Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1965)
HttrnZK CAXCTTE-TIMEI. Thuradar. Janvaj M IH5 Farris Service Held Saturday IONE funeral aervlcca and was well known figure on John (Jack) Farrls wer held at the United Church of Chrtst on Saturday afternoon. January 2A, wlih Ihe Itev. Walter B. Crow 11 offlclatlnR. Mr. Farrla waa found (load beside hia small sport car early last Thursday morning about two mila north of Lex ington on the Willow Creek high way. He had rvtdentally hit a slick rH on the highway when returning from a trip to Walla Walla about midnight Wednea day evening, waa thrown from the ear. and appeared to have died instantly from the Injuries. Mr. Farrls waa horn on IV eember 22. 1K2, In Kentucky and passed awv January 21. He came to the Heppner community in the early 19a and operated a barber ahop. He was married to Maude Clark of Condon. He later moved to lone, where he operated a barber shop and later waa a tavern operator. He had lived here for more than 40 years ihi Main Street of lone, Mr. Kama enlUted in World War I and waa a 37-year mem ber of American Legion Pom Xo. Surv Ivors Include hla daughter, Mm. Karlcne Bailey of Chehalis, Wn, granddaughter Melanie Batlev of Chehalis, and grand son. Keith IVok of Portland. rallbearera for the acrvlc were l F- Brenner, James Bur nett. Oorge FJder, Ralph Kin- raid. Bill Ling, and Tom White. Honorary bearers Incluited liar- old IVbyn of Pendleton. Jamea Lindsay. FJdon Madden, and C. J. D. B.iuman. lue to an almost impassable road to the High View Cemetery. commitment nd gTavesule ser vices by Lett ion PoM No. 95 w ere conducted in the churvh. Relatives here for the fun eral were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bailey and Melanie of Chehalis. Wn.. and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peck. .... Cards Thump Echo, Umapine lo Share League Leadership IT KIT ANDERSON lone rests atop the Umatilla Morrow League as the result of two league wins Friday and Sat unlay night on the lone court. The Cardinals are tied with I'm tilla, each team having Iden tical 6 I league records. Friday the Card found the coins rough but they tumbled the Fcho Cougars. 4 trailing as much as MCGG Issues Call To Redeem Stock Mustangs Score First League Win, Top Huskies Here With full court press and a fat break the lleppnrr Mu lames rolled over the Sherman All outstanding Interval bear llukles here Friday night. KV Ing Mock of the Morrow Ctmnly I'Mi, lor their first league victory Craln iJnmcrs. Inc. 1 tx-tng.ln 4 game. called In fr redemption durlntt Aftrr committing .V fouls Ihe month of rVhiary. This u agalnM lone in a previous con Class A and B rvtcrred and i.-t. ihe Mustangs prmnl they certificates of ownership, ndjdwtit'i need lo as ihev t Ihe tMl dm-nrnt involved Is; whittled down only 13 In about SllOOUVOU, according to j Friday iitght'a came, while the Al Lamb, manager. Husklea were called f"r .'1 pcra- Any patron wishing to retain, onal. his stock or to purchase more With their pressing defense, as i a i . . a a i may tto so during tne can per- we neppner wamrs im u lod. IVrsons wishing to cash this at the en.l of the first pettoi ana Mock should Indorse same and .11 Irt at Ihe half. , w ........1 - .1 . k. . 1 . . . I . . I 1 .U a4 after bring or mail to in i-exingmn m iwoj nn i""n It tt,.tnf ionic 1V in eiUI ! rnumir i'Mirnr iibii rum I..,.-- ..-..K Ihe redemption iH-imt M-i shots and a lavuiv BUI Sny tier, van pauman, musm pick. Look Over Our FURNITURE BARGAINS t' - V CONTINUING FROM LAST WEEK BRAIDED RUGS at 27 SAVINGS BEIGE NYLON RUG AND PAD Completely Installed at $g95 q. yd. Rcclincrs, Small Chairs, Couches At Remarkable Savings MANY OTHER BARGAINS Case Furniture Co. The lone team took an eaayiwnen 7tett W aViheyUamided! With lh. balan.e s.uvt of De; Wauiean. and ; John NVaen comoor oi reveaunc imai i imip-" - - over Sl.CUi7.(H)(H) after deprec- l tv of shots. Terry Mark of latlon and liabilities of about .Sherman lsl Ihe Ihrutll.-d llus Slll.UKXK) lh ilirviors aeie.1 u;ke with 7 tallies In the lirt m.vke these futuls available to half. , .. any holders who mav need some 1 KcM-rves plaved the rest of the ready money to meet reMtnllng game as lW-h Bb Clouen rlear or other fKnvl damages. Lamb'ed the b:-nch. All but on cf the said. The redemption of these 1 12 players figured in the aw shares of stock will mean com-ling, and a reserve. Mans, lel plete repayment of any monies Mustang scoring wun u I""' investe! by the growers other, Kay Fakln of Sherman High than their share of wlthnehl earnings of earlier years. Seventy-five percent of each earnings are now with IIFITNrR cs IhMiklns 0 1 I I Sny.k r 3 4 J U lisuman 2 '2 2 6 Dick 2 2 2 A liberty O O 1 Atiili-tson 1 1 0 .1 Ivsns 4 5 1L1 Wageiddast 4 0 O H SNii-rr 1 1 2 .1 IXUull 10 2 2 (iisv 0 O 1 0 Jacobs 110 3 TtrrAI.S 21 17 13 fA Vk he lire It. F-KIn Cole It. Fakln Stark Carlson Thomas jscobsen Ontry SIIFltMAN 0 0 o T 4 1 o o 3 TOTALS HFJTNFK MILKMAN 1 0 21 3D 12 21 12 20-4U 6 10 9 U-vki the visitors. 73 Xi. The Card's superior rebound ing told the tale against the Cougars In Friday night'a en counter as the lone lads fought bck from an 11-9 first period deficit to a 21 21 first half tie. The Fxho team showed no In tention of loMng as they forged ahead to an 8 point lead mid way in Ihe third stanza. But the Cardinals came back again and were down bv only one point ' at the end of that period. I lone Hiv:h exploded for ineir years earnings are now wun- k. , biggest burst of K,m,e held from lndtvi,lual gmwers to Mf$. I thev acoretl lb wunters In the . . ff Investwl r final rn-rUvt whlta hoMlw f' j sn k nd w" hholduS DlCS I Xo nine. Mark Hal von Kb. ; h.,,,,.,, p,. ,lf tn Mr,, i bed acorlng and wboundlnj tilvit,ual !l ,armnga are now iatd .f Kay I toptMHt all a-tirers with tl coun ters. i honors for the Card, tallying 14 points and picking 15 re bounds. Stan Holstein hit double figures with 11 tallies and Joe I Halvorsen turned in a fine re bounding performance from his center spot, grabbing 11. Saturday night Coach Gene Dockter gave his regulars a well earned rest, replacing them early In the second period as the Cards ran roughshod over the Chiefs of Umaptne. The lone warriors had little trouble out rebounding the visitors as they ran their season's record to 8-2 and their league slate to 6-1. Coach Dockter played all 10 var sity bovs and all made the scor inir column. lone was never ! headed and the Cards led at all slops, s--:i. w-i. au 32. . . L'mat ilia and the urainais In cash. With the calling In of all preferred stock It now means that any future withholdings will be made to retire older re tentions, the manager said. Heppner Ph. 676-9432 Condon Hoopers Head Townie Loop; Pair Set Sunday TOWNIE STANDINGS W L Condon 2 0 Air Station l 0 lone 0 1 Heppner 0 2 Condon's Town Team. led by mxt Kridav nieht to determine : Ted Schadewitz. blasted the the first half U-M League leauer and then play hosts to the Hepp ner Mustangs the next night on the lone court. The Cards will ho our for blood after suffering an earlier defeat at the hands of the A-2 Mustangs. IONE 48 M. Halvorsen 14". J. Halvorsen. 5. W. Holstein 9. S. Holstein 11. Ball 9. Maglll. ECHO 42 Reese. Furniss 4. Flanagan 20. Henrv. Billings 12, Meyers 4. O'Brien 2. IONE 9 12 11 16 43 ECHO 11 10 12 9-42 UMAPINE 32 Schubert 16. Benz. Hodgen 12, Rainwater 2, Harris, Givins 2. iriNT 7!v M. Halvorsen 13, J- Halvorsen 15. S. Holstein 14. W. Holstein 4, Ball 2. Baker 4. Mor gan 8. Magill 5. Linnell 7, Lov gren 4. IONE 17 21 22 15-75 UMAPINE 11 10 6 5-32 Mrs. Leo Drake in Hood River ahi Drake, sister In law Drake of Heppner, died In Hood River Tuesday, January 2t'i. following an illness, run eral services will be Saturday at 2 pm. In Hood Hiver. Mrs. Drake lived in Heppner some 40 years ago and with her husband operated a grocery store here. She was a rural school teacher here. Surviving are the husband, Ijo Drake; a daughter. Mrs. Ted Mohr, Eugene; and three grand sons. . . 1 ft t u ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY V USE YOUR CHARGE CARD AND EARA C 30 26 14 45 30 75 60 Ladies' Printed Blouses 88 Girl's cardigan sweaters 188 Ladies' winter skirts 2.44 Velcro zippers - 10 Children's winter caps 44 Boy's flannel shirts 88 Blankets 3.99 Gigantic Bargain Table Buy 59c zippers for 10c, $9.99 jackets for $4.88, $9.95 skirts for $2.44 and many girls' dresses for $2.00. Many, Many Other Bargains Too Hot To List! 10 Rug runners-60" long 2.99 100 Bath towels 50 12 Pes. flannel yardage yd. .33 9 Electric blankets 8.99 17 Kopak pillows - 2.00 Heppner Tovvnies Sunday after noon. 103 to 66. and now heads the town league with two vic tories against no defeats. Schadewitz was credited with 31 points in the contest. Meanwhile, the lone Townies defeated Lexington In an "extra" game. 60 to 39. The Condon Air Force team, regular fourth mem ber of the league, could not be present for this round. It will play lone sometime soon in a makeup game. On Sunday, January 31, the four squads are scheduled to play at Heppner, but starting time has been changed to 2 p.m. from 1:30. The Air Station and Condon Town Team will meet In the opener at 2:00 p.m. and the Heppner-lone clash will follow. Mrs. Edward Brvslin lft by plane from I'endlcton Sunday In company with her daughter, Mrs. John Walsh, for Orange. Tex., where she will make her home with her daughter. Mrs. Walsh arrived Friday lor her mother. Mrs. Breslln had been a resident here for the past 50 years, but in poor health the past wwki i IONE FEED Benefit lone Band Saturday, January 30 5:00 P.M. Adults, High School $1.00 Grade School $ .75 Pre school Free BEFORE IONE-HEPPNER GAME In School Cafeteria THIS MESSAGE SIVNSORFD AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY BANK of EASTERN OREGON IONE BRANCH Member, Federal IVposIt Insurance Corp. Group Considers Health Clinic (Continued from page 1) cant decline in the hospitalized was In 1962. External services mav be pro vided by mental health clinics in areas of testing and diag nosis, public information and education, child guidance, fam ily services and treatment for alcoholism. Oregon now has such clinics in about half its counties and these have helped cut readmissions to the mental hospitals. Dorothy Collard, who works as a liason between hospitals and clinics, told of work being done in Baker county where a plan ning committee is investigating needs. Dr. Vickery stressed the role of the community in the treat ment and acceptance of those with mental problems. Dr. C. M. Wagner suggested that the scope of outpatient treatment might be broadened with cooperation of the state hospital in Pendleton. Dr. Wal lace Wolff said that he feeis there is a need for more services than the hospital can provide. Among suggestions given as possibilities were these: A sur vey be made to determine the extent of needs here in consul tation with doctors, teachers and officials. Cooperate with Uma tilla or Wheeler and Gilliam counties to join in a mental health clinic. Have Dr. Martin Gish of the state hospital come to discuss the matter with the local committee. Some of these will be consid ered when the committee meets on February 24. Mrs. Gene Pierce was chosen as secretary of the committee. Court Street Country Style mm (pre TO Is & d. HOME-CURED Pknks lb. 39 Fillet of PERCH Pure LARD 4 Lb-Pk9 39e BARS Wieners 97 2-1 Lb. Pkgs. Hudson House 303 cans (tTI HU!T COOCTAIL 5 for n Occident HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted to Pioneer Memorial hospital during the past week, and still receiving medical care, are the following: John Lane, Heppner; Tillie Rauch, Heppner; Stella" Devin, Heppner; Dale Brown, Heppner, and Calvin Ashbeck, Echo. Those who have received med ical care, then dismissed were Cindl Hudson, Heppner, and Mendel Joy of Salem. Mrs. Jim Lorgren will leave Portland by jet Saturday morn ing for" Los Angeles, Calif., where she will visit her brother. Jay Sumner, a graduate student at UCLA. Mrs. Lovgren will be on two weeks vacation from her work at the First National Bank. She also plans to visit relatives In rurrsna 9nA fVrVa11il u1OT Fbuir 8 Lb. Bag Nallcy's LUMBERJACK Syrup 21 oz. 3for$l OCCIDENT Fl our 25 Lb. Bag $2J9 Grapefruit 8 LB. BAG Lm n fc ROME etfiice Oranges, 2 HEADS 3 LB. ppIS 39 2 lb. 2 Prices Good Friday tr Saturday, January 29 and 30 COURT I iMKEI 111 N. Court "THE HOME OF QUALITY MEATS" Ph. 676-9643 0 3 0 5 14 3 10 2 2 2 0 0 0 3 7 her return from California.