Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1964)
1 HZtrVt GAICTTE TlMta. Tkmn&f. !dt II 14 County Agenl'i OHict Early Harvest Shows Fine Quality ir n. C ANDERSON ITveryotw drilvrrm barley and heat lit Nth U-nn-,.n clcvato U Ut hr" I there, sprmea real happy with Urld and quality of irraln that h een hivc.trd at IhU lim. AH acreed that It was imuint hit hspprned ,r the rain came, orn though crop emred to l dami:el rorudderablv before early June thunder ahowrm hit nn4 rea with enough rnoUtur to result In irond crop What urprled me mo!, the quality the tram, borne the Nt looking Burt and Gatne wheat I he aeen w tn-lnjj delivered to the elevator with tet weicht of 62 and 63 lourut 1 saw wheat belnff delivered from the Stanley Kemp. Hoy Martin. Bill ivherty nd Bert Crleb ranches that i cxrcp tlonaL Larry Um1v drhv. ermc 53 tund llud-wn parley and admitted that this the heaUt barley that he had ever threshed. While no one wanted to quote yield until they cot further Into harvest. It appeared the wheat was yielding over 3i) bunhels an acre with barlev "pushing a ton per acre. If thia tyi of yield hold out for the rest of the county, we will end up with an average yield n spite of the drouth. County Cropa Com para Wall Traveling to Pullman, wn, last Saturday, crops looked good through the whole area, but not ai exceptional as In some years. It appeared that Morrow coun ty's potential yield would be quite comparative to most of this country. Souvenir Booklets Art Wall Received by Tour Mambars The souvenir booklets mailed to Portland eighth graders who visited Morrow county in late lApril have brought many re sponses from these boys and girls. The souvenir booklet was composed of pictures taken on the tour which told the story of agriculture In Morrow county. Mike Erwin. who stayed at the Gene Hall ranch, wrote a long letter and told us that the pic tures "brought back memories of a wonderful trip." Mike said, "the part I enjoyed most was when Paul Hansen showed us his plane and flew it" He thanked those who scheduled the tour "for a wonderful time and for letting him come and see what wonderful people live in Morrow county." . . Susan Crogan, who sxayea at the Wlllard French ranch, said that she "would keep my book let for manv years as a memory of the trip." ....... Patrlc McGiIl. who stayed at the Bob Kilkenny ranch, said "I enjoy the booklet very much and I appreciate having it to remind me of the tour." For those who have not yet seen the souvenir booklet, we have copies at the oriice. wniie ' r ill 1 j 1 :i v i . wJ i CLERK'S ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 1963 TO JUNE 30, 1964 Annual mrt fr Mmw County from July- I. - frlwHvCJ THiMi and 543 at amended ill a pier IM i Itx law. CLAIMS ALLOWED AND WARRANT! DRAWN FROM JULY I. IHJ lW TO JUNE M. 14 tamt County Court -' itiilh Mlrnn a mure - Co, Cletk'a office - Co. Trcanurrr'a ffte To. AuMjaw i4Uc -- t'o. Health Nurw'a offl-e , .i.r i (VvurthoviM epene t including Janitor a Halan Circuit CPurt . .. - Juktlce of the peace ttl,e. Mh " - - Jurtic of lhe IVace ttw. Nh tiirlrt Aitomev'a office expense . Jutenlle Counselor' alary ........ . - Juvenile Court epeite Welfare rapem . - - Surplus fo epene Audit , .: Atu-Hlation of tregon lounllea Honda -" ".-" - County Agent Cill defense - Current epene County Planning Committee Fmergencv fund . - ..-..-..- Knualiration Wtwird ruM Cleetuma . Heppner Rural Fire DiM. 4 H Club expert r ... 1 i i 4 : 1 rrvmrni Nrtsow. workina for hla brother. D. O. Ntlaon. 9t "SfS omSSencTwork on combine alter conclumn, day of harTMt Sortuxdoy. ' 1 ,J r . i " WHEAT POURS Into a truck at the D. O. Nelson place from w.H.tAT rr"JT MmhifiM Aa tha norrest lob In tb Dug new in.T Photo) - H An tha ranch. (O-T moio; volves the Hereford Dreeaer, feedlot operator, the pacner, ana th .American Hereford Assoc- to a l who contributed toward "end product" recora r -the eighth grade tour, we would . testing two of his herd sires tnis be'glad to hear from ikEP ,hi.h in. ctuhhle with 1 eallon of 4 lb. uauon. inis K'w'?" "V'"'.-" ,n"7"i r - iTo reDorts 1007o control in areas where nnniiration was made. He Is using more this summer to clean npw v round areas Insurance Jail rUpenne Museum fund Mentally Ul - Official Publication Physician salary - KegtMrar - - Social jiH-urltv Stream Gauging expense Kellcf to the Indigent Water Master's exiense fund , Land Kill exp-ne Keep Oregon Green Co. Park fund Improx-ements for Fair Buildings North Morrow Co. I ll Bldg Oneral Roads . Hospital Mtse. fund - -- IVg fund - - liodent fund Law Library fund ............ - Alcohol Enforcement fund - Weed control fund TOTAL - - It tltut 4 tiU N : tjii ? i xs Sm.if.l S. 1141 .14T.1 Nllll) .1IMJ t lVI 3 1 1 i.TT M C7.V1 1.1MI Mf.i't 3C41 I t.t 7i 2.4 H VJ S.7ilfA 1.7TJ 4l KI7 41 ivin l.l.'l 7.1 2.7X1 40 4f,Kt NHIl m.v, 15J73 45 8 ram oo 3.4i7 oi 4S. m 25 4.H3ai JT76.RW 97 OUTSTANDING WARRANTS rOR THE GENERAL rVW Warrants outstanding June 3a 19W ltM 13563 Warrants Issued July 1. l'A3 to June 30. KM Warrants paid July 1. 13 to June 30. 1964 I70.all Warrants outstand:ng June 30. 196-1 - S 12 fts&33 OUTSTANDING WARRANTS rOR THE GENERAL ROAD TUND wSSrTt. .outstanding June . Wb3. -S-fwM Warrants bsucd July 1. 19w to June 30. ijh "JJ $201. 936.07 Warrants paid July 1. 1963 to June 30. 19&I - 1H6.7323S Warrants outstanding June 30. 1961 5 -2o3-C9 who would like to have a copy. Beef Improvement Projects Pay Off for Breeders This past week has taken many hours In beef improve ment projects. Each year as I grade and weigh cattle for those breeders who are participating In the Performance Registry In ternational Program of beef Im provement, It is good to see the increased quality. At the Frank Anderson ranch where 83 late 1963 and '64 calves were graded. 50 were graded 2 plils; eight 1-mintts, and the rest 2. One-minus grades are exceptional, and 2-plus. for a majority of the calf crop, is ex ccllcnt At the Herb Ekstrom ranch where approximately 30 calves were weighed, excellent gains are being made and many of these heifers and bulls graded one-plus. The Ekstroms are con stantly striving ior in" provide off-feed test weignts. conformation score, average daily gain on test, weight per day of age and various carcass information. Not to neglect the commercial breeder, who benefits from these type of programs in the herd sires available to him, a visit at the Lloyd Howton ranch to look at his 1963 calf crop on feed was real stimulating. The Howtons have a high quality herd of Hereford cows and are using an. Angus bull in crp breeding. Because their calves average 619 lbs. at 6 to 6tt months of age last fall, they oould not get the kind of price for these heavy weaner calves that they felt was Justified, they decided to put them in the feed lot Now at approximately 15 months of age both heifers and steers are ready for market. While no gain records are avail able yet until marketed, they have made a tremendous aver- oianujr , (--a aee daiiv train ana nave uuuu- itv nnd have been recognized age uauy " throughout the entire country for eo out uj ""7, the quality registered Herefords that they are raising. - In addition to the PRI pro gram, Frank Anderson was se lecting heifers and steers to go to the "Beef City" feedlot as part of the American " Hereford As sociation Performance program for herd sire feedlot carcass eval- We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat lL J i 01 Charge Vp?j&LA i Heppner. Lexington lone. WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE: Hogs Tuesday Cattle Wed Thurs. Sheep Any tay Folfetr Meat Co. Hermlston, Oregon Ph. JO 7-6651 On Henniston-McNary Highway m9t ino davs thev have been on grain. In estimating weights, we know there were many ot these steers that were over 1100 pounds. Quality was excellent Good Results are Shown In Use of Banvel D Spray Harold Wright Ruggs, reports excellent results from the use of Banvel D for Canada Thistle control. Harold let his Canada Thistles get beyond the stage of best control with Amitrol T and thought he would try Ban vel D last summer. After chop ping down his thistles that were going to seed he sprayed the nn patches that were missed a year ago. New Veterinary Clinic Has Up-to-date Facilities I had an opportunity last week to visit the new Veterinary Clinic Just built by Dr. Jim Norene on wiwhwav 207 in the south part of Heppner. I watched the Clinic being built during the last sev eral weeks and was anxious to see the inside. Mrs. Norene gave Dick Wilkin son and I a tour of the iacii- ities one morning last ween.. Everyone interested should pay a visit to this clinic and see the facilities that it Includes. Complete with reception room, office, operating room for both small and large animals, hold ing cages and kennels, every thing is modern and splc and span. Dr. Norene should be con gratulated for adding a facility such as this to our communly. tykxia We're vcur local supplier for TYLAN'200 the NEW. Antibiotic for beef cattle HUMPHREYS REXALL DRUG OUTSTANDING WARRANTS FOB WEED CONTROL FUND Warrants outstanding June 30. 1903 --"; - 4Kt5 5J Warrants Issued July 1. 1963 to June 30. 1901 $ 4.997.13 Warrants paid July 1. 1963 to June 30. 196-1 436.75 Warrants outstanding June 30. 1964 1 46038 OUTSTANDING WARRANTS FOR LAW LIBRARY IWO Warrants outsta ndi ng June 30. l J03 ...-..- 4sa53 Warrants Issued July 1. 1963 to June jo, ijw $ 706.49 Warrants paid July 1, 1963 to June 30, 1964 706 43 .00 OUTSTANDING WARRANTS FOR HOSPITAL MAINTENANCETOND Warring 19. .aX).O0 $ 16,863.46 Warrants paid July 1, 1963 to June 30. 1964 ..- 16.863.46 .00 SUMMARY OF FBEVKgS TRENDING JUNE 30. 1963 County Treasurer Disbursements July 1. 1962 965335.3s rnwTeasurer 429,277.08 SSVnedTver t? County Treasurer July 1. 1962 to 5SSS rnffiGWe1dalco fund Warranto outstding Law Library fund, 219.96 8,863.46 SEED CLE ANING NEW CLEANER & TR EATER AT PLANT 20c Per Bu., 40c Per Sack 25c Per Bu., 50c Per Sack at ranch, 300 Bu. Minimum. Additional Charge For Less Than Minimum. Heppner, Ore. HAROLD ERWIN Call Collect 676-5806 June 30, 1963 .. "-t,T:2'''Z i,r M.tctgnil no llOSU. Iliua. , warrants uuuji.. Hroun Claims allowed and wa"drawn ... 335,700.11 July 1, 1962 to July 30, UU winrar'THE COUNTY Sadie Parrish. County Cjeric ZZZZZ 19-50 C. J. D. Bauman, County Sherill e i t a mK Pnrt fommissioner Walter Hayes, Co. Commissioner - none Maxwell Jones, Co. Commissioner - 44 m Ambrose Chapln, County Judge MM Oscar E. Peterson, County Judge m80 Oliver Creswick, County , 168.94 W. W. Weatherford, County Judge 1Q Frank Hamlin, County Judge 218 72 Paul Jones, County Judge 124.03 Berl Akers, County Judge - 59 80 Haskell Sharrard, County Judge none Sylvia McDaniel, Co. Treasurer none John Krebs, Port Commoner e Donald E. Turner, Port Comrrtioner none Lloyd Berger, Port Commissioner nonR Joe Tatone, Port Commissioner rft- 46.28 James Devine, Justice ot. $g .... 41.10 Earl Soward, Justice of thePeafei.fV.thH1ist 49.03 Avon Melby. Justice. ot .the Peace 6th dlst Dewey West, Jr., Po Commiss o ner . Dated this 15th day of July, County clprk SHERIFF'S AND TAX COLLECTOR'S ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 1963 TO JUNE 30, 1964 To: COUNTl-LERKOF MORROW COUNTY, OREGON. In accordance with Section 294.230 O.R5., I hereby submit this, my I5Kt ol ' receipts and disbursements from July 1, 1963 to June 30, 1964, both dates inclusive. TAX COLLECTIONS Cash on hand and deposit July 1. 1963 ftr" 1963-64 Taxes $ 73 248 80 1962-63 Taxes -nri rr A D1 -O 1 lACa " I960 61 Taxes 8,244.76 (A Tatxa y 1 lir . - - 1'iM N Ttm - - lta Ta - - - " ' Ilea ! - - - ' V rnaliy vn f . lMte IuiimI lra - ---- - - lrt rdtctl' lAxrmml rtUf THI on ha ml mni rwHr4 . ptSlUMCMCNTi Turtted t iVuntr Traurr dun gregatcd fundi T lutruHfta . Uel f laiew . Land a!r ... Ta rvfun.U cAwMia rm . Cut tf pallltU irmltutet . Ch n ha4 Cah tn dcHlt .. - - - Total dtturemcnt and lalan on hand Jul 30, I'M ... TRUSTEE ACCOUNT TEMPORARY AUTO rtRMfTS V II 13116 ft CV4Y 1 67 I 7 1THKJ i:id IU11WTI0 IJlt.3JH7l n.:if.w:i lUTfl T5 2 JBIJ . $117.XT4 lUvrlpH i:iccl't Iti-crlpt IliTlpt lxrrAL lUilllTS 31 irk lHhurw.l CIVIL rtCS AND MILEAGE T7I' ilurrl . riSTOL fERMITS $ ;i7ti l iured CIVIL DErCNSC $ lllul iiiurrd 1UTAI. 11.163 35 l.sillt5KMi:NTS Itcct fully nubmltted. . 3H S T7I10 I 37ft) . f low C. J. l llauman Mi.rlff and Ta Cllctiir Hy i:Mra Itbv in put v , j TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 1963 TO JUNE 30, 1964 Mrs. Sadie TarrUh Clerk of Morrow County. Orecn In accordance with OKS. 2tl2H I herewith ubmlt thU. my annual rert tt rcvlpt and dlUiurM mrnU from July I. 1163, to June 30. VMVi, tnh date inclusive. Balance on hand June 30. 19 J 429 JHttl Received fnwi: Shrrlffa office iTaxes) $1512i2HH Sheriff office IIind !UI) - Shenfr office I Tel. Coa Tal Sheriff office iCar Co. Tail Sheriff's office KIe. Co op lieu of taxi .. Shcriff'a office (Mileage! Sheriff's office lKec . Sheriff's office (Temp. Auto IVrmltnl ..... Sheriff off ice (Pt-Hol IVrmltsI Sheriff office (Civil Defence! Clerk's tJticr (Clerk's fee I Clerk's office (Ijiw Library fer Clerk' office lg Lleenvl .. I'matllla Co. Treas, llrricatlon Tax) Pioneer Memorial Hospital (Water Kent I Oliver Crew lck' Court (Fine A Contsl . Ernest K. JorKenscn's Court (Fines Cit State Treasurer's office (Refund due to overpayment by Judjre Jori;enn Slale Treasurer's office (Refund due to overpayment by Judge Creawlck) .... Inna Smith (Fair Fund lUvelptsi Klalne (leorge (Heppner Cemetery Kecelntiil Florence Root (Boardman Cemetery Receipts) Violet Hill (Irrlcon Cemetery Receipts) .. Rod Thomson (Sale of Map! . Orecon State Board or Heaiin (Rolmb. ffr run. neaun r.xp.i State of Ore.. Flood Control Aid 2.7H 20 i..vwn 17107 4.V17I 2 4J rd M 31125 37.(10 10(a) XV, HO 319 HO 2.74183 3' 00 2.177.23 4.752 65 .I75 77 50 28.8J7.!)H 6515.00 700 M 25 00 31.50 776 63 9.063.40 :! f.f rw l-'irtrv Rental 22.710 7H State of Ore.. Tax on Alcoholic BeveraRes 2,6'7.52 State of Ore.. Liquor tommwiion. Excew avail. Money State of Ore., Amusement tax State of Ore.. Timber Severance tax . State of Ore.. U. S. Sale or public wina ... State of Ore.. Iub. Welfare Commission. Surplus rood - State of Ore.. Pub. Welfare Commission, llnnvn hoi Jlin( .Ml ... State of Ore., Racinir Comrri?ion , StatA of Ore.. Motor License Fund 49,715.01 State of Ore.. Dept. Motor Vehicles Tr I.lrprtse State of Ore.. Land Board. Sale of Timber for SchooH In nlx Yr. State of Ore.. Land Board. Irreducible School Fund State of Ore.. Marine Board. Bont License State of Ore., Taylor Grazing Fee State of Ore.. Election Division. Rclm. for Spec. Election Slate of Ore.. Board of Control, TrnnKtv Prisoner - U S. Army Corps of Engineer. Purchase of Bulldlne from Fair Bd 31,000.00 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, I'ur. of Tract 25-27 Miscellaneous Ri'celpts, Gerwral Fund Bowling Alley License before Jan. 1. 1964 Mine. Dividends and Refunds statu nf Ore.. Gas Tax Refund Sale of Supplies and Patrol Rental Road Fund 34-06? State of Ore., Mineral Leasing The Bank of Eastern Ore., T.D.O.A. Interest, Gen. Fund The First National Bank of Ore., T.D.O.A. Interest Gen. Fund The First National Bank of Ore., T.D.O.A. Interest Gen. Fund The First National Bank of Ore., T.D.O.A. Interest Sch. B & I 2.428 43 I'M 77 8.515.59 1.001.77 1508.32 4.725.88 5.873.36 9.206.17 3.392.31 667.00 351.71 446.55 43.12 50.00 42.76 50.00 228.15 2,103.18 1.33 616.44 882.54 602.78 2,420.84 TOTAL .$1,494,779.61 Total Receipts plus Balance June 30, 1963 41.924,056.69 DISBURSEMENTS General Fund Road Fund To County Schools - To Dist. No. 5, Umatilla County Fair Fund To Cities Hospital - ; School Bonds & Interest paid Irrigation Warrants Law Library Port of Morrow - Forest Fire Patrol Tax turned I.R.F.P.D. Tax turned H.R.F.P.D. Tax turned ..- Alcohol Enforcement Warrants paid Rodent Control Warrants paid Dog Fund Warrants paid Boardman Cemetery Warrants paid Heppner Cemetery Warrants paid lone-Lexington Cemetery Warrants paid .... Inigon Cemetery Warrants paid Vector Control Fund turned Weed Control Fund Warrants paid Blue Mountain Educational District . School Building Fund Warrants paid 174,667.69 186,729.38 693,293.92 1.111.56 53.623.03 39,610.38 16,863.46 95,078.75 20,000.00 706.49 31,086.76 18,858.79 4,197.31 6,105.81 200.25 5,467.00 . 915.98 1,527.56 14,017.16 14,311.99 4,932.25 922.63 4.536.75 25,769.22 116,711.45 TOTAL $1,531,215.57 Balance on June 30. 19G4 , $ 392,811.12 Respectfully Submitted, Sylvia E McDaniel County Treasurer