Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1965)
MEff WCW CAICTTC TIMES, Thursday. March IS. INS $ l C Blsb, wh boa bm mi Waltxirt la spend the wtnlrr with hU daughter. Kathrrln tllalrcM. alflt'C ItiH'rMilN'r, rrluiix-il hiHuv this wink. MIm Illree, Irathrr WtlMit, ritinian M Mm l fil few iU if clni vacation irre. Mr. Ilia twe said that lliry ia! Imtii Itavln fine Mralhrr on ltit iM4ul fullHlit( lt,t utorma of IkHvintM-r anl January. Mia. Marvta Jonas f GUa Burnle, MJ. arrived .Saturday f. a wt-rka v toll with ,rr l.roth.r in law and altlrr. Mr ami Mrri larl Mn.. and miiii lirr ian-ma. Mr. and Mia Cforjce Slnllll. M f . Jonra IraVfli-.l If. .in N'MfulK, Va, MtUi a brolhi-r and Mvt In law. Mr. and Mia. Jama f vnd!rif)n. and Will rctulfl limiix tiw l.-l i.n Kun. day. HEPPNER AUTO SALES, Inc. WM OF A-l . USED CARS 1963 Corvoir 4 dr. 900 1963 Corvoir Convert Monza 1963 Chcv. Bel Air 4 dr. 1963 Corvoir Monza 2 dr. Cp. 1963 Ford Galaxie 2 dr. 1963 Foirlano 500 Spt. Cp. 1963 Ford 4 dr. 1963 Dorsun 1963 Ford Gala xie 500 4 dr. 1961 Ford 2 dr. 1961 Falcon Stn. Wgn. 1961 Falcon Srn. Wgn. 1961 Ford Galaxie 4 dr. 1961 Cory air 4 dr. 1960 El Coming 250 Specials 1954 Merc. 1953 Chcv. 1954 Olds 1956 Chcv. 1955 Ford 6 1956 Merc. Hcppncr Auto Sales, Inc. Qi"- EVANGELINE DURAN Former Resident, Now WAVE, Visits Kvan:rllne Kay Duran. who attrndrd grade school In 1 Iffp- nrr through the fifth grade, was bark for a visit over the week end, attired In the uniform of a WAVE. She finished her basic train ing on December 31, VJOi, after entering the service on October 22, anil worked with recruit for two monthi after finishing basic training. Mis Duran, niece of Mr. and Mm. R. (J. (Pete) McMurtry. will; now go to San Dlepo, Calif., for training an a dental technician. This la expected to take five month. Her moat recent duty ha been at Balnbrldge, Md. Daughter of Mr. and Mm. Wil liam Duran, both now deceased, she graduated from Jefferson High school In Portland In June She had lived with her bi ter. Mitrlenc Barnett. In Port land for two years. Her mother died seven years ago and her father about two years ago. Miss ixiran len sunaay aner noon after visiting the Mc Murtry s, other relatives and friend here and was to leave Portland for San Diego Tuesday. Board Reverses Decision on Site For New School (Continued from page 1) First Track illeet Due Mere Thursday 124 N." Main Ph. (76-9152 J Tryouts Arc Urged For PTA Talent Show Tryouts for this year's ITA ixnortd annual Talent Show will be held Monday evening, March 29, In the high school multipurpose room, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Persons from all age groups are urged to participate In the tryouts. Five prizes will be pre sented to winners of the Talent Show, tentatively scheduled for earlv In April. Prizes will be eiven in two ace divisions of pre school and grade school children, one prize each In high school and adult groups and, also, a grand prize. velou the arraa of specialisation which are so dperately needi-d by our students today. These ana a Include science, mathe matics, foreign language, lang uage arts and a variety of vo cational subject areas." elua Williams. avtlstant sup erintendent of administrative wrvlrra. Stat Department of Kducatlon, was at the recent meeting In a consulting capacity, letters were read from Chester Wilson, mayor of Irrlgon. and from Mrs. LaVelle Partlow. thalrrnan of the Irrlgon ( Itlen'a Committee, miurstuijr that the Junior senior high school be lo cated In Irrlgon. Supt. Potter said this week that he envisioned a plan where by tlie busses serving the elem entary school at Irrlgon and the junior-senior high In Boardman could carry double loads. After taking their students to the high school for morning classes to start t-rhaps at 8:45. the buses could then return with loads of elementary children for Irrlgon with classes to start at 9. The same procedure, he said, could be followed when school Is dis missed In the afternoon. Library Said Headed The present school at Irrlgon Is of sufficient size to handle elementary needs In the north, ern part of the county but Supt Potter said that there Is a need for a library community center to be built part of the school. He said that constructing the junior-senior high on the 28 acre tract now owned by the school district In the new Board man towrulte would result In savings to the district The Army Corps of Engineers agreed in 19G0 to $782.9)0 as the replacement cost of Riverside High school hut also agreed to frovlde additional for increase n building costs between that date and actual time of con struction. Supt. Potter said. He believes that the Corps will al low a considerable sum for climbing costs during the 5 year period. The district also With a squad of 23 out, In cluding 11 veterans. Coach Don McCiure Is looking forward to a good season In track for llrpp mr High school this year, he said Wednesday. lint meet i,l the a-ari toil! be a dual affair, varsity and Jayvee. with Pilot Rock at 3 pm. at Hcpprwr. With some of tlie boys on the basketball team with Its extended season, the lleppner clndermen have their work cut out to get ready for the meet. In all, the squad has nine meet scheduled prior to the sub distric t at Moro on May IS, after which comes the district meet at Burns on Saturday, May a. and tlie state meet at Cor valii on Friday and Saturday, May zh and yj. Returning lettermen Include Dean Robinson. 3-year veteran, iVi. 22) and relay: Tim DrU coll, 2 year vet, 440, broad Jump, high hurdles and relay; John vtagenblast, 2 years, KHO, mile; Ron Jones, 2 years. 410. 220. re- lay; Tim Tullls. 2 years, ffHO; Mark Brown, 2 years, 2 mile; has $130,000 In reserve for the construction from serial levy voted at the time of the con struction of the lleppner High school. At the present time an opinion Is being sought from Robert Thornton, state attorney general, as to whether Interest on this money may be used for the construction fund or whether it must be placed in the general fund. Interest has been accru ing at some $3000 to $4000 per year, Supt Potter said, and this would help the building fund if It U not designated to be re turned to the general fund. Architect Howard Glazer was at the most recent meeting and work that he has done to date on the preliminary planning can be applied to the Boardman site. A design memo must be In the hands of the Corps of Engineers by April 15. and this will be met. Supt. Potter said. It will probably take about a month for review by the Corps in the walla walla district be fore the memo Is approved, after which It must go to Washington, D. C. Approval from there Is ex pected by July 15. Contracts for construction must be awarded by September 1, 19G6. Simon Winters. f&O, broad Jump, Javelin; Mhkey MasjM-y, 1 year, pole vault. Javelin, broad Jump; Allyn Witherrtte, 1 year, KJ, 100. relay: Jim Jacob, 1 year, shotput. discus. 100; and Krn 5! ore an. 1 year, low huMi-a, 100, relay. ,N on lettermen Include Dave Clark, junior. Javelin; and Soph omores Steve Baker, 2 mile; Mac Hosklna high lump; Stan Raurh. shotput and discus; Steve Wag enblast, discus and Javelin: Tony Schiller, pole vault; Earl Per kins, ion. 2J0. broad lump: Tim Smith, kho. mile. In addition, a goodly crop of freshmen are out. Including Dave Hall, high hurdle low hurdles, broad lump; Jim Sherman, mile; Bill MtDeod. KS0; Randy Still man, 2 mile; Terry Cor tun. ahot put. discus; and Frank Lovgren, shotput, discus. Driscoll holds the school 440 record of MO seconds and placed third In the district 4 to and fifth In the high hurdles last year. Witherrtte ha the potential to be the best 880 man In the flcfrir h I at ViH static at ns4 f ia . cobs should surpass the high school shotput record of 43 feet this year. He said that Wagenblaat should place high In the district in the khu and mile this year and holds the school 2 mile record of 10:48. Sophomore Tim Smith In the same events should have a very good year after an outstanding cross country season, Mciiure said. The coach said that Robinson will be one of the top three 440 runners In the district and that Massey should exceed the school record of It7 11" In the pole vault. He had the third best height In the district last year of 100". Mark Brown placed third In the district 2 mile last year and holds the lleppner Invitational 2 mile record. After the Tuesday meet here, the schedule is as follows: Friday. April 2. dual meet with Prineville there at 4 pjn, varsity and Jayvee. Saturday, April 10, 3-way meet with Sherman and Wah tonka, varsity, at 9:30 at Moro. Friday. April 16. Havward Re lays. Eugene. Saturday. April 17. lleppner Invitational at Heppner, varsity, starting at noon. Saturday, April 21. dual meet with Wahtonka at llepprwrr, var sity. 3 pm. Saturday, May J, Athena In vitational at Umtllla. varsity nd jayvee. Tursday, May 4. dual meet with John Day, varsity, 3 pm. at lleppner. Saturday, May 8, Bka Invl tational at Pendleton, starting at 9 a m., varsity and Jayvee. 4. Tart a4 tsOorlnf . . . ta istMt tarn fasssM Hart cambist mtkkt mom as acatste Tasw look Caataca a lacfcMf pasta. Sakt K Pacwa aafrwttr astf cattoa. A4 ft. rata pais lata voas easica. (Tkt Cattm abw atasat ts tottdbaa.) slut. (Ala, Nad. catty, Uac pint, svfty r4 CMM as SMrt 30 ta 3. 11 atca. naaj, Zl n JO, I1ZJ& tmi SC5S...SI1S NEW YORK STORE f. W. Emigrant and Main PENDLETON PH. 275-4551 PICTURE OF MR. EXE SOAKING IN HIS OWN "FREEDOM OF CHOICE" . . giiiWiiiiii1!'!1111"11" 'VI FOR OUR ...toYOU and to US... that "Freedom of Choice" looks like an old-fashioned bathtub... certainly not sexy... but so surely satisfying to Mr. EXE... HERE'S HIS OWN STORY... . j S&V) -4 I V & April I to 10 IN OUR ENLARGED BUILDING (Former Red and White Store) Hundreds of Bargains ru. J a IV I V aT (. i II . 9 v y f , 'J v 1 J ft "H V It IK t i tl J Sure-1 like to relax-the rest of our family like the stimulating sting of a shower in its shiny new stall but me I like to soak in my tub-soak in the news and yes, I soak in what the "ads" say, too. You know someday some manufacturer will come up with a more relaxing tub with perhaps a headrest a magazine or news paper holder for us soakers. It may be only that the new tub's bilges will conform more soothingly to my bulges the first I'll know of it will be in the advertisements I'll see it probably and love it as a better soaker than my present soaker! Yes, when you're looking for benefits or improvement "IT CERTAINLY PAYS TO BE ADVERTISED AT" Heppner ROD AND MEG MURRAY Ph. 676-9610 Confidentially, Mr. Exe, our soaker is a sucker for stereo-phonic hi-fi; but shrewd so much so that he reads not only tho display advertisements but also the classified advertisements to keep up on all the possible bargains everywhere . . . SO ISN'T IT GREAT TO BE WELL-INFORMED... TO BE ADVERTISED AT? A PUUIC SUVICI ADVERTISEMENT PREPARED IY A UA0IN0 OREGON ADVERTISING AGENCY AT THI REQUEST Of THE OREGON NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION AND PUBLISHED BY THIS NEWSPAPER FOR YOUR INFORMATION. Whether it's bathtubs or beauty aids; foods, fashions or furniture; motor cars or modern homes; anything in our lives that can be improved, bene fited, or time saved you can be sure advertising will bring it to you first.