Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 2010)
EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 5,2010 lone students plant garden at Willow Creek Assisted Living Community Students in the hor ticulture class at lone Com m unity School took the opportunity to plant a veg etable garden and an herb garden at Willow Creek As sisted Living Community last week. The high school students raised most of the vegetables in their school greenhouse and spent part of the day helping Willow Creek residence plant the starts and finish seeding the facilities garden area. Freshman, Jordan Braun, said “This was an awesome experience and getting to talk to the people there was neat.” Resident manager, Virginia “George” Naims, w elcom ed the students and fed them barbecued hamburgers. Students sat with the residents for lunch and spent most of the day there. “I am really grate ful for this opportunity,” said teacher, Erin Heide- man. “It’s a great chance for my students to provide a community service and recognize the value of our older generation of neigh bors.” The lo n e H igh School greenhouse that provided the vegetables Top Photo: H orticulture students from lone Community School help plant the vegetable and herb garden at Willow Creek Assisted Living Community. Bottom Photo: Sophomores Micah Stillman and Zac Orem help plant vegetables at the assisted living facility earlier this week. -Contributed Photos also has a number of bed afternoon and during some ding plants available. The weekend hours. greenhouse is open every H E S an n ou n ces A p ril S tu d en ts o f th e M on th H eppner Elem entary School recently announced the April Students of the Month. The character trait was courage. Pictured are: top row (L-R) Alyssa Lemmon, Justice Petzoldt, Rylee Wagoner, Tristan Estabrook, Logan Grieb, Kai Arbogast, Diana Healy, Alex Lindsay and Madison Combe; Bottom row (L-R) Joseph Sherman, Amelia Baker, Kylie Boor, Jona thon Waddell, H unter Greenup, Sydney Wilson, Jorden Sweeney and Cheyenne Shaw. Not pictured is Daichi W alters. -Contributed Photo GET YOUR BUSINESS ONLINE. Call the Heppner Gazette Today! W e c a n h e lp w it h w e b s ite s e t - u p , d e s ig n a n d m a in te n a n c e . ( 5 4 I) 6 7 6 -9 2 2 8 d a v id @ r a p id s e r v e .n e t Sheriff's Report The Morrow County Sheriffs Office reports han dling the following business: November 20: Morrow County Sheriff’s Office received report of a semi with sm oldering debris in the back flying out into the road on 1-84, Boardman. It was a silage truck going to the dairy with the silage steaming. MCSO, Boardman Police Department arrested Juan Rodriguez Pacheco, 39, on a Hermiston Circuit Court warrant for Parole Violation/DUII. He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with no bail. -MCSO received report of a deer hit in Hep pner still suffering. -MCSO received report of a deer hit on 1-84. ODOT had someone in the area and would remove it. -MCSO received report o f a four-wheeler that went off a trail near Ruggs. A deputy was un able to locate any vehicle. He advised it was mostly likely someone who lived in the area. -MCSO received report o f people selling food out of a freezer in the back of a pickup in Hepp ner. There was no advertis ing on the pickup. A deputy made contact ad advised that they needed to leave or get a license from city hall. He warned them for solicit ing without a license. -MCSO received report of a window broken at a residence in Irrigon the previous night and broken beer bottles at the end of her driveway. -MCSO received a request for information on a crash report at Three Mile Farms. -MCSO received report that the fire alarm system at the senior cen ter in Heppner was being worked on. -MCSO received request for a deputy and an ambulance to respond to a male subject who shot himself. MCSO responded and determined that a 57- year-old male was deceased from a single self-inflicted gunshot wound. -MCSO received a report from an Irrigon woman that someone had put a 10 MPH sign in their carport. BEO_________________________ P.O. Box 39 • Heppner, OR 97836 • Administrative Office: 250 NW Gale St. • Heppner. OR 97836 • Phone: (541) 676-0201 May 3, 2010 An open letter to shareholders, customers and employees of Bank of Eastern Oregon and BEO Bancorp, BEO Bancorp, the holding company for Bank of Eastern Oregon, has received an unsolicited offer to be purchased by Community Bancshares, Inc., the holding company for Community Bank. Keeping with their fiduciary responsibility, the board of directors for BEO Bancorp has carefully analyzed the financial and intangible implications of the offer. The board has voted unanimously to reject the offer. Selling the bank is simply not in the long term best interest of the shareholders, customers, employees or the communities that we serve. We considered a number of important points during our review. ■ Bank stocks including BEO Bancorp have fallen in price over the past 3 years. No astute investor should be in favor of selling near the bottom when the prospect for appreciation in share value is excellent. Internal bank projections show improving trends for profitability as the economy improves. ■ BEO has a strong capital position in excess of would be suitor. Any resulting marriage could weaken this strong position. * Local control and decision making could be lost. • The bank employs over 100 people through out the region. ■ Our employees provide support as not-for-profit board and committee members, local government officials, coaches and organization volunteers. ■ Many of these jobs, particularly in south Morrow County could be lost and duties exported out of state to Community Bank’s administrative office in Walla Walla, WA. ■ Bank of Eastern Oregon employees are all members of a KSOP and are shareholders. They have a vested interest in the success of your Bank. -MCSO received report of a subject riding a four-wheeler around the streets of Lexington, pos sibly intoxicated. The sub je ct would not stop for an off-duty deputy. Two subjects were warned for riding four-wheelers in the city of Lexington and told they would be cited the next time. -Boardman Police Department received report from a Linn County deputy o f an abandoned vehicle that returned to a Boardman subject. -BPD officer re ported he was out with a male and female who ap peared to be hitchhiking on the 1-84 on ramp. The subjects, who were en route to Portland, were warned. -BPD received re port of extensive graffiti at the high school in Board- man. -BPD officer re ported he found graffiti on a gazebo in Boardman. -BPD office made contact regarding graffiti. -BPD received re port of a male subject who crawled through a window o f a trailer and came out the front door. An officer confirmed that the subjects were the tenants, had locked themselves out and were crawling through the win dow to unlock it. -BPD o ffic e r picked a cat up from an RV park and transported it to PetRescue. No ve mb er 21: Morrow County Sheriff’s Office received report of a pickup weaving in and out of a lane on 1-84. -MCSO deputy re ported a check on a subject sleeping inside a vehicle at the Paterson Ferry hunter check point in Irrigon. The subject was waiting to go hunting the next morning. -MCSO received report o f a long female walking at Paterson Ferry in Irrigon. The subject was given a courtesy transport to Good Shepherd Hospital to meet with a subject who was to transport her to Co lumbia River Ranch. -MCSO received report of a suspicious ve hicle idling near the caller’s driveway in Irrigon. The reporter’s husband made contact with the subject who had been asleep and had a five-year-old child in the vehicle. The subject turned off the motor and was sitting there with the lights off, partially blocking the RV park drive, which could be a safety hazard. -MCSO received report from a Lexington subject that on Friday and Saturday nights, people on four-wheelers run around the property and around town, starting at around 10 or 11 p.m. The caller said they go up and down the hill below the airport. -MCSO deputies responded to assist Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office. -MCSO received report of a dog fight in Ir rigon. The caller said that there would be another fight on Sunday and reported they could see the kennels from the road and hear the dogs. The reported said the house was locked up and abandoned unless there was a fight. The reporter also said that they were afraid they would be shot if they make a report. -MCSO received report of a theft of an above ground gas tank handle and approximately 16 gallons of gas in lone. -MCSO received report from an Irrigon woman that her dogs had been poisoned. She said the veterinarian said he thought it was with antifreeze. -MCSO received report that a large black lab and a black lab puppy showed up at an Irrigon residence. -MCSO received report o f suspicious cir cumstances at a residence in Boardman with the door of a motor home left open. A deputy made contact and nothing was disturbed. -MCSO received report from a Boardman subject that her one-year- old black lab, that goes by the name of “Snuffy”, was missing. She called back and advised that her dog had been found. -MCSO received report from an Irrigon woman that the husband of a family member beat her up. MCSO arrested Saul Llamas Topete, 44, for Vio lation of Restraining Order and Assault IV-Domestic Violence. He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with $12,500 bail. -Boardman Police Department responded to a disabled vehicle. The subject was helping her husband with insulin and advised that EMS was not needed. -BPD received re port from a subject who said his father-in-law was taking things from his residence. BPD responded and deter mined it was a civil matter. The subject was trespassed from the residence. -BPD received re port o f vehicles behind a building. An officer was to keep an eye out on the area. -BPD cited Adrian Lee Ahumada for speed rac ing and driving uninsured. -I rr igo n A m b u lance received report of a subject with a tangled oxy gen line who was having trouble breathing. He had an injured arm and was able to get it back on. He was conscious, but had labored breathing and wheezing. -I rr igo n A m b u lance received report from a subject that he had no oxygen and the meter had broken. He said a neighbor said he would come over and help, but he was drunk. The subject said his aide did not come in until 10 or 11. -Ir rig on A m b u lance received report from a subject that the tube on his colostomy bag had bro ken. The subject was trans ported. -I rrigon A m b u lance received report from a subject that his care giver had come and put his neck brace on, but it was choking him so badly that he could barely breathe. Length o f bridge closure unsure The directors understand the important role that the bank plays in our area. We have a moral obligation to our communities and are determined to remain a staunchly independent bank. We are committed to continue serving the needs of the communities in which we live and work for many years to come. If you are an employee.. thank you for your work. If you are a shareholder.. .thank you for your continued support. If you are a customer.. thank you for your business. If you are not yet a customer, we invite you to visit your local branch and see what makes Bank of Eastern Oregon special. On behalf of Board of Directors, The bridge behind The Stable of Youth in Heppner will be closed approximately nine months to a year, according to Hepp ner City Manager Dave DeMayo. An upcoming ballot initiative will determine how much funding will be available to start up work again on the bridge. -Photo by Autumn Morgan President and CEO BEO Bancorp 1 i