Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1946)
iv i. j j .. in , vn i CAb a U l i L 1 X UBLIC AUDITORIUM PORTLAND, ORE. ppner Gazette Times Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, September 26, 1946 Volume 63, Number 27 Hunting Season To Open September 28 local nimrods are polishing their rifles and donning red hats in pre paration for the first day of hunt ing season which opens this Sat urday, Sept. 28, and extends thru Oct. 25. C. W. Barlow, county clerk, reports that licenses are be ing issued at about the same rate as last year. The bag limit is one deer, either black tail or mule, having not less than forked antlers. A short sea son for archers will be open from September 28 to October 6 in a V.-, . .; I fc. , J ZJ? ?. A Vv," s-", --t- "P'M' .. "Now when visitors come to Oregcn we can show them that the true spirit of western hospitality as soon as they enter our state," said Judge Bert Johnson, Morrow counly Keep Oregon Green chairman, in com menting on the beautiful outdoor marker-signs erected at four main highway entrance points to Oregon hy the State Highway Commission. 'These signs carry a dual message," lhe chairman pointed out. "They first extend an official welcome to Oregon by an official agency of the state, the Oregon State Highway Commission, and they thev ask the visitor to be careful with fire and help protect our wonderful forest resources." Already four signs have been built and are in place at Rmiet ,nar the Longview bridge; on the Coast highway near Brookings; on the Redwoods highway south of Grants Pass; at the summit of the Siskivou mountains south of Ashland The Commission has approved construction of a fifth south of Klamath Falls mar the California line. "4-H CLUBS ACTIVE IN -PEACE AS IN WAR" v. Above illustration thowi Stanley Brown, of Carlton, Oregon with Champion Fat Lamb. During the war years, the boys and girls of the 4-H Clubs throughout America formed one of our first lines of defense. Now that peace has returned to thq world, these youthful farmers are performing uuties which are equally Important They are help ing to keep up the nation's food production at a time when starv ing people the worlt". over need help and need It badly. As In past years, the Pacific International Livestock Exposi tion will work very closely with 4-H Clubs, encouraging them to .greater efforts when these efforts are sorely needed. The Pacific Northwest holds an enviable rec ord in number of such clubs. Here in this section of the country there are about 5000 4-H Clubs which boast a membership of sore ' ',000 active boys and girls. I lured above is a typical 4-H Ck.j member, Stanley Brown of Carlton, Oregon. Stanley has par ticipated in club work for some ten years the maximum period a boy may remain active under existing club rules. The photo graph shows him with a champ ion fat lamb exhibited at the 1937 show and the smile on his face indicates the pride he feels In his accomplishment, Stanley has also received high recogni tion for his showing of beef cattle. Stanley's grandfather, Frank Brown, is one of the original or ganizers of the Pacific Interna tional Livestock Exposition, To day he is one of the trustees of the organization. During his more active years, he was a widely known exhibitor of sheep and horthorn cattle. small portion of the Deschutes game refuge for deer of either sex. A portion of the Canyon Creek refuge will be open to archers to take deer of either sex from Oct. 9 to 25. The first of the special deer shoots will be held in the Burnt River area for deer of either sex from Sept. 22 to 27. Only 100 tags were authorized lur this hunt and hunters will be required to check in and out of the area at Hereford. All checking stations maintained by the game commission for spe cial deer and 'elk shoots will open at noon, one and one-half days be fore the opening .of each season and remain open until 5 p. m. the day following the " end of the -vC-V ' I Frank Brown, Jr., Stanley! father, is also well known and nationally recognized as an ex cattle. He has- been a judge at International Livestock shows at hibitor of sheep and shorthorn Chicago and at Toronto, Canada. Stanley's successful career as a 4-H' Club member and as prize winning exhibitor has been duplicated by many boys and girls residing in .the Pad fie Northwest These young peopl will be much in evidence at the forthcoming show of the Pacific International Livestock Exposi tion. In addition to these popular 4-H activities, there will be num erous exhibits at- the Exposition including those featuring Beef and Dairy Cattle, Sheep and Goats, Hogs, Horses, Poultry, Pet Stock, Dogs, Land Products and Industrial Exhibits. In addition to these will be the usual number of special exhibits which will prove, as in the past, of great Interest In all, there will be nineteen Sep. arate and distinct shows. Entertainment features t h 1 1 year, according to T, B. Wilcox, Jr., President of the Exposition, will include the customary brll liqnt Horse Show and thrilling Rodeo, the Calf Scramble which will be of very special interest to 4-H boys, Carol Henry and ' Sweetheart," America's premier High School horse, and the fam ous Portland Police Band. ., This year's show, in so far as entertainment is concerned, will unquestionably set a new high standard. At least such a result is confidently anticipated by Wil cox and bis associates. Fire Restrictions Lifted in Forested .Areas of District Hunters Urged to Exercise Caution Regarding Fires Fire closures on all areas within and adjacent to the Umatilla Na tional forest except the Mill Creek watershed, are lifted effective at once, stated Carl Ewing, supervisor of the district, this morning. Early rains have made forested areas fairly safe for the present, Ewing said, but warned that any protracted dry spell would again dry out the forest fuels. Forest users, especially hunters, should continue to use all precautions to keep camp and warming fires from escaping and be sure all light ed materials are out' before leav- ling them. The campfire permit and no smoKing wnne traveling rules will be suspended September 30. Foresters are elated at the ex cellent fire record this sason. Of 117 firrs only nine were caused by man. This is less than eight percent. probably the lowest percentage ever attained on this forest. Glen Jorgensen, local ranger in charge of the Heppner district, ex presses sincere appreciation for the cooperation of the forest using pub lic in preventing forest fires and also for help in suppressing the 20 firts started by lightning in the local area. ' FOREST AND RANGE NEWS ' Carl Ewing, supervisor, and John Clouston, range examiner, both of Pendleton, are on the district this week. Glenn Parsons and Ken Keeling are scaling timber in the Harring ton creek area. , The lookout on Arbuckle moun tain, Harold Sanders Jr., has ternv inated his job and plans on going to school soon. Bert Mason Jr. who has been assisting Ken Keeling in cruising this summer, has taken a plane for Syracuse, N. Y. to attend Syra cuse university. Louis Gilliam and Orville Corley are trying to replenish the fuel supply for the district by cutting wood at Opal and Tupper this week. All of the sheepmen have left the national forest ranges. The middle of September is the latest any of the sheep stay in the for ests. Grazing sason for cattle rang es closes Oct. 15. Examination of the grass reseed ing done in the fall of 1944 on the Mahogany Ridge burn indicates that the seeding was very succcss lul. Wherever the ground fuels were heavy enough to leave a bed of ashes, a good stand of grass was obtained. Areas where the original ground cover was composed of sage brush and scattered junipers, suit able seed bed was lacking and the reseeding results were a failure. Grass species most successful were crested wheat, timothy, big blue grass, orchard grass, tall meadow oatgrass, chewings fescue, and sweet clover. Bergstrom-Becket Vows Taken In Portland Wednesday At a 7:30 o'clock wedding cere mony performed Wednesday eve ning, Sept. 25, at the Augustana Lutheran church in Portland, Miss Florence Bergstrom and Lawrence Bcckct, well known Heppner young people, exchanged marriage vows. The bride was attractive in an iiutumn green suit with gray ac cessories and wore a white orchid Miss Esther Bergstrom, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and wore a brown suit with brown ac cessories. Best man was Henry Suter of Portland. Attending the wedding from Heppner were Mrs. Louise King, James J. Farley and Miss Esther Beigstrom. , Both Mr. and Mrs. Bccket grad uated from the Heppner high school. Mr. Bccket, son of Mr. end Mrs. Walter Bccket of Heppner, was in the Pacific with the army about four years. Mrs. Bccket has been employed as secretary in the eoiuity agent's office and treasurer of the AAA. Following a wedding trip to the coast, Mr. and Mis. Beckct will live at the Becket ranch at Eight Mile where he is engaged in ranching. Bee Club Report Hy Betty Graves The 4-H Beef club met Sept 15 at tile home of Nelson Anderson, county agent,. There were 13 mem bus present County fair and Pacific Inter national were discussed. The next meeting will be Oct. 20 at the John Graves ranch. It will be the closing meeting for the 1945 4 Beef club and the opening of the 1940-47 season. All members and members' parents are invited to attend. Also, new prospects who wish to join and their parents are invited. ' Cl.ilr Younir nnd E. M. Corrlgan auditors from the secretary of slate's office in Salem, are audit ing books at the county court house his week, Growth of Air Travel Justifies Flying Field A new 45x35 foot concrete shop and classroom facilities to comply with regulations for a G I flight training course, which it is expect ed to open in about six weeks, is under construction at the Lexing ton airport, Jack Forsythe, owner of the Forsythe Flying Service, said today. Any G I can take a primary flight course up to a private license under the GI bill, Forsythe pointed out Four planes, including a four passenger Stinson, two two-passenger Aeroncas and one two-passenger Luscombe are now based at the field. Jay Landis and Forsythe are instructors. As soon as the new shop is completed a full time air plane mechanic will be employed Garland Swanson of lone was elected secretary-treasurer of the Oregon organization of Flying Far mers Monday at a convention of Flying Farmers held in Spokane Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of this week. Morrow county people also at tending the convention were Or ville Cutsforth, one of the delegates from eastern Oregon who flew there in his new Aeronca Champ ion; Alonzo Henderson, mayor of Lexington, Milton Morgan and Lloyd Rice, both of lone. Flying to Spokane with Jack Forsythe were Albert Lindstrom, Franklin Lind strom and Garland Swanson, all of lone. "Purpose of the convention, spon sored by the Farm Trio Weeklies of Oregon, Washington and Idaho in conjunction with the state col leges of the three states, is to or ganize the state groups, aid farm ers in their flying and to promote flying among them," Forsythe ex plained. The town of Lexington is com pleting the one large hangar at the News Briefs Around Town Word has been received that Mrs Oavton Shaw (Harriet Hager) has been released from the oxygen tent and is slowly improving at th homital in Ft Sill. Okla. Her baby son is also out of the incu bator and improving sausfactorialy. Hennnpr students who are leav ing this week and next to attend Oregon State college in Corvaliis Howard Pettviohn. Robert Van Schoiack. Betty Jane Adams, Joene Brown, Howard Gilliam, Ted Ferguson. Helen Blake and Hugh McLaughlin. Misa Mariorie Sims and her friend. Miss Josephine Price of Corvaliis, left Monday for Corvaliis after visiting Miss Sims aunt and uncle, Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMur- do. Thev will resume their studies at Oregon State college. rut-nf-town visitors in Heppner Monday were Fred Magill of Cecil, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. McGough from Rhea creek and Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake of lone. I and Mrs A. D. McMurdo left Wednesday for Portland where they will visit their son and wile, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMurdo, and will continue to Gearhart where Dr. McMurdo will attend a medical meeting. Thev were ac companied by Mrs. Ed Hunt who will visit her sister in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Farrens and small son left Sunday for Portland where they will take the train to Chicago, Mrs. Farrens' for mer home. Mr- Farrens, a former ensign in the navv and employ ed by the forest service this sum mer, plans to enter Northwestern iniversity for the mid-winter term. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ayers of But i r creek are the rjarents of a dau ghter, Rae Kathleen, born in Pen dleton Sept. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas are taking a month's vacation with re latives in Colorado. T Herbert Poulsen and Dr. Ethel Poulsen and their daughter of Cambridge, 111. are staying at thi Henoner hotel a few days while looking over their ranch interests at Hardman. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Carlson have been spending a few days in the county this week, coming trom their new home at Woodburn, to which Dlace thev moved a few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson have retired from farming, whicn thev followed so successfully for many years in the Gooseberry sec tion, having turned operation ot tno ranch over to their son Charles, will enjoy the fruits of their labors in the salubrious Willamette valley. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Beard of Kla math Falls will be guests of Mr- and Mrs. Bert Kane during the first two weeks of hunting season. Beards and Mrs. Kane recently re MirmJ from a fishinu' trip south of the Grangeville country in Idaho. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Miller of Portland were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith, bat nvdav pvonina Mr. and Mrs. Miller were soccial guests at a politick dinner ' given by members of the Sewing club and their husbanets at the Smith home and were pre sented a Eoing-awav gift Mrs. Etta C. Hunt of Portland has been visiting relatives in the counlv the Past month. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Bibby and James Valentine left Sunday for Portland with a shipment of cattle. airport and laying a concrete floor for it Forsythe said. When the rains begin the runways will be graded and improved and the road and taxi strips will be graveled. The Flying Service, which has been in operation a year, has in creased its planes from one 2-pass- enger Taylorcraft to the four planes previously listed. Opera tions began on the field with no buildings. Interest in the port and service has increased all the time and in the spring it is hoped to increase the number of planes. "The biggest item of business at the field at present is in charter flying," Forsythe disclosed. "Over 100 hours of flying time were char tered both this month and last Charter flights to date have been as far east as Chicago and Mis souri and south to Sacramento. The majority of flights, however, are made to Portland, Spokane and Seattle. An average of four or five transient planes use the field each week for gassing up or bring ing people to visit in the valley." A Email amount of plane cargo service has been done, mainly dur ing harvest to obtain parts for equipment breakdowns. Interest in student flying is also increasing, with about 25 students now taking lessons, Forsythe said. Students who have soloed are Ver non M linkers, Archie M linkers, Orville Cutsforth, Gene Rietmann, Kenneth Smouse, Leonard M link ers. Garland Swanson, C. C. Car michael, Lloyd Rice, Earl McKin ney, Loyd Burkenbine, Jack Mer rill, and one girl, Joene Brown. Miss Brown is the first of the students to get her pilot license, which she received Wednesday morning at Pendleton, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hams and son Jack of Portland will be guests of Mrs. Hams' mother, Mrs. Emma Ashinhust and Mr. Hams' brother, Jim Hams and family in Hard man during the hunting season The brothers plan a hunting trip during the Portlander's visit here. Mr. and Mrs. John Brosnan and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch of But ter creek were business visitors in Heppner this week. Mrs. Lucy Rodgrs was hostess to the Bookworm club Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. O. Turner review ed the book, "The American." Mrs. Loyal Parker was hostess to the Past Matrons club for their first fall meeting Monday evening. A social evening was enjoyed fol lowing a short business session. Bird study was enjoyed by mem bers of the Brownie Scouts at a meeting held Tuesday afternoon in the basement of the Christian church. Mrs. Stephen Thompson leader, and Mrs. Conley Lanham, assistant directed the meeting. The Scouts are members of the Junior Audobon society. Mrs. J. K. Charlton of Baker has been visiting at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Becket, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Winchester, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith re turned Monday from a weeks horseback trip around by Hard- man to Ditch creek and back, cov ering nearly 100 miles. The party stopped over at the Winchester cabm on Ditch creek. Walter Luckman returned this week from Nevada where he has been visiting friends. He is pre paring to make a trip to his native England to spend the winter. Mrs. Anna McNamee has sold the former Gammell property on Chase street to Harry Munkers of lone. The Munkers have moved into their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engkraf and Harry and Jule Wampo were sal mon fishing at Celilo Sunday. They returned with one 30-pound and one 28-pound salmon. Announcements have been re ceived hire of the marriage of Miss Margaret Brugman to Lloyd Collins of Portland on Aug. 31 in that city. Mrs. Adolph Hayden and daugh ter of Stanficld visited Friday and Saturday with her mother, Mrs. S P. Devin. Mr. and Mrs. John Saager and Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Ison enjoyed a drive around the John Day loop Sunday. Frank Turner drove to Pendleton Sunday and brought back Mrs. Turner who had been there in a hospital under observation the past week. Miss Margaret Hughlctt, high school home economics teacher, moved to one of the Court apart ments last week. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner this week are their son, R. V. Turner, and son-in-law, Fred Allison, both of Portland. Service discharges were filed at county clerk's ofiice this week for Edgar Ottis East, Dlzcll G. Loyd, and Robert Franklin Blackwell. Mrs. Florence Paul left tlus week for Portland where she will spend the winter. . Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman made a business rip to The Dalles Tuesday Week's News From lone and Vicinity By Mrs. Echo Pahnateer The Social club of the Eastern Star will meet Oct 2 at the Ma sonic hall for a clean up day, with potluck dinner at noon. The Ameca club met Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. Richard Lundell, with 19 members present Mrs. Lloyd Morgan assist ed Mrs. Lundell. The afternoon was spent at playing court whist Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor and June Griffith spent last week in Portland. Mrs. Omar Rietmann and son Gene are leaving Tuesday morning for Corvaliis where Gene will at tend Oregon State college. Garland Swanson, Franklin and Albert Lindstrom flew to Spokane with Jack Forsythe Monday morn ing to attend a three-day conven tion for the purpose of organizing "Flying Farmers'" club. Milton Morgan and Lloyd Rice drove over. The Clyde Denneys and Mrs. Ag- ness Wilcox have purchased a home in Portland next to Mrs. Inez Free land. Norman and Roland Bergstrom sons of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berg strom, are attending Pacific uni versity at Forest Grove. Willows grange held its regular meeting Saturday night A potluck supper was served before grange. The dance which was scheduled for Saturday night was cancelled. Mrs. Blaine Blackwell of Salem is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sam Esteb. The HEC of Willows grange met at the home of Mrs. Donald Heliker Thursday, Sept. 19 in an all day meeting, with a potluck dinner at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann received word from their son Rob ert whq is in the U. S. army that he is on his way home from Japan where he has been stationed for several months. There has been some more mov ing in this vicinity in recent weeks. Fred Pettyjohn purchased and moved on the Mason ranch on Rhea creek. The Alvin Bunch's moved into the house on the Fred Mankin place that was vacated by the Pettyjohns. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely of Morgan moved into the Oscar Peterson house that was vacated by the Bunch s. Mr. and Mrs. Susie McCoy purchased the Robert Bo Us house and moved into it S. L. 'Wiles has purchased a new station wagon to be used as a school bus. Fred Severs of Hermiston is con ducting skating at the American Legion hall over week-ends. Ted Griffin is attending denial school at Vanport. Continued on Fact six o Land Leveling Work Gets Under Way on Rhea Creek Ranch Tjnd leveline orjerations were started on the Ed Rugg ranch on Rhoa creek this week following completion of work on the Newt O'Harra ranch in Lexington, Wenry Peterson chairman of the boara of supervisors of the Heppner Soil Conservation district said to day. FWnro movuiB' his eauipment to Rhea creek. Richard Maeder, con tractor from Pendleton, leveled bottom land for Delbert Emert at lone, Peterson said. One 8-acre MA of it-Heated bottom land nas been completed at the Rugg ranch and leveling has b?cn started on another 7-acre field. nthnr soil conservation work be- in the HeDBner district this month includes the installation of contour terraces on the Kalpn Beamer ranch for peimanent guide lines in contour operations and the seeding of gulleys to grass on the Blue Mt Ranch operated by John Wightman. N ivrsonnel furnished to tne Heppner district by the Soil Con servation Service include Arthur C. L. Jetley, civil engineer, and Jess Paine, engineering aid. Engineering surveys for conser vation work are furnished by SCS technicians cooperating with the Heppner Soil Conservation dis trict with offices in the bank build ing, Peterson said. W ATS MORE LISTINGS FOR BIG AUCTION SALE Bob Runnion says folks are nst i tnff with him for his big mid-October sale but that he needs lot more listings before he starts the advertising. People desiring to sell ott some iVioir urrilu property, no mat ter what it is, should get in touch with Runnion immediately. TEMPORARY JUDGE NAMED Judge Ralph S. Hamilton ot oena r.. hen anoointed circuit judge for the Umatilla-Morrow district for a period of 60 days to fill in during the absence of Judge Calvin L. Sweek who is ill. The Morrow County Public Health association will meet Mon day, Sept. 30, at 8 p. m. in the of fice of Mrs. Clara B. Gertson in .r. rilu huildinff. The new pastor of the Methodist church, the Rev. J. Palmer Sorlein of Mohall, N. D-, is expected to be here to fill the pulpit Oct S. Heppner Teachers Feted Last Night Teachers in the Heppner schools were special guests at a reception held. Wednesday night at Church of Christ under the direction of the Parent-Teacher association. Mrs- Tress McClintock, president of P-TA, gave the welcoming ad dress and George Corwtn, school superintendent gave the response Jack O'Connor was master of cere monies and music was furnished by Mrs. C. C. Dunham, Mrs. Tom Wil son and Mrs. J. O. Turner, and readings by Carolyn Miller. Preceding the reception, teach ers were dinner guests at various Heppner homes. Mrs. Edna Turner was entertained at dinner by Mrs. Hazel Benge; Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Dix were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gonty; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ogletree were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davis and Mrs. Ethel Adams and Miss Margaret Hughlett were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pate were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Isom; Miss Marguerite Gla vey and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Er- win were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Becket; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis were entertained at the Or ville Smith home, and Mr- and Mrs. Sam McMillan were, at the Joe Meek home. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Miller en tertained for Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith; Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Fer guson had as guests Mr. and Mrs. Irl Clary, and Mr- and Mrs. R. B. Rice had Mrs. Helena Estudillo as a dinner guest Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wightman were dinner guests of Mr- and Mrs. Frank Connor; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Corwin were guests at the Tress McClintock home, and Mr. and Mrs. William Cochell were guests at the L. E. Dick Jr. home. ANDREW VAN SCHOIACK WEDS PORTLAND GIRL Mrs. Beth Evancho of Portland became the bride of Andrew Van Schoiack at a simple wedding cer emony in the Baptist manse in Walla Walla Saturday afternoon, Sept. 14, with the Rev. Clankenhorn officiating. The bride, daughter of Mrs. Frank Barclay and Marion Van Schoiack of Portland, was at tractive in a blue ensemble and carried red roses. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Van Schoiack. The couple returned from a wed ding trip in Washington on Sun day and will make their home at the Van Schoiack ranch where Mr. Van Schoiack and his father are partners. IMPROVES OFFICE SPACE Alterations have been completed in the office of Dr. C. C. Dunham this week which will permit ot more space for treating rooms. Di viding the former waiting room in half. Dr. Dunham now has ade quate waiting room and private office separate from his treating rooms. The work was done by Howard Keithley, local contractor. Gus Nikander returned to work Monday after being confined to his home with flu the past week. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lynch moved last week from the Case apartments to a cabin at the former CCC camp. Mr. and Mrs- George Corwin and family moved this week' from the Anna Q. Thomson house on Balti more to the Harvey Miller house on North Court. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Petty and family have purchased the Simpson Halley home in the north end of town and moved here from La Grande this week. He will be em ploye! by Afton Gayhart. Steward Cole is re-decorating Mrs. Anna Q. Thomson's apart ments on Court street Mr. and Mrs. J. C Wegner have moved into one of the Case apart ments recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bergstrom who have mov ed to lone. Mr. Wegner is in charge of the road grading on the Lexing- ton-Hermiston highway. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fleck and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grabill visited friends in Dayton over the week end. Mrs. T. E. Claire of Portland vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas over the week-end enroute home from a vacation in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Faris Prock and daugter returned Sunday night from Tacoma where they moved the Walt Barger family. Mr. Barger, public accountant, will remain in Heppner until January before re joining his family. Miss Marie Healy is convalescing at the home of her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. John Healy. She has been under medical observation in a Pendleton hospital the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Buce Lindsey spent the week-end at Boardman with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Fortner. L. W. Briggs, county treasurer, was confined to his home with the flu the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones re turned Satuday from Eugene where they left their daughter, Loma Mae, who will enter her junior year at Nortwcst Christian college. An other daughter, Mrs. N. O. Wash burn, accompanied them on the trip. Wightman Bros. Sell Retail Branch Of Dairy Business Umatilla Co-op of Hermiston to Take Up Milk Delivery Following over 41 years In the dairy business in this locality, the Wightman Brothers, operators of the Alfalfa Lawn Dairy, have sold the retail part of their business and the processing plant located below town to the Umatilla Cooperative Creamery of Hermiston. The Co op will take over the operation Oct. 1 and distribute from the Heppner plant with the regular daily de livery. The Wightman brothers will keep all their cattle and ranches and operate on a wholesale basis, John Wightman said. Mr. and Mrs Wightman plan to remain on the Blue Mt ranch in the summer and winter in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Graham will continue to live on the upper ranch on Willow creek and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wightman will remain on the low er Willow creek ranch. The dairy herd consists of registered and grade Guernseys and Ayrshires. Operation of the retail business, which includes Heppner, Lexing ton, lone and Kinzua, will be man aged by Herman McNeill, who will move with his family into the for mer Wightman apartment Oct 1. Herman Plass, manager of the Umatilla Cooperative Creamery, in Heppner this week stated that the Co-op expects to give the consum ers the best quality products and service as they have received in the past by the Alfalfa Lawn Dairy The Co-op will carry a full line of ttairy products, including cream, cheese and butter, Mr. Plass said. 'We hope to make and keep as many friends as the Alfalfa Lawn Dairy has in this area," Plass stat ed. John and Robert Wightman started the dairy August 1, 1905, just 41 years ago last month. Driv en by one horse, John Wighman ran the first regular milk wagon that was used in Heppner. Later the first Heppner milk wagon came to a tragic end when Hallowe'en pranksters dumped it in a gully below town and a new wagon had to be shipped from the east at considerable freight expense. . The Wightmans milked between 20 and 25 head of cattle when the dairy was first opened and at the peak of their business milked about 70 head. The first milking machine was installed in 1924 and a raw milk plant was installed in con nection with the milk house when they built a new barn in 1911. The first pasteurization plant was in- : stalled in 1927. Eleven years later the barn and pasteurization plant were burned to the ground, July 1938. The present pasteurization plant on the highway below town was finished in 1940. Former Heppner Man Dies at Sea Word has .been received by Mrs. Elsie Stevenson of Portland of the death at sea of her son, Geoge Law ence "Steve" Stevenson, 37, it was learned in Heppner yesterday by Mrs. Glenn Hayes, an aunt of the deceased. The body will arrive in Seattle Sunday, Sept. 29, and burial will be in Heppner with funeral arrangements to be announced la ter. Stevenson, who was bom in Hep pner and attended the Heppner schools, joined the merchant ma rines after receiving his discharge from the army. Previously he had worked for the Shell Oil Co. in Arlington, The Dalles and Port land. Besides his mother, he is surviv ed by a sister, Mrs. John Freund, and a niece. Miss Jean Freund, of The Dalles. Joe Hughes Jr. left Wednesday for McMinnville where he will live at the home of his sister, Mrs. Keith Marshall, until January when e will enter the University of On g in at Eugene. Mr. Marshall is attend ing Linfield college. Jack Parrish and Glen Cox n arrived in Heppner Friday from Valdez, Alaska where they worked for the Alaskan Road Commission since the middle of May. They re sumed their studies at Heppner high school this week. Miss Margaret Gillis, county health nurse, Dr. A. D. McMurdo, county physician, and Mrs. Lucy Rixlgers, county school superinten dent, were in Boardman Monday giving school physical examina tions. Business visitors in Heppner the first of the week included Hi rnian I. Klendwurth of Hatton, Wash., Oien O. Brace of Gilliam county and A. C. Keene and son Iirye of lone. Harvey White, proprietor of the Heppner Cafe, returned Wednesday from a flight trip to Wyoming, Col orado and Utah points. This was the first time he had iuktn to the air since l'J22 and he found a great differenc in the planes of the two eras. Mrs. Lee Howell went te Port land Saturday to be with her mo ther, Mrs. Mary Sowers, wlio u recuperating from a recent operation.