Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1964)
W L Classified Rotes 44 pmt w96-mlmlmum TV pi UtUSW CkU ! The 41 -M CLASSIFIED DEADLINE ti mom WadJMwln mU UlllM. Mali U M rtt4 l mbU da UmM U U Ilk. 1 Cards of Thanks CARD OP THANKS IVilh aJrvrrre aplrferUtlnn. I Uh ta rl'rr my thanM lo rrryne h win ranis. nw ere and other rrmrmt-rfH-r ami rnw l vull me during my rw-rnt V In rirverr Mrnv Ul hufitl My iixH-ul thanks t lr. Warner and V the hoa. pltal Staff ff tf-r klndneaaes. May Dutmm 20 c CARD OF THANKS We with t rirr deej.rt thanks to the Heppner Hotel Grill for lh-r help In sponsor. In our part In the Sidewalk Cafe this lt end. Our thanks, alo. i other mrmtxri of the Christian rhurrh who offered their help and lo all those ho stronlred us. Youner Adult of the First ChrUtian Church 20 c CARD or THANKS I wlh to take this means of eipresaJng my alnerre thanks to the nurtn In Pioneer Memorial hospital f.if their wonderful care f me while i wss a fat lent there, and ta the many friend who aent tarda, gifts and vUlted me. Mra. Fmma Brvhear 20p CARD OF THANKS w uiiii to sincerely thank all ur kind friend fr card. fl.ral offering n' other ex pressions tf aympathy during our recent bereavement. Our thank, alto, to ladle of the ChrtMlan Church who acrved a delicious dinner at the rhurrh. Your thoghtfulnewt and kind ncium will always be remem bered. Mr. Tllman Jloguc Karl llogue Hobby Grahlll and family Mr. and Mr. A. K. Sitfanl Art Stefanl. Jr., and family 20 c CARD OK THANKS I wUh to express my sincere! thank to my many frlenU and nelchlKir for the flower, gift. and card received following my aurgery In Walla Walla, and my aixvlal thank to those who came to see me. Mr. Harvey Smith 20 c 3 Lost and Found FOUND Wrbttwatch on Wll inu, i.iW near Heppner. Own cr mav have by Identifying an.l iiMvlmr for ad. I'll. "il Mid. 20 c LOST In Lexington He pp. ..r rrliLiv Julv 10. gold link bracelet, heart-shaped rharm eneraved. Klva Ruhl. Finder pleuse leave at Petersons Jewelry. Reward. 4 Help Wanted INTERVIEWCHt WANTED for part-time telephone survey work. Give phone number. Prefer private line. Not a selling Job. Air mall letter Including education, work ex perlence and names of refer ences to: American Research Bureau. Field Staff Depart ment, Beltsvllle, Maryland 20-c 5 Work Wanted WORK WANTED Tree trim mtng and landscaping. Tay lor's General Works. Avery Taylor, ph. 676-5385. 4-tfc 9 Livestock, Poultry MARKET July 14. 1964 - ... Hoes 31: Sheep 91 came - Consignors 36; Buyers 20. SLAUGHTER CATTLE Buii $16.70-18.70 Young Standard Cows 15.00-17.00 Commercial Cows ?2-S2"?9W Utility Cows -W-W-12.20 Canner & cutter wws o.w-w FEEDER CATTLE Yearling Steers, 17oniflfiO 900 Pds Steers. 5O0-600 Pds. ... Ls the time to get your Steers. 300-400 Pds. ....20.00-23.00 Now ls fket before tne blg Yearling Heifers, 17W.18W ,"ns start. Consigned for next Light Holstein Steers, old DrecainK Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. Highway 80. HcrniUiton DON WINK, Mgr. Eve. 67-8111 a,; Wanted WAMHl lb-itikjble part lth rredil lo lake over II pawnrrit of $7f.l on I'm, Zk mablne. fully euar attired Makr button holes riMiiiogrartui, embroider. blm hems. witluul all. Will dt rxunt for rah t an lie Mvn In inl area lor it lnrr tiidtioi). vkriir to .itiinn l-rpt. lo 'JZi Lrtftgvlew. Wn 2021 WANTID llorm. shoring, ai vur plare or mine. t oMart l.vd llulrhln. I H. C7(i!M7H 11 tfc WANTK! All around rartilry wtiK. uviiri ienerai fs. lh. 678 Wt-Vi. 4 tfc For Rent rtR KENT Small house tiartlv furnlhhed for I or 2 ern. $-'5. Irwludlng water and gsrbsge. I'h. CTti KHVI. 20 tic 11)11 ItKNT Larre rruxlern 2 Imhoorn aoarlrru-nt. water and irarbak'e a-rlre, built In stwe and oven. AIo one oruroom iiartmrnt. romoleteltf furn- Uhed. t'ontar Mr. Ilael Hamlin, or i-h. CTu IMJ1. 20 22c IX)H RKNT Two iMHtroom apartment at lleponer l llnlc, Waler. heat and laundry fa rllitle furnished. I'h. 67fitMU or nlcht C7G U20H. C. M. Wag ner. M. D. 20 22c nvv i!f)M HODSK for rent iM-trir heat, nlro vard and rarace. Call Mrs. Alex Hunt. 1176 IKM. 19 UC itMi uv.ST Tvkti ixxlroom house for rent In Heppner. Innulre at rear of house. 20 Water St., or rail 670 wn wwK days, or 676 iM3 evenlnfa or week, end. 8 tfc fiFMCK DR RKNT. Call Con ley Lanham at C7C fO0 afii-r S o m. 16 t.c 8 Services FOR SALKS AND SF-RVICK of heatint' floor coverlntr. paints, furniture and other decorative nit-d. see M It Umpany, i'h fr7C941H. 20 c WILL DO Masonry and tile work, ivi-rv Tavlor'a General Works i'h IT76 53X5. 4 tfc JAN-n and GRAVF.L. delivered Al concrete work. Harold Martin, Hermlston, ph. 567 629.1 17-20p FLOOn AND RUG CAKE equip ment for sale and for rent. L. F- Dick. 676 iCCO. 35 tfc 9 Livestock, Poultry REGULAR MONTHLY HORSE SALE THIRD SUNDAY OK EACH MONTH. July 19th. 11-00 am. Northwestern Live stork Co. Hwy. 30. Hermlston. Oregon. A good selection of registered horses each month. 220 horses sold here last month For Information call OMKK BONNEY, AUCTION KEK 567 5722 Hermlston. 20 c 10 Farm and Garden FARM AUCTION Saturday, July IS 10 a.m. 1 Ml. west of Irrlgon on new Highway, Ml. south Complete House-hold Goods And Farm Machinery E. J. DeCHAND Cap ChrLstensen, Auctioneer 12 Furn., Appliances VCin SALF- " c ec?r?c ranger$35; Washer doer combination, needs re pairs. $35. Also old fashioned iinrluht piano, make offer. Saul! dara Brown. 422-7529. 9 Livestock, Poultry REPORT 470 Pds ib.iu-K.iu Heavy. Holstein Steers 935 Pds . riVes. Beef iuuu-zs.uu iiuui - I . ...8.00-12.00 Baby Calves, uauy HOGS Fat Hogs ------ Weaners per head SHEEP ....16.10-17.00 8.00-9.50 Fflt LamDS ...19.10-20.00 FeedeT Lambs 16.40-17.40 eniiMENT: Even with small run the market was 1.00 Elii'i n ll classes of cattle. Phone 667-6655 EVERETT 8NTDER. Eft. 667-2951 13 Mijc. For Sole LUMBER FOR SALE 2i STUDS Kanrh Pack No. S tlS tr unit per unit per M &1I AVLNCS You load $230 per lo FREE WOOD 44 Ptnts -.. S9c J kit lue . Open until rxxn Saturday! Heppner Lumber Co. Ph 67 W40 HI! We're back from vacation and rarin' to go! Have on hand lots of plywood for all home rcpairs STOP IN TODAY PETTYJOHN'S Farm and Builders Supply Ph. 676-9157 14 Automotive FOR SALE Trailer house. American model 8'x35 1 bed room, bath, kitchen and living area. Complete Insulation, birch Interior. Refrigerator, range, oil stove, bed and dav eno with trailer. I'h. 676 9207. 18-tfc ONE STOP SHOPPING LO-OK at these Deals! Used Cars 1962 Chev. Impala $2150 iru?i rVkoir A. At RoHan. air conditionlne . $2150 19C2 Chevrolet Monza 4-dr $2000 1959 V-8 Chevrolet sedan $1300 1958 Tontlac Starchlef, 4-dr. hardtop with air conditioner. $1200 $1000 1958 Chevrolet Bel-Alr 1957 Ford Station Wagon 1956 Chevrolet Station wagon - $900 . $650 io;7 FnrH 4-dr. sedan 6 cyl., auto, trans. $600 1956 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan $495 1957 Oldsmoblle $400 Commercials 19G3 Chevrolet & ton nifWiin heavv dutv canopy $2350 19G1 Ford Falcon pickup $950 dutv $400 1941 Chevrolet pickup $150 1941 Dodge pickup $100 HAVE A MARK IV air conditioner installed in your car. $349 installed (any Amer ican made car.) See Us For TRAILER PARTS, BRAKES and WIRING JOBS All Sorts of Trailer Parts FULLETON Chevrolet Co. PIL 676-9921 14 Automotive lt)lt KALE 1H Chevrolet l.u kup, 4 speed fl eon aiuon. t2fjui ph. t7sri-u 19 tfc WANT TO 5FLL furd piikup. ri ir, s" w Mill trade U det frrr and set of bunk bed, Call t.76 M71. 2i 1P FOK SALE VM Ford 2 dr. Flflare. $tlk. clean. r""l lirrs and A I rond.Uii. Ih. t7 after 5 pm. 30 tic DID YOU KNOW... Tli at you can buy a LeMANS Sport Coupe for $2556 giving you a full gize! car on a 115" wheel base with 21.C cu. ft. of usable trunk ppace. FOB. Factory USED CARS 1959 Used Lincoln Premier, full power. 33.0U0 mllem, excellent condition. Used 4-Wheel Drives 19C1 Scout half cab 25,000 c tual miles. 1960 International pickup, 4 wheel drive. 1959 Willy pickup 195S Dodge 4 wheel drive, new motor, power teerlng. Warn hub. 1953 Willy pickup, 6 cyL 194S Willy Jeep with electric winch. A real hunting rig. Used Pickups 1956 CMC pickup 1954 CMC pickup M ton. ThU is a good unit 1951 Chevrolet ton. excellent rubber, comblniatlon duik ana atock rack. Ideal farm unit SPECIAL All used cars carry Guaranteed Warranty plan for one year. Number of good fishing and hunting cars. WE ARE YOUR FRIGID AIRE DEALER Good choice of used washers and dryers. 1 used refrigerator. FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Pontlac Buick-Willys-GMC Rambler Phone 676-9116 Phone 676-9921 Call FREE to Pendleton Say "276-3611 Collect" Authorized V. W. Dealer Cars Galore New Volkswagens SEDANS (any color) STATION WAGONS PICK-UPS PANEL DELIVERY $395.00 Down (your car paid for or not) $47.95 per month WINTER MOTOR CO. INC. PENDLETON, OREGON OPEN SUNDAYS 9:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. 15 Real Estate HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Small, two-bedroom nouse, furnished, wired for heavy ap pliances, TV, washer. Nice lawn, lots of shrubbery. See at 405 Linden Way. Reasonable. Call 676-5517. 17-tfc FOR SALE 4 bedroom home, price $6,000. Down payment, balance easy terms. Frank Ayers. Ph. 676-9272. 14-tfc FOR SALE Large 3 bedroom home on 145 x 146 ft. lot, all electric heat fireplace, built in range with ventilator, wall oven, fenced yard and covered patio, 1M baths and shower. Drapes, refrig-freezer, washer and dryer may be included. Home is 7 years old with State Veterans' Loan. May be seen by calling J. W. Norene, 676 9656. 9tfc 15 Reel Estate UK SALF. OK FFSfT 4 bed rt-mi (u Will U- In tow r f. two weeka. at tb noute Shot M. L. L. Itobbina. I2U 21 p I l f ill K A ! I - Tliie betlrwn hunt, flfela. rrwly re.lee. omle.l Iminedlate Mrlon lSfjrt, wiih 15) down. (hu MU all Urry Muruli mt 67 K2i. 2 tf C itjii SAI.K Herman lizard two tjediwma. wall to wall rarprunjr, new lnulati'n. new ffi kTra 14 ater tarn, mnw. rn-w wlrlr. I'rleed for quick ir:.ii irt iarMraled at I'i'jmi Tnmt nn t eaty T..rr Van Mirier and Brvaot ' " 9 tfc Wn SALE 2 bedroom houae, full daylight xinunea n.tii wiih mnm for 3rd bed room; picture window with beauuiul unooaxruciea mi. m batha: concrete patla Will aeil below niA apnraUaL Smrit RMftfnrd oh. 76 9161. 17tfc iT!Ti SALK Larae houae with rental aparmnt upntalr. Two bedroom down with lot! of room. Laret lot. uniy Call Albert Wright, 676 9734. 36 tic FOR SALE Sutherland home, new, two bedroom, two lot. $10,100, with $1,000 down. Kay terma. Turner, Van Marter and Bryant 18 tfc FOR SALE Wlnalow home; 1V4 acres, cloae In. modern two bedroom home; city water plu good welL Price $6,000; down payment $2400. baL eaay. See Turner. Van Marter . a Bryant "-tfc FOR SALE Pearl Devlne home. 3 bedroom, basement, covered patla fireplace, wall to wall carpet oil forced air furnace. Very reasonable. $13,000. Call Albert Wright. 676-9734. 36-Uc Public Notices ESTATE OF DELLA M. COESON. deceased. No. 1518 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT VNttt ( horohv Hven that the undersigned, as Executrix of the Estate or Delia M- torson. De ceased, has filed her Final Ac count in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County and that Wednesday the 12th day of August, 19C4 at the hour of 9:30 o'clock In the fore M rfflv. In the court- id Court has been aD pointed by said Court as the time ana place ior me nearm of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published July 9, 1964. Date or last publication, Aug ust 6. 1964. FLORENCE MAY SWANSON, Robert L. Recken, Attorney vnnnow romrnr SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. R-l CALL FOR BIDS ON FUEL OIL. BULK GASOLINE, BUS SERVICE AND SUPPLY AND ANTI FREEZE Q.mloH WH in-ill he received at tha fflrp of the DLstrict SUD- erintendent of Schools of Morrow County at the County Court house. Heppner, Oregon, for the furnishing and delivering of the following: 1. Fuel Oil 2. Bulk gasoline for school ve hicles. 3. Bus service & supply in lone, Lexington, Boardman and irngon. 4. Anti-Freeze. Bid opening will be at 8:00 P.M.. August 11. 1964. The School Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive any or all claims or technical ities. Specifications may be ac quired in the district courthouse office. Howard Cleveland, Chairman Attest: Beverly Gunderson, Clerk Morrow County School District No- R"1 20-21c NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned have been appointed executrices of the es tate nt Lucille R Wilson, de ceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County and have quauiiea. ah norenne havlnor clnima BPainSt .'?""". ------- T said estate are nereoy noimeu tr. nmiLont thA same, dulv veri fied as by law required, to the undersigned, witnin six monuis from the date hereof. rvotH onA first nnhnshed Julv 16, 1964. Last publication August 13. 1964. SHIRLEY BLAKE, IX) ROTH A JEAN BARRATT, TPvpeiitriees HERMAN W. WINTER Attorney for Executrices Heppner, Oregon UTILE API KiryXEI CA2TTt.TIMl. TWdT. Mr I. IH4 Agate Society Schedules Show The North Uneoln Atate Sod ety will holl lu 22iJ annual Agate 'hw on Saturday arxl Sunday. July 25 and 2i, In the . lake Grade Shil on III way KI. Just north of D KJver In D.'lake. Ore con. Ijur will open on Saturday from 10 am. until 10 pin. : and on Sunday from 10 a m. ur.til -pm. Lvery vuitof will reerlvt lie a beaih agate aa a aouvenlr BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Building Construction Groves Construction RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL, REMODELING Atl Tvoea of Butldlne We Can Help You With Mans Let ta Modernize Your Kitchen Free Eatlmatet Ph, 67S 5546 lleppner. Ore. H&M Construction Co. Builder of New Home And Remodeling Henry (Hank) Pedemen 3216 S. W. Jay Ph. 276-7776 penlletnn Chiropractor Dr. John F. Sufolko CHIROPRACTORNATUROPATH Office Hours: 1 to 5 p. m. Weekday CONDON. OREGON City Council Heppner City Council Vat Bfoa4aj Bach Hoot ritiTPm havins matters for discussion please bring them before the council. Ph. 676-9618 Electricians PendletonEIectricCo. Bonded and Licensed Commercial Industrial. Resi dential wiring. Electric heat Wiring supplies. rww,,.e CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES PROMPT SERVICE 1802 S. W. Emigrant Pendle ton, Oregon. Phone 276-2672. Exterminating Service Ayers Pest Control Insect and Rodent Ex termination Termite Control Grain Fumigation Cattle Spray Fogging Clayton Ayers Ph. 676-9953 Dobyns Pest Control Rodent and Insect Exterm ination Termite Control Bird Control Grain Fumigation Guaranteed Work John JeDsen Ph. lone 422-7180 or 422-7244 Farm Chemicals Bi-County Chemical Fcrtllliers of All Types Spraying Farm Chemlcala 3 Convenient Locations lone. 422-7631 Lexington. 989-84-3 Condon, 384-3561 Floor Covering, Heating M&R Floor Covering and Heatinq Co. Williams FurnacesComplete U- stallauons Oil Burner Refrigeration Srlc Domestlo and Commercial Free Estimates AU Work I'll i a r nt JMt1 Ph. 676-9418 Heppner Insurance C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Ph. 676-9625 Box 247 Heppner, Oregon Turner Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Ph. 676-9652 TOUCH torjl i of the 1961 hw, The a how will feature col lettlona of amateur and commer cial rahibitora. and will Include not only acate and mlnerala from LlrkxJn County beachea, but also apeetmena from all over the world. Member of other aate and mineral aclrtle throughout the Northweat have been Invited to brlnj duplaya. Monuments Wylie Monument Co. Represented By OLIVER CRESW1CX CRESWiaC MORTUARY Mortuary Creswick Mortuary Licensed Funeral Directors Ph. 676-9600 Beppact Optometrist Dr. E. K. Schoffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Jelephone 676-9465 Physicians-Surgeons Dr. A. D. McMurdo Physician and Surgeon Heppner Ph. Office 676-9942 Home 676-9718 Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician k. Surgeon 1st National Bank Bid Res. Ph. 676-9210 Off. 676-9616 Dr. Wallace H. Wolff M. D. Office Hours: 10 to 12. 2 to 5c30 Mon, Tues., Wed. and Fit 1 to 5:30, Thursday. Ph. 676-9253 Res. 676-9620 Printing The Gazette-Times offers complete Printing Service Dealer, Moore Business Forms Ph. 676-9228 Rubber Stamps Rubber Stamps made to your order All sizes all types Prompt service Gazette-Times Ph. 676-9228 Heppner Title Insurance Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Ph. 676-9912 Upholstery H- UPHOLSTERY Awnings. Seat Covers, Truck Cushions 613 S. E. Emigrant Ph. 276-4781 Pendleton, uregon Watch Repair Peterson's Jewelers Latest Jewelry t Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, DiamondJ Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Ph. 676-9200 'SGONP- l!SirJ7ilCS