Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1946)
2 Heppner Gazette Times, September 26, 1946 EDITORIAL . . . The Bungling OPA It i quite possible that each individual has his or her own opinion of the OPA, some of whom jive vocal expression while others suffer in silence. Not a few editors have put their thoughts in writing and to date nothing of a complimentary nature has arrived at the Gazette Times ediorial desk. Most editors have held throughout the life of the OPA that the control measure in itself was designed for a good purpose but that its ad ministration, or application, has been bungled and now that the shooting war is over it is nothing more than a political football. Most recent glaring example of inefficiency in OPA control is the sugar situation in the North, west and comment by the Oregon City Banner Courier under the heading "Let's Slug the OPA," gives a fairly clear picture of the bungling on the part of those who are charged with the responsi bility of administering the act in this region. Says the Banner-Courier. It has been quite a while since we took a swing at the OPA, so let's cut loose and smite it hip and thigh. Now in this sugar thing, which comes to mind, is the OPA particularly vulnerable by its own admission. Remember a few weeks back when we were trying to get the OPA to give a canning sugar bonus in Oregon and Washington to help conserve a bumper crop of fruit? And we were told by the long hairs of the OPA in Bedlam on the Potomac were bulging was that transportation was lacking that the only reason sugar warehouses in Oregon to carry this sugar to "deficit" areas? Well, the OPA now admits that it command eered boxcars and shipped this sugar out of Ore gon in such frenzied haste that it left not enough for September's ration in the northwest and must now commandeer more boxcars to ship some of it back. And all this time wheat was spoiling in the open because of lack of cars to ship it, and lumber was piling up in sawmill yards because there weren't enough freight cars to move it to where veterans were clamoring for housing. No, the farm wife couldn't save those pears and peaches rotting out there on the ground be cause the OPA wouldn't be sensible and give her a little more sugar. In the big cities throughout the land, idle housewives in thousands of apartments drew their canning rations and probably made fudge, be cause' they do not can fruit and wouldn't have any place to put it if they did. The fumbling, blundering OPA doesn't take this into consideration uh uh. It gives canning sugar to millions who do not need it and will not use it to save food from going to waste and re fuses it to a few thousand patriotic housewives in fruitful land who are distressed and sickened as they watch next winter's fruit rot on the orchard floor. Shouldn't Vote at Random There is time between now and election day for each and every voter to become acquainted with the measures on the ballot, yet it is not likely mat more than a small percenage of us will go to the bother to find out what the proposed bills are about. To most of us a measure that has the appearance of putting more money in our pockets will receive a favorable vote, whereas another measure which may mean taking more money away from us will in most cases be voted down. In either case an injustice may be done. It so happens that we are confronted with measures that call for funds and the merits of these measures should be understood before the voter even thinks of going to the booth to mark his ballot." We should know just what it is going to cost to give every person above the age of 60 years a present of $100 a month; whether or not the basic school bill (316) is the answer to the school problem, and so on through the nine mea sures left to our discretion. It is not advisable to follow the rule of "when in doubt vote no" unless after exhaustive stud? there appears no proper solution. A decision has to be made and it cannot be made hastily. The time to get ready to mark your ballot is now. Changes are taking place with regularity in Heppner and vicinity, yet announcement of the sale of the Alfalfa Lawn Dairy plant came as a distinct surprise to those of us who were unaware that the Wightraan Brothers were contemplating such a move. After more than 41 years of ped dling milk over the same route they had become permanent fixtures in the minds of the public and it had not occurred to most of us that some other person or concern could do the job at least do it right. But after all, men, like machines, wear out, and replacements have to be made. Al though we can no longer associate the name of Wightman with the Alfalfa Lawn Dairy, we can congratulate ourselves that these good people do not find it necessary to move from our midst but will remain here and operate their ranch on a less time-exacting scale. Life has not been a bed of roses for them and they deserve to enjoy the fruits of their labors which began here in 1905 and have run continuously since. DIAMONDS Their quality is your security. Our diamonds are care fully selected for their clarify, color and natural bril liance . . . they need no tricky cutting, no fancy features to build up their salability. For complete satisfaction, now and always, we invite your inspection. Bridal sets and Solitaires from $65 up Elks Dedicate Memorial to World War II Veterans llfJ Jmui.-r - "I mmrn, KBi.f -VI'-. -V til -' - J JOS. J. NYS CHAMBEE Or COMMEBCS ATTOBNET AT LAW Lucas Pleee The imprejilve llmetten and marblt Elk National Memorial and Headquarter Building on the ahore of Lake Michigan, Chicago, III., which waa recently dedicated to the veteran of World War II. Cer. monies were presided ever by Bruce A. Campbell, chairman of the Elk Memorial Commission, with Charles E. Broughton, Grand Exalted Ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order ef Elks, welcom ing the 25,000 Elks from surrounding states and Grand Lodge officers who attended the dedication. U. S. Senator Alben W. Barkley of Kentucky, Senate majority leader and member of the Paducah, Ky Elk Lodge, wa the principal apeaker. Mors than 80,000 Elks served In this country's armed forces In World War II. CHURCH OF CHRIST Joe Jewett, Minister Bible school 9:45 a. m. C W. Bar low, superintendent Morning worship 11 o'clock. Communion and worship. Sermon subject, "Christ's Appeal to You." Adult Christian Endeavor ?! Evening service 8 o'clock. Sound motion picture of the life of Paul entitled "The Way of Salvation." Everyone invited and welcome to this service. There will be a 'short message following the showing of the pictures on the subject Tel- lowing the Heavenly Vision." Monday evening Sept 30 at T: p. m. the "99" men's class of the church is sponsoring a dinner for the men and boys of the church and others who are interested Carrol McMikle, Christian minis ter at Hermiston will bring a mes sage at the dinner. There will be short film presnted. There will be singing and a good time for all. There will be no charge but an offering will be received at the tables. Choir practice Thursday evening at 7 followed by Bible study and prayer meeting at 8. Come join with us in these services. On Friday Oct 4 the Eastern Oregon "99' men's classes will meet in an annual fall meeting at Ba ker. A number of Heppner men are planning to attend. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Neville Blunfj Minister Holy Communion 8 a. m. Church school 9:45 a. m. Y. P. F. Bible study 10 a. m. Holy Communion 11 a. m. Wednesday Holy Communion 10 a. m. The eool refreskmeiit aatl fresh breezy fragrance ml SPORTSMAN SkariaJ LetUa will pleaae the moat exact in saea you know. Diattnetly maaeuliat decidedly correct it will lulf him look and feel Lis vary Ue. In etunninf aporta-inaplnel Utile 4 os. $1.50, a aa. fiM. Decoy Shtriat Bmwl $Mk SAAGER'S PHARMACY Leave your orders for SHRUBBERY with us. Illustrated catalog shows actual colors and varieties of plants. Old Established Nursery. Limited number of Peony Roots available. Now is the time to set them out. The Flower Shop FAY BUCKNUM. Owner PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Veterans of Foreifln j. o. TURNER WQrS ATTORJC1Y AT LAW FtkM ITS Meed tn4 eel 4ta Mwfcyt at Heppner BulldiM l:M , am. in Lessen Ball O. M. YEACER CONTSACTMs All Unas mi Modern Ha uiM ar Phene 14M UJi HamtaaL osaaox Turner, Yen Merter and Compeny GENERAL INSURANCE tr- J I For Appointment Jri f Phone 53 ALICE'S BEAUTY SHOP ALICE PROCK Operators NECHA MILLER Bring your car or truck to us for complete automotive ser vice. We service all makes of cars. ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. Your FORD Dealer Umatilla Cooperative Creamery of Hermiston Maker of Darigold Products announces purchase of the buildings and equipment of the Alfalfa Lawn Dairy and will take over full operation of plant and. business Oct. 1. We will continue daily distribution to all customers of the Alfalfa Lawn Dairy and endeavor to haintain the courteous service and high quality of products the people of Morrow county have enjoyed throughout the 41 years the. Wightman brothers have operated here. We have a complete line of dairy products including Butter, Cheese, Ice Cream, Buttermilk, Cream and Milk. Phelps Funeral Heme LhiaaMa taenl Mrectars Pheae 1M3 Hewer, Ore. Heppner City Cuneil Meats M CltlauM havfaka J. tX Mayo Merrew Ceunry Abstract b Title Ce. Offisa ka Pessn Merchants Credit Bureou Aeeorat Credit tnfonnatlea F. B. Nickerson Phone II Hemer t. W. MAHONEY Attonaey at Law GENERAL INSURANCB HeBtjner Hotel BuUdm WiUcnr Street Entrance J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry ani Gift Goeas Watehea, Ootis, Diamonds fepart Watch & Jewelry Repairiag Heppner. Oregon OK Rubber Welders FRANK ENGKRAF, Prop. First class work guarantead Leeated in the Kane Building Narft Mats St Heppner, Ore. Dr. L D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Phystdan ft Surfeea First National Bank Building Rsa.rk.Ura Ofac Pk. 492 A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN ti SURGEON Tnrtnra Nurse Assistant Ofaat tn Masonio Bulldlm Heppner, Oreewn Dr. C. C. Dunham CHIROPRACTIC PHTSICIAN Office op stairs L O. O. F. Bid, Heusf ealb made ease Phone 2S81 Office 2572 DR. S. E. ALLEN OHTHOBONTI9T 225 Byers St PenAetea, Ore. 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of sack month at Dr. R. C. Lawrence's Office tn Heppner Blaine E. Isom All Kind el INSURANCE 721 Heppner. Or. Rom -where I sit y Joe Marsh Going Fishing? Here's Howl T hear Willi Wells and Basil Strnb arrnlnc shoot treat Isk in(, yen'd think H was mere im portant than the stem bonk. Willi fTOM dry flies, Basil pooh-poohs anything bat wet flies. Willie swear by a Reyl Coach man; Basil won't hear of anything but a Silrer Doctor. And by the time it come t steel red Terms bamboo rod... IX"1?1 But en Saturday, tack get back from Seward' creek wltk a catch that couldn't hare differed by more than aeTcral enneesl Each had nsed his favorite Mnd of fly, his farorite rod and his farorite place to cast So orer a friendly glass of beer, they al lowed as how maybe they were both right . . . which Is how no many arguments should end, -From where I lit, if w all ra. pected one another's different opinion whether sbout treat flies, or drinking beer, or Toting, life would be whole lot pleasanter. "iwrighi, 1946, tntiW &o Bnmn Fi Lfla. J NOW 0 0 0 ; A NEW KIND OF ELECTRIC IRON! The NEW l EUREKA Cordless Electric IRON! IT'S AUTOMATIC -k No annoying cord to tangle and pull! Complete new , ironing freedom. i Safety: Heating stops if iron is left unattended off its safety base.' -V Saves money. No cord or plug breakage! , if Saves up to one-fourth Ironing time! Plenty of heat , during , entire ironing period!' ! Oh Display Soon! Heppner Hardware 6 Electric Company