OREGON Treasurer.... Grace Gilliam ..... C. P. Strain Assessor..... Milwaukie Grange at its last meet Willard Bradley Surveyor.... .......I. E. Young ing revoked its action of a month ago, Entered as second-class matter. December School Supt Coroner....... ......J.IT. Brown when resolutions were adopted oppos 1906, al ths postomce al Hermiston, Oregon Recorder...... Ben Burroughs ing the $6,000,000 rosd bond bill, and County court moots the first Wednesday In each adopted another set of resolutions ap SUBSCRIPTION RATES proving the bonds as "a step in the One year................ .................. ..................... $1.50 line of progrens.” Opposition to the WEATHER REPORT Six months.................................................... . .76 proposed bond issue is being rapidly The following table shows the high and low tem- Subscriptions must be paid in advance. cerature for the days and nights for ths past dispelled as the voters study the meas- ure and acquaint themselves with ita Umatilla Storage & Commission Company The Hermiston Herald ADVERTISING RATES Date Display—One time, 25 cents par inch; two inser- liona, 30 canta per Inch per insertion; monthly u .... rates, 16 cents per Inch per issue. 12. Reader*—First insertion, 10 cents per line; each «... subsequent insertion without change of copy. 14 6 cant* par line. High ... 80 71 76 54 51 51 Date High 16............. 65 M......... .......... 64 17....... 63 provisions. 45 36 34 li. D. SCROGG8 Co-operative Observer City Officials ........................ decordar Chief of Police Pr surer....... Fire Chief....... Git* Physician City Attorney. City Surveyor Councilmen...... ............................ -F.C. McKenzie .................. -.......... C.. M. Jensen .... ------........ C. C. Saluer ............ -................ F.. A. Phelps ................. ........... „ ..W. Beasley ....... -..... ...............C. O. Wainscott ................................... W.. J. Warner ................................ S.. R. Oldaker J. D. Watson Wm. Kennedy H. M. Straw ....... -...... — A. L. Larson ---------................. -............. F. R. Reeves .............................. C. 8. McNaught School District Official, Directors . .................. C. 8. McNaught, Clerk. Chm. ............................................ -...J* D. Watson F. B. Swayze ..... J. H. Young LOCAL BRIEFS Mn. Newell and Herbert jr., art visiting io Pendleton thia week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace Spencer went up to Pendleton Saturday to visit for a few days. There will be a meeting of the Red If the $6,000,000 bond issue and the highways designated therein are ap- proved, comprehensive provision for construction of highways will have been provided. Road construction will have been standardized; Federal aid and co-operation secured; the cost of efficient engineering will have been minimized; co-operation between State. Government and counties, to gether with genuine competitive Lid ding for construction will have be come a reality. The acquirement of funds for road construction at a low rate of interest and a method of pay- ing both interest and principal of state bonds out of current revenues already imposed will also have been secured, and this without additional tax burden and with proper safe guards to the general taxpayer. HERMISTON, OREGON THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE 4— MEXICAN r A RESSA55DCIATION GENERAL Lumber OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO anurs »I At THF PRINPIDAL CITIEs NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Ofee at La Grande. Oregon. April 16th. 1917. made Reclamation Homestead Entry No, 07704, for Farm Unit "G" in NE% section 34. township 6 north range 28 east Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before W. J. Warner, United States Commissioner, at his office at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 12th day of June, 1317. Claimant names as witnesses: W. Thomas Bot- kin, Frank J. Auseon, Henry M. Gunn and Clauds W. Kellogg, all of Hermiston, Oregon. C. S. DUNN. Register NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE UNDER EXE CUTION Notice it hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit court, state of Oregon for Umatilla county, and to me directed and delivered, upon the judgment and decree rendered and enured in said court on the 23rd day of April, 1917, in favor of the First National Bank of Hermiston, a corporation, and against W. A. Hall and Abbie J. Hall, his wife, in a suit therein pending wherein the said First National Bank of Hermiston was plaintiff and the said W. A. Hall and Abbie J. Hall, his wife, G. F. Hall and C. E. Newhouse, were defendants, for the sum of $2116.90 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from November 17, 1915, and the further sum of $200.00 attorneys fees and $23.00 coats and disbursements, which said decree, judgment, and order of sale has been duly docket* ed and enrolled in the office of the clerk of said court; and in and by which said judgment, decree and order of sale it was directed that the herein after described real property in Umatilla county, Oregon, to-wit: The south half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the east half of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the east half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, all in section 3, in township 4 North, Range 28 East of the Willamette Meridian, containing 110 acres, more or less, according to the government survey, subject to the right of way of the O-W. R. & N. Railway Company, and the rights of way for ditches and county roads across the said lands; together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, be sold by the Sheriff of Umatilla county, Oregon, to satisfy said judgment and all costs; Therefore I will on the 28th day of May, 1917, at the hour of 2o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the front door of the court house in the city of Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the right, title and interest which the said defendants W. A. Hall and Abbie J. Hal), his wife, G. F. Hall and C. E. Newhouse, or any of them had in ana to the above described prem ises on the 17th day of November, A. D. 1915, or since then has acquired, or now have, the pro ceeds to be applied in satitfaction of said execu tion and all costs. Dated this 23rd day of April, A. D. 1917. 32-36 T. D. Taylor. Sheriff Building Material of All Kinds Flume Stock Suitable for All Flume Construction See Us First Before Starting Construction Work and You Will Find We Have Just What You Need Inland Empire Lumber Company Phono Main 33 " The Yard of Best Quality H. M. STRAW. MGR. of the W. % of the W. 12 of the 8. % of the 8. 12 of the NE. 14 of the SW. 1 of Section 17, Township four North of Range 28 East of the Williamette Meridian, con taining 2.5 acres, with a water right to de fendant made on October 17. 1911, re moving the cloud from plaintiff’s title caused by said contract being recorded in the deed records of Umatilla County, Ore gon. in Book 76 at page 115, and quieting plaintiff’s title to said premises and property. This summons is published pursuant to an order of the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of said court, made and entered on the 11th day of May, 1917, directing that service of summons herein be made by pub- lication once each week for six successive weeks In the Hermiston Herald, a weekly newspaper printed and published at Her- miston, Oregon. Date of first publication | May 19, 1917. W. G. DHOWLEY. Attorney for Plaintiff. I P. O. Address : Vancouver, Clarke County, Washington. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for the County of Umatilla. Western Laud & Irrigation Company, a corporation. Plaintiff, vs. Michal Kvamme, Defendant. To Michal Kvamme the above named de- fendant : IN THE NAE OF THE STATE OF OREGON : You are hereby required to ap SUMMONS FOK PUBLICATION. pear and answer the complaint heretofore { filed against you in the above entitled | ______ Court _____ of — the _____ In the Circuit State — of court and cause on or before the last day Oregon In and for Umatilla County. of the time prescribed In the order for pub- ! Western Lani & Irrigation Company, a lication of the summons herein, . towit. Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. N. T. Olson, De- within six weeks from the date of the first fendant publication of this summons, or within six ¡ ' weeks from the date of personal service To N: T. Olson, the above named de upon you of a copy of the summons and rendant • complaint herein, if the same he served out [ I IN TT THE NAME OF THE STATE OF of the State of Oregon; and if you fail so OREGON: You are hereby required to ap to appear and answer, the plaintiff will pear and answer the complaint heretofore above entitled apply to the court for the relief demanded filed against you in the above iu the complaint herein, to wit, for a de court and cause on or before the last day in eree cancelling the contract for the sale of the time prescribed In the order for pub cree canc lication of the summons herein, to-wlt, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, or within six weeks from the date of personal service up on you of a copy of the summons and complaint herein, if the same be served out of the State of Oregon ; and if you fall so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded I d the complaint herein, to-wlt, for a de cree cancelling the contract for the sale 01 the North 12 of the East 12 of the East H of the East 12 of the Southeast % of the Northeast % of Section 17, Township 4 North of Hange 28 East of W. M., con taining 2.2 acres, and the contract for the sale of the South 12 of the East 12 of the East 12 of the East 12 of the Southeast % of the Northeast 14 of Section 17, Town ship 4 North of Range 28 East of the W. M., containing 2.5 acres, with water rights to defendant made on August 2, 1911, re moving the cloud from plaintiffs title caused by said contracts being recorded in the deed records of Umatilla County, Ore gon In Book 73 of deeds at page 490 and in Book 73 of deeds at page 488, respec- tively, and quieting plaintiff’s title to said premises and property. This summons is published pursuant to an order of the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of said court, made and entered on the 11th day of May, 1917. directing that service of summons herein be made by publication once each week for six suc cessive weeks in the Hermiston Herald, a weekly newspaper printed and published at Hermiston, Oregon. Date of first publi cation May 19, 1917. W. G. DHOWLEY. Attorney for the Plaintiff I*. O. Address : Vancouver, Clarke County, Washington. Announcement 1 THE GREATEST OFFER EVER MADE IN UMATILLA COUNTY Fifty of the best Lots in Pendleton, 50x100 feet adjoining the most beautiful home in this city at the ridiculously low price of $75.00 each on easy terms. These lots are within three or four blocks of lots that have sold for from $1,000 to $1,500 Homes costing from $5,000 to $8,000 are within two or three blocks of the lots offered. For reference with respect to the value of lots in Coles Addition and Irvington Heights, where this property is located, write any bank or responsible merchant in the city of Pendleton. This beats mining or oil as an investment without the element of gamble. Here in the City of Pendleton you will find all the educational advantages for your children. This property is about fifteen minutes walk from the postoffice, in the north end of the city. Property all cleared and ready for building. By clipping out the coupon and forwarding to address below we will send you full information and terms. IRVINGTON HEIGHTS LAND COMPANY 354 Empire Building, Seattle, Washington. Kindly forward me full information and terms regard ing Irvington Heights, Pendleton, Oregon. N ame _... ............ ............................................ A ddress 3 F