Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1965)
i i ri Kltrnzn GAZETTE-TIMES. Thunder. January li. IMS lone Rebekahs Seat Officers for Year pr KATHt!NK UNDSTOOM IONIC BunrhRTM Itetx-kah Intce No. 91 ht'UI Inntallatlon of offltMrt at the rrt:uUf moftin n Thursday evening, January 21. Mr. Taul JVttvJohn, Sr., ua fnkialliNl at noble crand; Mr. V.. t lleltkiT. vux ciatui; Mr. Wallace Matihewa, mvrvtary ; K II.... mu..n t dil h ' PUB. PIAIV IMMUIVIi Mr. tlo Drake, wanton and Mr. Omar Ratmann. conductor. Mr. Ma Coleman I the rlht Kupportcr to the noble ctand; Mrv Davl.l Rlctmann. loft up porter to the noble crand; Mr. Blaine Chapel, chaplain; Mr. Adon Hamlett. rleht upHrler to vice crand; Mr. V. C. Crawford last .ik at rloneer Memorial hoxpital. where he haa been a patient In the nurlng home for ome time. At thu time rw It recovering atlfactoritv. The lone pane club ha.l a party at the Leln Hall on Sat urdav evening, Uection of old rem for VM5 mi held at Inter- mivilon. Mr. Taul IVttyfc'hn. sr.. U the new president and Mr. IVte Cannon I the secretary treasurer. Pirrctor elected for the new ear are Ted Palmateer. Pavid Baker, and Garland Swan son. Mr. and Mr. Charles O'Connor. Leo and Terr! went to Eugene for the week-end. Thev were ac left upiorter to the Uf crand; !,x,moanitHl bv Mr. O'Connor' Mr, i leu uoa. insine nuaruian; and Mr. Harvey Ring, outside guardian. Mr. Omar Rietmann. district deputy president. and her Maff were installing officers. Mr. W. C. Crawford was dec ted trustee for three years and Mrs. Clell Kca was elected to a one year term as a trustee. It was voted to make a contri bution to United Nation rtlsrl mace for Youth prelect. Mr. Blaine Chapel, formerly a resident of ilardman who now live In lone, was admitted to membership bv transfer. Refreshments wvre served fol lowing the meeting bv Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn and Mrs. Wallace Matthews. Public Notices Hrpoor Snl and Water Coatenratiott Dutilrt NOTICE Or ANNUAL MEETING! AND ELECTION OT SUPERVISORS To all owner ol land ly In within the lleppner Soil and Water Conservation IMstrUt. NUo U hereby given that on tlii- 3rd day of February. l:Hl lite annual nutting and lite election ol one supcrvUor of the Ihppiier iHMl and Water Coiim-i vaiion District will le held un der the pnW'i of the Soil Conetation tHtrlrt tw tKS NW WO. The place of the meeting will he at tne Lexintfoit (iraiiL-e had heir of and wife, Receiver f and Trut between the hour of 7:30 P. M and 10:00 P. M. Kvery ivrson. firm and corn- oruion. state. county, or mun in the cmorrr court or THE STATE OT OREGON roa morrow county SUMMONS Arnold Hoffman and Ruth lloMman. Iiul-ml Plaintiff. Va R S Howard. Jr. the Title Cuaraniv Company: Title Guaranty and Trut Company. iIhi Known a Title Cuarantv and I-n C.nipanv2 The IjhM hlat Company; W. It Walpole anil Jane IW Walpole. husband and w ife. or If the ld W. It. Walpole 1 deceaed. then th unknown heirs of V. R. Walpole, deceawd; The unknown heir of T. P. De lano, deceased: M. T. IVlano and Jane Do IVlano, husband and wife, or If said M T. IVlano, la defeated, then the unknown M. T. IVlano. deceased. alv all other person or pa rile unknown claiming any riKht. title, r slate, lien or Interest In the real property dewrihed In Willows Grange will be host to Morrow County Pomona Grange on Saturday. January 30. when the fifth degree will be exemplified. Mrs. Ella Davidson, who is well known in lone and a form- mother. Mr. Kdna Darnell, who will remain In Kugene and visit her brother and st-ter ln law. Mr. and Mr. Willis Bertsch and other relative, Lee attended rluck Preview" for high school seniors at the University of Ore gon. Sidney Zinter and Robert Fm jert spent the week-end at Cor 'vallis visiting the Oregon State campus with other senior high ' school students. Ronald Bishop accompanied , by his brother. Rollin Bishop of Boardman. spent the week end i I in Spokane visiting their sister, i uhn I u-rlfinslv 111 In m hiisnifal imd there. Tom Helmbigner. son of Mr. ! and Mrs. Rav Heimblgner and a student at the University of Ore gon, participated In a gymnas tic meet at David Douglas High school in Portland on Saturday and won first place on the tram poline and fourth In the "long horse." Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith icipality being the record owner 'htf Complaint herein, ivfen- of iw hill. till limli-r .-illfrni-t nl urchase 10 acre or more of and lying within the said div net are eligible to vote The term of W. C Rosewall Mite. Candidates to fill tin oar-i vacancies may In made by petition aigned by 10 land own r. If no candidate arc nominated by ptitun to fill the existing vacancies, nomination may be made from the floor uuring the annual meeting. HKI PNKR SOIL AND WATKlt t).SKi:VATK).N DISTRICT Bv: N. C. Anderson, Secretary I;ited this ISth day of Jan uary. l3w 47-4.Sc Glen returned on Sunlay from a trip to Portland. They were accompanied home by his , mother. Mr. Elmer Griffith, who I had spent the week-end In the citv. i The January meeting of the TO TIIK fYiLLOWlSG PEFENUANT: It. S, Howard. Jr., reclver of the Title Guaranty and Trust Company; W. K. Walpole and Jane Doe Walpole. husband and w ife. or If the said W. K. Walpole I deceased, then the unknown heirs of W. R. Walole, deceased; the unknown hear or T. P. Dc lano, decean-d: M. T. IVlano anl Jane IKm IVlano. husband and wife, or If the said M. T. IVlano is in-cruM'd, mm iiu- uiinnuwn neirs or M. T. Delano, oeceas,u; als all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real property described In the Complaint herein IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OK OREGON; Vou and each of you are here by required to apHar and an swer the Complaint filed against you In the above entitled Court and cause within four weeks IVfendants and each of the De- fMii.l.iil. Ihl. ft. m! r an. I Bwkltfli h perpetually rentralHed and enloed from asserting or claim ing any right, title rotate, lien or tnUret In aatd real roeity or any part thereof adtci to the plaintiff, ltd Summon la served upon you t'V publication thereof onc a wi-ek for four kuiveie wn ki In the lleppner Gazette limes by order of the Judi of the CoUit. Wliith aid Older was imde and entered the iMh day of lVivmler, I and the date of first publication of this Summons the 7th day of Jan uary, I'.HiS. MOSRItOVK. WALTON A YOKOM Attorneyt at 1-aw P. O 1km 1045 IVndleton. Oregon lub!lMhed th following dales: January 7. 11. 21. 2H and Febru ary i. VM'A. 45 4.V THE rtTlNQ A HANCHC1. INC FIRST PRODUCTION SALE of Registered Aberdeen Angui MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1 P.M. PST ol LA GRANDE LIVESTOCK COMMISSION 72 Lots Selling: II OfEN Kcircits a HERD IULLS I) SUED IfEirCRS TEARUNO IULLS M BREEDING ACE IULLS TOR CATALOGS CONTACTl ALL AMERICAN SALES SERVICE ItL J. Boa 3M Loogroont Colorada dYHS For TTlae I YOU CAN HELP WITH ,n Restore Sight and Hearing of the Unfortunate Give Your Discarded Eyeglasses and Discarded Hearing Aids Vf)m.-rTa tVlhuwhtn u-A4 bold at the United Church of Christ i from the date of first publication last Thursday. Mrs. F. T. Martin 'of this Summons: and if y ou fall (f D"'-! UtSlI slip I l-ysgy up on OsZ-' insurance I' ; Accidents on your property can cost you plenty of money if you're not adequate ly protected by liability insurance. Why take any chances? Prevent financial loss by checking into our low-cost policies. Don't delay see us today for coverage. Ph. 676-9625 C. A. RUGGLES Insurance Agency Heppner and Mrs. Carol Miller had charee of the social hour. Mrs. Alfred I Nelson. Jr., president, presided over the busmen meeting. It was decided to collect Betty ; Crocker coupons for a silver ser vice for the church. The pro gram consisted or a display ol Pictures and commentary by Mrs. Lindsay Kincald. The pic tures were photographic repro ductions of the twelve Apostles and Christ by Sune" Richards. Thev were made from living models in various walks of life and were made up and costumed bv Mrs. Richards, a person of strong religious feelings, as she felt the men would have been in Biblical time. The band mothers are sponsor ing a spaghetti feed at the school house on Saturday even ing commencing at 5:00 before the Heppner-lone basket ball game. All proceeds will be used to help purchase new band uni forms for the students. Mrs. Gar land Swanson. Mrs. James Petty- J John, and Mrs. Leonard Herrick, the committee in charge. Is hope ful a good turnout will show up to help finance this worthwhile i prolect Mrs. Roy W. Lindstrom attend-' ed the fiftieth anniversary of; Gresham Chapter No. 117, Order i of the Eastern Star, on Saturday j evening. She was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Crutcher at their home near Gresham. Mothers' March on Monday There will be a Mothers march for March of Dimes drive in lone Monday evening. Febru ary 1. All homes wishing to do nate are asked to leave their porch lights on. to so aptHar and answer for want thereof. Plaintiffs will apply to said Court for the re lief prayed for and demanded In said Complaint, to wn: A decree that Arnold Hoffman and Ruth Hoffman, husband and wife, are the owners of the fo. lowing described proerty, to. wit: The Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Sec tion 23. Township 4 North. Range 21 East of the Will amette Meridian In Morrow County. Oregon. That the Defendants, or any one or more of the Defendants. 'have no right, title, estate, lien or interest in said real property .or any part thereof, and that the! COLLECTION BOXES AT THE FOLLOWING: Bank of EO HEPPNER Hick's Market IONE Bristow's Market IONE Dcl's Market LEXINGTON Phil's Pharmacy HEPPNER Firnt National Bonk, Heppner THIS PROJECT SPONSORED BY ST. WILLIAMS ALTAR SOCIETY, IONE THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED IT THE COOPERATING ONE LION am J I1 'I h 2MBER m,'' u, i-iwxn"-'-- r -;- -.- ; ... , .. ., -: v ESTABLISHED IBB? OEMl Members of the OREGON FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION Serve in your best interests in time of need When funeral service is required you will be served most capably by a member of the Oregon Funeral Directors Association. There is an OFDA member mortuary in every major community in the state; each is dedicated to highest ethical standards and serves with integrity and consideration of individual family requirements. You can rely on an OFDA member firm to serve in your best interests. YOUR ASSOCIATION Of" OREGON FUNERAL DIRECTORS .un TTr- n ISSSSSESSSBSBk Look'to this OFDA member in your area... HEPPNER Sweeney Mortuary WE'RE PLUGGING . . . ... FOR AN EASIER LIFE FOR YOUR WIFE When you stop to realize; that the) aver, oge housewifo is faced with the job of preparing 3 meals a day . . . more than 300 days a year . . . 40,000 times in a lifetime . . . you'll understand why she is so eager to have the help of automatic electric appliances. An electric frying pan, toaster, coffee maker, mixer, rotisserie, blender . any of them will help her put more exciting meals on the table in far less time. Birthday or Anniversary coming up? Treat her to the luxury of an automatic kitchen appliance. No gift could be more acceptable. Your dealer will welcome a call or visit from you. j Today's Best Kitchen Helper Electricity. Columbia Basin Electric Co-op Serving Wheeler, Gilliam, and Morrow Counties