Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1965)
"WJQJ1 Pat? OH DC3 UCO ' , m x x ion unfile r 1 " ' " i ' ' - Classified Rates i pm wd sBlsutts TS P MM(tlMk Coda ( Thanks II -SO ClonliUd DtplT pm Inch. CLAUirilD DIADUXI Maoa WtodT Ta M bill lam. cuh U re quMtad lot imall Mi txowaht ( Um flic. 1 Cardiof Thonki CARD Or TIIANKS I wish i thank all of the people who sent rarda, letters and gtfta to me whit I was In lh hospital at Tenitlrton. David llanna 48p ' CAHI) OK THANKS I would Ilka to take this op portunity to say -thank you" for all the lovrly rarU and grt. well wUhes that I have received since mv accident. All were greatly appreciated Mra. Walter Bockct 4S c CARD OF THANKS Worda cannot eapfes our aln cere and heartfelt thanka to the many friend and neighbors for the many carda, flowera and other token of aympathy sent during our lereavement of our loved one. Our atwclal thanka to Rev. Char lea Knox for perform ing the service. A Oamln Al. Frank and Art Chimin Mr. and Mr. Don Wonderly and son Mra. liewite Nutten Mr. and Mra. Cloy Pykitra Mr. and Mra, Frank Nutten 48 p CARD Or THANKS The family of Jack Karrli wlhcs to expre lla apprec iation for the many deeds of kindness and fr the carda and floral offerings Mnt at the time of our recent U-reavement. Mr. and Mra. Jerry Bailey Mr. and Mra. Keith lVck 48 c 3 Lost and Found LOST Tan overnight case con taining ballet ahoeit, tap ahoea. tlKhm, etc. If found please call C76 9734. 4Sc 4 Help Wanted UNUSUAL OPENING !-" food route for man or woman. $31) jht day now, more later. Also part time oenlnK. Write Mr. St-tJ)n, P. O. Hox 4011. Oakland. 23, Calif. 47-tHp ATTRACTIVE lUSITION Man or woman. 25-. Good jmm-mm;-nllty and ajMarancf. Ready to accept poHlilon Immediately If fcclevled. Guarantwd Income with oiM)rtunlty for advance nient. lnNurancv and retire ' merit plan avallahle. For Ikm1 Interview, write fully to Harry B. P. O- Box 51"J7, SiK.kano 17, Washington. 47-48c WANTED: Man for profitable Kawlelgh bUKlness In Morrov county. tKKl living from start. Write luwlelch, 306 Adeline. Oakland. Calif. 45 43c 5 Work Wonted NOW IS THE TIME to trim tall, dangerous trees, and have root vulleya and gutters cleaned. Call me now. Avery la,,"r' Ph. 676-5385. 48-49c WORK WANTED Housework or any jrcneral type of work. Phone 989-8435. 48-tfc Wanted WANTED TO BUY Old coins Indian and Lincoln pcnnUu; buffalo nickels, etc. Write, living details, to "Jeff." Box 141, La Grande, Oregon. WANT TO BUY Small acreage close to town, for bulldlnp site. Phone Art aVncc, 676-9151. evenings. w-iJC 9 Livestock, Poultry MARKET January 26. 1965 Hogs 72; Sheep 4; Cattle 422; fTinKlenors 34: Buyers 32. st ancHTER CATTLE SLAUGHTER cath. .. 1(5 00 to 18.00 rnmmerdal'Cows ..13.00 to 15.00 mmw Oow - 12.00 to 13.30 5 , A'cutier ... Cows - W?lg-S Shells o w FEEDER CATTLE Y 750 "Pds51": 18-10 to 19.40 Steers 600 to 700 Pds 19.00 to 20.00 Snn'tn wt Pds. 110 to 22.60 viSi Heifers Ye6M Pds " ":.....-15.40 to 16.10 Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. BlCfawmjr SO. BarmUtoa DON WINK. Mgr. Kre. 87-8111 For Rent t)l( ItKNT On bedroom turn Uhcd hour. I'h. 676U272 48 tfc FOR RENT 3 bedroom houe In I,rlnKton. fumUhrd or un furnlxhoL Kmmi Peck. I'h. titO M. 48 'C FOR RENT Modern two bed room apartment, furnUhed. at Heppner Clinic. I'h. 676 9114. 29 -tfc APARTMENT FOR RETT Two brdrooms, unfurnunea. can Irlrk Meador after S p.rn , 676 91 W. 37 Ue ATARTMENT FOR RENT Furn- thed. conveniently loo a tea. Call 67C 9684 evenings or Sat urdays 30tXc APARTMENT FOR RENT l-n- ham Apartmenu. I'r. tuo after 5 pm. 37-tfc 8 Servicot FOR DUMP TRUCK SERVICE, call WAS Trucking. 676 5352. anytime. 48 tfc FLOOR AND RUG CARE equip ment for ale and for rent. U K. Dick. 676 -VJM. 35 tfc SAND AND GRAVEL HAULING. Contact llama Truck une, lone. ph. 422 7277. 41 tfc 9 Livestock, Poultry FOR SALE 4 II Tillamook dairy heifer, first calf, fresh now. I'h. 676-9795. Don Green up. 47-IHc 10 Farm and Garden NOW YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER Highland Machin ery Company. Condon. Oregon, phone 34 6452. 35-Uc 12 Furn., Appliances CONSIDERING a TV. atereo. or r.illo? Comoare prices and duality before you buy. Shop L. E. DICK. 281 Linden ay 48 c FtR SALE Ued Whirlpool clothe dryer. Sh Verle Kiel; ardMin at IK) S. Chaw aftr C pm. or call 676 im. 1 47-4SC 13 Misc. For Sole FOR SALE 1062 General trailer. 50 ft. long. 10 ft. wide, In LexInEton. Harry Javcox. Phone JSU vl'J8. 48-4'Jc ROLL TICKETS for aalc In ulnitle and double rolls. Ue for drawlnjr. admlfwlona to event. Gazette-Times, Ilepp ner. Ph. 676-922H. 37 tfr FOR SALE Spark oil heatci PM. 676 lr03l. 47-4-Sc RADIANT SIGNS that glow In the dark full variety of mis cellaneous signs for all pur poses, iKC. now UH Ilttlivi at Gazette-Times office tfc LUMBER FOR SALE 2x4 STUDS Ranch Pack No. 5. ... $18 per unit $5 per M TIMBERS TO 16 FT. 4x4 Posts 2x2 s 39c ea. M- 10c ea. Open until noon Saturdays Heppner Lumber Co. Ph. 676-9440 14 Automotive FOR SALE Northwest's lar gest selection of Aristocrat, ferry and Traveleze travel trailers, Security pickup camp ers and covers, Fleetwood mobllhomes. Freddie's Trading Post, Kennewlck, Wn. 47-51c 9 Livestock, Poultry REPORT Heifers. 400 to 500 Pds. 16.10 to 17.80 .17.20 to 19.00 "jJooto 350 Pds. r.inht ttnlstein Hclfcrs 10.50 to 13.00 old S(ock Cows, n SDrlngers 115.00 to 135.00 Young Stock Cows, Registered 160.00 to 175.00 Baby Calves. Beef 20.00 to 35.00 HOGS Fat HoRS :;..- 16.30 Feeder Pigs ..........lS.OO to 16.60 Weaners per head 750 SHEEP Good Ewes, head .14.00 qqmMENT: Feeder cattle sold steady to stronjj. Sell your cattle at Northwestern and take home more dollars. phon M7-46&5 7 EVERETT BNTDER. Br. W7-S9M 14 Automotive FOR KALE 18 ft. vacation trailer, "63 model, aleepa 8. electric brakea; 1W1 Vi) CMC Wkup, 4 apred, xltanioii I'll. 676 5HUM. 43 40 ONE STOP SHOPPING LO-OK at these Deals! Used Cars 19C3 Ford Coupe. Bucket aeata. V 8 25.00 19C3 Chevy I! 4 door aedan I1C50 19C2 Chevrolet Monza t it. 16M 191 Chev. 4 dr. Sedan. air conditioning - ..1995 19M pontlac Starchtef. 4 dr. hardtop with air eondltloner . $850 .4850 1958 Chevrolet Bel Air 1957 Ford 4 dr. aedan 6 cyl., auto, trans. ... SG00 Commercials 1963 Chevrolet ton pickup, heavy duty , canopy . Jlwa 12 Ford Ton wilocklng diff. 1959 International pickup S925 1955 Int. Pickup. 4 wheel drive - $1200 1941 Chevrolet pickup $150 We Are Now Dealers For CIRCLE J HORSE TRAILERS PRICES START AT $855 WElec. Brakes See Us For TRAILER PARTS, BRAKES and WIRING JOBS All Sorts of Trailer Parts FULLETON Chevrolel Co. PH. 676-9921 USED CARS 196-1 Buick LeSabre full power, air condition, low mileage, ex ceptionally clean car, 5 brand new tires. 1959 Chevrolet 2 -dr. clean as a hound's tooth. 1955 Olda 4-Dr. sedan 1955 Rambler station wagon Used 4-Wheel Drives 1963 Jeep 4 -wheel Drive Station Wagon. 1961 Scout half-cab 25,000 ac tual miles. 1958 4-wheel drive Dodge, brand new motor. Pickups and Trucks 1963 ton GMC pickup, like now. low mtleaee. 48-c 1954 GMC pickup H ton. This is a good unit 1953 International pickup. 1950 Ford ton pickup, very clean, with new paint Job. SPECIAL All used cars carry Guaranteed Warranty plan for one year. Number of good fishing and hunting cars. WE ARE YOUR FRIGIDA1RE DEALER Good choice of used washers and dryers. 1 used refrigerator. FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Fontiac-Bulck-Willys-GMC Rambler Phone 676-9116 14 Automotive Fhona 67C9921 Call FREE lo Fendirton Say "276 3611 Collect Authorle4 V. W. Dtaler Cart Calora New Volkiwagvna SEDANS (any color) station wagons pick-ups panel delivery $395 00 Down (your car paid (or or Dot) $47.95 per month WINTER MOTOR CO. INC. PENDLETON, OREGON OPEN SUNDAYS 9:00 a. m. to 3 00 D. m. 15 Real Estate FOR SALE Urge, corniort able. 2 bedroom home on Gil more Street. Has apartment to rent, large barn and several Iai. Cnniiri VAn Fetach. 9S9- R427. 48 tfC FOR SALE Three bedroom houe. recently remodeled, 590 N. Elder. Also have large lot with new foundation. Call 676 5352. 48c FOR SALE Three bedroom ranch style home, with fire place, 14 baths, built-in range and oven. Call 676-965o. 46-tic FOR SALE The Williams place In Lexington; six acres, three bedroom house, radiant heat; deep well with plentv of water to Irrigate upper field and large concrete reservoir for storage; on city water; large barn. Will accept reas onable down payment and will finance balance. Avail able February 1. Call Clifford Williams. Echo. Ph. 376-S565. 46-47p FOR SALE isew 3 bedroom modern home. $12500 moves you In. Phone 676-9152. m 40-tfc FOR SALE Two bedroom house In lone; livlng-dinlng room combination, kitchen. Phone 422-7195. 37-tfc FOR SALE House on extra um. in full hnvmpnt. 2 bed rooms down and 2 up, double garage. 120 Gllmore St. Call daytime, except Wednesday, and evenings, except Tuesday and Thursday 676-9227. 36-tfc Public Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS Krmrv. is HEREBY GIVEN that Louis A. Carlson has been appointed executor or tne tsiaie of k. J. Warfield, also known 83 Robert Jesse Warrield, deccaseo, w ihn rvtuntv rourt of the State of Oregon for Morrow County pn the 7th aay OI January, iso ersons having Claims agamai fho ealri estate are hereby re- aulred to present such claims, duly verified and with proper vouchers attached, to the under signed at the oiiice ol uirrin & French, Attorneys at Law, 115 S. E 2nd Street, Pendleton, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. DATED this 12th day of Jan uary, 1965. LOUIS A. CARLSON Executor of the Estate of R. J. Warfield, also known as Robert Jesse Warfield, de ceased. CURRIN & FRENCH Attorneys for Executor P. O. Box 1124 Pendleton, Oregon 46-50c REQUEST FOR BIDS ON GASOLINE. DIESEL OIL. AND MOTOR OIL Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Morrow County Court, at the County Clerk's office in Heppner, Oregon, for approximately 40, 000 gallons of first structure gas oline and approximately 40,000 gallons of diesel type fuel oil, and approximately 50 barrels of motor oil, to be delivered at either Heppner, lone, or Board man, at a maximum price per gallon, for the period beginning January 26, 1965, to January 23. 1966. All bids submitted must be on standard company contract forms or contain complete infor mation relative to the bid. Seal ed bids will be opened at thj February term of the County Court, on Wednesday, the 3rd day of February, 1965, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. Any bid received after 11 A. M. of above date will not be considered. The Morrow County Court re serves the right to reject any or all bids received or to accept those bids most favorable to Morrow County. SADIE PARRISH. County Clerk 4718c Public Notices ADVtrnSLMENT FOI BIDS Sralrd iripuala for the en- iniHii, ,f a rri toWIUite (r i ,. ntv i.l Hnardman. Of r iron, ad- dreM-d lo the May n -"V Cuuncll. Uardman. Oregon, will ! rerr ved at the .m of me City Recorder. City Hall, Board- man, tfron. until JMi lm Pacific Standard Time, on the 9th day of February F-kS. and then will be publkly opened and read. The work contemplated U div ided Into five achedulea aa lol- Iowa: . . . , XbeduU t. The wortc inciuoea cnatmctlnjr approximately 14. 'nmt nrxmmr fM- of anbhalt con crete taved atreeu. at-proxlmat- ely, .vn linear leet jI oiiumin- oua Bunaced aireeta, inciuuma rraded Bhoulderm, etorm sewers. culvert. drainage facilities, aeedlnir and Incidental wonc. SchaduU 0. The work Includes the construction of a railroad overpaM structure, approximat ely 190 feet long, over the new location for the Union Pacific Railroad track. The structure con ktt of timber bent on concrete foundations with a laminated wood deck supported on wood beams and ateel glrderi. The Owner will furnUh salvaged tim brm for part of the framing; all other materials are to be fur nihed by the Contractor. Scbadula R. The work Includes furnUhing and Installing ap proximately 8.800 linear feet of 4-inch, approximately 6.000 linear rw r.r A.inrh mnA aooroxlmately 55 linear feet of 8 Inch Claaa 150 aabestoa-cement pipe waierunea. complete with gate valves and nnnrlianlnrM Also furnishing and Installing approximately 600 linear leet or J-H-incn ana Inch galvanized plpv approx imately 2.100 linear feet of V Inch and l lnch copper tubing, necessary house services and meters for the system, and per forming all trenching, backfill, and incidental work for a com- SrhMtul S. The work includes nnmimiitlv 10.420 linear feet of 8-Inch sewer pipe, approximat- ely 3.700 linear leet oi 4- ana o Inch service connection pipe, ap nrrivimfelv tiYi linear feet of 4- inch pressure pipe, two highway crossings, one of which Is through an existing casing. 35 mannoies, ani nthc-r annurtcnances. and furnishing and installing one f ac- tory assembled 90 gpm raw se wage pumping station. Schedule T. The worn inciuaes ih mnctrtirtlon of a sewaee stabilization pond of approximat- ely 2.75 acres, ajo ieei oi im nirvo rhlnrin contact chamber within the pond, an outlet struc ture, a chlorine control building with necessary equipment, a fartnrv assembled ISO PD1T1 raw sewage pumping station, approx imately 1.741 leet OI pressure pipeline, approximately 785 feet of 10-inch outfall sewer, one rail road undercrossing, approx imately 75 feet of 12-Inch steel casing for crossing the location of a future railroad, manholes, electrical work, and other appur tenances. nians nnri notifications may ho aviminnH in the office of the VI- ' City Recorder. City Hall. Board- man flroonn or at the Office Of Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merry- field, Engineers ana rianners, 1600 Western Avenue, Corvallis, Oregon, or 830 Logan Building, 500 Union Street, seauie l, wasn- ington. A copy of said Documents mow ho rthtained at the Eneine- one and Planners office at 830 Logan Building, 500 Union Street Seattle. Wash., upon a deposit Thirtif.l'lvB Dollars (35.00) tnr oarh Document. The full amount of the deposit will be re tnAoA it sntri rvwrumpnts are re tunuvu . . - , , , inmoH in onnA condition witti- in fifteen (15) days alter tne award of the Contract Bidders must be prequalified niinvo .-ith Oregon Re vised Statutes 279.008. Preqaulifi- cation forms, compieieiy iuieu out. shall be mailed to the City Recorder, City Hall, Boardman, Oregon, at least ten (10) days prior to the bidding date. Each proposal must be submit ted on the prescribed form and accompanied by a certified check or bid bond executed on the pre scribed form payable to the City of Boardman. Oregon, in an a mount not less than five 5 of the amount bid. Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the Presi dent's Executive Order No. 11114 and the provisions of Executive Order No. 10925 as included therein. The requirements ior bidders and contractors under this order are explained In the Specifications. Tne successrui uiaaer or or ders will be required to furnish knnH tnr faithful nerformance of the Contract in the full amount of the Contract price. Tho rltrht la msprvM to reieCt any or all proposals, to postpone the award or tne contract ior a period not to exceed sixty (60) riovs nnrt trt accent that DroDOsal which is to the best Interests of the City of Boardman, Oregon. Dated this 11th day of January CITY OF BOARDMAN, OREGON BY Ernabet M. Mineisaon, City Recorder 47-4SC any? ! KlffNCl GAXmT TIMIi, TliuradaT. Jaaaarf U, IKS 7 WANT TO SELL USE A GAZETTE-TIMES WANT AD! BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Auctioneer Insurance G. R. (Gary) Turner Van Marrer Van Blokland Rfvnnt auctioneer and Bryant it Llveatock llouwthold GENERAL INSURANCE Farm w Merchandla "rXL IT AT AUCTION Ph. 7 9653 THE MODERN WAY" " Ph. 676 5849 KL 1. He ppner Monuments Building Conduction Wyje Monument Groves Construction Co. RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL, Represented by REMODELING jniRY SWEENEY -All Types of Building ruSrv fSuAT We Can Help You With Plan SWEENEY MOBTUAgT Let Us Modernize Your Kitchen " Mortuary Free Eatlmates rh. 676 5546 Heppner. Ore. Sweeney H&M Construction Mortuary Co Licensed Funeral Directors . , , ' Ph- 676-9600 Rennet Builder of New Homes And Remodeling Henry (Hank) Pedersen Onf ftmerif 3216 S. W. Jay Ph. 276 7776 UpromCiriir Pendleton Chiroproctor Dr. E. IC Schoffltz OPTOMETRIST , , r , ., Next to Hotel Heppner Dr. John F. Sufolko taMm CHIROPRACTOR-NATUROPATH Telephone 676-9465 Office Hours: 1 to 5 p. m. comoWSSS: Phyic.anu,geon, City Council Dr. A. D. McMurdo 11 physician and Surgeon Heppner City Heppner Ph. Office 676-9942 . Council u-"JThZ?" Home Citlzenj having matters for Kft cii. Dr. L D. Tibbies Ph. 676-961S OSTEOPATHIC C-f- Physician ft Surgeon Electricians w NtUoQAl Bink BIda , A . - Ees. Ph. 676-9210 Oft 676-9616 PendletonElectricCo. Bonded and Licensed Commercial. Industrial. Resl- fhe HeDDner C iniC denUal wiring. Electric heat J . w - KA H wiring supplies. ,wt. C. M. Wagner, rA.u. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES s, ?uraPon PROMPT SERVICE ??ri? 1802 S. W. Emigrant, Pendle- 233 N. oaie &t ton, Orpgon. Phone 276-2672. Off. 676-9114 Res. 676-9208 Exterminating Service pr wu witfi Ayers Pest Control m. d. Insect and Rodent Ex- Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 530 termination Mon, Tues., Wed. and FrL Termite Control , . Thnrtav Grain Fumigation L nP p ' K7fi oeao Cattle Spray Ph. 676-9253 Res. 676-9620 Fogging Clayton Ayers Printing Ph. 676-9953 -77 n 7T The Gazette-Times Dobyns Pest Control cmpu, Rodent and Insect Exterm- lnati5? ri Printing Service Termite Control , Bird Control Dealer. Moore Business Forms Grain Fumigation Ph. 676-9228 Guaranteed Work John Jepsen Rubber Stamps Ph. lone 422-7180 or 422-7244 Farm ChemicoU Rubbe'' Stamf . made to your order Bi-County Chemical pSpr n fl fl 01 Gazette-Times THlMI ! (! Sprayins Ph. 676-9228 Heppner JRKNl Farm ChemlcH touch I . 1 s coDTntoBt Title Insurance f " I Locations Lexington, 8S9-M33 Morrow County vSa Abstract & Title Co. CIma rAvorinn TITLE INSURANCE Floor Covering, Gffta ta Buliajag Heating ph. 676-9912 M&R Floor Covering Upholstery and Heating Co. A m WimFurn-npUt. In- II 1 UPHOLSTERY $&DeT Somitfc"0 Awnings. Seat Covers. Truck Commercifl Cushions ffiSKd11 613 S. E. Emigrant Ph. 2T6-4781 Ph. 676-9418 HeppnCT Pendleton. Oregon Insurance Watch Repair r A Runnles Peterson's Jewelers C. A. KUggieS Latest Jewelry Gift Goods INSURANCE AGENCY Wa'ndewy" Ph. 676-9625 Box 247 Repalrtnjr Heppner. Oregon HPTO-ooqn SOMETHING?