Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 2010)
Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 5„ 2010 - SEVEN Wranglers Riding Club holds playday T he W ra n g le rs Riding Club held their final playday of the season on Sunday, May 2. The results are as follows: May 2 Stickhorse Race l 5' place, S allie Orem; 2nd place, Halee Hisler; 3rd place, Irelynn Kollman; 4,h place, Hattie Orem; and 5,h place, Saige Jenson. Leadline Barrels: Is' place, Ryan Lindsay; 2nd place, Brock H isler; 3rd place, Evan K ollm an; and 4 ,h place, Cori Jo Lindsay. Also participating were Hattie Orem, Sallie Orem, Saige Jenson, and Irelynn Koll man. Poles: Is'place,Cori Jo Lindsay; 2nd place. Brock Hisler; 3rd place, Saige Jen son; and 4lh place, Irelynn Kollman. Also participating were Hattie Orem, Sallie Orem, Evan Kollman, and Ryan Lindsay. Keyhole; 1 51 place, Cori Jo Lindsay; 2nd place, Evan Kollman; 3rd place, Irelynn Kollman; and 4th place, Hattie Orem. Also participating was Saige Jenson, Sallie Orem, Ryan Lindsay, and Brock Hisler. 7 & Under Barrels: 1st place, Brian Lindsay; 2nd place, Blane Mahoney; and 3rd place, Gracie Orem. Poles: I s' place, Brian Lindsay; 2nd place, Blane Mahoney; and 3rd place, Gracie Orem. K e y h o l e : 1" place, Brian Lindsay; 2nd place, Blane Mahoney; and 3rd place, Gracie Orem. 8-10 year olds Barrels: 1 *' place, Coby Dougherty; 2nd place, Jaiden Mahoney; 3rd place, Alex Lindsay; and 4th place, Jacee Currin. Also participating was Car- son Brosnan and Keegan Gibbs. Poles: 1 st Stickhorse racers: Saige Jenson, Irelynn Kollman, Sallie Orem, Hattie Orem, and Halee Hisler. 8-10 Year Olds: Coby Dougherty, Alex Lindsay, Jaiden Ma honey, Jacee Currin, Keegan Gibbs, and Carson Brosnan. 7 & Under: Blane Mahoney, Brian Lindsay, and Gracie Orem. 11-14 Year Olds: Kolby Currin, Rylee Kollman, Kaelyn Lind say, and Erin Monagle. 15-17 Year Olds: Hannah Jones and Taighler Dougherty. HHS Plant Sale begins HHS Varsity Track Schedule May 8 - at Riverside, 11 a.m. May 15 - BMC District Tract at Stanfield, 11 a.m. May 21/22 - 2A State Track Meet (Monmouth) HHS Varsity Softball Schedule May 8 - Pilot Rock at home (double header), 11 a.m. HHS Varsity Baseball Schedule May 8 - Pilot Rock at home (double header), 11 a.m. Heppner High School’s annual Plant Sale will be HHS JV Base open to the public on Wednesday, May 5, from 3:30- 6 ball Schedule p.m. May 6 - at Stanfield, 4 The plant sale will also be going on Thursday, p.m. May 6, from 3:30-6 p.m. and Friday-Sunday, May 7-9, from 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. The greenhouse will also be open HHS Junior other Fridays and Saturdays in May from 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. High Track if there are plants available. T erry F eld a J u s t ic e o f t h e P e a c e - M o r r o w C o u n t y It’s Your Court We Can Make It Better • Night Court • Accessibility • Internet Access • Better Communication HEPPNER ELKS 358 676-9181 Leadline: Evan Kollman, Brock Hisler, Irelynn Kollman, Cori Jo Lindsay, Saige Jenson, Sallie Orem, Hattie Orem, and Ryan Lindsay. "Where Friend* Meet" 142 North Main LADIES BIGHT} DIlWEfB THURSDAY, MAY 6,2010 6:00 PM JOIN OTHER MEMBERS OR A NIGHT OUT WITH GREAT COMPANY AND A ** HEART HEALTHS ** HOWEJHADE WEAL- Schedule May 7 - at Stanfield, 11 a.m. place, Coby Dougherty; 2nd place, Alex Lindsay; 3rd place, Jaiden Mahoney; and 4Ul place, Carson Bros nan. Also participating was Jacee Currin and Keegan Gibbs. Keyhole: Is1 place, Coby Dougherty; 2nd place, Alex Lindsay; 3rd place, Ja cee Currin; 4th place, Jaiden Mahoney. Also participat ing was Carson Brosnan and Keegan Gibbs. 11-14 year olds Barrels: 1 ** place, Kolby Currin; 2nd place, Kaelyn Lindsay; 3rd place, Rylee Kollman; and 4,h place, Erin Monagle. Poles: 1 51 place, Kolby Currin; 2nd place, Rylee Kollman; 3rd place, Erin Monable; and 4* place, Kaelyn Lindsay. Keyhole: 1“ place, Kolby Currin; 2nd place, Rylee Kollman; 3rd place, Erin Monagle; and 4"1 place, Kaelyn Lindsay. 15-17 year olds Barrels: 1“ place, Taighler Dougherty; and 2nd place, Hannah Jones. P oles: 1“ place, Taighler Dougherty; and 2nd place, Hannah Jones. Keyhole: 1“ place, Hannah Jones; and 2nd place, Taighler Dougherty. Year End Results Stickhorse Race 1“ place, Irelynn Kollman; 2nd place, Hat tie Orem; 3rd place, Sal lie Orem; 4th place, Halee Hisler; and 5th place, Saige Jenson. Leadline 1" p la c e , E van Kollman; 2nd place, Brock Hisler; 3rd place, Irelynn Kollman; and 4th place, Cori Jo Lindsay; 5th place, Saige Jenson; 6,h place, Hattie Orem; and 7th place was a tie between Sallie Orem and Ryan Lindsay. 7 & Under l 51 place, Blane Mahoney; 2nd place, Brian Lindsay; and 3rd place, Gra cie Orem. 8-10 year olds 1st p la ce, C oby Dougherty; 2nd place, Alex Lindsay; 3rd place, Jaiden Mahoney; 4th place, Jacee Currin; 5th place Carson B rosnan; and 6th place, Keegan Gibbs. 11-14 year olds l 5t place, K olby Currin; 2nd place, Rylee Kollman; 3rd place, Kaelyn Lindsay; and 4th place, Erin Monagle. 15-17 year olds l 5' p la c e , H a n nah Jones; and 2nd plaee, Taighler Dougherty. Watershed Field Day held in lone Fifth graders from lone, Heppner, Irrigon and Boardman participated in Watershed Field Day on Wednesday, April 28, along Willow Creek in Lexing ton. Back at school, lone students summarized what they learned at each of six investigation stations. With Duane Ne- iffer, a retired lone teacher, they learned that compasses have a magnetic needle that always points north, which is 0° or 360°. East is at 90°, South is at 180°, and West is at 270°. At the w eather sta tion, students measured wind using a weather bal loon, scopes, and com passes. They also recorded temperatures and learned that hum idity decreases tem perature. Weather is affected by temperature, wind, and humidity; over time, the pattern is called the climate. From the station on soil development and formation they learned of the three types of soil: sand, clay, and silt; and of topsoil and subsoil. Materials need ed to form soil include plant matter and animals such as bugs and worms. The group also learned how to identify poisonous hemlock, which grows along the Willow Creek: its leaves look like the top of a carrot or parsley and its hollow stem has red spots. With Gary Hunt, a former lone science teacher now at Irrigon, they inves tigated macro-invertebrates from the creek and con cluded that the water is lone students Katelvn Bass and Mathilda Camp plant willows along the creek during Watershed Field Day. -Contributed Photo o f good quality because it included both tolerant and intolerant organisms. A m acro-invertebrate is a small animal without a backbone, such as a leech, caddis fly, or dragonfly lar vae. Most students also held a small crawdad from the creek. Macro-invertebrates are important in the aquatic food chain. At the water qual ity station students learned the importance of a good balance of nitrogen, phos phorus, and oxygen for living organisms in the wa ter. They also participated in a pH test and results were good. It’s important i that water be kept clean and healthy for the sake of aquatic animals and human consumption. The last statio n they visited was the stream bank stabilization and res toration project where they teamed how important trees are for erosion control. The class planted at least 50 wil low branches. Despite the cold, wind, and occasional hail, students had a fun and edu cational day. They are grateful to the teachers, high school students, and adult volunteers who made the day possible.