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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1917)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON i___ PRECIOUS PETROLEUM It Is a Priceless Resource That Can Never Be Replaced. Coffee Coffee Coffee Reduce the high cost of living by buying now. Dur- ing the month of January we will sell this $1.35 worth of goods for $1.10. $1.10 .15 . .10 3 lb. Can Royal Club Coffee ---- 2 oz. Can Royal Club Cinnamon 2 oz. Can Royal Club Pepper.... ALL FOR $1.10 Boycott the High Prices By buying at Right Prices For 30 days commencing Janu ary 1, we will sell the above $1.35 for $1.10. B. S. KINGSLEY Hermiston, Oregon Phone 171 EXCHANGE OF RECIPES river will be started at once. “How much petroleum there is in the United States no one knows, ” writes Franklin K. Lane in an article on "Economic Preparedness,” published in the Scientific American. But at the present rate of consumption—265,000,- 000 barrels a year—it will soon be ex hausted, for the geological survey’s maximum estimate Is 23,000.000,000 barrels. "Whatever the supply,” says Mr. Lane, "It should not be allowed in its crude state to compete with coal as fuel. Petroleum is a priceless resource, for it can never be replaced. Trees can be grown again on the soil from which they have been taken. But how can petroleum be produced? It has taken ages for nature to distill it in her sub terranean laboratory. We do not even know her process. We may find a sub stitute for It. but we have not yet. “It is practically the one lubricant of the world today. Not a railroad wheel turns without its way being smoothed by it. We can make light and heat by hydroelectric power, but the great turbines move on bearings that are smothered In petroleum. From It we get the quick exploding gas which is to the motor and the airship what air is to the human body. To industry, ag- riculture, commerce and the pleasures of life petroleum la now essential. MUSK IN THE RAW. It Looks Much Like Axle Grease, but Has a Worse Odor. Musk in the raw looks a good deal like axle grease and smells worse. The popular notion that the musk of com merce is obtained from the muskrat is a mistake. There is obtained a somewhat simi lar perfume from the muskrat, but most of the supply comes from the musk deer, a creature that is carefully reared in India for the sake of the se cretion. The secretion is shipped in the crude state and Is used not only in the manufacture of the liquid per fume sold as musk, but also In very small quantities to give strength and staying power to many perfumes made from the essential oils of flowers. Curiously enough, the blossoms of two native plants have a noticeably musky odor. One is the small yellow blossom of a creeping vine known as the musk plant Its odor Is marked and Is counterfeited in the commercial perfume called musk. The other is the bloodroot. The pure white blossom of that early spring plant has a distinct though delicate musky odor. A bean known as the musk bean Is a cheap substitute for animal musk.— London Standard. Portland--Capt. C. H. Fuller's quick launching lifeboat davits pass govern A column open for the exchange of ment test and 1200,000 offered for recipes, to which all are asked to feel patent. free to contribute. Recipes printed Portland—100,000 bushels of wheat, under this head are all tried and in valued at $125,000 will be transported many instances have been requested. to South America from Portland this month, this being largest consign GINGER DROP CAKES ment, it is said, ever going from (MRS. W J. WARNER) Columbia river to the west coast of 1 cup lard or part butter and lard. South America. 1 cup molasses. 1 cup sugar. 2 eggs OUR AIR WILL NOT FAIL US. 1 tablespoon ginger. 2 teaspoons soda dissolved in a cup No Need to Fear That the Nitrogen of boiling water. Will Ever Be Exhausted. 5 cups flour. To Fatten the Goet. A student nt the University of Wash- “Where are you going with that goat, ington, having read about making ni POTATO PANCAKES trogen from the air, entered the chem little boy?” (MRS. W. J. WARNER) "Down to the lake. Come along if istry department and asked the pro- Grate 5 or 6 good sized potatoes. fessors there what would happen when you wanter see some fun. This here 2 eggs not beaten. all the nitrogen had been taken out of goat has just et a crate of sponges, an' 2 tablespoons Hour. the air. The University of Washing I'm going down an’ let him drink!— ton News-Letter says that this is what Exchange. 1 teaspoon baking powder. they told him: I cup milk (scant) "The atmosphere over a square mile NOTICE OF SALE. Pinch of salt and pepper to taste. Is hereby given that by virtue of Mix all together and fry like pan- of land is estimated to contain 20,000,- the Notice of the City Charter of the 000 tons of nitrogen, which is enough City authority of Hermiston and the direction of the cakes in deep fat. to furnish all the world would require City Council authorizing and directing the for fifty years at the present rate of Treasurer of the City of Hermiston to col the unpaid assessments for the City consumption. Even if that were not lect irrigation water for the year 1916. levied so, there would be no danger, for and imposed under the provisions ot Ordì nance No. 76 passed by the City Council there's a sort of ‘dust to dust’ process and approved by the Mayor on July 2nd, involved that is a safeguard in itself. 1913. I will on the 9th day of January, 1917. "Nitrates when they go into the soil at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon ot are taken up by the roots of plants and said day at the City Council Chamber In Gardiner — Contract let for con- utilized. After the plant decays the the City of Hermiston, Oregon, sell the atruction of jetties. following lots, pieces and parcels nitrogen Is given off, and it returns of land at described public auction to the highest Marion county, one of the most cire- again to the atmosphere. bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds from fully governed In the state, increased “If employed in the manufacture of the sale of each lot. piece or parcel of land be applied In satisfaction of the assess expenditures $15 per voter tn last explosives, when the charge Is exploded to tuent upon lot, piece or parcel of land with interest thereon from May 1st. 1916, at the part of the nitrate returns to the air as three years. gas, while some goes into solution, rate of 6 per cent per annum together with Sherwood will have a farmers co- a penalty of 15 per cent ot each said as falls to the earth and is taken up by sessments and all costs. operative cheese factory. Following is a description of each ot said the plants, returning later to the air.” lots, pieces or parcels of land with the Eugene—Vick Bros, building gar number of feet frontage, name of owner or reputed owner, and amount of said as age 80x160 feet. sessment : Origin of the Hackney. Reedsport—Star Lumber Co. of St. City of Hermiston according to plot filed The hackney horse has given quite a with county recorder November 3, 1904. Paul to build mill here. number of useful words to the lan- Name Amount Wallowa—J. P. Morelock to build guage. He and his name came from Block $4.00 Lot 50 H feet D. Lowel Kb garage 84x50 feet. Normandy originally—haquenee, really $4.00 Lot 50 feet, II. K Newport a corruption of the Latin for home - 50 It feet, H Newport 4.00 Marshfield Smith-Powers Co. to de Lot 50 feet. H K Newport 4.00 and he was a riding home. Being com velop coal mine on Eden ridge. Lot 16, 50 feet. H II Newport 4.00 monly hired out, the name came to be Block Paisley Alkali Lake soda plant now associated with hiring and in course 4.00 9, 50 feet, H. 4.00 ! ready for operation with 50 ton per of time also with drudgery. Today 50 feet, Joe Williamson Block day capacity and employing GO men. there are far more hackney carriages, Lot 50 feet, II R. Newport 4.001 50 feet. H R Newport Lot 4.00 within the meaning of the act, with Oak Hill has completed new school 50 feet. F B Swayze 4 00 I out horses than with. A literary back house. B. Swayze ... Lot 50 4.00 is another form of the same name, and 50 feet, F B Swayze 4 00 Baker Erection of large sawmill to hackneyed la an obvious derivation Lot 50 feet, H. L. Wyckoff 4.00 50 feet, H I Wyekoff 4.00 handle 124,000,000 feet of government from a common source. — London 50 feet, H D. rounds Lot 4.00 50 feet H It Newport timber ou Middlefork of John Day | Chronicle. 4.00 INDUSTRIAL NEWS NOTES OF THE STATE feet Lot 1c Per Hour 1 That’s the cost of warm feet in your buggy or auto with a feet feet , feet, feet. feet, feet, feet, feet, Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot 19, 20. 23 Block Lol feet feet feet feet feet feet 4.00 .00 .00 11 » feet feet Lot Lot Lo I KI.- k 00 00 .00 oo on B F. B II feet, F feet, H feet. II • feet Block Sappers Garage Newport F II F. B Swayze H ■ Newport W H Dickson J B Hodson H It Newport II li Newport H R feet, Clark Foot Warmer See them at H II II H J II 00 B B Lane R II Baler II B. 4.00 4 00 4 00 4.00 B i: New port II II A F R B II Natl Bank Briggs A Newport feet, h » feet. Baker feet. F It 0)0) 2 Hand Emery Grinders, Bargains 4 00 2.00 2 Ou 2.00 Crawford Crawford Newport Sanders Company feet, Il feet. li ' Newport M M ■ Hardware, Implement and Furniture line come in and get our prices and learn the quality of goods we carry Oregon Hardware & Implement Company Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Block Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Block Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot 14. 25 18. 25 19. 25 20, 25 21. 25 22. 25 9— 1. 50 2, 50 3, 50 4. 50 5, 50 12. 50 13. 50 15. 50 16. 50 10— 1. 25 2 25 3. 4. 8. 9. .) 26, 27. 28. 29, 30. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 feet, feet, feet. feet, feet, feet, F. F. F. H. H. H. B. Swayze.... B. B. R. R. R. Swayze Swayze..... Newport... Newport... Newport... feet, feet, feet. feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, H. H. F. F. F. IL H. F. F. R. R. B. B. B. R. R. B. B. Newport... .... 4 00 4.00 Newport... 4.00 Swayze..... 4.00 Swayze..... 4.00 Swayze 4.00 Newport... 4.00 Newport. 4.00 Swayze.. 4.00 Swayze feetg feet, feet. feet. feet. feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, F. F. F. F. V. V. F. F. F. F. F. F. B. Swayze..... B. Swayze ... .... B. Swayze..... B. Swayze..... E Whiting E. Whtlng B. Swayze.. R. Swayze..... B. Swayze B. Swayze B. Swavze B. Swayze . 25 feet, J II. 25 feet, .1 H. Raley....... Lot Lot 13, 25 feet, J H. Ra lev 25 feet, J H. Ra lev....... Lot 25 feet, J H Raley Lot Lot 16, 25 feet, J. H. Raley....... Lot 25 feet. J. H. Raley....... Lot 18. 25 feet. J H. Raley....... H. Raley....... Lot 19. 25 feet. 25 feet, .1 H Raley...... Lot 25 feet, J H. Raley . Lot Lot 25 feet. H. Raley 29. 25 feet. M. 30, 25 feet, M. Newport Newport Lot 31. 25 feet. M. 25 feet. M Newport 2.00 2.00 2 00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 .... 2.00 .... 2.J0 .... 2.00 . 2.00 2.00 ...... 2.00 . . 2.00 .... 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Block 25 feet, 25 feet. E F ) feet F B. B. B. B. B. B B It B. Swayze Swayze....... 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 feet Swayze....... feet F feet Swayze ... feet Block B. C. K Lumber Co.. . .96 feet, feet, Lumber Co 1.12 16 feet, E Lumber Co. 1.28 feet, 1.60 Lumber feet, 2.00 feet. 2.00 E Lumber Kern Addition. Block I — <• W. R. & N. Co. 2121.8 feet ..... 169.74 City of Hermiston according to plat filed with County Recorder April 5, 1905. Amount. Lot 25 25 25 25 ot Block 1— 4 Lot Lot Lot Lot 1 ». Lot feet, feet, feet, feet, feet. feet. feet. feet. Block Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot 30 feet. feet, feet, feet, feet, feet. Wm. Stubes Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell 2.00 2.00 2.00 Co.. Co...... 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Co. Co.. Maxwell Co. Maxwell Co. Maxwell H. G. Newport...... Maxwell Co........... Bland & Donaran 2.40 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Block 14- 3 20 2.00 Lot 1, 40 feet. Maxwell Co. 2.00 Block 15— feet. H. G. Newport....... 4.00 • 2.00 Lot 1. 50 21 2.00 • Lot 3, 25 feet, J. F. Bildergrack. 2.00 22 1.60 2.00 Lot 8. 20 feet. Maxwell Co. 3.20 Lot 9, 40 feet. Maxwell Co. 3— Co. 2.40 feet. Maxwell Lot 10. 30 1. 50 feet. J. H. Reid............... 4 00 feet. I. E. Lumber Co.. 4.00 Block 1.60 Lot 7. 20 feet. Maxwell Co. 3. 50 feet. I. E. Lumber Co.. 4.00 2.00 Lot 8. 25 feet. Maxwell Co. 2, 50 feet. Hermiston Bank 2.00 Maxwell Co. 25 feet. ---------- .Lot 9. 4.00 i - -- -------------- and Trust Company City of Hermiston, First Addition Block 4— 4.00 1 Block B— 50 feet. Maxwell Co. Lot feet, J. 11. Reid.............. 3.80 Lot 4.00 50 feet. Maxwell Co. Lot feet, J. H Reid............. 3.80 Lot 4.00 Lot 3, 50 feet. Maxwell Co feet, J. H. Reid............. 3.80 Lot 3. 47.5 4.00 Lot 4. 50 feet. Maxwell Co. Lot 4. 47.5 feet, J. R. Reid............. 3.80 4.00 I Lot 50 feet, Maxwell Co. feet, J. H. Reid............. 3.80 Lot 3.20 [ Lot 6. 40 feet. Maxwell Co. feet, J. H. Reid............. 3.80 Lot 8, 47 3.20 1 Lot 8. 40 feet, Maxwell feet, J. H. Reid.............. 3.80 Lot 4.00 Lot 9. 50 feet, Maxwell 4.00 Block r- Lot 10, 50 feet, Maxwell Co. 4.32 feet. H. G. Newport ... 6, 54 Lot 4.00 50 feet, Maxwell Co. Lot 4 32 54 feet. Home Bldg. Co. Lot 4.00 50 feet, Maxwell Lot 4.32 Lot 8. 54 feet, Maxwell Co......... Hock 4.32 feet. Home Bldg. Co... Lot 9, 54 50 feet, Maxwell Co. 4.00 Lot 4 32 Lot 10. 54 feet. Maxwell Co......... 4.00 50 feet, Maxwell Lot Block G— 4.00 Lot 50 feet, Maxwell Co. 21.00 Co. feet, Maxwell 270 4.00 feet, Maxwell Co. Lot 4. 4 00 Block IT— feet, Maxwell Lot 10 4.32 feet, Maxwell Co. Lot 4.00 Lot 50 feet, Maxwell Co. 4.32 54 feet. Maxwell Co. Lot 4.00 50 feet, Maxwell Co. Lot 4.32 Lot 3 54 feet. Home Bldg. Co. Block 7 Maxwell Co.......... 64 feet, Lot feet. Chas. McNamee., 2.00 Lot 3.52 H B. & T. Co.. 6 feet, Lot feet, Chas. McNamee., 2.00 Lot 4.32 feet, Home Bldg. Co.. Lot feet. Chas. McNamee... Lot L. O. White.......... 4.32 9 4 feet, Lot 2.00 feet, Maxwell Co..... : Lot 4 32 L. O. White .......... feet. 10 Lot 2.00 Maxwell Co....... Lot feet, F. A. Phelps. City Treasurer 2.00 Lot feet, H. G. Newport.. 2.00 Lot feet, H. G. Newport . 2.00 Lot feet. John D. Rice... Block 8— feet, Maxwell Co............. 2.00 Lot Lot feet. Dr. M. V. Turley. 2.00 . feet. Dr. M. V .Turley.... 2.00 Lot feet, Maxwell Co............. 2.00 Lot 14 feet, Maxwell Co............. 2.00 I Lot feet. Maxwell Co............. 2.00 : ■2.40 I 30 Lot Maxwell Co. have a well earned Lot feet, Maxwell Co............. 2.00 I Lot 2.00 I Maxwell Co ............. feet, reputation for al feet W. F. Woodstock. 2.00 I 24. : Maxwell Co. 2.00 i ways being fresh 3]ock 10— Lot Reid and nice. 2.00 Lot feet Reid.. 2.00 I Lot feet Reid..... Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Block Lot Lot Lot Lot 14. 2 feet, feet, feet. feet. feet. feet. Harry J. Myer.... Harry J. Myer. Maxwell Co. Maxwell Co. Maxwell Co. Maxwell Co. Our Candies ‘lock feet, H Ita ley feet, Raley 0 feet, Maxwell Co.... feel. Maxwell Co. ... feet . Maxwell Co...... Lot feet, Maxwell Co. feet. Maxwell Co...... Maxwell Co...... feet, Maxwell Co.. Lot 18, 30 feet, Geo. Briggs Lot feet, Geo. Briggs Lot 20, feet, Steel . Lot feet, Geo. 11 Steel. Block Lot 10, 25 feet, Maxwell 25 feet, Maxwell Lot Lot 25 feet. Maxwell Lot feet. Hermiston B. & Lot 2.00 2.00 1.60 1.20 1.20 .80 .40 .40 2.40 2.00 2.00 2.00 feet, Hermiston B. & 2.00 feet, feet, feet. feet. H. G. Newport.... Home Bldg. Co. Maxwell Co. Maxwell Co. We make a special ty of orders for so cial affairs. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Lot 14. 25 Co. Block 13- Lot 1, 50 Lot 9, 50 Lot 10. 50 Lot 50 When you want an order try us for a box or in bulk. 1.60 P. B. SISCEL 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 I Postoffice Block January Clearance Sale Friday morning, January 5th, we will open our January Clearance Sale. It offers the greatest reduction of prices and at the same time values not to be found elsewhere; and remember this— it takes more than “marked down prices” to make value. If you want high class, distinctive, new, up-to-the- minute clothing and dress goods, you’ll get more of it here than anywhere else and for less money, too. Our merchandise is our best argument—come and in vestigate. you’ll see in 1917, Friday is the Opening Day PENDLETON’S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE ‘ otpany 1 Oil Store Cheap and when you need anything in the Remember that Skinner Skinner Newport Block We are Here to Serve You 00 0o The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE