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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1917)
THE HEMSTON HERALD, LTNO Uncle Sam’s Models Show Man’s Rise PORTLAND-OREGON From Burden Bearer to Master of Air LARGEST HOTEL IN THE NORTH 1 HERMISTON, OREGON. ANIMALS AT WORK WAR’S EFFECT UPON LABOR CON DITIONS IN ENGLAND. WEST- REOPENED OC (OBE R- 10-1916 REDECORATED AND RENOVATED 550 ROOMS $159 DAY UP Novel Experiments Have Proved Sat isfactory, as in the Case of Store keeper With His Parrot—Ele phant Replaces Horse. 501061 SAMPLE ROOMS $39° UP The Bawling Out of Julia. A deserted husband out west thus advertises his spouse's delinquency: Julia, my wife, has grown quite rude, She has left me in a lonesome mood; She has left my board, • She has took my bed, She has given away my meat and bread; She has left me in spite of friends and church. She has carried with her all my shirts. Now ye take note who read this paper, Since Julia's cut this reckless caper I will not pay one single fraction Of any debt of her contraction.—Bos ton Transcript Allcock (as PLASTERS / C 30 % — r Rheumatism, Backache, / i 9. 1\ Lumbago, A ( F Ver - Any Local I I A ") ! — y.) / 4 Pain. on J “ax / / Tht Worlds G rtat ett External Remedy, I Insitt Au-coac's. Many strange und unexpected cases are on record in which animals and birds have proved themselves useful to (Ip‘ no Veal, Pork, Beef, ! mankind, very often serving their mas- | ig I 5 Poultry, Butter, Eggs ' ters more reliably than many humun . 111 and Farm Produce beings would do under similar circum- to the Old Reliable Everdinar house with a your nervous system is shattered; your strength is wasted; stances. record of 45 years of Square Dealings, and be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. At times of stress like the present, your digestion weakened, your blood impoverished. F. M. CRONKHITE such dumb servants have proved them 45-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon selves particularly useful, a good in stance in point being provided by the case of a gentleman in the west of England who recently lost his garden er through the man enlisting. His mas- ter was confronted by the problem of For Real Musical Instruments in truest harmony. his lawn, about which he had always Made to see how good they can be; not how much they will bring. Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, been very particular, for the grass is the rich tonic-food to nourish your nerve-centers, repair Ukeleie. Slogan: “If you don’t find ’em better quickly threatened to make his once the wasted tissue, improve your blood-power, ä than any, send ’em back at our expense.” 311 to 315 Labbe Bldg., 22712 Wash. St., Portland, Ore. trim grounds look very much like u sharpen your appetite and gradually re-establish ar wilderness. your strength. ‘ ) TA ) Then he hit upon a brilliant idea. HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, Wiring off the ground, lie turned /A484814B5/53/044B) 832583288*81824282841832/8881 Get SCOTT ’ S for yourself, or remind some ailing IV ) Alas WOOL AND MOHAIR. in a dozen guinea pigs, who promptly We want all you have. Write for prices and shipping tags friend that SCOTT ’ S has proven these words for Iu The photograph shows the most conspicuous leaps of progress, covering proceeded to nibble away at the grass T he H. F. N orton C o . Portland, Ore.; Seattle, wn. many centuries of time, in the development of means of transportation, as illus as evenly and neatly as any mowing Look for this Trade-Mark. thousands of others. trated by models gathered by the Smithsonian institute. The models show machine could have done, much to the Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. ARE YOU GOING EASTP man's evolution from the state of a burden bearer to that of master of the air. muster’s delight. Consult us about reduced freight rates on The flying machine shown is the first gliding model. Similarly, an East End tradesman household goods to all points. Fast through lately found himself short-handed ow service. Pacific Coast Forwarding Company, 201 Uncle Sam has gathered in the from-Greece, Italy, East Indies, Burma, Wilcox Building, Portland, Ore. Marshall 2467. ing to the war, ami after some thought, Smithsonian institute at Washington China and Russia. Small orders as well as big. Ornamentals, Fruit Trees, Etc. Hardy and guaranteed. this man hit upon a solution of the Largest Nursery between Rockies and Cascades. 14th Year. 15,000 Orders Last Year. several hundred models which show Land Carriers Shown. O regon V ulcanizing C ompany in a graphic manner man’s evolution problem. moved to 333 to 337 Burnside St., Port sa espzcz."wezuthers:Mor:. Wanted. WASHINGTON NURSERY CO, Toppenish, Wash. Some full-sized examples of land He happened to possess a pet par land, Ore. Largest Tire Repair Plant from a burden bearer to master of the carriers are also shown. They include in the Northwest. Country service a rot, and this bird he placed in the out air. specialty. Use Parcel Post. a Japanese sedan chair of 1888, a Man was his own burden bearer for French sedan chair, a sled with an er part of his shop and trained it to Granulated Eyelids, time before it occurred to him attached basket-like body from Kam- call “Shop !” whenever anyone en- c. (ergs Eyes inflamed by expo- FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney, a to long use domesticated animals to relieve chatka, a one-wheeled Korean passen tered by way of the street door. V- , sure to Sun. Dust and Wind The parrot very quickly learned its Organizer and Developer; patents secured or FEE quickly relieved by Murino REFUNDED; free book on patents. Suites 701, himself. The early models in the series ger vehicle, a primitive Mexican freight lesson, with the result that its master w. 2 Weon Eye Remedy. No Smarting, 701-A, 701-B and 701-C. Central building, Seattle. show how he finally developed the idea cart and a native cart from the Philip was no longer obliged to spend all — a Y just Eye Comfort. At of using animals as carriers. The llama pine islands. his time on the lookout for customers, Your Druggist’s 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye was the first beast of burden, then Most Worthy. A number of interesting locomotive but could attend to other matters, Salvein Tubes 25c. ForBookoftheEyefrecask “Why do you seek admittance came the dromedary, the elephant and models illustrate man’s continued ex knowing he could count upon his new Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago the horse. here?” asked St. Peter. perimentation with wheels for trans assistant to warn him of anybody’s ap- “On earth many blessed me and said It’S Grandmother's Recipe to At first goods were simply piled on I would surely go to heaven when I the animal’s back and it was some time portation. Besides the models, the preach. For Backward Bunnies. Bring Back Color and museum has on exhibition the original The intelligence of dogs is known died,” answered the shade. Lustre to Hair. “Papa?” “How did you win such gratitude?” before anything in the form of pack “Stourbridge Lion,” the first full-sized to. everyone, but a dog as a golf cad- “Well, Rutherford—” “I was always kind and considerate saddles was evolved. One step in this locomotive ever run in the United die is somewhat of a novelty, you will “I have just figured out why bun- direction is shown by the panniers or States, and the locomotive “John Bull,” admit. Neverthel ss, the animal is to people who owned Fords.” You can turn gray, faded hair beau nies have fuzzy little tails.” “Enter,” said the saint. "A place baskets which hang on each side of the operated in this country in 1831.. tifully dark and lustrous almost over no imaginary character, but a real cad- “ That ’ s fine. What is the reason? ” is prepared for you.”—Philadelphia llama. An advance in the general evo night if you'll get a 50 cent bottle of “Bunnies livo in holes, you know.” "Wyeth Several models, Including one of the die, who works on the links of a cer Ledger. ’s Sage and Sulphur Com lution of transportation is illustrated “Exactly." . Selden machines, demonstrate the tain widely known course. Besides pound” at any drug store. Millions of by the American Indian “ travois ” or “ And I suppose many of the holes carrying clubs, this dog proves him Too Literal. early development of the automobile ; bottles of this old famous Sage Tea “I like to see a man with some spirit “travail,” comprising two long poles the latest advance in wheel transpor self very useful in the mutter of dis are sb narrow the bunnies can’t turn Recipe, improved by the addition of round in them very well. ” or shafts, which were attached to a in him, don’t you?” other ingredients, are sold annually, tation Is shown by three full-sized cars covering lost golf bulls, nosing about “Very likely.” “No, indeed! I’m a strict prohibi dog or a horse and allowed to trail manufactured in this country. until he is successful. says a well-known druggist here, be “Well, that’s the reason.’ tionist.”—Boston Transcript. along behind. On these the Indians it darkens the hair so naturally But the war has mude one strange “I don’t quite get your line of cause Finally, to complete the series, and colonists piled thier game, fuel and and evenly that no one can tell it has spectacle possible in England. In thought.” comes the model of the airplane, in applied. forage and even used such conveyances Sheffield an elephant may he seen “The fuzzy little tails keep them been Those whose hair is turning gray to transport people. A primitive sledge which man is completing the conquest drawing heavy loads along the streets. from hurting themselves when they or becoming faded have a surprise made from the forked limb of a tree of the air. It is claimed for this particular ani- back into things.”—Youngstown Tele- awaiting them, because after one or and covered with cross sticks was prob gram. mal that he can empty u nine-ton two applications the gray hair van ably the next step. This was attached OF wagon of coal in two journeys. Camels ishes and your locks become luxuriant to the animal by something similar to Pimples, boils, carbuncles, dry up and ly dark and beautiful. have also been employed by the same disappear with Doctor Pierce’s Golden traces and permitted to drag on the This Is the age of youth. Gray- firm, but as draft animals cannot be ground. Simple straps like the Eski compared with the elephants.—London Medical Discovery. Intablets or liquid. haired, unattractive folks aren't want ed around, so get busy with Wyeth’s mo dog traces were primitive forms of Population Has Gone Far Past Answers. Common Fault Among Ministers. Sage and Sulphur Compound to-night is far reaching. It means the modern trace. Rough parallel "Mr. Asquith was prime minister of and you’ll be delighted with your dark, the 100,000,600 Mark. runners were soon found to make the Troubles Never Come Singly. Great Britain, wasn’t he?” inquired handsome hair and your youthful ap sledge slide easier and before long a A resident of Boothbay, Me., was Mrs. Leonidas W. Van Quentin yester pearance within a few days. Better Appetite— platform was built upon the runners. told by a neighbor that his son’s cow day morning. This preparation is a toilet requisito Proper Assimilation Thus the sledge was developed and Total for Continental United States was out in another pasture, and start and is not intended for the cure, miti “He was,” replied her husband. used by most peoples, whether there gation or prevention of disease. “And he has been removed?” and Outlying Possessions on Janu ed to bring her in. He found a cow Liver and Bowel “The same.” was snow in their country or not. loose and set out in chase. ary 1, 1917, Estimated at “What was the matter? Couldn't Regularity- For an hour or two he chased one Enter the Roller. 113,309,285. It Does Happen. he preach good enough?’ of the most obstinate and disgusting “I don’t think the truth of that Cin Improved Health— Having first transported burdens on “Oh, I guess he preached all right, animals ever born into the cow breed. but he prayed too long.”—Kansas City derella story ever came out.” his own back, or that of his animai, The population of the United States and then dragged' them along the has gone far past the 100,000,000 mark. And at last be caught her and brought Star. “No?” “I think she took off her slipper be ground, man seemed to have realized Uncle Sam estimates the population her out to the road and was lending her triumphantly home, when he met a cause it hurt her. I've seen ladies do To Aid Digestion-TRY that cylindrical objects might be rolled. on January 1, 1917, of continental neighbor who asked him what he was Natural Magic. that in restaurants many a time.”— History relates that rollers with a United States alone ut 102,826,309. "The amateur magician who enter- COW. doing With another ne small diameter were used as such by The total population, including that of And so it proved. For the original tained us did some wonderful tricks, Louisville Courier Journal. the ancients of many nations, under the outlying possessions of the nation, stray cow was still in the wrong pas He made a chicken turn rabbit right Both Surprised. sledges, and for moving large blocks of is estimated at 113,399,285. The esti- ture, but tied securely to a tree. The before our eyes.” Mr. Goodleigh—I was surprised to stone with the assistance of a lever or mates are based upon the increases Any ordinary see you in a helplessly intoxicated “That’s nothing. an inclined plane. Another method is I shown by the federal censuses of 1900 other cow had had a perfect right to speeder can make an automobile turn condition last evening. it grazing ground. turtle without half trying."—Baltimore illustrated In the museum by a model and 1910. Tipples—I was surprised myself. I The exasperated gentleman then set American. thought I could stand a lot more.— of a short stone pillar attached by out again and this time found the right The population of the various states Exchange. pivots in the center of each end to a cow und took her home. The Reason Why. frame which, when pulling, caused the and outlying possessions of the United strayed When he arrived at his son’s place Jordan—Wilkins, who are you go- "I wonder why X was selected as pillar to roll, a method said to have States on January 1, 1916, and on Jan with his son's cow be found one of his the symbol of the unknown quantity.” ing to room with next year? uary 1, 1917, is estimated by Uncle An Unmistakable Result. been adopted by Ctesiphon when trans Wilkins—My wife.—College Record. “Because none of your friends ever own cows in his son’s field und eating “Has the investigation of the high porting the columns for the temple of Sam's census experts as follows : have one when you want t borrow it.” up the son's cabbages. cost of living had any result?” Diana at Ephesus. In Virginia and the Continental Jan. 1, 1916. Jan. 1, 1917. —Baltimore American. “Yes,” replied Senator Sorghum, “I neighboring states hogsheads of tobac United States............... 101,208,315 102,826,309 Kings Who Reigned Briefly, Alabama ......................... 2,316,943 2,348,273 think It has called the attention of co were rolled along much the same as Garfield Tea was your Grandmother’s ........................... 251,422 259,666 ty-eight years is a long time to everybody who had anything to sell to the above stone. Two barrels coupled Arizona Arkansas ....................... 1,726,413 1,753,033 Remedy for every stomach and intes Letter Tetta of Lona Lookctl-f^r rrcncriytwn. the fashion of shoving up the price.' in tandem within a frame were trans California ...................... W ear a crown. Many other monarchs 2,893,465 2,983,843 tinal ill. This good old-fashioned herb Colorado .......................... 948,930 975,190 have hardly had time to get comfort- —Washington Star. Dear Mr. Editor—I am making a per ported in this manner from the forests Connecticut .................. 1,234,031 settled upon their thrones, be- home remedy for constipation, stomach sonal appeal to your readers who are ...................... 212,489 214,270 ably to the shipping point, as shown by the "I Delaware ills and other derangements of the sys Popped Out at The Popping. District of Columbia. bothered with kidney and bladder trouble 361,330 366,631 fore death of abdication tem so prevalent these days is in even and rhe umatism, to give up the । » of Florida .......................... 882,148 9( 4,839 Aunt—I suppose, Edith, you said next model in the series. Another mini Georgia ........................... 2,836,177 2,875,953 them. greater favor as a family medicine harsh salts, or alcoholic kidney medi “This is so sudden!” when Mr. Slow- ature illustrates a scheme of Paeonius, Idaho ................................ 420,291 436,881 his than in your grandmother's day. John I of France has cines and in their place take a short boy proposed? who built cylindrical crates around Illinois .............................. 6,110,888 6,193,626 treatment of "Anuric” and be convinced of only five days. edit a r< ig ............................ 2,807,480 2,826,154 Niece—No; I fully intended to, but marble prisms in the first century, B. Indiana of its wonderful virtues as s I was. 1 suf- "Iowa ................................ Both of Them. 2,224,771 2.224,771 For brevity that Is hard to match. I was so excited I forgot and exclaim C„ when moving stone for the base of Kansas fered great pain, had a ............................. 1,818,383 1,840,797 One day a professor and his com Napoleon was emperor the second ed “At last!”—Boston Transcript. Kentucky ...................... irritation, water became I tried 2,372,412 2,386,866 the colossal statue of Apollo. panion became involved in an argu everything advised but with no results. I Louisiana ........ 1,815,218 1,843,042 time for 100 days, and then started for 770,064 774,914 It is believed that the roller, or this Maine .... ... ..1,357,374 St. Helena. Louis XVIII, whom he so ment as to which was the handsomer I sent for a box of "Anuric Tablets" and 1,368,240 No Novelty. Boon discovered that they brought relief. man of the two. 3,690,748 3,747,564 rudely deposed in March, 1815, had oc- “Did you see where that girl made rolling crate, was the forerunner of Massachusetts Not being able to arrive at a settle I have used them since, and now the 3,07 4,560 3,035,148 the wheel, which was the first great I Michigan cupied Ids throne less than one year. a record flight in her aeroplane?" “ Minnesota 2,263,182 2,296,024 ment of the question they agreed, In water is natural, my health good, and Mississippi ......... “That's nothing. My wife was a high step in the art of land transportation, Missouri 1,939,226 1 964 122 Francis II ruled but a year, Louis a spirit of fun, to leave it to the de- appetite splendid. Some of the doctors ................ pronounced my trouble enlarged prostate. 3,401,241 3,420,143 flyer long before aeroplanes were although the advance was very slow . Montana ................ X two years and Louis VIII three cisión of a Chinaman who was seen Now 452,774 I have no more trouble and I most 466,214 thought of."—Baltimore American. with the ages. The idea of making the Nebraska ............ 1,264,999 years. 1,277,750 approaching them. assuredly feel that this latest discovery Nevada .................. 104,732 108,736 axle and wheel separate was the sec New Hampshire The matter being laid before him. of hr. Pierce’s Is the best remedy for Russia has some 441,545 413.467 bladder and kidney troubles that I know ond great step and no greater discov New Jersey........ 2,914,928 2,961,105 lightning changes in the house of Ro- the Oriental considered long and care- of. If I can Induce anyone to give It a 403,600 fully, then he onnounced in a tone of 416,966 ery has ever been made. The inven New Mexico .... manoff. Katharine I was czarina but trial, I feel that he will thank me for 10,179,971 10,366,778 I tion of the felloe and spoke soon fol North Carolina calling attention to this great boon 0 410 rEg two years and Ivan VI for a year. Pe finality: 2,386,916 “ Both are worse. ” — Chicago News. that relieves this seemingly worst of 726,142 North Dakota lowed and eventually a complete cart Ohio ter II was czar of ail Russias for only ....................... 5,119,491 all troubles that human flesh can fall or carriage was evolved. The first ve i Oklahoma .......... 2,245,968 i three years. heir to. The Earl and the Girl, Oregon .............. 822,615 848,866 hicles were equipped with but two (Signed) H. H. FLEISIIEC. Family tree, 8,453,004 Pennsylvania .. 8 5 i. i wheels, made of wood. Examples of Rhode Island .. 620,030 ! Venice Has Electrical Ears. 608,540 Wealth by chance, South Carolina 1,616,610 1,634,341 early Egyptian chariots modeled after South According to a corre- Here we see NOTE: Up to this time, " Anuric " has Dakota . 2,279,691 originals dating back to the Ptolemaic Tennessee ........ True romance. not been on sale to the public, but by the spondent who recently visited Venice, 2,296,316 ................... persuasion of many patients and the 4,386 638 —Kansas City Journal. era, 300 B. C„ are to be seen in the Texas the Austrian airmen have made more Utah ..................... increased demand for this wonderful miniatures exhibited. From here on, Vermont ............ than thirty raids on that famous city. | 363,075 364,32: healing tablet, Doctor Pierce has finally 2,181,516 .............. 2,202,52: many models Illustrate the rapid ad Virginia The observation station there Is pro-1 decided to put It Into the drug stores of Washington ... 1,502,632 this country within immediate reach, or vances. Among them are a “carreta” West Virginia . 1,399,320 I vided with sensitive electrical micro- I send 10 cents for large trial package. 2,486,941 .......... 2,513,758 I phones, which are said to detect the ! or ox-cart created in Spain and used Wisconsin Simply ask for Doctor Pierce’s Anuric 176,853 Wyoming........................... 182,264 In New Mexico until recently; a Per Outlying Possessions: noise of the motors on the Austrian | Tablets. There can be no imitation. 64,873 1 planes the moment they leave Triest, I Every package of "Anuric” is sure to be 64 795 sian farm cart of 1870; a Red River Alaska ................................ Dr. Pierce’s. You will find the signature (a)............................ 12,866 12,866 some sixty miles away. Electric si cart, common in the United States and Guam Hawaii ................................ 213,821 on the package just as you do on Dr. 217,660 Canada; a conestoga or “prairie Panama Canal Zone(b) 31,048 31,048 I rens are immediately sounded to warn Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, the ever For Constipation 8,879,999 1 Philippine Islands .... 8,788,374 famous friend to ailing women, and everyone of the approach of hostile air-1 schooner,” said to have traveled from l'orto 1,223,981 I Rico ....................... 1,208,184 Dr. Pierre’s Golden Medical Discovery, craft, which cover the distance be Headache Indigestion,etc. Pittsburgh to Philadelphia In 20 days; 7,426 7,426 roven by years to he the greatest general tween the cities in something like forty an example of the famous colonial onic and reconstructor for any one. United States (c)...111,579,952 113,309,285 , At any rate don’t give up hope of minutes. Thus ample time is afforded “one-hoss shay.” celebrated by being cured of your malady until just Holmes ; a stage coach used between 'Population April 15, 1910; decrease since for completing the antiaircraft ar a few doses of " Anuric” have proven 1900. tillery preparations before the first Aus- ■ 1825 and 1860, and modern examples that it will make you fool Ilku a differ- (a) Enumeration by governor, 1913. (b) Police census. 1916. trian airman heaves in sight. — Scien ent person. of tip-carts and farm and army wag Safe and Sure (c) Includes 45,123 persons in military tific American. E ditor —Pleas«) Insert this letter la ons, besides other model equipages and naval service stationed abroad. AFTER ANY SICKNESS SCOTTS EMULSION TREES SHIPPED ANYWHERE--FREIGHT PAID SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR The Influence U. S. STILL GROWING Good Digestion HOSTETTER’S Stomach Bitters It Helps Nature in Every Way Suffered Great Pain ! USE THiS TO FiLL THiS Every Night DRANDRETH P. N. U, No. I. 1817 I zrrr some conspicuous place in your paper.