Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 19, 2010)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 - NINE Heppner Gazette-Time«, Heppner, Oregon NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING FORM LB-1 A maasng off» Morrow County Court (govern«» body) win be held on June 2 , 2010 01 »00 oi. I ol t» Port al Morrow. Boardman Oregon Tho purpose of fw moobng will bo to O ikum the budget lor fa Hecal yeer bognning July 1. 2010. oo epproved by f» Morrow County Budget Committee 4 Total Debt Serves 5 Total Trentier» 6 Total Contingencies 7 Totoi Specuil Poymonto 8 Total Unappropnatod/Rooorvod for Future ExpendRuro I Total Roqulromoeto (add Hnoo 1 - 6)........................ 7,317 10 Total Resources Except Property Tease .......... 12 Total Roeeurcro (add Hnoe 16 and 11).................... Courthouoo It roll it • 100 Court Street. Heppner. OR between tho hour* of 8 00 cm end 5 00 pm This budget woe prepared on N/A Chairperson of Governing Body B 15 (541)676-5624 Terry TaNrnen AntMpatod Requirements 27,031,11» 26,543,623 Fund 10 ToW Reeouroee Except Property Taxee 21.941,013 5,090,803 21,439,772 5,103.851 2. Total Materials and Services Total Capitol Ou*ay Total Debt Service 5 Total Tronetors 6 Total Conangenctee........................ .. ......................................... ............................................... 7 Total Speoai Payment. ............................................ • Total uneppropnatod end Reeorvod tor Future Expenditure 11. Total Property Texes Estimated to be Received Anbcipatod Resources 13 Total Property Tame Esbmated to bo Received (lino 11) Sy Type 4.1347 Publiait ONLY completed portion of true page Adopted Budget Approved Budget Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 .............. ........ 2,131 29,950 3,450 Total Special Payments ........................... .................. ........... Total Unappropriated^ Reserved tor Future Expondrtur 21.886 0 23,000 Total Requirements (add lines 1 • 6)...................................... 24,017 ---------------------------- 29.950 26,450 3 Total Capital Outlay Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 113,000 324,945 113,000 325,778 6 Total Contingencies 5,528,748 5,542,629 7 8 9 Rate or Amount 4 1347 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 Total Personal Services 1 ........................................................... ........................................................ ...................................... . ..................... ............................... . ................... 24,017 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes........................... Nama or 1». Law fw Bonded Debt or OHge»on. STATEMENT Of INDEBTEDNESS 2 Total Materials and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service trogmmng or tno Duogm r ear Estimated Debt Authorized, Not Incurred at the Beginning of the Budget Year 5 Total Transfers Jpiy 1,2010 July 1, 2010 6 Total Contingencies 7 8 Total Special Payments ...................................... Totai Unappropriated! Reserved for Future Expendrtur PUBLISH BELOW ONLY IF COMPLETED EsbmaWd Debt Outstanding et the Long-Term Debt Bond............................................. Interest Bearing Warrants......... . .. Copttel leasee Toto! todsbtodniss .. .. 112,806 0 112,80» 0 Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Yaar 2008-09 Current Yeer 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 ................................ 175,000 ............................................................... 280,500 ................................................. ..................................................... 42.719 ............ lif,M ------------------- «5350 ------------------- ÎÏÏ1Ô5 217,71» 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes.......................... 280,500 Short-Term Debt Nama of Estimated Interest Cost Estimated Interest Rate Estimated Amount toba Borrowed Finlay Buttaa Truat Fund Fund Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Yaar 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 2. Total Materials and Services FUNDS REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED FORM LB-3 Pubdah ONLY oomptotod portton of thto page Nam* of Qomrai Fund Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Yaar 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 1 099 261 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 - 8)..................................... 1,114,781 1,3M,000 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes........................... 1,114,781 1,380,000 ........................................................ 460,926 366,394 420,800 19,000 15,000 60.500 48.740 1,482.238 299,620 1,000,600 48,320 919,044 7,936,364 8,705,048 8,556,456 5,495,028 3,061,428 9. Total Requirements (add linos 1 • 9)..................... .. 11 Property Texas Estimated to Bo Received.................. 2,613.486 5,651.444 3,053,601 12. Total Roe sure so (add Hnoe 16 and 11)........... 7,936,304 8,708,045 8,556,456 3,053,601 3,061,428 8. Discounts. Otter Uncottoctod Amounts .................. 67,780 194,911 67,780 195,411 18. Total Tm Looted............................................................. 3,316,292 3,324,619 13 Property Taxes Estimated to bo Roctovod (Uno 11). A Loos Duo to ConstttuOonai Um*................................ Rato or Amount 4 Total Debt Service 242,634 ..................................................... 1,811 177.023 4,000 85,243 210,635 2,000 10,000 5,896 5,896 ................................................... 5 Total Transfers Totai Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved tor Future Expenditure .................................................................... ....................................................... .................................................. Name of Airport Total Personal Services 1 Road Fund Current Year 2009-'. 0 Next Year 2010-11 1. Total Personal Services................ 1,579,388 1,694,708 1,723,144 2,785,189 2,230,857 2,005,133 324,331 292,424 1.238,000 3. Total Capato Ototey............................................................. 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 7 8 1 428,550 1,000,000 1.000 000 2. Total Materials and Services 6,172,488 8,272,689 6,021,277 3. Total Capital Outlay 10 Total Resources Exoopt Property T omo .... .................. 3,481,362 1,691,096 ' 3,294,571 1,978,418 4,037.788 1,983,489 6,172,466 6,272,989 6,021,277 1,978,418 1,983,489 43,915 126,282 43,915 126,606 13 Property Taxes Esbmated to bo Received (Ine 11).... 14. EMmctod Property Taxes Not to bo RacoNod..... ...... A Laos Duo to Conodtaltonto Um*.................... .......... 6 Discounts. Ober Unotftootod Amounto................... 16 Permanent Rato Um* Lovy (rote Im* 4.1347 4.1347 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies.................................................................. 4.1347 PuMWi ONLY compieteli portion of we page School Field FiMtd 1- Total Personal Services < iow Prior Year 2006-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 911 Emergency 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies ...................................................... 176,148 9. Telai Requirements (add Knee 1 • 8).............. ....... .. 176,149 175,650 183,718 10. Total Resources Except Property Taaao..................... 11. Property Taaoa Esimotad to Ba Rooohrod................... 162,881 13,267 160,170 15,480 168,245 15,473 11 Total Retours os (add Booo 16 and 11)........... 176,146 176,650 183,718 15,480 15,473 A Loro Duo to Conodtuttonol Um*................................ 344 B. Discounte, Otoor Unco*octed Amounts ................ 988 343 987 16. Total Tax Levied............................................................. 16,812 16,803 13. Property Taxes Estimated to be Received (Ino 11)... Rate or Amount Rate or Amount 4 1347 4.1347 16 Permanent Rato Um* Lovy (rate Im*. _4 1347_ . 17. Loeal Opion Tana*.......................................................... 16 Lovy tor Bonded Debt or OMgalont Actual Data Name of Prior Year 2008-09 Iona (ehool Fund Fund Adopted Budget Approved Budget Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 nwamAAAl m--- j------ a 2. Total Matorttoo end Bervtooo . 36,100 37,400 50,000 206,113 Total Special Payments 478.777 316.916 9. Total Requirements (add Hnoe 1 * 8)..................................... l2t,4>i 44,hi nrifi 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 927,452 646,771 541,171 .................................................. Survayor Praaorvatlon 1 Total Personal Services Total Matonals and Services 3 Total Capitol Outtey 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 9. Total Requirements (odd lines 1 * 1).............. .. ......... .... 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes FORM LB-2 Publish ONLY completed portion of true page CSEPP Fund 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Matonals and Services 3 Total Capitol Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7 8 Total Special Payments Totai Unappropriated! Reserved tor Future E xpenditur 2 Total Matonals and Services 3. Total Capital Outlay 10 Total Resources Exoopt Property Taaao...................... 11,094 1,180 11 655 1,422 12596 1,472 12,274 13,077 14,068 1,422 1,472 16. ToM Tro Lovtod................................................... 32 94 1,598 1,544 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 8 Total Contingencies 7 8 Total Special Payments Total Unappropnatod! Reserved tar F uture ExpendNun 4 1347 4 1347 4.1347 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes Name of Fund Rete or Amount Rate or Amount Computer Equipment Reserve 1 Total Personal Services 17 Looto Optton Taaao........................................................... 2 Total Materials and Services Him.nrBerweaPqMerW^nu...... ..................... 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 8 Total Conflngoncioo FUNDS REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED Pupeen ONLY oompwml portion of »ve pepo Actual Data Pair Fund Tetto Poroonai Sendero 1 Tafel CagMOWtoy I 175,600 Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 261,372 2,369 226 293.165 4,032,600 420,000 565,000 90,563 101,000 7 Total Special PayTnents 8 Total Unappropnafed / Reserved tor Future Expenditure t Total Requirement! (Odd linos 1 • 9)..................................... 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes Prior Year 2008-09 36,897 Current Year 2009-10 Next Yeer 2010-11 48 007 45,225 75 664 130,910 133,010 2,11» 4,750 8 859 I Name of Fund 1 Speclel TrenepefteSen Total Personal Sorvtoos 229,628 3,998 500 78,000 42.230 ----------------- J.iJi.Jii 3,183,391 ----------------------- 4.MUU' ----------------- 4,M4,iii 4 991,765 4 306,128 Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Yeer 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 861 500 780,000 906.000 425 915 8»2 986 645 000 251,800 1,552,000 1,113,ioo 9. Total Roqulromente (add Hnoe 1 • 9)...~..................... ......... B Diooounte Otoor Uncodoctod Amounts i 17S.800 158,300 ....... Finley Buttes License Fee 14,068 Fund 1M.30Ò 143.429 Total RequlromerW (Una apuet equal Tow Reeourcee (line 10) Name of 13,077 FORM LB-3 141,629 ------------------- uJTS FUNDS NOT REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED 12,276 31 91 175,600 .................. Total Special Payments Total Unappropnatod / Reserved tor Future ExpendRuro 9. Total Rorodronronto (add inoo 1 *9).......................... A Low Duo to ConeMtotonto Um* 158,300 1,800 ..................................... 7 Total Personal Services 16 Permanent Rato Um* Lovy (fate *m* Approved Budget Next Yeer 2010-11 ............................. 8 Fund . Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 .............................................................. 1 14 Eoomatod Property Taaao Not to bo Rootovod Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 .................................... 14068 13 Property Taxes EWmotol to be Roctovod (Ino 11) 34,150 14,000 Total Unappropnatod / Reserved tor Future Expenditure 13,077 11 ToM Mesurase (add Baoo 16 and 11)........... ........ 199,508 34,900 ..................................................... 12,275 11 Pn»«1* T bm EaBmalM 10 *e ReooNwd Next Year 2010-11 ....................................................... 6 Total Transfers......................................................... ................................................. Current Yeer 2009-10 ................................................................... Name of ..................................................... . Prior Year 2008-09 229,723 1 Total Caputo Ouday.............................................................. Total Spoolto Payments Approved Budget .................................... .......................... 4. Total Debt Service 6 Total Condngoncfeo 30,100 Adopted Budget ...................................... 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes ....................................................... 30,100 186,605 30,150 79,000 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 • 9)...................................... ......................... ........... 30,100 Actual Data .................. 2 183,718 175,650 20,900 7 »............... 7 Total Spoetai Poymonto.................................... ................. Next Year 2010-11 8 3. Total CapMI Outlay........ «........................ ........................ 9. Total ConOngoncteo Current Yeer 2009-10 163,757 20,295 Total Personal Services Name ot 6 Total Transfers.............................. .............................-... Prior Year 2008-09 œ Fund 4. Total Debt Service.............................................................. 40,240 Approved Budget 2Û.900 ................................................ maroruro ano oonaroo.......... 40,140 Adopted Budget 19,282 1 FUNDS REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED Approved Budget 29,891 Actual Data 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 3 Total Capitol Outlay Adopted Budget 200 40,240 ieTSs 18. Lovy tor Bonded Doto or ObNgottons............................. Actual Dati 2,000 1»,»2 2. Total Matonals and Services Mams of -8,435 -------------------- 55JIT -------------------- 4JTÎ45 9. Total Roqulromente (add linos 1 - 6)............................. ....... 17. Local Optton Taxes............................................................ FORM UM 38,140 7. Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropriated Reserved tor Future Exponditur Fund Rate or Amount Rate of Amount 40,040 31,842 6,464 2,497 Name of 2,154,010 2,148,615 19. Total Tex Levied .......................................................... . Approved Budget Next Yeer 2010-11 Total Personal Services g Total Requirements (add Bnoo 1 * B) 11 Total Retours so (add Baso 16 and 11)........... ......... Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 ............................... Law Library Fund O rropony isxoo eoomorooroue ntototoo ................. Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes........................... 7. Total Special Payments........................................ .............. h . 371,8841 fötal Special Payments Total Unappropnatodf Reserved tor Future Exponditur 55,000 55,000 55,000 319,339 ......................................................... Name ot 6. Total Transfers.................................................................... 392,911 ................................................. 9. Total Requirements (add Hnoe 1 * 6)................. .. ................. 4. Total Debt Service............................................................... 6. Total Coningoncfeo........................................................ 68,110 ------------------- 57ÏW ............................................ 8 Total Contingencies A T a A*! m---- ■--- *. mm xaaneg one eervweo--................ . ............ 52.69« 31»,33» ................... 3. Total Capital Outlay Prior Yaar 2008-09 100.376 ------------------- 5ÏHÎÎ FUNDS NOT REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED 2. Total Materials and Services Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 ............................... 6 Fund 18. Lovy tor Bonded Debt or OMgadnnt........................... . Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 Publish ONLY completati portion of this paga Total Requirements (line flauet equal Total Resources (lino 10) 4 1347 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 79,724 FORM LB-2 17. Local Option Taaao.......................................................... Name of Approved Budget 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes Rate or Amount 4.1347 4.1347________ Adopted Budget 37,490 Total Materials and Services 2 ----- * ' exes ---- Blum ~ m --- *--- * ........... ceunwwu — rrupeny nw id < w MUvuxroe 16. Permanent Rato Um* Levy (rate Im* Children and FamIHaa Fund 1,642,000 Actual Data 1. Total Personal Services 3. Total Capital Outlay 5,322,818 4 in d Morrow County Commlaalon on 5,018,947 10 Total Resources Exoopt Property Taaoa.. .................. 1,442,000 Total Special Payments 2,088,845 9. Total Requirements (addHnoe 1 -•).............. ......... 15,500 Total Unappropriated /Reserved for Future Expenditure 2,098,428 ....................................................... 15,500 8 4,925,603 7. Total Special Poymonto................... .................................. 15,500 .......................................................... 1,611,904 5 Total Transfers.................................................................. 1,626,500 .............................................................. ................................................................... 4,313,496 ........... ...................................... 1,384,500 ........................................... . 7 Nama of 4. Total Debt Service............................................................. 8 Total ConOnganctoa 3 «.......... 1. Ttoai Personal Sendees 2. Total Matonals and Sorvtoos................. 3. Total Capdoi Outtey Actual Data 156,500 Actual Data Total Personal Services 1 150-504-073-2 (Rev 12/Ó») 156,500 .................................................... . 9. Total Requirements (add Hnoe 1*6)..................................... This budget Indud— ma Intonlton to bórro» in ani c ipTOon of rovanue (“Short-Tenn Borrowing") as summarized below Fund Liable 28435 1. Total Personal Services □ As Summarized Below 0 None 0 As Summartrod Batow Road Fund Equlpmant Raaarva Fund Debt Authorized, Not Incurred Debt Outstanding Other Harltaga TraH 17 Local Optton Taaao.......................................... □ Nona 4 1347 Total Requlrernento (Ime »puet equal Total fteeourcee (Uno 10) Nama of 4 Rate or Amount 41347 1. 46,599 Rato or Amount FUNDS NOT REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED 5,103,851 B. Discounts Aiowed. Other UncOitectod Amounts 15 Total Tax Levied..... 18 Permanent Rato Um* Low (rote Im* 930 2 680 4.1347 FORM LB-2 5,090,803 A Loo. Duo to Consttubonai Limits Tax Levies 930 2,673 18 Lovy tor Bonded Debt or Obligations 14 Pfco Esbmated Property Taaao Not To Bo Received Property Taxee 41,989 17 Local Option Taxes —————2eM3623 27,031,816 12. Total RaadMroaa - add Uno. 10 and 11 AdVatorom 236,364 41,882 18 Permanent Rato Lim* Lovy (rote hm* 4 1347 9 Total RaqMtotoMHto -add Una. 1 dwough 8 Total Matodaie and 8upp*M 3 4 261,067 46,485 1,452,466 181,340 577,838 2,345,852 2 198,375 41,969 Rato or Amount 1,307 328 212,963 1,403,647 2,506 268 TOTAL OF ALU FUNDS 209,175 41.882 Total Tax Levied Approved Budget Upcoming Yeer - 2010-11 7,663,727 11,864,892 2,457,508 To* Personal Servwee 169,940 35,801 288,741 Discounts Other UncoNocted Amounts Adopted Budget Current Year 2009 -10 7,439,181 11.949.340 2.213,089 1 15,000 236,364 A Loss Due to Constitutional Limit Tetopbono Number FINANCIAL SUMMARY □ Check this boa Í your budget on* has one fond 25.000 281.N7 14 E.timawl Propaity r.»M No< ro Da RwwivM MMor changée, if any, and their effect on the budget, are explained below Thie budget it tor an Annual Period Morrow 81,744 206,741 11 Proewty T imm EabnwM Io bq^KWvM (Unq 11). .. 0 boa« of ecoounOng Owl le comment with tw beere of eccounbng used dunng the preceding year EÄ------ —------ - ---------- 8R------------------------------------ 7000 26 488 ........ ................................ ..... 11 Property Taxes Esbmtood to Bo Reserved A eummeryof»» budget» prooontod boiow A copy ottw budget moy bo «spooled or obtained ot the Morrow County 6,000] 39,172 2,079,901 1,552 000 1,113,100 Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Yeer 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 32 000 32,400 31,113 -------------------- HTrt ir,sw nus 31,113 32,000 32,400 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 8,40l Adopted Budget Approved Budget Current Yeer 2009 10 Next Year 2010-11 8,54» 8433