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About The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1912)
WEEK'S NEWS. Local and Personal Happenings. All kinds of good ice cold sodas at The Palm. Delicious sodas and ice cream sodas at The Palm. Go to the Bakery for your bread. 26 loaves for S1.00. You need not pav no much for in surance. Talk to M. E. Smead. Highest cash prices Daid for hides, pelts and furs. Morrow Warehouse Milling Co. Dr. Winnard has taken a Deoial course on eye Jiaeainsand ia prepared to fit glasses properly. Misa Mildred Thomas, of New York, is visiting at the home of her cousin, Flovd Thomas, in Heppner. The neatest thing iu the refrigeatur line is the "White JFrost." Sold by the Oaso Furniture Company. It may be to your iuterest to get my prices before buying watches, clocks or jewelery. C. K. Johnson, Jeweler. Horse, buegy and harness for sale. Horse six years old and weight about 1250. Bargain. Inquire of Dr. M. A . Leach. tf. Jas. Muitha and Frank Monahan, prosperous sheepraisera of Rock creeK, were doing business in Heppner on Monday. A good piano to sell, or trade for horses. This is a good instrument, in first class condition. Inquire at this office. tf. Mrs. H. B. Rankin has departed for a visit of some weeks at the home of her parent who reside at Myrtle Point, Oregon. Chicken and Ice cream will make anyone smile on a hot Sunday. TRY THE PALACE HOTEL Roy V. Whiteis arrived on Satur day evening from Prineville and has accented a Dosition in the grocery de partment of Thomson Bros, store. John Hughes and Dennis Spillane departed on Friuav for Bend md the Deschutts river on a fishing trip, ex pecting to be gone about five days. Jerseys to Sell I have some choice young Jersey milch cows for sale at ranoli one mile below Rhea Siding. Address O. L Luudell, Arlington, Ore., for furthor particu lars. J. B. Sparks returned home on Sat urday from Portland where he tooa in the rose show and incidentally looked after a little business in the moving picture line. The trip to The Dalles and return was made by auto. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Beamer returned on Saturday evening from thier honey moon. Thov were rovally received by their many friends, being treated to a sleigh riJe from the depot up to town. Jeff coughed up all right and made himself a 'good fellow. Andy Rood and Mack Gentry got home on Friday from a aojourn of a couple of weeks at McDuffy springs. It poured rain the most of their stay over thera and they were glad to get "out of the place. Both are quite relieved of their rheumatism. It is now well known that not mora than one case of rheumatim in ten requires any internal treatment what ever. All that is needed ia a free ap plication of Chamberlain's Liniment and massaging the parts at each appli cation. Try it and see how quiokly it will relieve the pain and soreness. Sold by Patterson & Son. Miss Lulu Osmers is visiting at this home of Arthur Smith this week, having arrived from Portland on Mon day evening. Miss Lulu was raised by Mrs. Smith with whom she lived for several years wheu a little girl. Aftei ten days of visit here she will go to her home at Deer Lodge, Montana. As iniicative of the big hay crop that is being out up bv Morrow coun ty ranohres, Vaughn & Sons have this week dwpnsed of four MoOormick self hinders. And in the meantime they have sold some six 01 seven headers to the farmnrs about the country ad joining Henpner. Things are doing long thee lines this season. Fostmster Smead returned from Fortland on Saturday Hast after hav ing spent the week in the Rose City and attending a meeting of the 4th class oostrnajters of the state. .Mi. Smead is a booster for Morrow county and never fails to get in a good word for our section, and his interview con cerning crop conditions here as pub lished in the Telegram, put the situa tion just about right. This county will harvest the biggest crop in its history this season. Frank Engleman was up from lone on Monday evening and states that he has oomuieted -arrangements for the baso ball tournament to take place at lone commencing ou neit Monday, 'the 24th. There will be three days of sport and ball teams will come from various par I a of Morrow and Gilliam counties to participate in the contests for the liberal prizes offered. Purses aggregating two hundred dollars will be hung, and there should be some nighty good ball playing A big bnckintr contest will also be pulled off on Wednesday the 26th and altogether there will be n big time within the borders of our neighboring city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Fuchs ar rived home from Portland on Thursday evening last and were given the upual reception due to the newly-married from the youngsters of the town. On Saturday evening they, were waited on bv the Rebekahs in a body and brought uo town where they were made to participate in an ice cram treat at the store of Hendrirson & Gurdane. Mr. and Mrs. Fuchs are at home to their friends at the resi dence of the bride in Heppner. Chas. Vaughn, Len Gillam Berl Gurdane and Ed Adkins, together with Albert Rowker. who furnished transportation, constituted ' a fishing party that left Hepnner on Saturday for the Deschutes river in the vicinity of Bend, Oregon, where they enjoved great snoit for a day or two. They made the retnrn trio on Tuesday. Or dinarily a trio of this kind would take six or eight days but the automobile shortens up distances very much. The contest is now on for the elec tion of a Goddess of Liberty for the celebration on the 4th. The contest ants are Misses May Perry, Lela Campbell and Vivian Cox. Miss Oampbcll is slightly in the lead at present. The voting places are at the store of 0. R. Johnson, the Pas time and at the Pali. Get in and boost for youi favorite and make the contest a lively one. It will cost you one cent a vote. C. L. Ashbacgh was in town ou Friday and left at this office a sam ple of forty-fold wheat that indicates somewhat the immensity of crops in his locality. This bunoh was pro duced from one grain of wheat and contained 105 big, healthy stems of wheat fully headed out. Mr. Ash biugh stated that this bunch was only a air sample of the wheat now ma turing in the Eight Mile section. Misa Irene Pratt, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Pratt was a passenger on Monday's train, having come from Chicago. During the school year she has been a student at Evanston, near that city, where her uncle, Prof. W. E. Hotchkiss is dean of one of the de partments of Northwestern University. She has come to Fpend her vacation with her family, expecting to return to her studies in the fall. , The various fire companies of the city should be reminded that there is a prize offered in tlfe fuiu of forty dollars to the winning team in hos races for the Fourth of July. It is time that they were getting buav and practicing up for the occasion Thete shoulud be some lively races if the young fellows get in trim. Why not begin to move and show the people what you are made of. For the Fourth of July, Manager Sparks, of the Star Theater will pres ent the great picture, Dante's "In ferno" a five reel production. One of the greatest nictures yet made. This is a reproduction of the author's idea of hell, and Is said to be true to his concretion of the place. One hour and a half in hell on the Fourth. Rev. W. H Bleakney. Ph. D. , of Freewater, is to address the people of Heponer on Sunday afternoon at the Christian church His theme will be "Church Federation." and the people of the oity are cordially invit ed. Services at 3 o'clock. The Rev. W. A. Pratt made a trio to Morgan Saturday, holding services there Sunday morning, and at ' Cecil in the evening, returning home Mon day by way of Heppner Junction. Mrs. LUlie Cohn returned from Portland on Tuesday evening 'ast ac companied by her daughter, Miss Gladys, who has been attending school in the city the for past the year. AT THE BAKERY Get away from the heat of baking by buying your bread. Cream loaf, plain loaf, whole wheat and rye. Nothing better than our cream loaf. L"v M. Turnpr returned home on Thursday from (). A. O. from which institution he graduated this soring. Attention Farmers Union! The semi-annual meeting of the Morrow County Farmers Union will be held at the court house in Heppner, on Saturday, June 29th. Each local of the county should be represented at this meeting and a general atten dance of members of the Union is desired. .TT-, C. E. JONES, President. GOOSEBERRY. R. M. Akers put up some rye hay the first of the week. C. J. Anderson's visited at Aaron Peterson's last Sunday. Oscar Bergstrom was seen on the highway to lone Monday. Floyd Fraser commenced work on Ji E. Peterson's barn last Tuesdav. Algott Londell mowed a patch of rye for Mrs. A. Anderson, last Mon dnv. Most of our Portland visitors re turned last Monday. All report a good time. John. Hilma and Hannah Bergstrom visited with Miss Maude Anderson on Dry Fork last Sunday. Floyd Fraser our genial mad boss, has done some excellent repair work on the road between here and lone. A number of the Gooseberryites went over to Liberty last Sunday to see the great ball game between Lex ington and Eightmile. Richard Poterson had the misfortune i i . ... . 11 to get sht-'htly crippled one tiay last week. While riding horseback the horse stumbled and fell almost crnbh ing oue of Richard's legs. Gooseberry was favored with a glorious rain last week which 'am ounted to 1.S5 inches. This brings , the total amount up to over 12 inches ! since last September, aud will surely put the finishing touches on the big croD we're going to have. Shareholders in the proposed Far mers Union wart-house at lone held a meetiug at tho school house last Sat urday. A board of directors was elected which are: Lee Padberg, H. R. Sniih, G M. Akers, C. J. Ander sou. Rufus Farrens, E. R. Lundell and O. E. Carlson. Nearly all of the necessary funds have been subscribed and with the present outlooa, we be lieve a Union bouse will soon be a reality. We are glad to report that M, E. Cotter, who has been drilling a well foi A. Carlson the past 9 months, has at last succeeded in getting an abundanoe of water at a deDth of 546J fnet. We congratulate Mr. Cotter for his success which demonstrates what toil and nersevereance will do, also that we can be reasonably sure of getting water anywhere in the county by going aftei it. Mr. Cotter has moved his outfit to 0. E. Calrson's where he will proceed to unearth another euDply of the precious fluid. A. Carlson is now ordering his windmill and pump for his new well. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Swift were visiting at Peter Brenners last Sun day. The well driller at the Ralph Akers place is now down 330 feet, and still going down. Several of the young people of this community attended church at Liberty last Sunday. Carl, Willie and Ellen Bergstrom and A. Carlson returned from the Rose City last Monday, leporting the great est time of their lives while down there. English preaching at the Swede ohucrh next Suniay evening, the 23rd, at 7:30, by Rev. Nystrom, of Port land. All are invited to come and hear what he has to say. Aaron Peterson and Floyd Fraser, road suoervisors of our two districts have been quite busy the past month working the roads and puttirg them in shana to haul the big grain crop to market this fall. M. E. Cotter, the well-driller, fin ished the A. Carlson well last week at a death of 546 feet, getting a great abundance of water. The water stands about 75 feet in the well and cannot be lowered. Mr. Cotter is now drilling a well for C. E. Carlson. move On Now! savs a policeman to a street crowd, and whacks beads if it don't. "Move nn nnw." cava the bin. harsh mineral pills to bowel congestion and suffer ing follows. Dr. King s New Lite Pills dont' bulldoze the bowels. They gently persuade them to right action, and heatlh follows. 25c at Slocura Drug Co. Church Announcements. BAPTIST CHURCH. Bible school 10 a. m. Preaching morning and evening at lone. At Morgau 3 p. m. M. E. CIU'RCK. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. , morn ing worship at 11 :00, a. m. Instead of the pastor, the Rev. W. H. Bleak- nev. Pn. D.. pastor of the Federated church at Freewater will preach. It is understood that at night, which would be the night of Mr. McAllister's service, the meeting will be held at the Christian church, the sermon by the Rnv. Dr. Vaughn the South Meth odist visiting clergyman. Good Goods M inor & Co. Good Goods Special Sale OF Mrs. C. D. Crippen, daughter , of the late Mrs. Clara A. bolt, departed for her home at San Francisco on Tuesday. She was accompanied by her brother, Ro land, who will enter a bussiness college down there. c3Co Your CHoice Sec Window Good Goods MINOR & CO. Good Goods Heppner Invites the Populace of Morrow County and Surrounding Territory to our 4th of July Celebration m TTIie Eagle Screams at Bfleppner This YearJuly 3 and 4. Provision is being made for a grand time. Plenty of Band Music, Big Platform for Dancing each after noon and evening; Base Ball, Races and all kinds of sports. I Prepare to Meet Your Friends at Heppner Town JULY 3rd and 4th Ho