Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1917)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON: The UNITED STATES is offering $200,000,000.00 in Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness dated May 10th, 1917, to mature July 17, 1917, draw ing 3 1-2 per cent. We are authorized by the Government lo accept your subscriptions. ==—===== LOCALS ======— 3 No. 1. west... 9:55 a. m. No. 2. east... 3:30 p. m. No. 16. west... 7:05 p. m. No. 6. saat 5:33 a. m. No. 16, east _ 9:15 a. m. to 6. p. m. Sundays and holidays from 9 to 10 a. m. Mail closes for No. 1. west ......... Mail closes for No. 6, east. ____......____ Mail closes for Na 2. east . ............ Mail closes for No. It, west ....____ The First National Bank John Adams spent Sunday visiting, Harold Adams. Heis now employed at the Pendleton Cadillac Auto Co. LODGE DIRECTORY Dr. Wainscott left Wednesday for Portland where be will take the ex amination for admission into the army medical corps. Q meets second Tuesday evening of each month at 8:00 sharp in Skinner hall. Visiting members welcome. Frances Phelps, W. M.H Dello O. Bushnell. Sec. VINEYARD LODGE NO. 206, I. O. O. F.. V meets each Saturday evening In Odd Fellow, hall. Visiting member, cordially invited. W. R. Lonrtçrn. Sec. Geo. Strohm, Noble Grand PROFESSIONAL CARDS W. J. WARNER HERMISTON, OREGON J. T. HINKLE Useless HERMISTON. DENTIST Office Over First Natl. Bank Frank Fowler, former resident of this section now at Tillamook, was here this week with a party looking for alfalfa land. Barney Anderson, county commis sioner, was here Tuesday looking after the work of rebuilding several small bridges and road matters in general. HERMISTON CREAMERY COMPANY Market & Grocery 19 to 12 a. m. „ HOURS : ( 1 to 6 p, m. Phone We Want Good Country Batter C. O. WAINSCOTT Physician and Surgeon Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 6 P. M. Office, Main 2 Office in Bank Bldg. Res. Phone, Red 398 S. A. ROE, M. D With Every $5 order of Grocer- ies we will give a 10 lb. pail of pure Lard for $2.25. Practice limited to EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT Pendleton, Oregon Judd Bldg. Just received a fresh shipment of oranges price ranging per dozen, 15c, 25c, 35c and 45c. Walnuts, 1 lb 20c, 2 lbs. 35c. DALE ROTHWELL OPTICAL SPECIALIST We have a lot or cornflakes, fresh and fine and the price is still 10c a package or 6 for 55c. and Lard. Get our prices before buying Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. American National Bank Building Pendleton. Oregon PHONE 29F2 We will sell yon a Hunting "Fishing when you need any License Draying We are on the job every min ute and can take care of any order. Baggage work a spec ialty. Hermiston Dray Line C. B. PERCEY Shoe Repairing Better than ever now that the machine is installed. To out of town customers sending work we will return It by next mail, paying postage one way. STOCK MENS’ WORK AND DRESS SHOES JUST ADDED Full Soles and Half Soles. Better than leather Sam Rodgers Hermiston Oregon now at the old price, but after May 21 the new law is effective and the price will be higher. We also carry a full line of everything you need for hunting or fishing. Base Bali Goods Nice assortment to select frees. All HITTS CONFECTIONERY Where you get the popcorn with a reputation Herald stationery is satisfactory - BUILD NOW! All of Europe will have to be rebuilt, and when the war is over prices are going to soar skyward. Your delay is going to be expensive. Regardless of the kind of building or alteration you have in mind investigate our FREE PLAN SERVICE to customers. Our Service Department is at your com mand in all building matters. Talk it over with us. “SEE BROWNSON ABOUT IT” Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co We are showing some new Queen Quality shoes for the ladies and expect balance of our spring order t'.is week. Hosiery and Summer Underwear are now in demand and we carry this merchandise in the best makes obtainable. Ginghams, voiles, printed linens, poplins and in fact the popular fabrics for summer wear are now on hand and all at reasonable prices. Hermiston Produce & Supply Company ‘‘Best of Good Service Maurice Johnson received a telegram Thursday telling of the serious illness of Edlie, who is attending O. A C. SUMMONS. Mrs. Johnson left for Corvallis in the In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Umatilla. evening. ===-==== OREGON DR. JAS. A. CAMPBELL Sheriff Taylor was down Wednesday arranging for the taking of the régis. tration of male citizens elegible for military service. To send your cream out of town when we are paying Portland prices right here. To do so means the loss of express and at the same time you help build up the other fellow instead of patronizing a local insti tution. Attorney at Law land suitable for growing food crops that if you need seed such as peas, corn, beans or other kinds of seeds that will produce valuable crops that will stand transportation, we will be glad to obtain them for you if not in stock at net cost plus transportation charges. Alfalfa seed 20c per pound; strict ly fancy stock, Oregon standard. turday. ueen ESTHER chapter No. 101, o. e . s ., C. H. Skinner. W. M. We desire tô impress upon the minds of those who have 4 to 6 each Wednesday. Capital & Surplus $30,000 R. C. Walter. Secy. 9:20 a m. 6:00 p. m. 2:30 p. m. . »:00 p. tn. Library Hours of Hermiston come. We are showing the most seasonable garment of the season in the Unionall garment for men, youths and boys wear in khaki at, $3.00, $2.50, $2.00 and $1.75. Post Office Hours UERMISTON LODGE NO. 138, A. F. A A. M.. * * meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday evening of each month. Visiting brethren wel HERMISTON, OREGON. Oregon, such conveyance to be made upon the payment of certain moneys stated and set forth In said contract, which said Umatilla Farm Lands Company, a Cor contract and said lands have been assign ed and conveyed to plaintiff and are more De poratlon, Plaintiff, vs. ole Egge, W. S. Boynton and W. R. Longhorn particularly described In a complaint in bave secured the contract of building To rendant. this suit, and the further relief. Ole Egge, defendant : (1) That the amount due the plaintiff an addition to O. G Sapper’s home IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF stead residence. The new part will te OREGON, you are hereby commanded to under the terms of those contracts be as- filed certained, and that the defendants be re appear and answer the complaint 17 X 20 feel. against you In the above entitled cause on quired to pay the amounts so fixed, with Interest and costs, and all sums expended of June, 1917, before the 9th day Mrs. Jones received a telegram or assessments, to which Is six weeks after the 28th day of for taxes and special Thursday that Mr. Jones bad been re April, 1917, the date for the first publica gether with Interest thereon, and a rea sonable attorney's fee ; all within a time lieved from military duty on account tion of this summons and if you fall to to be fixed by the court In Its interlocu ao appear and anawer, the plaintiff will of bis work and will leave the training apply to the court for the relief prayed tory decree. (2) Upon the payment so ascertained ■for in its complaint, towlt : the fore camp for home Sunday. closure of that certain contract dated the and determined by the court, the paintiff will deliver to the defendant, or to such Sapper Bros, received five Fords 28th day of May, 1910, between the Max persons or person as they shall designate, Thursday and have ten sold. Four will well Land and Irrigation Co., a corpora a good and sufficient deed of the afore tion, and Ole Egge, and wherein and go to C. D. Connor, L. Brownell, J. W. whereby the said Maxwell Land and Irri said property, in accordance with said Messner and the Newport Construct gation Company did agree to convey to contracts. (3) That In the event of the failure or Ole Egge the Northeast quarter (NE ion Co. Who will be the lucky fifth is said to make said payments 1-4) of the Northwest quarter (NW 1-4) the defendants within the time so fixed by this court, a not yet set.Jed. of the Southeast Quarter (HE 1-4) of sec final decree be entered herein barring and tion One (1), Township Four (4) North With school closed the teachers ar< or Range Twenty-eight (28) E. W. M, foreclosing th defendants, and each there of, and all parties claiming through or un scattering for the summer, leaving containing ten (10) acres more or less, der them, or either thereof, of all rights according to government survey, in Uma either today or Sunday. Miss Hummel tilla County, Oregon; such conveyance, to and equity In and to the said real prop and Mirs Barton will go to Saiem, Miss be made upon tue payment of certain erties, and cancelling and annulling tae said contracts. Sucher to Portland and Miss Klindt co moneys stated and set forth in said con (4) For such other and further relier tract, which said contract and said lands as the court may deem just In the prem Walla Walla. have been assigned and conveyed to plain- Ises, besides the costs and disbursements tiff and are more particularly described this suit. Corps 3 of the Honor Guard will in a complaint in this ault, and the fur of This summons Is publsihed by order of ther relief : meet Tuesday evening at Sappers’ the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, judge or (1) That the amount due the plaintif the above entitled court, and said order garage. Thursday evening at the under the terms of this contract be as was made and dated the 25th day of April, m Corps 1 will meet certained, and that the defendants be re 1917, and the date of the first publication Civic Center ross. All members of qulred to pay the amounts so fixed, with of this summons is the 28th day of April, special Interest and costa, and all sums CHAH. J. SWINDELLS, these corps are asked to remember the expended for taxes and special assess 1917. Attorney for Plaintiff, menta, together with interest thereon, dates W. Bank Bldg., Portland, Oregon, and a reasonable attorney's fee ; all within April 28, Date of first publication, For the benefit of those who may a time to be fixed by the court In Ita In 1917. terlocutory decree. Date of last publication, June 9, 1917. have occasion to travel city streets (2) Upon the payment ao ascertained that are in need of repair, it might be and determined by the court, the plaintif! deliver to the defendant, or to such SUMMONS. well to state that the street committee will person or persons as be shall designate, a has been authorized to do necessary good and sufficient deed of the aforesaid In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- gon, ior the County of Umatilla. work. However, just at this time it property, In accordance with the contract. Umauna Farm Lauds Company, a Cor- . .3) That In the event of ths failure poratlon, zaintití, vs. Michael Gerdes is practically out of the question to se of the defendant to make said payments George Hays, Defendants. cure teams. Anyone in a position to within the time so fixed by this court, a To and Michael Gerdes and George Haya, De de such work might do well to see the final decree be entered herein barring fendants : and foreclosing the defendant and all par IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF committee. ties claiming through or under him. of all OREGON, you are hereby commanded to right and equity in and to said real prop appear and answer the complaint filed erty, and cancelling and annulling the against you In the above entitled cauae Wanted— Pasture for colt. Robt. E. said contract on or before the 9th day of June, 1917, (4) For such other and further relief which Is six weeks after the 28th day of -adv35c Kennedy, Route 1. as the court may deem juat In the prem April, 1917. the date tor the first pnbll For sale—Teams, ba ness and house ises, besides the costs and disbursements extion of tu. summers nud It you lai' to of thia suit. so appear and answer the plaintiff will hold furniture. H. B. Giese, -adv-tfc This summons Is published by order of apply to the court for the relief prayed the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of for In ita complaint, to-wit ; the toréelos Good pasture fcr horses. E. J. the above entitled court, and said order ure of that certain contract dated the Drake, phone 404. -advtfc waa made and dated the 26th day of 28th day of May. 1910, between the Max April, 1917, and the date of the first pub well Land and irrigation Company, a cor Good work team for sale cheap. C. lication of this summons is the 28th day poration, and Michael Gerdes, and wherein and whereby the aald Maxwell Land and -advtfc of April, 1917. H. Skinner. CHAS. J. SWINDELLS, Irrigation Company did agree to convey Attorney for Plaintiff. to aald Michael Gerdes For Sale—Team, cream separator. the Southeast 826 N. W. Bank Bldg . Portland, Oregon. quarter (SE 1-4) of the Northeast quarter -advtfc Ed Maber. Date of first publication April 28, 1917. (NE 1-4) of the Northeaat Quarter (NE Date of laat publication June 9. 1917. 1-4) of Section One (I), Township Four For Sale—Brass bed, springs and (4) North of Range Twenty-eight (28) E mattress. Mrs. R. A. Stewart.-advtfc W. M., containing ten (10) acres more or SUMMONS. less, according to government survey. In Wanted—Good saddle and driving In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore Umatilla County, Oregon, such convey gon, for the County of Umatilla. ance to be made upon the payment of cer horse about 900 to 1000 lb. Apply G. Umatilla Farm Lands Company, a Cor tain moneys stated and set forth in said C. Ellison, owner Maxwell farm. poration. Plaintiff. vs. C. R. McDowell contract, which said contract and said -adv35p and J. A. Hoff, Defendants. lands hare been assigned and conveyed to To C. R. McDowell and J. A. Hoff, De plaintiff and are more particularly de- 'Strayed or stolen—Yearling sorrel fendants : scribed in a complaint In thia suit, ana IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF the further relief : mare colt, small fresh cut on right OREGON, you are hereby commanded to (1) That the amount due the plaintiff shoulder. A. F. Lundberg, Stanfield. appear and answer the complaint filed under the terms of this contract be aa -adv35p against you in the above enttled cause on certained. and that the defendants be re or before the 9th day of June, 1917, quired to pay the amounts so fixed, with Want to buy team of mares weigh which la six weeks after the 28th day of interest and costs, and all sums expended April, 1917, the date for the first pub bv plaintiff and the Maxwell Land and ing 1250 each, also good family cow. Ucatlon of this summons, and If yon fall Irrigation Company for taxes and special Write J, G. Camp, Umatilla, Oregon. to so appear and answer the plaintiff will assessments, together with Interest there- apply to the court for the relief prayed on. and a reasonable attorney's fee ; all for In Its complaint, towlt : the foreeloe within a time to be fixed by the court In Trade—4 lots in Portland to trade nre of that certain contract dated the its Interlocutory decree. 21 at day of June. 1910. between the Max (2) Upon the payment so ascertained for good alfalfa land with water rights, well Land and Irrigation Co., a corpora and determined by the court, the plain drainage, etc. Hermiston Herald. tlon. and C. R. McDowell, and wherein and tiff will deliver to the defendant, nr to -advtfc whereby the said Maxwell Land and Irri such person or persona as they shall dea gallon Company did agree to convey to ignate, a good and sufficient deed of the At The Movie Wednesday night, said C. R McDowell the northwest quar- aforesaid property. In accordance with the ter (NW 1-4) of the northwest quarter Ragamuffin,” with Rianche Sweet as (NW 14) of the southeast quarter (SE contract. (3) That in the event of the failure Tonight, “ The Price of 14) of Section One (1). Township Four nt the defendants to make said payments the star. (4) north of Range twentyeight (28) E. within the time ao fixed by this court, a adv Silence.” W. M.. contaning ten (10) acres more or final decree be entered herein barring and each Wait for Dr. Freeze, less, according to government survey. In foreclosing the defendant, and Umatilla County, Oregon, such convey thereof, and all parties claiming through the eye specialist, if you ance to be made upon the payment of cer- or under them, or either thereof, of all tain moneys stated end set forth In asid right and equity In and to the Mid real other eye troubles and contract, which asid contract and said property, and cancelling and annulling lands have been assigned and conveyed to the Mid contract. headaches. Regular visits to Hermis- plaintiff and ere more particularly de (4) For auch other and further relief ton, Stanfield and Echo each month, scribed in e complaint In this suit, and as the court may deem just in the prem eleo the foreclosure of thet certain con ■advtfc tract deted the 21st dey of June. 1910. ises, besides the costs and disbursements Watch for dates. of thia suit between the Maxwell Land and Irrigation Thia summons la published by order of Company, a corporation, and C. R Me the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of Dowell, and wherein and whereby the said the above entitled court, and aald order Five Dollars an Acre, ten acres, set Maxwell Land and Irrigation Company did was made and dated the 25th day of Anril, to convey to said C- R McDowell the 1917, and the date of the first publica- swi net sac. 16, T. 5, R. 28; lots 21 and agree northeast quarter (NE 1-4) nt the south 22 bik. 10, Gladys ave., Hermiston, east quarter (BE 1-4) of the northeast April. 1917. ,$25 00 each. Total price for all, $100 quarter (NE 1-4) of Section One (1). CHAS. J. SWINDELLS. Township Four (4) North of Range Twen Attorney for Plaintiff. I net. Purchaser to pay last ------*- ty eight (28) E W. M.. containing ten 826 N. W. Rank Bldg.. Portland. Orason, F. A. I iO) acres more nr less, according to of first publication, April 28, 1017. Date of last publication, June 9. 1917 -adv36p government survey. In Umatilla County. Yates, Calpella, Cali. Phone Main 34 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Umatilla. Umatilla Farm Lands Co., a Corporation, W. W. Nicholas, Defend Plaintiff, ant. To W. W. Nicholas, defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby commanded to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause on or before the 9th day of June, 1917, whica Is six weeks after the 28th day of April, 1917, the date for the first publication of this summons and It you fall to ao ap pear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In its complaint, to-wit : the foreclosure of that certain contract dated the 28th day of May, 1910, between the Maxwell Land and Irrigation Company and W. W. Nicholas, and wherein and wherevy the said Max well Laud and 1 rigation Company did agree lo convey to said W. W. Nicholas all that part or the soutu halt (H 1-2) of the northwest quarter (NW 1-4) of the southeast quarter (HE 1-4) ut Section One (1), Township Four (4) North of Range Twenty-eight (28) E. W. M., lying east or the U. S. IL H. Pipe Line "M“ containing 90 6-10 aerea more or leas, according to the government survey, In Umatilla Coun ty, Oregon, auch conveyance to be made upon the payment of certain moneys alate I and set forth in said contract which salt contract and said lauds have been assigu: ed and conveyed to plaintiff and are more particularly described In a com- plaint In this suit, and the further relief : (1) Thai the amount due the plain tiff under the terme of this contract be ascertained, and that the defendant be re- qulred to pay the amounta ao fixed, with intereat and coats, and all sums expended for taxes and special assessments, togeto er with interest thereon, nnd a reasonabiu attorney’s fee ; all within a time to be fixed by the court In its interlocutory de cree. (2) Upon this payment ao ascertained and determined by the court, the plaintif will deliver to the defendant, or to auch person or persons as he shall designate, a good and sufficient deed of the aforesal 1 property, in accordance with the contrae,. (8) That in the event of the failure of the defendant to make said payments within the time so fixed by this court, a final decree be entered herein barring and foreclosing the defendant and all parties claiming through or under said defendant, of all right and equity tn and to the said real property, and cancelling and annull ing the said contract. (4) For auch other and further relief as the court may deem Just In the prem- Ises, besides the costs and disbursements of thia suit. This summons la published by order of the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of the above entitled court, and Mid order was made and dated the 25th day of April, 1917, and the date of the first pub lication of this summons la the 28th day of April, 1917. CHAH J. SWINDELLS, Attorney for Plaintiff. 826 N. W. Bank Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Date of flrat publication April 28. 1917. Date of last publication June 0. 1917. TYPunin tans man»ox"an% experience demonstrated • i ■ i • r nuiu -7997 the almost has miraculous effi- Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and ■ Ask your physician, druggist, or send for Have you had Typhoid?’ telling of Typhold Vaccine, results from us , and danger from Typhold Carriers. THE CUTTER LABORATORY, BERKELEY, fM. "The Movie" is now at Hermiston Auditorium TWO GOOD SHOWS EACH WEEK Wednesday and Saturday Evenings Phone Your Orders for all kinds of Transfer Work Phone 2852 We are ready at anv time to go any where or haul anything. The City Transfer W. B. BEASLEY