Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 19, 2010)
TEN - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon 2 Total Materials and Services 3 Total Capital Outtay 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies Wednesday, May 19,2010 30 990 46 909 43099 2,000 17 000 18 991 17,000 15,317 34 304 73,701 89,449 83.849 73,701 89 449 83 849 Publieh ONLY competed portion of ttue page Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure Total Requirements (add lines 1 - 8)................................ 9 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes Fund 1 FUNDS NOT REQUIRING A « PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED FORM LB-2 Publish ONL Y completed portion of this page Total Requirement» (line 90uet equal Total Resource» (line 10) Name of Programming Reserve Fund 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Materials and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 Rodeo Total Debt Service Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7 8 Total Special Payments Total Unappropnatedf Reserved for Future Expenditure Adopted Budget Approved Budget Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 Total Psfsonai Services 48257 57,100 4,320 57,100 3.545 5,000 5000 5,000 Total Special Payments Total unappropriated! Reserved for Future Expenditur 14,265 Total Requirements (add lines 1 • 8)...................................... 67,522 5,000 71,420 10,000 75,645 67,522 71,420 75,645 2 Total Matanais and Services 3 Total Caprtal Outlay 4 Total Debt Servies 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7 8 9 ........................ ................................................ ....... Name ol 5 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 80 900 69 600 4 Fund Justice Court Bells/FInee Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 1. Total Personal So vices........................................................... 2 Total Matenals and Services ............................................ 713,000 644,285 555,100 3. Total Capital Outlay 9. Total Requirements (add line* 1 - 8)...................................... 63,263 63,263 69,600 80,900 10 Total Resources Except Property Ta<es 63,263 69,600 80 900 Name of Enforcement Fund Fund Tot« Requtretnenls (»ne »Met «quel Total Resources (Ime 10) Name of 1. Total Special Payments 8 FUNDS NOT REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED FORM LB-2 Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7 8 Total Special Payments Total Unappropriated! Reserved for Future Expenditure ...................................... ....................................................... .............................................. 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 - 8)...........................«........ 3,069 -------------------------- 647,354 -------------------------- 7ÏÏÔÔÔ 647,354 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 713000 555,100 555,100 Total Personal Services 1 16,055 4,000 4 000 4,000 4,000 500 500 500 2. Total Materials and Services 3. Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7. Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropriated! Reserved for Future Expenditure 3,724 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 - 8)..................................... 20,279 14,530 23,030 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 20279 23,030 Name of Fund Video Lottery Economic Development 5,415 13,915 13,915 Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 Name of Fund Clerks Records Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Poor Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 1. Total Personal Services 2. Total Matenals and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 17,050 3,000 ...................................... ............................................................... 18,900 3,000 ................................................. 7. Total Special Payments ...................................................... 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 - 8)...................................... 16,475 16,475 20.050 21,900 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 16,475 20 050 21,900 8 Total Unappropnated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 1, Total Personal Services 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service Name of 48,030 53,030 33,497 2. Total Materials and Services ........... 35.370 18,000 29,317 18,000 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 - 8)..................................... 123,381 106,400 77,600 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 123,381 106.400 77,600 29,570 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Matenals and Services 6. Total Contingencies 7. Total Special Payments Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 8 Name of Victim/Witness Assistance Fund DUII Impact Fund 42,567 5. Total Transfers 3. Total Caprtal Outlay Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 3,362 ............................................. 4,150 23,900 482 ...................................... 24,500 ......................................................... 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies ............................................ ........... 7 Total Special Payments ......................................................... .................................................... ................................................................... 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 - 8)................................ 21,358 21,840 23,900 24,500 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 21,840 23,900 24,500 FUNDS NOT REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED FORM LB-2 Total Debt Service 4 5 Total Transfers 8 Total Contingencies Publish ONLY completed portion of this page 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 38,719 9 Total Requirements (add lines 1 - 8)................................ 102,120 11,956 81,228 102,120 81,225 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes • 10,170 78.067 76,067 Publish ONLY completed portion of this page Total Requirement« (line 9ft u»t «qvl Tot« R—ourcei (line 10) Name of STF Bus Shed Reserve Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 1. Total Personal Services 2 Fund * Fair Improvement Fund 2 Total Materials and Services 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7 8 Total Special Payments . Total Unappropriated! Reserved for Future Expenditure 73,122 35,612 35,612 Total Personal Services 5 Total Transfers 2 Total Materials and Services 6 Total Contingences 3 Total Caprtal Outlay 7 8 Total Special Payments ..................... Total Unappropriated! Reserved for Future Expenditure 4 Total Debt Service 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes Name of Willow Creek Wind Fees Fund 4,970 0 Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 Total Personal Services 1 41 T otai Debt Server 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7 8 Total Special Payments Total Unappropnatedf Reserved for Future Expenditure 0 10. Total Resources Except Property Taxes CAMI Grant Fund 7 8 Total Special Payments ...................................................... Total Unappropriated! Reserved for Future Expendltur ............................... ................... 391 .......................... 21,500 Park 5 Total Transfers 218,132 171,300 218,132 ................................................ ............................................................... Total Debt Service Total Unappropnated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 45,973 69,336 51,000 51,500 69,336 51,000 51,500 Name of Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 STF Vehicle Reserve Fund 142.670 186,145 340,139 138,738 229,349 218,904 154,800 69,517 823,754 656,558 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 592,768 823,754 656,558 Nama of Fund Equity Fund Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 Total Personal Services Total Caprtal Outlay 378,400 2,000 ............................................ 279,000 ............................................................... 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 8 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure ..................................... ~............ ................................................. ............................................................... 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 -1)...................... ........ Fund • 38,211 592,768 3 Total Requirements (add lines 1 - 8)..................................... 77,047 240,761 236,749 8. Total Requirements (add lines 1 - •)...................................... 6. Total Contingencies 9 Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 8 Total Contingencies 7. Total Special Payments................................ .!.......................... 1 7, Total Special Payments Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 .............................................................. 2. Total Matenals and Services 8 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 ................................................................... 5. Total Transfers 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes ......................... 8. Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 45,500 6,000 55,663 21,500 171,300 45,000 6,000 22,972 Total Materials and Services 19,500 107,650 Total Debt Service Approved Budget 2,000 107,650 4 Next Year 2010-11 4,000 103,650 132,663 40,132 Adopted Budget 75,000 h 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 171,300 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 132,683 Total Matenals and Services Actual Data Current Year 2009-10 9 Total Requirements (add linee 1 -9)...................................... Total Personal Services Prior Year 2008-09 Prior Year 2008-09 .................................. 1 1. Total Personal Services 3. Total Capital Outlay Total Contingencies 3. Total Caprtal Outlay 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 • 8)..................................... Name of Total Transfers 6 2 ..................... Approved Budget 2,000 178,000 ......................... Adopted Budget ........................................................ 8 Fund — - 1 - ' 38,900 Actual Data .......................................... Nama of ------ - ---------------------------- i Tot« CbfXttl Outley .. . Building Permit 1 5,000 38,900 49,727 73,122 Fund 5,000 38,900 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes Total Capital Outlay 4,970 35,612 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 - 8)...................................... Total Debt Service 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 - 8)...................................... 23,395 ................................................................... 4 5,000 Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 .............................................................. 3 4 970 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 ............................................ ............................................. Name of Total Materials and Services.................................................. Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 1. Total Personal Services 3. Total Caprtal Outlay FUNDS NOT REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED FORM LB-2 Fund Total Requirements (line foust equal Total Resources (line 10) Name of 7 Total Special Payments 4 Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 8. Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 3. Total Capital Outlay 2 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 61,747 64 932 4,337 60 039 1. Total Personal Services 2. Total Materials and Services Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 609,662 -------------------------- 611,662 -------------------------- 378,400 279,000 378,400 279,000 611,662 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 1. Total Personal Services 2. Total Materials and Services 85,000 3. Total Capital Outlay 4 105,300 Total Debt Service 5. Total Transfers 6 Publish ONLY completed portion of thi» page Name of 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 - 8)............................... 72,428 72.428 85,000 105,300 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 72,428 85,000 105,300 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure FUNDS NOT REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED FORM LB-2 Publish ONLY completed portion of this page Total Requirements (line 9ft us t equal Total Resources (line 10) Name of Fair Roof Reserve Fund 1 Total Requirement» (line 9fru»t equal Total Resources (line 10) Total Contingencies 7. Total Special Payments 8 FUNDS NOT REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED FORM LB-2 Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 Total Personal Senrices Fund Building Reserve Fund 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Matenals and Services 3 Total Caprtal Outlay 4 Total Debt Service Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 . . .......................................... .................................................. ................................................... 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7 8 Total Special Payments Total Unappropnated! Reserved for Future Expenditun ......................................................... 33,110 34.070 34,070 44 700 9. Total Requirements (edd lines 1 - 9)...................................... 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 33,110 34,070 44,700 Nama of 33,110 Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 2. Total Matenals and Services 550 3050 5,125 Fund Liquor Control Fund 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 1 Total Personal Services 5 Total Transfers 2 Total Matenals and Services 6 Total Contingencies 3 Total Caprtal Outlay 7 8 Total Special Payments Total Unappropnatedf Reserved for Future Expenditure : ?3i 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 - 8)...................................... 2,581 3,050 5,125 6 Total Contingencies 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 2,581 3,050 5,125 7 8 Total Special Payments Total unappropriated! Reserved for Future Expenditun 9 Total Requirements (odd lines 1 - 9)...........................~........ Name of B. m Reserve Fund 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Materials and Services Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes Name of 6,317 Fund 3. Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 312 5 Total Transfers Total Contingencies 7 8 Total Special Payments Total Unappropriated! Reserved for Future Expenditure 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 - 8)..................................... 302 6,619 312 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 6619 312 Name of Safety Committee Fund 0 Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 719 Total Matenals and Services 2 Total Matenals and Services 3 Total Capital Outley 4 Total Debt Service 625 626 1,111 1,157 625 1,111 1,157 Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 14,000 12,650 Total Contingencies 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 6,350 6,350 6,350 " 6.350 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 6 350 6,350 6,350 Name of Fund Forest Service Total Capital Outlay Total Debt Service 1 Total Personal Services 5 Total Transfers 2 Total Matenals and Services 6 Total Contingencies 3. Total Caprtal Outlay ............................................................... 7 Total Special Payments Total Unappropnated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 • 8)...................................... 12 842 13,561 14,000 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 13,561 14,000 Name of Bleacher Reserve 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 12,650 6 Total Contingencies 12 650 7 Total Special Payments Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 8 Total Personal Services 2 Total Matenals and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7 8 Total Special Payments Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements (add lines 1 24 300 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 9. Total Requlrementa (add lines 1 - 9)..................... . ........ 10 Resources Except r Property IV Total i enei neevMiuea tvygnty Taxes I 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 43,138 43,136 44,100 44,100 44,100 62.060 TV, I 43,136 44,100 62,050 FUNDS NOT REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED Publish ONLY completed portion of this page Total Requirerrlents (lino 9fru»t equal Total Resources (line 10) Name of ................... Adopted Budget Current Yeer 2009-10 29 650 ..................... 8). Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 17 950 FORM LB-2 1 6,350 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 - 9)...................................... 4 8 6350 6 3 Fund 1,157 5 Total Transfers 1. Total Personal Services 2 1,111 1. Total Personal Services 6 Fund Water Planning Fund 44,700 Fund 18 932 18,932 24,300 29.650 18 932 24 300 29,850 Court Security Actuel Deta Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Yeer 2009-10 Next Yeer 2010-11 1. Total Personal Services 2 Total Matenals and Services 3 Total Caprtal Outtay .............................................................. 32,179 87 250 IOOO0] 70,100 10 000