Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 2010)
Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon B U S IN E S S D I R E C T O R Y .50 per word/$5.00 minimum Card of Thanks: $10 (up to 100 words) Deadline: Monday at 5 p.m. Call the Heppner Gazette-Times to place your ad: 676-922 8 • Fax 676-9211 D a n iel Van S elioiaek , C PA Columbia RiverCommunity Health Services ¡q /e f iS iS . Aecounting and Incoine Tax Services 201 SW Kirkade. Boardman, OR 97818 Cali 676-9971 (Office/Home/Fax) - E-mail 541/481-7212 Office Hours M - F 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. T a x P r e p a r a t i» ! ! & P la n n in g - E l e c t r o n i c F ilin i; C o m p u te r S e t I p & V v w U ta n ee - G e n e r a l E e d g c r ATV Repair PHONE 6765042 ATV PARTS & REPAIR MARKEL MANUFACTURING, INC. - ATV Accessories and Ligbt/Steel Fabrication Minor Repairs on Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Yamaha ATVs Automobile Parts Husqvarna Saws & Mowers Grade 8 Bolts D & L Auto Parts & R ep air Hydraulic Hoses 8 Fittings 186 M ay, H e p p n e r 676-5009 Oil Changes Automobile Sales RAY S C H U LTE N S M O TO RS ROLAND EKSTROM Sales Consultant Cell (541) 960-1581 2400 West Sixth St„ The Dalles, OR • (541) 296-6191 /1 -8 0 0 3 Chiropractic Services Tim Ditkenson, D.C, ic k e n s o n Phone: (5 4 1)67 6 -89 9 0 liiropractic HePPner T.ÏÏ) and F from 8am-5pm. Condon- Wednesday from 9am-5pm. Collections Agency I N C O R P O R A T E D Hermiston (800)244-9006 .4 Full Service Collection Agency Collection Services'AccountAnalysis 415 E. Main Receivable Consulting • Check Verification Dentistry Services 1£ A d v a n ta g e D e n ta l 'A hull Range o f Dental Services. New patients welcome! Adam Fulton, DDS • Julian Peterson, DDS Available for appointments 143 North Main, Heppner • (541) 676-9118 Y Hayden Dental Matt Hayden, DDS • Tara Wanner, RDH 1050 W. Elm Ave, Suite 240 (5 4 1 ) 5 6 7 -8 4 1 4 Full Range o f Dental Services. New patients welcome! o • o • R obert D. Rolen, Tuesdays 128 West Willow Eye H ealth & by appointment Heppner, OR V isio n C are 676-9465 R ecen tly , I had the pleasure of attending the lone Hall of Fame Induction Oil Products Dinner held at the Legion H all, O ctober 2nd. My T R I-C O U N T Y P R O P A N E wife of 26 years, Michaele P.O. Box 307 - Arlington, OR 97812 • Phone: (541) 422-7S68 or (541) 980-4202 (M orrison) D eBisschop PrepaM Salat A Service was being inducted into Serving Gilliam, Morrow <S Wheeler Counties |lai Beer Kevin Ball the Hall of Fame. Despite being together for 26 years, I had never been to lone, or the ranch that the “Morrison Girls” spent their childhood; Monitor Chevron 76-UnoCal this was my first time. M otor Oils Stoves Products It is impossible for me 676-9633 to adequately explain what a memorable experience I Propane • Heating Oil »Diesel • Gasoline had in lone. I have heard M o r r o w C o u n t y G r a in G r o w e r s ,| all the stories, and all the RO. Box 367 names for years, but had no 541-989-8221 Lexington, Oregon 97839 “actual frame of reference” 1-800-452-7396 to im agine the amazing Pump Service people that reside in lone. You have helped shape FOR ALL YOUR DOMESTIC WATER NEEDS... Michaele in to the special • Pressure Tanks • Irrigation Pumps woman she is today. You • Solar Pumping System • All Domestic Water Supplies are all extraordinary people, LEXINGTON PUMP 9 89-8448 and so is lone. Your sense of Sam Bellamy c c b » 13 3 9 0 9 989-8567 “Community” is evidenced by the caring and love you Restaurants have for each other; it is a very rare quality in society m »Home Cooked Dally Specials today. From the moment . . . Table «Karaoke we pulled into lone, I felt a Restaurant,Lounge k Motel .Private event area Open 11 am • 7 days a week (Meetings, Banquets, ect) real sense of “being home”. I know why so many choose Hwy 730 Ir r ig o n , OR 97844 • 541-922-4374 to live their lives and raise Roofing their children in lone. o I want to thank each of O' co you for your hospitality. O * Heppnei Oregon ¿ .R e sto ra tio n There are far too many to list. But, I’d like to g 541-626-33$- C6ll thank Steve Lindstrom for U S e r v in g E a s te rn O r e g o n & B e y o n d opening up his home and allow ing us to stay the Satellite Television weekend. I’d like to thank Jim and Monica Swanson DISH NETWORK for just being the gracious people they are. I could go on and on, (541) 9 91 -4 5 0 1 just ask Michaele. I’m sure you’re already aware, but in case you’re not, please know lone is very unique; it is a place to be cherished in your hearts and souls. My experience will be with me (5 4 1 )7 0 1 -9 6 6 0 forever. lone is “SIMPLY Sewing Services THE BEST”. Thank you. Brad Cantor * re p a irs Tigard, OR For all your sewing; needs * a Iterations 1-13-lc DEVIN OIL CO., INC YAKIMA / TRI-CITY LOCALS DIRECTV S ew On E t Cetera Hair Salons NwO ■ Stoles Y "Stefanie 541-676-8111 o r 5 4 1 -2 40*1718 Cell [\ J c a ils * ,olor> • le s n n in g • i n g *e m b ro icle rq STO R - 4 - U R EN T A M IN I-STORAG E • Different Sizes Available Call 5 4 1 -5 6 7 -7 3 1 7 to Rent B u s i n e s s s i n c e 1 9 B 4 Massage Therapy - Tammy A. Smith, LM T - CHECK OUT OUR NEWEST BUSINESS DIRECTORY Saddle Shop____ P .O . B o x 1 2 1 2 2 8 0 C h u r c h S tr e e t H e p p n e r, O R 9 7 8 3 6 Tamara lObdell, Massage Therapist, Appointments Avallarne Wednesday-Frfday 9:00 am-7:00 pm C h r is t m a s S pecials ! S T A T E W ID E C L A S S IF IE D S Phone: (503) 704-4473 1 tammysmithjint@hotmail.eom (Located at Dickenson Chiropractic) TOD’S 541-676-8734 Cell - 541-626-3442 Swedish, Deep Tissue, Pregnoncy and Hot Stone Mown* Your ad will reach most newspapers in Oregon fo r only $200. Contract rate discounts available upon request Oregon Classified Advertising Network. A service o f Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association Contact the Heppner Gazette-Times (541) 676-9228 To schedule an appointment, call (503) 806-4727 or 541-676-5271 Business Opportunity ALL CASH vending route! Be your own boss! 25 A t H air Expressions machines plus candy all for $9995. 1-877-915-8222 Employment Medical Services EXPERIENCED REEFER drivers needed! Our incredible freight network offers plenty o f miles! P IO N E E R M EM O RICI. H O SPIT A L Opportunities for Independent Contractors and Company a n d MORROW CO. AM BCLAN CE SE R V IC E Drivers. Call Prime Inc. today! 1-800-277-0212, www. 5 4 1 -6 7 6 -9 1 3 3 3 6 1 E. Pioneer D riv e , H ep p n er, O R . DRIVERS - COMPANY drivers up to 40k first year. E M E R G E N C Y and A C U T E C A R E F A C IL IT Y New Team Pay! Up to .48 cents/mile. CDL training PIONEER MEMORIAL CLINIC available. Regional locations! (877) 369-7104, www. 1 3 0 T h n m p .o n A venue, H e p p n e r, O R. • 541-676-5504 • OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 - 5:00 M-F Manufactured Homes Betsy Anderson, MD • Edward Berretta, MD SAVE T H O U S A N D S ! R e p o s s e s se d d e a le r Russel Nichols, M D. • Sheridan Tarnasky, PA-C manufactured home inventory. Instant equity. Buy At Factory Cost. All Homes new P io n e e r M e m o r ia l with Factory Warranty. Call:541-928-1471. jandmhomes. H o m e H ea lth & H o s p ic e com. Real Estate 5 4 1 -6 7 6 -2 9 4 6 20-acres only $99/mo. $0 down, $12,900, great deal! 5 6 4 E. Pioneer D riv e , H ep p n er, O R . S e r v in g M o rro w a n d O i lli a m C o u n t i e s Near growing El Paso Texas. Owner financing. No credit checks. Money back guarantee. Free map/ pictures. 800- P IO N E E R M E M O R IA L P H Y S IC A L T H E R A P Y Office Hours: M o n -F ri 8:0 0 -4 :0 0 6 7 6 -2 9 4 5 V Shelley McCabe, P.T. 130 N.E. Thompson nurses helped to save a life because they cared. They did it with heart and compassion. L i v i n g in a s ma l l community has its benefits. This is an example of one of them. Had this happened in a larger city, the result would probably have been different. There, people do not often know their neighbors well let alone care about what happens to them. H eppner may not have many big city "amenities", but its people care about each other and that is what really matters. Heppner should be proud. Dave wishes to extend his deepest thanks to all his friends and neighbors who helped get him through this difficult time. He also wishes to thank the local sheriffs office, emergency medical staff, and the local hospital personnel for their quick action and excellent care. Dave's immediate family also wishes to thank the people o f Heppner for taking care of their beloved dad, grandpa, and father- in-law. _______________ 10-13-lc T he Fr i ends o f the Heppner Library would like to extend a huge thank you to Dave and April Sykes for allowing us to store book sale books which are donated to us by the Crook County Friends of the Library group. This is the second year that we have used the Gazette's back storage room until our sale on St. Patrick's Day weekend, and we truly appreciate the Sykes' generosity. Being able to accept and store this generous book donation also helps us raise more money for our local library and its programs. Thank you both for your great support. The Friends of the Heppner Library 10-16-lc * construction M ak e room in y o u r g a r a g e fo r y o u r e a r ... H e p p n e r S to ra g e U n it s Farm ers Insu rance h Jay La Rue, Agent - Condon Office (541) 384-6969 FARM E R S jlaruel@farmersagent. com o HF 541-989-8479 Cell 54/-256-0571 Storage Units ( _„u t Insurance D ___ Accepting new patients. Medicare and Medicaid welcome PORTLAND LOCALS Eye Care Tues.- Fri. 9-5 Evening and Weekend appointments available CARD OF THANKS S e th M o ses R o o fin g Pre-Collect Services 13, 2010 -NINE G -T C L A S S I F I E D A D S Only 5 6.25 per week to advertise your business! Accounting Services Wednesday, October 343.9444 A Heartfelt Thanks to the People of Heppner From the Zachry Family On September 27, caring citizens o f the City o f Heppner banded together to help save one of their own. Had it not been for the swift action of some very aware individuals, Dave Zachry, long time Heppner resident, would most likely not be with us today. When Dave failed to appear for an afternoon ap p o in tm en t. Bank o f Eastern Oregon employee Kay P ro cto r began to suspect that som ething was wrong. After checking with several of Dave's other friends, it became apparent that no one had seen him at all that day and that he may be in danger. These caring folks did not just shrug it off. They quickly sprang into action, contacted local authorities, and eventually had to force their way into Dave's home, where they found him in bed suffering from high fever and dehydration; a result of contracting pneumonia. Friends, emergency w o rk ers, d o cto rs, and I would like to thank all of the family and friends, all the new friends, and everybody in lone for the fantastic time homecoming weekend. Everybody, even those who didn’t know me made it just a good visit and treated me like I was someone they knew for years. Lee Hams 10-16-lc R U M M A G E SALE Rummage Sale, Saturday, Oct. 16, Heppner Neighbor hood Center. 9 am- 2 pm. Bag Sale 11-2. 10-13-lc FOR RENT Modem 4 bedroom 2.5 bath house for rent $ 1000/ month. Credit check required 541 - 379-2188, 541-379-2850. 8-11-tfc Cottage Creek Apartments l bed / l bath apartments All utilities included! 160 N. Chase Street Call toll free: ( 877 ) 967-6583 Mountain Glen Apartments Units Now Available T\vo and Three Bedroom Apartments For Rent Rent Based On Income Modern Appliances • Laundry Facilities Location behind Pioneer M em orial Hospital in Heppner Deadline for Legal A Classified Advertising: Monday 5:00 pm (at Pioneer Memorial Clinic) \ For waiting list and application, call 676-9232 TI)I) #1-800-545-1833 for hearing impaired This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider