Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1917)
THE This is the Season to WEAR THE BLUE We have the Overalls and Jackets ---------------also • ■ ■ Kahki Pants and Coats Straw Hats, Summer Underwear • and Other Seasonable Articles at HERMISTON HERALD, TO ORGANIZE ALL UMATILLA COUNTY Thursday evening a meeting was held in Pendletou and a movement wes started for a county wide preparedness organization. This organization wil undertake to make a sur vey of men, animals, materials and products of the soil in Umatilla county available for use as the government may direct or bave need. Dan Smythe, wbo was elected president, was authorized to appoint a committee of 21 to take up the work. He will name this com- mittee within a few days and will in clude one member from each town in the county. In connection with- the preliminary work necessary Circuit Judge Phelps, County Judge Marsh and Dan Smythe were in Hermiston Friday to confer with the executive committee of the local public safety organization. It is proposed to form three military units in Pendleton to take up drilling at once and like units will be urged in other com munii ies. The first unit will comprise all unmarried men of military age, the second, married men or men with dependents, of military age; the third all other able bodied men up to 65 years. Cunning Scheme. EXCHANGE OF RECIPES A column open for the exchange of recipes, to which all are asked to feel free to contribute. Recipes printed under this head are all tried and in many instances have been requested. often noted that he never bought tick ets. but paid his fare in cash. One day I asked him why he did not buy tick ets and save 25 cents on the dollar. •Well, you see. It's like this,’ the patron replied. ‘Very often 1 meet an ac quaintance on the car. and when the Hermiston, Oregon conductor comes for the fares I offer the money, while the acquaintance gen erally has tickets and Immediately of fers to pay the two fares with bis tick from Donald to Fargo and Butteville. ets and in this accommodating manner Work to start at once. permits me to save my money. I find Echo shearing plant to clip 80,000 the money saved by this scheme ex ceeds the amount saved by the pur sheep. North Bend mill to cut spruce for chase of tickets."’—Indianapolis News. U. S. aeroplanes. Wanted—Setting bens. Phone 475. The Willamette valley has land -advtfc enough to support 10 sugar factories. Oregon with 94,560 square miles and Young calves wanted. L. D. Lay. Belgian with 11,820 square miles (one- —adv-tfc eighth the area of Oregon) and sup Horse and saddle for sale. W. J. porting 7,000,000 people—has 78 sugar Emry. -advtflp factories in operation. SOGAR COOKIES (Mrs C. S. McNaught) 1 qt. Hour. } teaspoon sa’t. I teaspoon soda. 1 2 } I OREGON. EARLY GARDEN Now is the time to begin work on that early spring garden and why not make this work a pleasure by using the latest improved garden tools? We have in stock Iron Age and Planet Junior Seeders and Cultivators in all sizes; also the hand planters. Look over your outfit and make a list of the new tools that will be heeded for this season and then come and look over our stock and let us give you prices. You will be surprised to know how little is the additio al cost of having new and up to date tools. We now have on display our Heavy Farm Machinery, Manure Spreaders, Spring and Spike Tooth Harrows, Plows, etc., and you are invited to look them over | whether ready to buy now or later. Oregon Hardware & Implement Company NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, March 3rd, 1917. Notice is hereby given that Karl Schachermever of Hermiston, Oregon, who. on March 22nd, 1911, made Reclamation Homestead Entry No. 09157 for Farm Unit “C” in SW% being fractional part of SEY SW% section 28. township 5 north, range 28 east Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five-year proof, teaspoon baking powder. cups sugar. teaspoon nutmeg. cud lard. 75 three year old prune trees for The State Highway Commissioners, sale, 15c each. T. H. Bone, -advtfc who will have charge of the disburse ment of the proposed $6,000,000 road The Herald has a few flag salute bonds, have given the assurance that cards 7x11 inches with silk flag at 10 2 eggs. all roads built under their supervision cents each. 1 cup sour milk. -adv Put first six ingredients in sifter, will be constructed honestly. Con tracts for the work will be subject to Horsepower baler and three work sift into bowl, add lard, work in with free and open competition. There horses for sale. W. W. Felthouse, hands. Add eggs and *our milk then will be no gouging of the public. phone 4072. -advtfc enough flour to roll without sticking. Roll about one-half inch thick, sprinkle No, Mr. Taxpayer, your taxes will Have too many chicks to handle my sugar on top. Bako in moderate oven. not be increased one ten cent piece self and will sell in anv quantity up to This recipe makes six dozen cookies. on account of the proposed *<,000,000 150. White Leghorn, 4 weeks old, 20c good roads bonds. Both the Interest each. L. A. Stone. -adv31p OAT MEAL COOKIES and the principal of the entire bond (Mrs. C. S. McNaught) issue are provided by the increased For Sale—Registered Holstein bull, automobile license and the standing coming 4 year old, price reasonable. II cups brown sugar. 1 cup Crisco and butter mixed, or all quarter mill state road tax. James Ware, Hermiston, or phone Crisco. ***************** Echo 16R12. -adv31p II cups Hour. I I I will bave the millinery stock only St GOOD ROADS RALLY * II cups rolled oats. R --------- R until May 1st. Those wishing bats 2 teaspoons baking powder. • The Legislative Good Roads 8 should come in before tbat date. Miss 1 teaspoon cinnamon. R Committee has decided to hold R Ada Prann. —adv-32c 2 eggs. R a state-wide good roads rally R Drop from teaspoon. Bake in moder R la Portfand. Saturday, April 28, R Extra flue pansies in bloom, 50 cents ale oven. This recipe makes four R Every organisation In the state R doz; bedeing geraniums ready to bloom dozen cookies. R favorable to the road bond bill R 10c each; full line flower and vegetable R is invited to send representa- R plants. Pelmulder, at Glasson place. The Herald has been requested to R fives to this gathering. The R adv-32-c R committee has taken up with R ask Mrs. Gaither for her cream pie R the various transportation R Next Wednesday evening the attrac recipe. We assure both Mrs. Gaither R companies the matter of secur- R and the one asking that we will gladly R ing a special reduced rate for R tion at The Movie will be “Old Home publish the recipe. R those attending the rally. Re- R stead" with an all star cast. Tonight R porta from Astoria and several R J. W. Kerrigan takes the lead in “The —adv R points in Eastern Oregon are R Measure of a Man.” R to the effect that the good R If you want a bargain here It is. R roads enthusiasts of those sec- R R tions are planning to charter a R Ten acres under the government pro R boat or special train and como R ject and two lots in Hermiston, all for R to Portland In large numbers. R *150, purchaser to pay for transfer and R accompanied by bends. 81ml- R taxes. Further particulars at Herald Corvallis—Farmers being urged to R 1er large excursions are in R office. -advtfc raise sugar beets. R prospect from other points. R Coquille—Standsrd Oil Co. to build R Thore Is every indication the R For Sale—One or more of 5 bead R the rake will prove the moot R horses; 4 gilts from 80 to 100 ibs., good $10,000 plant bere. • retel gathering of good ■ Marshfield to do considerable paving. shape, one old sow will farrow in May, - roads boosters that was over R Gold Hill—Mining claims near here R held In the Pacific Northwest R all registered or eligible to register; R ' R 1 four horse fresno; 1 good top single aeli for 880,000. buggy; one set driving harness. C. E. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Molalla Electric Co. to extend line Spencer, R. F. D. 1, Hermiston.-adv31c LODGE DIRECTORY I NOTICE OF SHERIFFSSALE UNDER EXE- | , , ; y , I Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an | execution issued out of the Circuit court, state Of | Oregon for Umatilla county, and to me directed and delivered, upon the judgment and decree rendered and entered in said court on the 5th day of March, 1917. in favor of Susanna Barthel by Mark J. Barthel, her attorney in fact as plaintiff, and against Clarence K. Bland, Kathryn F. Bland, his wife, and John A. Donovan as defendant, for the sum of $1500.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from March 15, 1914, the further sum of $3.75, the further sum of $150.00 attorneys fees, and for $29.65 cost and dis bursements, which said decree, judgment, and order of sale has been docketed and enrolled in the office of the clerk of said circuit court; and whereas by said judgment, decree and order of sale it was directed that the following described real property in Umatilla county, Oregon, to-wit: Lots one, two, three, five, seven, eight, nine and ten in block “D” and lots one, five, six, nine, ten, eleven and twelve in block “C” of the First Addi tion to the town (now city) of Hermiston, Uma tilla county, Oregon, according to the plat of said 1 first addition as filed in the office of the Recorder | of Conveyances of Umatilla county on the 8th day ! of March, 1907, and recorded at page 69 in book 2, | be sold by the sheriff of Umatilla county. Oregon, to satisfy said judgment and all costs; I will on the 9th day of May, A. D. 1917, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said day at the front door of the court house in the city of Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, sell the right, title and interest the said Clarence K. Bland, Kathryn F. Bland and John A. Donovan had in and to the above described property on the 15th day of March A. D. 1914, or since then has acquired, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied in satisfaction of said exe cution and all costs. Dated this 4th day of April, A. D. 1917. T. D. Taylor, Sheriff 29-33 han, myisieie henkuedncornin.nvieda. Fellows W. R. Longhorn, Sec. Geo. Strohm, Noble Grand ___________ — PROFESSIONAL CARDS W. J. WARNER HERMISTON. J. OREGON T. HINKLE HERMISTON. OREGON DR. JAS. A. CAMPBELL DENTIST Office Over First Natl. Bank „ § 9 to 12 a. m. | H ours 11 to 5 p, m. | Phone C. O. WAINSCOTT Physician and Surgeon Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 P. M. Res. Phone, Red 398 Office. Main 2 Office in Bank Bldg. TYPunin thins manpoxeArns SAVE YOUR TEETH 111 11011 experience has demonstrated • ■ -F- the almost miraculous effi- cacy, and harmlessness, of Antityphoid Vaccination. Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and your family. It is more vital than house Insurance, » Ask your physician, druggist« or send for Have you had Typhold?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine, results from us . and danger from Typhoid Carriers. THE CUTTER LABORATORY, BERKELEY, CAL escoucie VACCINES a SERuNs UNDER U. a. Gov. LiCENS® It is Useless To send yottr cream out of town when we are paying Portland prices right bere. To do so means the loss of express and' at the same time you help build up the other fellow instead of patronizing a local iusti- tution. HERMISTON CREAMERY COMPANY GOGGLES 15c and up 20 kinds Sapper’s Garage Low Price on Shade Trees We have a surplus of Lombardy Pop- | lar 8 to 10 ft. and 12 to 14 fl.: Carolina Poplar 8 to 10 ft. and 12 to 14 ft.; Black Locust 10 to 12 ft. and 12 to 16 ft.: Black Walnut 8 to 10 ft. and 10 to 14 fu; Sil- | ver Maple 8 to 10 fu: Oregon Maple 6 to 8 ft. and 8 to 10 fu and 10 to 12 fu These are all No. 1 trees, well | branched tope and first class in every , way. We have to clean up a block of land for o’ her uses. Very low whole- sale prices Make up an order with : your neighbors and send at once for a | hundred or more. Prices given by ! mail. C. F. Lansiog. Prop. Quaker Nurseries, Salem, Oregon. -ady 31« 1 Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. American National Bank Building Pendleton, Oregon ____________________________ ■ , — SISCEL Is Showing And save money by letting us fix your decayed and aching teeth. Try our Painless, Scientific | Methods at very reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. NEWTON PAINLESS DENTISTS Entrance on Webb Cor. Main and Webb Sts. P hone 12 P endleton , O regon THE NICEST assort- ment of Candies ever displayed in Hermiston. An other thing about his line is that it is always fresh. HOT DRINKS served any time ICE CREAM Saturdays and Sundays We do hot make a practice of charg- ing sales and will appreciate ear friends not asking for credit. • BARGAINS ALL NEXT WEEK Regular Price Talcum Powder Children’s Underwaists Pudding Pant Wash Pans Sauce Dishes Pearl Buttons 10c 25c 25c 25c 15c 10c each each each each each card Special Price 2 for 15c 15c • 15c 20c 10c 2 for 15c OUR STOCK WILL BE INCREASED Coming—Hand Painted Plate«, Vases, Beads, Children’s Garden Seta, etc. Hermiston Variety Store INDUSTRIAL NEWS ITEMS OF THE WEEK Monday, Apri| 30, Dr Freeze, the eye special- 1st, will make bis regu lar visit to Hermiston and may bo consulted at Hermiston Hotel all day. Hardest cases of head aches invited to call for free consulta tion. Charges reasonable and all work guaranteed. At Stanfield May 1, Echo | May 2. adv32e I S. A. ROE, M. D. Practice limited to QUEEN ESTHER CHAPTER No. 101, O. E. S„ I ′ mapt, cocona Tuesdav evening of each month EYE. EAR. NOSE at 8:00 sharp in Skinner hall. Visiting members walione* Frances Phelps W M s AND THROAT welcome - - -- Frances w. —* | Dello O. Bushnell. Sec. Judd Bldg. Pendleton, Oregon I HERMISTON LODGE NO. 138. A. F. & A. M.. meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday DALE ROTHWELL evening of each month. Visiting brethren wel- come OPTICAL SPECIALIST “p 2 w. ci.. C. H. Skinner. W. M. | — °- "ampere —=cy* |----------------------------------- VINEYARD LODGF NO. 206, I. O. O. F , to establish claim, to the land above described, before Unitedstates ommissioner, “ his W.J.Warner. at at office Hermiston, Oregon, on the 4th day This from a conductor on a North OI May • -id. Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas Mackay, western street car: "A north side resi Fred A. Chezik, Emery T. Hancock and Schad- dent has been riding on tills car for a rack C. Nichols, all of Hermiston, Oregon. ________________________ C, S, DUNN, Register number of years twice a day, and I B. S: KINGSLEY Phone 171 HERMISTON, COMING To The . . . AUDITORIUM Six Days Commencing Monday, April 30 THE BIG Quaker Show High Class Vaudeville and Comedy, Drama Change of Program Each Night ONE BIG WEEK FOR THE AMUSEMENT LOVING PUBLIC